Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
No, she’s not trying to “follow” the list, she’s trying to lawyer her way out of it.
Arranging for Neil to own an entire mansion, of which Jean takes up a bedroom, would have met the requirements of the list. But Jeanie is too inconsiderate to think of that.
Well, that was sorta what I was waving vaguely in the direction of with my “for her convenience” comment, but I acknowledge your “lawyer” zing was closer to the mark.
On the other hand, I’m not sure she can just start deciding what Neil should have. Giving him a mansion might be taken as trying to pick his wishes for him.
And that arises because Neil himself isn’t doing his share; he hasn’t accepted his responsibilities as Master; he’s not even trying to come with any wishes. Until he makes them, Jeanie can’t grant them, which traps her in the situation as well.
The interesting thing here is that neither of them wanted to be in this situation. Jean never asked to be made a genie; Neil never asked to be granted three wishes.
June 8, 2010 at 9:55 pm | # | Reply
The apartment is still where it was.
She moved the door, in a manner
reminiscent of the motion picture
“Monsters Inc.”.
Did the Genie manual say that the
Genie should be near the master
at all times?
I was sure LSH was behind this, but I was wrong … and she is grumpy as well, de-calf coffee for her from now on … I love the mix of Dr. Who lol … Infinate dimentions within Finate Space … not bad CD!
well, for starters, I almost couldn’t see this page! 0-0 the page with the “no door” has a “blank”(?) next button, but when I reloaded the page, this one showed up! something ain’t right there…..
Huh. Looks like I called it, minor though the point be.
And I note that Jeanie has read the list, and is making at least some effort to follow it.
If only by arranging things for her convenience.
No, she’s not trying to “follow” the list, she’s trying to lawyer her way out of it.
Arranging for Neil to own an entire mansion, of which Jean takes up a bedroom, would have met the requirements of the list. But Jeanie is too inconsiderate to think of that.
Well, that was sorta what I was waving vaguely in the direction of with my “for her convenience” comment, but I acknowledge your “lawyer” zing was closer to the mark.
On the other hand, I’m not sure she can just start deciding what Neil should have. Giving him a mansion might be taken as trying to pick his wishes for him.
And that arises because Neil himself isn’t doing his share; he hasn’t accepted his responsibilities as Master; he’s not even trying to come with any wishes. Until he makes them, Jeanie can’t grant them, which traps her in the situation as well.
The interesting thing here is that neither of them wanted to be in this situation. Jean never asked to be made a genie; Neil never asked to be granted three wishes.
June 8, 2010 at 9:55 pm | # | Reply
The apartment is still where it was.
She moved the door, in a manner
reminiscent of the motion picture
“Monsters Inc.”.
Did the Genie manual say that the
Genie should be near the master
at all times?
I was sure LSH was behind this, but I was wrong … and she is grumpy as well, de-calf coffee for her from now on … I love the mix of Dr. Who lol … Infinate dimentions within Finate Space … not bad CD!
You’d be surprised how much I resisted putting ther Tardis in this comic
LOL! I love the philosophical implications of this! Okay, off to vote.
It should be OK as long as Jeannie doesn’t put in another door from
that apartment to the other.
Had the apartments been far enough apart there might have
been noticible differences in momentum passing through
the door.
Opposite side of the Earth = Fatal.
Physics spoils all the fun.
If nothing etc it sure cut down on moving cost.
This is an interesting turn all right! Neil’s going to have to learn to “think outside the box” in dealing with Genie matters.
Oh, and Jeanie?
Anyone ever tell you you don’t think enough?
This is why Jeanie’s the genie and Neil’s the master: Neil gathers facts and considers consequences. Jeanie acts on impulse.
well, for starters, I almost couldn’t see this page! 0-0 the page with the “no door” has a “blank”(?) next button, but when I reloaded the page, this one showed up! something ain’t right there…..
….. I totllay forgot the comment…. ^_^; eh, heh he heh….
well, kk, nice alterered universe shindig!
If it works in Scooby doo, it’ll work anywhere!(tm)
This is the greenest I’ve seen Jeannie.
She decided that she wants her skin to coordinate with her apartment’s decor.
So…why was Neil’s apartment “moved?” “Jeanie! You got some ‘splainin’ to do!” 🙂
Probably a number of people.