Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Yes, Guano does look somewhat perplexed! I betcha he doesn’t feel like the sharpest knife in the drawer right now! 🙂 But things could get ugly if he starts to think someone is trying to pull a fast one on him! 😀
I love the fact that Jeanie is too impatient and demanding to read a book when she can just watch a TV show for ideas. This is really coming together. Thanks for all of the updates. One of my main complaints has been that it was so infrequent. This really is a great comic, and should have a LOT more fans. (Okay, off to vote)
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dun! daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dan! da dun! da dun! da dun! da dun! da dun! da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!dada dun!dada dun!dun!dun! BADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!
Correct me if I am wrong, but one of the basic premises of the show was thatTony Nelson, not wanting a Jeanie, freed her around the first episode. Jeanie, enamored by her new “master” chooses to stay with him and please him out of love and gratitude. SInce she is free, Tony has little or no real control over her—which is the source of much of the comic chaos of the show. In this strip she is NOT “free” (yet) so technically WOULD be bound to obey her master–and Guano is there to see to it that she does.
Technically, they’re not in the show, so all of the same rules don’t HAVE to apply in this case,
Jean only got that form because he was thinking about the woman that played Jeanie in the show and his wish backfired. OR, you can go with Neil’s idea, that this is Karma and I totally subscribe to that theory >>
Personally I wanna know why Jean became a Geni in the first place and what happened to the Geni if any that was suppose to be in the bottle to begin with
There is another possibilty … LSH keeps Nelly as another Jeannie … we never did see what he did to her in the first place …they just met on the street, then she is in the appartment with the bottle shackled to her neck
I think I have an idea about who/what was in that bottle originally. Anyone remember the contest to create another genie? Perhaps her “sentence” wasn’t completed yet and when the bottle was opened, she was transferred to the other bottle.
Yeah, hedgehog has a fertile imagination, and full of the stuff they feed mushrooms.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, but are you kept constantly in the dark while being fed that stuff they feed mushrooms?
That is an interesting idea … in one of CD’s works he has Jeanie wondering where the cork went … never did find that thing, but I bet CD knows …. (:^>)
I like that you have to be well read to get the joke. As opposed to naming the Ubergenie after a “Dancing With The Stars” contestant, which would be lame.
Ok, so now that the week-of-updates is done, does that mean the comic goes back to an ‘updates once in a really long while’ schedule? I mean, look at the increased interest and comments.
Well, in all fairness, I could have also made a buffer and been 5 weeks ahead, instead of doing a week of updates.
I post the comics as I make them. The only reason I was able to make a week’s worth last week was because I had the week off from work. Sadly my comics don’t produce enough income to allow me to quit my job (Plus I like my job, I don’t want to quit it).
I currently try to average one comic a week ON IDofaJB and three comics a week on
This upcoming fall I’ll be away for a extended period of time, so enjoy the updates now, because I may not be able to update either comic nearly as often as I am now.
I am really glad you did this for all of us … I was just getting used to having a work a day, but it does not last forever … maybe if you put Neko and her donation sign up here?
What’s Lord Bats**t gonna do when he notices two women in the same room, both dressed in genie costume? The plot thickens!
Yes, Guano does look somewhat perplexed! I betcha he doesn’t feel like the sharpest knife in the drawer right now! 🙂 But things could get ugly if he starts to think someone is trying to pull a fast one on him! 😀
Well I dont know LSH, but I know what I do….
…but then again *chuckles* I’m a pervert ^_^
I love the fact that Jeanie is too impatient and demanding to read a book when she can just watch a TV show for ideas. This is really coming together. Thanks for all of the updates. One of my main complaints has been that it was so infrequent. This really is a great comic, and should have a LOT more fans. (Okay, off to vote)
hey! Where’s the damned VOTE button? Who hid the VOTE button?
… I saw the strip number before the strip itself and immidietly thought of strips 57-59… I jumped to a conclusion and now feel really stupid…
I was kinda hoping Niel would stay female. To be fair to jean and all.
“I told you not to tell me that!”
Jeanie, you idiot, you deserve having an engineer as your master.
Hey! My wife LIKES having an engineer as her “master.” (Did I say that right, dear?)
Actually, I think she’s right.
Only Lord Guano (snicker!) can remove the collar.
And…. here he is!
(Try not to screw it up, Neil and Jean!. Just ask nicely.)
> (Try not to screw it up, Neil and Jean!. Just ask nicely.)
Nicely? HA! Fat chance of THAT!
Hey, you have too smart guy’s .. uh girls here … what could go wrong?(Starts humming the music from JAW’s here)
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dun! daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dan! da dun! da dun! da dun! da dun! da dun! da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!da dun!dada dun!dada dun!dun!dun! BADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!
shark attack, b*t>kh
Correct me if I am wrong, but one of the basic premises of the show was thatTony Nelson, not wanting a Jeanie, freed her around the first episode. Jeanie, enamored by her new “master” chooses to stay with him and please him out of love and gratitude. SInce she is free, Tony has little or no real control over her—which is the source of much of the comic chaos of the show. In this strip she is NOT “free” (yet) so technically WOULD be bound to obey her master–and Guano is there to see to it that she does.
Technically, they’re not in the show, so all of the same rules don’t HAVE to apply in this case,
Jean only got that form because he was thinking about the woman that played Jeanie in the show and his wish backfired. OR, you can go with Neil’s idea, that this is Karma and I totally subscribe to that theory >>
Personally I wanna know why Jean became a Geni in the first place and what happened to the Geni if any that was suppose to be in the bottle to begin with
DUUUUuuhn DUUUhn DUHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sense a death in the order…
There is another possibilty … LSH keeps Nelly as another Jeannie … we never did see what he did to her in the first place …they just met on the street, then she is in the appartment with the bottle shackled to her neck
Lord Sh!t Head?
Lord Shackle Hanger?
Lord Short Hand?
Lord Shang-Hai?
Yes my friend … “Lord Shit Head” … just my play in a nice manner (;^>)
I think I have an idea about who/what was in that bottle originally. Anyone remember the contest to create another genie? Perhaps her “sentence” wasn’t completed yet and when the bottle was opened, she was transferred to the other bottle.
Yeah, hedgehog has a fertile imagination, and full of the stuff they feed mushrooms.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, but are you kept constantly in the dark while being fed that stuff they feed mushrooms?
That is an interesting idea … in one of CD’s works he has Jeanie wondering where the cork went … never did find that thing, but I bet CD knows …. (:^>)
If you could only see the amount of people in the audience ROTFLMFAO, then you’d know how stupid the name Guano is.
Cologne, Shampoo Mousse, and Ryoga are all more favorable names. “Pantyhose Taro” even has a better name than Guano…
Ni Hao! I am Ranma1/2 fan! ^_^
Would you believe I planned it for that reason?
I like that you have to be well read to get the joke. As opposed to naming the Ubergenie after a “Dancing With The Stars” contestant, which would be lame.
Ok, so now that the week-of-updates is done, does that mean the comic goes back to an ‘updates once in a really long while’ schedule? I mean, look at the increased interest and comments.
Just sayin’
Well, in all fairness, I could have also made a buffer and been 5 weeks ahead, instead of doing a week of updates.
I post the comics as I make them. The only reason I was able to make a week’s worth last week was because I had the week off from work. Sadly my comics don’t produce enough income to allow me to quit my job (Plus I like my job, I don’t want to quit it).
I currently try to average one comic a week ON IDofaJB and three comics a week on
This upcoming fall I’ll be away for a extended period of time, so enjoy the updates now, because I may not be able to update either comic nearly as often as I am now.
I am really glad you did this for all of us … I was just getting used to having a work a day, but it does not last forever … maybe if you put Neko and her donation sign up here?
Weren’t you, like, an English major?