Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Easy enough to prove he was already at work when the cars and money disappeared
Wouldn’t necessarily stop an arrest, and definitely wouldn’t stop an interrogation, but any halfway decent lawyer can get the charges dropped
Honestly, a halfway decent lawyer could easily argue the police planted the stolen cars, as we know when they disappeared (about an hour ago) and from where (200 miles away), since movement like this is impossible without people noticing, either the car company is lying about when the cars went missing, or the police are crooked, from there, it’s easy enough to say that the money, bong, and weed were also planted
Removing any evidence he was ever there is well within her capabilities, it might require some time travel and bit of paradox evasion mind. Basically, she’d need to get him some other home, months ago and fake his presence there, to the point of transporting his mail from that home to the one he was sharing with the very wicked criminals who stole her bottle – a priceless artefact that is also her bedroom.
I think Jeanie is going to turn Neil into Natalie because the cops are looking for Neil and not Natalie, so it’s the perfect disguise until things “blow over”.
Jeanie blew up Jean’s apartment, which is why she got evicted. I’m going out on a limb here and say that 90% of NASA’s work is done by outside contractors.
No! You’re supposed to take the copier into an empty field and beat the (space conveniently left blank) out of it with baseball bats while gangsta rap plays from Nowhere In Particular!
Yeah, something nice for Neil that is suspicious for many reasons.
Define Nice, in Genie terms.
I say new house. Can’t go back to a crime scene of that magnitude after all.
Considering Neil lived there with the “criminals”, the cops will find difficult to believe he wasn’t involved at all.
Easy enough to prove he was already at work when the cars and money disappeared
Wouldn’t necessarily stop an arrest, and definitely wouldn’t stop an interrogation, but any halfway decent lawyer can get the charges dropped
Honestly, a halfway decent lawyer could easily argue the police planted the stolen cars, as we know when they disappeared (about an hour ago) and from where (200 miles away), since movement like this is impossible without people noticing, either the car company is lying about when the cars went missing, or the police are crooked, from there, it’s easy enough to say that the money, bong, and weed were also planted
Red shirt girl is SoL though
Removing any evidence he was ever there is well within her capabilities, it might require some time travel and bit of paradox evasion mind. Basically, she’d need to get him some other home, months ago and fake his presence there, to the point of transporting his mail from that home to the one he was sharing with the very wicked criminals who stole her bottle – a priceless artefact that is also her bedroom.
…I just wanna say I hope we see more of hot Asian stoner girl. She turned out good and I wanna see how she deals with being a girl now.
I mean…surely Neil will force Jeanie to help them out, right?
If you join CD’s Patreon at the Neko level before the month is over, you won’t be disappointed. 🙂
He has a patreon? What’s the link please?
Oh odd, the link is missing from the sidebar. It’s
I wonder if the “no backsies” ends up preventing Jeanie from undoing any of the wishes.
Don’t call me Shirley!
Why is Natalie included in the character list, when she’s not in any of the panels ???
I think it’s a mistake. Rodge should be there.
Yeah this was me making a misclick in the admin UI. It’s fixed now.
I think Jeanie wants to show Neil how well she fixed things regarding the three stoners. My, won’t he be surprised.
And somehow, launching a photocopier into orbit isnt the dumbest thing happening this story arc.
Fix the copier…or go off with a beautiful girl. “What a dilemma!”
Considering who is the girl and how suspicious her “I did something nice for you” sounds, I would choose the copier.
I think Jeanie is going to turn Neil into Natalie because the cops are looking for Neil and not Natalie, so it’s the perfect disguise until things “blow over”.
Unless Agent Anderson is somehow involved. You’ll recall she thinks Natalie is some sort of spy.
Good one, forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.
Do something nice has always ended in godawfulness, hasn’t it?
I think I missed something
didn’t neil and jeanie have their own place in an apartment building?
when did they move into a house?
it has been a long time since I read the whole comic so my apologies if I am misremembering
oh, and btw – NASA employees have to have their roommates vetted as they might have access to sensitive materials
Neil having a house (and these roommates) first appeared at the beginning of the time travel arc.
Jean blew up Neil’s apartment.
Neil doesn’t work for NASA. He works for a company which deals with NASA.
Jeanie blew up Jean’s apartment, which is why she got evicted. I’m going out on a limb here and say that 90% of NASA’s work is done by outside contractors.
No! You’re supposed to take the copier into an empty field and beat the (space conveniently left blank) out of it with baseball bats while gangsta rap plays from Nowhere In Particular!
Correct! Now where’s my stapler??
It’s with the horse battery.
Is that the red stapler?
“Stop acting like a mindless drone and follow me”
Love it 🙂
Oh Rodge, you can’t beat up a copier from orbit! You gotta go to a field with a baseball bat for the full experience.
“I’ll start drafting up the plans to launch the copier into orbit.”
three years later in Canada: “Hey buddy! who dropper toner into my Camaro?!”
“Stop acting like a mindless drone and follow me!”
(Neil proceeds to auto-follow Jean like a mindless quad-copter drone)
Safest place for the copier.