Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Not absolutely positive, but yeah.
Green Shirt Dude has the drill in his hand. Was not holding the lamp.
Orange Shirt Dude was in background when GSD was about to drill. Unlikely that he was holding the lamp.
Red Shirt Dude’s hands were in position to be holding the lamp, near the drill held by GSD. Likely that he was holding it.
Since this chapter is “I dream of THREE wishes” I suspect she’ll grant one to each dude, and deliberately mess up the intended meanings when “fulfilling” them.
Mn. Does the magic compel her to grant wishes to only the guy holding the bottle?
Maybe each one can make a wish, and she’ll only have to grant the holder’s wish. The other two will just leave her tapping her foot, crossing her arms, and frowning.
To me, it looks like Red and Green were holding it steady together, red from the sides and green from the bottom.
Yellow being behind the two, it’s hard to say if he had his hands on the lamp or not. If he did, maybe Jeanie will try to get away with one wish for all of them.
She could insist that she is only granting wishes to ONE of them, and then the guys will have to argue/compete/fight among themselves for the “privilege”.
Technically, I’m not sure Jeanie is forced to grant any of them any wishes since she holds her own bottle and she was never confined for the required 30 days or abandoned by Neil. They didn’t uncork the bottle; she came out voluntarily.
Jeanie does seem generous… or maybe just genre savvy? The classic three wish story is always a cautionary tale. It does seem like Jean is gradually becoming more assimilated into genie ways and the genie way of thinking.
Also, we still don’t know what sort of deal Jeanie made to free herself from Haji’s palace. Maybe some strong cautions or behavior modification was involved. I can see Jeanie doubling down on stubborn just to spite Guano, I can also see her being more respectful of Lahab.
Has anyone noted that Jeannie has never KILLED anyone? Not even the Blue Djinn. Maybe genies can’t kill humans by direct action? The closest Jeannie came to that was sending the two to Omaha Beach, but do you really think Jean Nessman would know squat about D-Day? And Jean did bring them back, and left them with their original gender.
Jean Nessman reviewed books and magazines for a living, he probably does know about D-Day but maybe not specifically about Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer (or maybe he did, because that is not the exact location of the Normandy invasion).
When Jean sent the two ‘jerks’ to D-Day, Jeanie was not aware at this time she had the power to travel though time with magic. She was magically ‘poofing’ them to another beach. The only reason she poof’ed them back was because Araceli was all up her face about using ‘powerful’ magic that could attract the Blue Djinn.
This was done to show Jeanie’s power level is much higher now, higher then even she was aware at the time.
In 696 in panels 2 & 3 Red Shirt looks like he was holding something in his hands. Red shirt- think Star Trek red shirts. Only red shirts die or end up in the Harem Club on stage. What could possibly go wrong for these three?
Red shirt was holding the bottle, but Green shirt also had a hand bracing the bottom, both of them were holding the bottle (Orange shirt was just standing there, he gets nothing)
I am wondering if there is the possibility that each one of them had their hand touching the bottle at the moment Jeanie poofed out. Then technically each one would be entitled to at least one wish, maybe three.
Personally I think Jeanie should give each one a single wish that even without her twisting it, let it backfire. That way, they do not have any more to undo it.
“Or… They elect one of them to get the three wishes but share the results.”
Good idea, but not that they each get the results of the wish, but that the results are divided between them
i.e. I wish for a classic porsche
Three beatup VWs appear
There’s a joke based on that. Two coworkers and their boss are heading out to eat lunch together when they find what looks like a genie bottle. They jokingly rub it and are surprised when a genie pops out. The genie looks at them, and says normally he grants 3 wishes. But since there are 3 of them, he’ll just give each of them one wish apiece.
The first guy says, “I want to live on a tropical island, surrounded by beautiful women tending to all my heart’s desires!”
“Granted!” says the genie, and the first guy vanishes in a poof of smoke.
The second guy says, “I want to be a rich baron living in a castle in Europe, with servants who take care of everything for me!”
“Granted!” says the genie, and the second guy vanishes in a poof of smoke.
The boss looks at where his employees used to be, and says “Whatever. Let those two have some fun, but I want them back at work when lunch is over.”
Our girl is a hot little blue eyed blonde standing there in a sexy harem outfit. One of the stoners has to say “I wish you were my girlfriend.” What could go wrong with that wish.
correction: he said “I WANT you to be my wife and bare me a son”, instead of “I WISH for you to be my wife and bare me a son”. if a master/mistress says “I Want” instead of “I Wish”, it will not come true and bite them in the butt. it’s basic Genie Lessons.
Might’ve as well as said “Whoever was holding this jackpot-winning ticket last gets to keep it.” You’d get about the same reaction for any group of people wanting a grand prize.
Except in this case, based on the positions of their hands in the last strip, both green shirt and red shirt were physically touching the bottle at that moment (orange shirt was just standing there, he has no rightful claim)
That’s the point. She didn’t see who held her bottle last, so any one of them can just say it was him or he without much proof to call their bluffs. With Jean asking them “whodunit?” like that, it isn’t effective here for thinning out who really has rightful claim for the wishes.
Jeanie’s threat
“I’m going to pop back in time two minutes to see who was holding the bottle, and anyone who is lying will be turned into a newt”
1 – Then who will say they were holding it
2 – Further chaos as we know that didn’t turn out well last time.
Come on Jean, one wish each, and take full advantage of any potential loopholes.
Goober 1: Hey, Can I Wish for more wishes?
Jeanie: You just did, but wishes like that don’t work.
Goober 2: How about a million bucks?
Jeanie poofs him onto a bucking bronco “Let me know when you get to a million”
Goober 3: …
Jeanie: Well?
Goober 3: I’m scared. I wish we’d never gotten any wishes.
Jeanie: Congratulations on gaining wisdom. (Unpoofs Goober 2 off the horse)
So pretty sure red shirt guy was holding the bottle from 2 pages ago I believe.
Not absolutely positive, but yeah.
Green Shirt Dude has the drill in his hand. Was not holding the lamp.
Orange Shirt Dude was in background when GSD was about to drill. Unlikely that he was holding the lamp.
Red Shirt Dude’s hands were in position to be holding the lamp, near the drill held by GSD. Likely that he was holding it.
Green shirt may have been bracing the lamp with his other hand. Would be weird not to instinctually try that while drilling into it.
I dream that Jeanie will give them wishes but in a literal manner. Twisted in a way to match “The Wishmaster”, they may not die but may want to.
Jeanie may be a jerk, but not a monster.
This said, I fully expect at least one of the stoners losing his man card. In this strip is almost mandatory.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Jeanie is familiar with the “Jackass Genie” entry on TVTropes.
Well, on Star Trek it was always the red shirt guy who met a bad fate, so
all right Jean, let’s try this again.
Not generous. Jeannie was trying a fast one to weasel past the genie rules. 🙂
“… whichever one of you WAS holding the bottle.”
Dang, how did I miss that? Will fix.
Since this chapter is “I dream of THREE wishes” I suspect she’ll grant one to each dude, and deliberately mess up the intended meanings when “fulfilling” them.
Mn. Does the magic compel her to grant wishes to only the guy holding the bottle?
Maybe each one can make a wish, and she’ll only have to grant the holder’s wish. The other two will just leave her tapping her foot, crossing her arms, and frowning.
Neuralyze them.
“holding the Bottle when I came out.”
To me, it looks like Red and Green were holding it steady together, red from the sides and green from the bottom.
Yellow being behind the two, it’s hard to say if he had his hands on the lamp or not. If he did, maybe Jeanie will try to get away with one wish for all of them.
She could insist that she is only granting wishes to ONE of them, and then the guys will have to argue/compete/fight among themselves for the “privilege”.
Technically, I’m not sure Jeanie is forced to grant any of them any wishes since she holds her own bottle and she was never confined for the required 30 days or abandoned by Neil. They didn’t uncork the bottle; she came out voluntarily.
I haven’t been following the strip lately but doesn’t Genie Lore say that a Genie shouldn’t (or can’t) hold their bottle?
Jeanie does seem generous… or maybe just genre savvy? The classic three wish story is always a cautionary tale. It does seem like Jean is gradually becoming more assimilated into genie ways and the genie way of thinking.
Also, we still don’t know what sort of deal Jeanie made to free herself from Haji’s palace. Maybe some strong cautions or behavior modification was involved. I can see Jeanie doubling down on stubborn just to spite Guano, I can also see her being more respectful of Lahab.
Has anyone noted that Jeannie has never KILLED anyone? Not even the Blue Djinn. Maybe genies can’t kill humans by direct action? The closest Jeannie came to that was sending the two to Omaha Beach, but do you really think Jean Nessman would know squat about D-Day? And Jean did bring them back, and left them with their original gender.
Jean Nessman reviewed books and magazines for a living, he probably does know about D-Day but maybe not specifically about Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer (or maybe he did, because that is not the exact location of the Normandy invasion).
I’ll provide some guidance on this one…
In reference to Comic 433 and Comic 435
When Jean sent the two ‘jerks’ to D-Day, Jeanie was not aware at this time she had the power to travel though time with magic. She was magically ‘poofing’ them to another beach. The only reason she poof’ed them back was because Araceli was all up her face about using ‘powerful’ magic that could attract the Blue Djinn.
This was done to show Jeanie’s power level is much higher now, higher then even she was aware at the time.
In 696 in panels 2 & 3 Red Shirt looks like he was holding something in his hands. Red shirt- think Star Trek red shirts. Only red shirts die or end up in the Harem Club on stage. What could possibly go wrong for these three?
Red shirt was holding the bottle, but Green shirt also had a hand bracing the bottom, both of them were holding the bottle (Orange shirt was just standing there, he gets nothing)
She’s going to twist their wishes, isn’t she?
depends on who makes the 1st wish, and how pissed off Jeanie is.
Obvious solution, give one wish to each of them
I am wondering if there is the possibility that each one of them had their hand touching the bottle at the moment Jeanie poofed out. Then technically each one would be entitled to at least one wish, maybe three.
Personally I think Jeanie should give each one a single wish that even without her twisting it, let it backfire. That way, they do not have any more to undo it.
Aye, that’s the rub.
Or… They elect one of them to get the three wishes but share the results.
PS: If they wish for cash they still have to pay the tax AND have some kind of Provence to show that it isn’t drug money.
They will have to be very careful if they make a sexual wish.
Ha ha! They should wish to look like male models with six packs.
Jennie transforms them into letter carriers with beer.
“Or… They elect one of them to get the three wishes but share the results.”
Good idea, but not that they each get the results of the wish, but that the results are divided between them
i.e. I wish for a classic porsche
Three beatup VWs appear
There’s a joke based on that. Two coworkers and their boss are heading out to eat lunch together when they find what looks like a genie bottle. They jokingly rub it and are surprised when a genie pops out. The genie looks at them, and says normally he grants 3 wishes. But since there are 3 of them, he’ll just give each of them one wish apiece.
The first guy says, “I want to live on a tropical island, surrounded by beautiful women tending to all my heart’s desires!”
“Granted!” says the genie, and the first guy vanishes in a poof of smoke.
The second guy says, “I want to be a rich baron living in a castle in Europe, with servants who take care of everything for me!”
“Granted!” says the genie, and the second guy vanishes in a poof of smoke.
The boss looks at where his employees used to be, and says “Whatever. Let those two have some fun, but I want them back at work when lunch is over.”
Our girl is a hot little blue eyed blonde standing there in a sexy harem outfit. One of the stoners has to say “I wish you were my girlfriend.” What could go wrong with that wish.
Besides having Jeanie as girlfriend?
Nothing wrong at all about being in a same sex relationship
That one is likely to end up like how the Greek captain wished for Jeanie to be his dutiful wife.
correction: he said “I WANT you to be my wife and bare me a son”, instead of “I WISH for you to be my wife and bare me a son”. if a master/mistress says “I Want” instead of “I Wish”, it will not come true and bite them in the butt. it’s basic Genie Lessons.
Actually, he said “Now, I want you to make a dutiful wife, and bare me a son.” (Copied verbatim, including typos.)
One wish. Between the three of them.
Three new dancers at the Harem Club comin’ up!
They’re not very smart are they.
On the flip-side Jean’s smarter than usual today.
nah, she’s just in a grouchy mood. after everything that’s happened up till now, she needs to be alone to chill out.
Might’ve as well as said “Whoever was holding this jackpot-winning ticket last gets to keep it.” You’d get about the same reaction for any group of people wanting a grand prize.
Except in this case, based on the positions of their hands in the last strip, both green shirt and red shirt were physically touching the bottle at that moment (orange shirt was just standing there, he has no rightful claim)
That’s the point. She didn’t see who held her bottle last, so any one of them can just say it was him or he without much proof to call their bluffs. With Jean asking them “whodunit?” like that, it isn’t effective here for thinning out who really has rightful claim for the wishes.
Jeanie’s threat
“I’m going to pop back in time two minutes to see who was holding the bottle, and anyone who is lying will be turned into a newt”
1 – Then who will say they were holding it
2 – Further chaos as we know that didn’t turn out well last time.
come on Jean should of seen that coming
I think Jean will grant 1 wish each to them, since there are 3 bozos near the bottle. it’s the division clause of the Genie Guidebook.
Come on Jean, one wish each, and take full advantage of any potential loopholes.
Goober 1: Hey, Can I Wish for more wishes?
Jeanie: You just did, but wishes like that don’t work.
Goober 2: How about a million bucks?
Jeanie poofs him onto a bucking bronco “Let me know when you get to a million”
Goober 3: …
Jeanie: Well?
Goober 3: I’m scared. I wish we’d never gotten any wishes.
Jeanie: Congratulations on gaining wisdom. (Unpoofs Goober 2 off the horse)
Well considering Jeanie’s track record with wishes
90% sure she’s gonna turn the lads into busty ladies
One guy gets wishes – probably withg some restrictions, since she’s experience the way she was treating genies…
…and the Harem Club gets two new pole dancers.
This is going to be migraine-inducing.