Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
She is the best! A dominant genie… now there’s a twist. “I m moving you (my master) into MY apartment, and if you want a beer, YOU grab me one too. I have no doubt who will be in charge of the TV remote (until lord bat-poo shows up! 🙂
I’ve given up being concerned about CD’s dislexia as it occurs in his comics’ dialog. It causes me pain, but I enjoy the comics too much to comment further about it.
She is taking the lazy rout, and it will cost them both … and you are right … she could, if she wanted too, could “POOF” up the best beers and food, but she does not give a damn … well, right now at least
Yeah, this is something I’ve wondered about, somewhere over on the forums.
The only thing i can think of is that Neil wished for Jeanie to have her key, and !ping! there it was. Asking that first wish and having it granted automatically gives him master status.
Plus, there was that denied wish to make the genification to have never happened.
I wonder if this is what CD Rudd is setting things up for. Right now, Jean is being selfish and inconsiderate, and Neil is being a nice guy (*cough*, wuss, *cough*). But their whole relationship would change instantly if exasperated Neil would blurt out a wish (“I wish you’d get your own effing beer”?) that Jean wouldn’t want to grant — and Jean granted it anyway. Up till now, nice-guy Neil has not >actedcan<.
Hmmm…wonder if Neil could just wish for Jean to remove the collar. That would be within the rules. Also wonder if LSH mucking about with another Genie’s “master” could cause him problems. Great comic, by the way!
Jeanie’s not exactly doing a good job, is she?
She is the best! A dominant genie… now there’s a twist. “I m moving you (my master) into MY apartment, and if you want a beer, YOU grab me one too. I have no doubt who will be in charge of the TV remote (until lord bat-poo shows up! 🙂
To be fair, no one likes to be treated as a slave.
browsed threw it.=>browsed through it.
desirers => desires
while your at it => while you’re at it
I’ve given up being concerned about CD’s dislexia as it occurs in his comics’ dialog. It causes me pain, but I enjoy the comics too much to comment further about it.
Doesn’t exactly sound like Jean is living up to the spirit of the “situation.” Definitely appears to be “lawyering!” 🙂
She’s not even trying!
Anyway, couldn’t she conjure better beer
than is in either of their refrigerators?
Jeannie is potentially an endless source of beer
and pizza. They’ll have to watch their weight
unless it’s magically zero calories.
She is taking the lazy rout, and it will cost them both … and you are right … she could, if she wanted too, could “POOF” up the best beers and food, but she does not give a damn … well, right now at least
Yeah, you’re right! Swap out “lawyering” for “lazy!” 🙂
She seems to have somewhat missed the “Genies should be deferential and show respect to their masters” on the list. :p
Wait a minute…
Is Neil her master OFFICIALLY?
If someone becomes a genie, the closest person becomes their master?
Yeah, this is something I’ve wondered about, somewhere over on the forums.
The only thing i can think of is that Neil wished for Jeanie to have her key, and !ping! there it was. Asking that first wish and having it granted automatically gives him master status.
Plus, there was that denied wish to make the genification to have never happened.
I wonder if this is what CD Rudd is setting things up for. Right now, Jean is being selfish and inconsiderate, and Neil is being a nice guy (*cough*, wuss, *cough*). But their whole relationship would change instantly if exasperated Neil would blurt out a wish (“I wish you’d get your own effing beer”?) that Jean wouldn’t want to grant — and Jean granted it anyway. Up till now, nice-guy Neil has not >actedcan<.
Up till now, nice-guy Neil has not >actedcan<.
Up till now, nice-guy Neil has not ACTED like a master — which leaves open the question of whether he CAN.
Stupid “comment” software!
Hmmm…wonder if Neil could just wish for Jean to remove the collar. That would be within the rules. Also wonder if LSH mucking about with another Genie’s “master” could cause him problems. Great comic, by the way!
Bwahahaha! I don’t know why, but I just love the last panel.
Found this today. It’s a photo of a hot girl in her underwear — what more do you need?
I dunno, but something about the photo looks familiar.
This is going to take a while.