Jeanie Bottle 654
Hey all.
This was supposed to be posted at midnight but for some reason didn’t go up (EDIT from Robert: The reason is that Robert forgot to post it, lol). I noticed this morning and posted it manually.
Nat can take charge! Better than that wimpy Neil.
Also, that hat really does not go with the Dress.
Agreed. Since she is stuck with it, J should change the Fez’s colour at least.
I think she IS able to magic it away, it’s just hard, like it returns the moment she stops thinking about it.
I was under the understanding that Jean is not stuck with the hat, she just tends to forget about it but I don’t know if that means she tends to forget it is there or it comes back when she forgets to keep it hidden.
I am under the impression that she can get ride of it if she want to, but, that usually she just forget that it there, but, that there no mandatory that it has to be there either. I think it more a CD Rudd prerogative of just having it there to identify Jeanie as the Genie. It especially come in handy to identifying Jeanie when she masquerading as other people and that way we know which one is Jeanie, which she has done in the past several time. That way we the reader of the comic will know which one is Jeanie.
Jeanie actually removed the fez in a sequence beginning on page 420, when she was trying to “seduce” Rodge.
Natalie/Neil gets all the luck, able to attend their prom twice. The only downside being that they are their own date.
What could go wrong. Rita shows up in the red dress, Mr. Garcia is the prom chap-arone, Jeanie gets drunk on the punch, Zoey’s date hits on Natalie.
I can think of several things that could go wrong and one or more of them probably will go wrong and they are:
1. Rita showing up in the dress that Natalie told Jeanie that she could not show up in.
2. Rita a witch and she start using her witch power first and then Jeanie responds by using her Genie power.
3. Jean being the jerk that he is, put the moves on Jeanie and that why he want the hotel room, to get sexual with Jeanie.
4. Zoey date could hit on Natalie or Natalie could hit on Zoey date to get the teen Neil and Zoey back together at the prom.
5. Jean being the jerk that he is, could start shooting his mouth off at the prom too.
6. For anything that I might not thought of or for that surprise that we were not thinking of that might happen too.
3. To become the jerk we all know who’s got a website for ex-lovers who hate him, doesn’t Jeanie have to get sexual with Jean on prom night? Because from what we’ve seen with himself and Rita, Jean has never really done it before.
Because, of who Jean is, he will attempt to get sexual with Jeanie, it doesn’t mean that she will let him get sexual with her. But, at some point Jean will get sexual with other girls that he dates and that why he has a website of all the girl that hate him for doing that to them. This may be Jean first serious attempt at getting sexual with a girl, but, it doesn’t mean that he will have to be successful into bedding Jeanie and getting sexual with her, but, we know that he will make the attempt at getting sexual with Jeanie. That is the only thing that we are sure of at this point.
Made her change, did he?
That was a good move on Natalie part to get Jeanie to change her dress.
Really likes Jeans new dress.
I’m not a fan of the color.
Me too! Moreso than the one from the previous page.
Which is that, the dress (like) or the color (not so much)?
Yeah red is a better color on Jean.
Actually, causing a universe-destroying time paradox can be fun too. Just ask the cast of Irregular Webcomic. 😀
Jeanie, you’ve been trying to get Natalie to loosen up and have fun being a girl instead of a boy. Surprise! Natalie wants you to loosen up and have fun being a girl instead of a genie.
Masterful Neil gets my vote. Interesting that Jeanie goes along with it, though she seems to dislike it. I wonder if Natalie said the word “wish”. If not, exactly how did she rein Jeanie in?
Jeanie’s gown is much better than the tube top.
Rather a horse out of the barn situation with paradoxes–but yeah, probably best not push things any further.
Finally, sorry Jeanie–but Natalie outshines you in that smashing green gown. A stunner!
Just gonna reiterate that I’m pretty sure they can’t cause any paradoxes or the like because they are in a stable time loop and are now living out things they technically already did.
Unless you’re talking a Multiverse. Then all hell could break lose.
That’s what it seemed like at first, but little hints have been showing up that things *may* not be quite so stable as they first seemed.
True, I mean, what better way to ruin a prom night with an universe-destroying time paradox? Great subject for small talk, though. lol
Somehow Jeanie’s new blue gown reminds me of Elsi’s :Frozen: gown.
Natalie is trying to convince Jeanie to relax and let it all go.
As someone who likes to find loopholes, I feel it necessary to point out that so long as she doesn’t use “Genie” magic or create a time paradox that sucks the universe into oblivion she can to transform people into other things, cause a scene and draw attention to herself and/or other people without breaking the rules. In addition I wonder if there are types of time paradoxes that won’t result in universal oblivion.
The universe-destroying paradoxes are the ones that require an event to be both true and not true at the same time. For example, the famed Grandfather Paradox is one such because supposedly the killing of one’s grandfather results in one having not been present to perform the killing, which then means that the killing didn’t happen because it did happen. If, on the other hand, you could somehow exist even though your grandfather had been killed before your father was conceived, e.g. because the time travel itself leaves you causally disconnected from your past, then the paradox would not break reality.
I suppose the major potential for a time paradox here is the fact the past versions of themselves are present. As long as they don’t threaten their continued existence within the period of their current selves’ influence beyond reversion it should be okay, along with whomever else they remember are still living in present day. Using their remembrance of past events can serve as a moral guideline, but they can reasonably get away with a lot of things still even given holes in remembered expectations for how things went down. I think Neil/Natalie is trying to be extra careful as to not cause assumed & anticipated issues, which is better than intentionally crossing near the line of issue Jeanie’s likely to have done before this page’s self-imposed limiting guidelines were established.
I suppose, given the logic you provided where even then this would not cause issue, there’s even a possibility where this is simply a separate manifestation of the past Jeanie remembers – could even be a different universe entirely. If this were actually the case threatening the continued existence of Jean & Neil wouldn’t really threaten current Jeanie & Neil/Natalie’s continued existence since they are not connected individuals at all. The choice to be extra careful would be almost completely unnecessary, but even so Neil/Natalie wouldn’t reasonable come to this conclusion since they’re under the understanding that this really is time travel, with all their premised genre based assumptions associated with the concept.
How come Dr. Who never had this conversation with one of his companions?
Woops, I put my e-mail address in for my screen name.
Well, for starters, usually hir companions didn’t have Genie powers. 😉
And at least in the new series sie did. Several times, IIRC. Usually to little avail …
Also, sie hirself on occasion broke these rules …
“Don’t do anything that will suck the universe into oblivion” is one of the rules I follow.
The other is “pet your dogs at least once a day”.
Only once?
You monster!
Lol I get your comical outrage, but at least once doesn’t necessarily mean only once: one or more.
Well over 100 times for a particular day would still be at least once, 1 is just the claimed self-imposed minimum.
I have many dogs and my arms get tired.
“Don’t do anything that will cause Chihuahuas to take over the world.”
We certainly wouldn’t want that!
Some chihuahuas are delightful little angels… but the dark, popeyed shaking rat-things make Helen Narbon look as mild as buttermilk…!
if they realize the 2021 money they paid with a while back that was thought to be counterfitte was actually part of history then Neil and Jean could consider themselves part of a time loop where whatever they do is meant to happen
“How about we try not to screw up the timeline or cause a cosmic event? That will be fun”
She obviously have no idea what fun means.
Niel appears to be missing the truth that the timeline apparently already accounted for everything you’ve done. By these rules, you can’t create a time paradox.
Would our Jeanie have enough sense to tell Jean to not open the bottle but have Neal or Belle do it instead and become the geanie?
I think an explanation of why that won’t work is on Page 6.
Link to page 6: archives/comic/06202009
And yes, I think you’re right. So right, in fact, I think a time paradox is not the point of this sequence. I’m not worrying about it.
Besides, Jean just picks the bottle up, and shows it to Neil. He doesn’t seem to have rubbed it all. “Maybe it’s karma, or something.”
Jean and Jeanie aren’t exactly the same person at this point in time. Jeanie fondness for Jean, comes only from her memories of Jean when she was Jean. But, when she sees Jean trying to f@ck her, she going to be seeing thing from Jeanie side of the equation, she will probably change her opinion of who Jean and her fondness for him. She may even resent him and take it personal. What a better way to fix his wagon, then to let him pick up that bottle and be transformed into Jeanie.
Remember at this point Jeanie is Jeanie pretty much a girl all the way through now, she a girl and not a guy and will respond the way a girl will respond when some guy want to do something that he has no business doing.
This is beginning to sound more and more like “All You Zombies.”