Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Jean has a point have some fun with a spa day with your best buddy it would be rude not to before the guy finds you and you might have to turn him into something till it’s all over for prom.
Jeanie’s lovability is on par with Lucy Van Pelt, who has the gig of being Charlie Brown’s bully and therapist at the same time.
Except of course Lucy has the excuse of being a little girl rather than an adult.
For the love of God, Neil. You should have kept Aricelli instead.
Neil should really have wished for Jean to have a sense of empathy instead of wishing for that sandwich. Maybe he can post himself a note for when Jean gets the lamp to rectify the situation.
Loop in time. Events happened because the time travel caused them in the first place. Ej: Neil and Jean never realized their prom dates had been their future selves…until now.
And Neil cannot change his wishes.
Her ponytail is already great. (nod to The Big Bopper.) Don’t know how to improve on it for a girl of her apparent age, but then, Neil likely doesn’t want to do that.
@paul jutras: “Jean has really gone full on girl hasn’t he”
Well, leaning to girlish, for sure, but note that she’s not looking forward to the full on spa nails and hair experience, as many real girls would–she’s looking to hurt a guy who behaved the way Jean did before becoming Jeanie. See ijuinkun’s comment, above.
@50srefugee: A valid point, but would Jean have thought of having a spa treatment? In my opinion, the choice of punishment for that guy behaving like Jean would have, is all feminine.
The reason that she came up with that idea, is because is a girl in her hart and spirit and she think like one now also and that what girl like, especially teenage girls. There isn’t much of the old Jean left in her now except the memories of him and who she use to be once a pone time, but, she isn’t anymore. Jeanie fix in to see her old self the way that she see that jerk because, her old self is just like that jerk if not worse than he is too.
Jean has a point have some fun with a spa day with your best buddy it would be rude not to before the guy finds you and you might have to turn him into something till it’s all over for prom.
Speaking of jerks… Sheesh!
Natalie is so cute in first panel. 🙂
The pajamas are rather modest for something Jeanie would have had to poof out of thin air. But you’re right, very cute.
And again, in panel 2 Jeanie should have called her Natalie instead of Neil.
Natalie might have picked them out herself when they were at the mall.
@jennibrock I don’t think so, because spending the night wasn’t mentioned until after they finished shopping.
Jeanie’s lovability is on par with Lucy Van Pelt, who has the gig of being Charlie Brown’s bully and therapist at the same time.
Except of course Lucy has the excuse of being a little girl rather than an adult.
For the love of God, Neil. You should have kept Aricelli instead.
Given up on that money with the wrong dates on it, right?
What do you mean? It’s already done its damage. The pizza shop will get raided by the police.
Jean has really gone full on girl hasn’t he
Certainly seems that way.
Neil should really have wished for Jean to have a sense of empathy instead of wishing for that sandwich. Maybe he can post himself a note for when Jean gets the lamp to rectify the situation.
Loop in time. Events happened because the time travel caused them in the first place. Ej: Neil and Jean never realized their prom dates had been their future selves…until now.
And Neil cannot change his wishes.
I’m really loving this current storyline 🙂
Glad to hear it! 🙂
Wonder what hair due Natalie gonna get for prom night?
Her ponytail is already great. (nod to The Big Bopper.) Don’t know how to improve on it for a girl of her apparent age, but then, Neil likely doesn’t want to do that.
“Charging obscene amounts to a jerk’s credit account”? Doesn’t Jean do that every time she uses her own credit card?
And that, my friend, is what I think the kids nowadays refer to as a “sick burn”.
Does she even have one any more? heh
@paul jutras: “Jean has really gone full on girl hasn’t he”
Well, leaning to girlish, for sure, but note that she’s not looking forward to the full on spa nails and hair experience, as many real girls would–she’s looking to hurt a guy who behaved the way Jean did before becoming Jeanie. See ijuinkun’s comment, above.
@50srefugee: A valid point, but would Jean have thought of having a spa treatment? In my opinion, the choice of punishment for that guy behaving like Jean would have, is all feminine.
The reason that she came up with that idea, is because is a girl in her hart and spirit and she think like one now also and that what girl like, especially teenage girls. There isn’t much of the old Jean left in her now except the memories of him and who she use to be once a pone time, but, she isn’t anymore. Jeanie fix in to see her old self the way that she see that jerk because, her old self is just like that jerk if not worse than he is too.