Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
I think this proves we’re eventually going to hit the point where Neil realizes that Jean’s constant reminders of “I got you a prom date, didn’t I” actually means “I screwed up your real prom date”.
Jeanie screwing Neil’s life, intentionally or not, is one of the main themes of the comic.
Don’t forget there is the issue of Guano’s mom waiting around the corner. Chances old lady is going to classify Neil as an obstacle to her goal of having granchildren NOW.
By the way both Zoe and teen Neil are currently acting, teen Neil will probably never ask Zoe out to the school prom. It will probably be Natalie that get those two together and then play chaperone to both Zoe, teen Neil and also Jeanie, teen Jean and keep Jeanie from doing something crazy to Rita that assuming that she is a mere mortal that is. It Rita a witch, in that case, Natalie/Neil would need to play peace maker before Jeanie and Rita ripe the Prom to pieces and virtually everyone around too. Beside, Natalie isn’t going to want to kiss her younger self at the prom or the good night kiss either, but, Jeanie has a history of not thinking thing through, so we don’t know what going to happen there.
I am still holding out and looking to see Genie to Witch chick fight or cat fight at the Prom with Natalie play peace maker between those two.
Natalie+Neil: Please no. First, I don’t want to see Zoe’s sweet little heart broken on the hard rock of Jeanie’s….um, Jeanie-hood.
Also, little or no chance for tomfoolery. Those two nerds would spend the whole night talking space stuff.
No, I want Natalie swept off her feet by someone we don’t know. “He walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to dance; He looked kinda nice and so I said I might take a chance; When he danced he held me tight; And when he walked me home that night; all the stars were shining bright; and then he kissed me.” I dunno, folks, that was playing while I ate lunch, and I instantly thought of Natalie.
Yeah. I want Natalie swept off her feet, and I want Jeanie to discover what a jerk Jean is. Was.
All of which ignores the prime problem: Neil is Master. He has got to assert himself.
And once before, early on in the story.But he has to make it stick, and to do that, he needs to earn Jeanie’s respect.
We have yet to see how his assertiveness will play out here.
(And I have to mention that I think that deep down, Jeanie wants Neil’s steadying hand. She wants to respect him. Check out the Bewitched sequence, with Jeanie dragging Neil off to teach him how to surf. She’s not doing that to annoy or mock him, but because it’s a skill that requires physical strength and agility, something she responds to a visceral way. She wants that common bond.
What was that previous instance, do you have the page number? And I agree, one or two instances of putting his foot down doesn’t quite the Master make.
(And previously, Jeanie denies “looking at Neil in any way”./?comic=02242010 I think this was a sign of her genie nature wanting to be paired with a good Master.)
I love your idea. Neil deserves to be happy, and he deserves to be happy as Natalie. I hope she falls so much in love that she wants to stay a girl forever. That’s what I would love to see!
@The Mean One: “I hope she falls so much in love that she wants to stay a girl forever.” Hm, while that wouldn’t be bad, and while I hope Natalie has a good time as a girl, I don’t want him stuck that way. Instead, I want Neil to realize what kind of guy girls like–and tries to be that guy for his genie. Who, remember, was also a guy to start.
But yeah: One way or another, Neil deserves to be happy. I don’t want him to be a drudge, or a doormat.
Neil knows how to serve. He needs to learn to lead. Jeanie knows neither leadership nor service, but as a bottle genie, she needs to learn to serve before she can be a good leader.
On page 232, panel 3, Natalie was having a serious case of female hormones… what else would you call crying over a soap opera? Then there’s the whole neurotransmitter episode during “I Dream of an Escape.” Perhaps falling in love isn’t so far fetched of an idea.
@mike: “Perhaps falling in love isn’t so far fetched of an idea.” Certainly not!
Again, I’d love to see teen-Nat meet some dreamy guy and have a wonderful time at the prom. I’m only resistant to Neil deciding that she wants to be Nat for the rest of her life.
On the other side, Jeanie doesn’t just have female hormones working on her, she’s also got her bottle-genie nature to contend with. I want Neil to learn how to be a guy, and Jeanie to learn to be a girl–specifically Neil’s girl.
On page 232, panel 3, Natalie was having a serious case of female hormones… what else would you call crying over a soap opera? Then there’s the whole neurotransmitter episode during “I Dream of an Escape.” Perhaps falling in love isn’t so far fetched of an idea.
You know what I really want? I want Jeanie to be focused on revenge, and have a miserable time. I want Natalie to be swept off her feet, and just enjoy herself. (And I want teen-Neil and Zoe to at least hold hands, and maybe even dance without stepping on each other’s toes.)
I think Natalie is going to be busy trying to keep Jeanie from doing something to Rita virtually the whole night, so Natalie going to be too busy to engage in that kind of foolishness. Besides, if teen Neil is going to at least hold Zoe hand, it will probably be Natalie that suggest it. That may be something that Neil regret not doing when he had the chance to do it and now as Natalie, she can correct that mistake by encourage the teen Neil to hold her hand at least. It could be something that Natalie tell Jeanie while she try keep Jeanie in check while at the prom.
On prom dresses. You might be a little bit Redneck if you pick up your girl for prom and the object of your affliction comes to the door in a brand new pair of Carharts. At prom the prom dress pattern of choice is Mossy Oak Camo.
neil wasn’t plannning 24 hours as a girl let alone getting ready for prom, hopefully male neil won’t fall in love with future female neil during this same with Jean
Interesting idea, and one that would cause no end of humorous situations. The current IDOAGB story up until now has shown no indication of Neil having a girlfriend. To suddenly have one appear now would validate a radial time line in which time travelers cannot reenter their own present but return to an alternate present that may or may not be nearly identical.
Imagine this scenario… that house Neil and Jeanie share would now be occupied by Zoe (instead of a house full of roommates), and she would have no idea who Jeanie is. Zoe is an accomplished mathematician working on the space program alongside Neil at their engineering firm, possibly replacing Rodge entirely. She sports a very impressive engagement ring and the kitchen table is littered with Brides magazines and vacation brochures, and is much more assertive than she was the day before prom.
So, what did Natalie say to teen Neil that sparked this change in history (and will there be a shiny, black, 1985 Toyota Xtra Cab Pickup in the driveway)?
That would go in with what I have been saying, that this isn’t the original time line, but this is the Kelvin Time now. To get what you said that you would like to see, several things have to happen.
1. Natalie not interested in young Neil and she has to convince young Neil that he want to maintain a relationship with Zoe and that could be one of the things the Neil regret not doing and through Natalie encouragement and support, young Neil take a different rout.
2. Jean was actually trying to help young Neil with girls and with Natalie help, they succeed they in there efforts with young Neil to keep Zoe as his girlfriend.
3. We want Zoe in another apartment close by, but, not in the same apartment with Neil or Jean. When Jean turns into Jeanie, Zoe may or may not know that Jean turned into Jeanie, but, suddenly another girl beside Neil and she doesn’t know who it is. Zoe may or may not be on friendly relationship with Jean girlfriend Belle Lows. We can have Zoe me a mathematician or engineer too and eventually being hired at the same engineering firm that Neil works at or competitors engineering firm, that would work too.
4. We would want to keep Rodge around, because, we want some dummy hanging around Neil and Rodge serve that purpose very well.
5. When they go back to the future, Jeanie been Jeanie for about year or so and now Jeanie is jealous of Zoe, because, now Jeanie want to be Neil girlfriend instead of Zoe being his girlfriend.
Well, if CD Rudd does any part of the above stuff when they go back to the future, all I have to say is:
Ya know – shortly after the first episode of Buffy, someone asked about Willow – couldn’t remember her name – and someone else replied “Oh – you mean the hot girl…” and i couldn’t disagree.
I sorta feel that way about Natalie and Jeanie.
Jeanie is flashy and obvious …Natalie is quiet, cool and accidentally sexy.
Its almost as if Jeanie’s control over a transformation is improving, better fine tuning if you will. Teen Natalie in particular seems to have an unconscious, natural allure that the earlier transformations didn’t possess. True the artwork has improved (kudos), but I’d like to think its because 1.) Neil is more comfortable as a female and 2.) Jeanie’s magic has begun to extend deeper into Natalie’s DNA and psyche.
As the character description says, Jeanie has turned Neil into a girl so much that Natalie counts as her own character. By this point, Neil has developed a sense of identity regarding Natalie.
I love teen-Natalie, and would like to see more of her.
>ahem< That is, see her more often.
I think I like teen-nat better than adult-Nat.
We haven't seen Natalie interact with guys much. I hope we get to see her have a good time with her date, and learn something about how to act towards Jeanie.
Still reading through the archives here, but I thought I’d just pop in and say I’m enjoying the comic so far! Funny story, I’d planned on making an IDOJ fan comic of my own at one point, but I guess that would be a bit redundant now 😛
What happens if teenager Jean mistakes Jeanie’s eagerness to go to the prom for eagerness to do “other things” with him? What happens when/if Jean seriously hits on Jeanie? How does she react? Does she react differently if they’re alone than if others, especially Zoe are watching? Is that how Jeanie comes to realize what a putz her male teenage self was?
Yelp, there are several possibility that could happen here and I have already mentioned a few of those possibilities in the past. It a disaster waiting to happen. We already know that Jean is going to be making a move on Jeanie just like she is just any girl that he has put the moves on in the past and that going to be a problem.
@Ellie Dauber: “What happens if teenager Jean mistakes Jeanie’s eagerness to go to the prom for eagerness to do “other things” with him? ”
She turns him into a chihuahua, of course. Maybe a cute little pug.
Or maybe she forgets turning him into a girl, and she grows up never remembering that she used to be male.
But frankly, my bet is that Jeanie’s the one who taught Jean to be the overly assertive asshole he grew up to be.
@50srefugee: Jean seemed to be a douchebag before he met Jeanie, as demonstrated by his innuendos regarding Neil and Zoey. So, no, this isn’t a teachable moment. Jeanie will most likely rebuff Jean’s advances but Jean’s ego is going to misremember the entire event.
So time travel to the next day or prom dress fashion show for Natalie mystery date?
> prom dress fashion show for Natalie mystery date
Yes, please!!
OFF Topic to Robert any chance new content or something recent for the main page. Anyone new coming to the site will see info that is 2 years old.
my guess is Jeannie will Abracadabra up some Prom Dresses, for both her and Natalie in time for the Prom.
In the second panel, I think ‘are’ should be ‘at’
Yeah, I noticed it moments after the page went up. Can’t believe I missed that.
So were just going to need some fanart of Jeanie and Natalie in their prom dresses after the next comic.
Fanart? Or just actual in-comic art? 🙂
I imagine that we can probably get Th3go to draw them, either way. Come to the Discord and help us convince him. 🙂
In-comic art. I won’t sneeze at any fan-art that appears, mind, but I wan to see what CD puts ’em in.
Heh. “Natalie, this is my friend, Neil…”
Yep. I think that is obvious.
That is so what is going to happen.
I think this proves we’re eventually going to hit the point where Neil realizes that Jean’s constant reminders of “I got you a prom date, didn’t I” actually means “I screwed up your real prom date”.
Poor Zoey.
Jeanie screwing Neil’s life, intentionally or not, is one of the main themes of the comic.
Don’t forget there is the issue of Guano’s mom waiting around the corner. Chances old lady is going to classify Neil as an obstacle to her goal of having granchildren NOW.
It would be very ironic if Neil/Natalies prom date is a teenage Roger.
Not likely since Roger apparently didn’t go to school in the same town.
So Neil ends up with two prom dates. Poor Zoe. I hope Zoe turns out to be a witch and zaps jeanie.
By the way both Zoe and teen Neil are currently acting, teen Neil will probably never ask Zoe out to the school prom. It will probably be Natalie that get those two together and then play chaperone to both Zoe, teen Neil and also Jeanie, teen Jean and keep Jeanie from doing something crazy to Rita that assuming that she is a mere mortal that is. It Rita a witch, in that case, Natalie/Neil would need to play peace maker before Jeanie and Rita ripe the Prom to pieces and virtually everyone around too. Beside, Natalie isn’t going to want to kiss her younger self at the prom or the good night kiss either, but, Jeanie has a history of not thinking thing through, so we don’t know what going to happen there.
I am still holding out and looking to see Genie to Witch chick fight or cat fight at the Prom with Natalie play peace maker between those two.
I think he’s already got one. Or ought to.
Natalie+Neil: Please no. First, I don’t want to see Zoe’s sweet little heart broken on the hard rock of Jeanie’s….um, Jeanie-hood.
Also, little or no chance for tomfoolery. Those two nerds would spend the whole night talking space stuff.
No, I want Natalie swept off her feet by someone we don’t know. “He walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to dance; He looked kinda nice and so I said I might take a chance; When he danced he held me tight; And when he walked me home that night; all the stars were shining bright; and then he kissed me.” I dunno, folks, that was playing while I ate lunch, and I instantly thought of Natalie.
Yeah. I want Natalie swept off her feet, and I want Jeanie to discover what a jerk Jean is. Was.
All of which ignores the prime problem: Neil is Master. He has got to assert himself.
He did… once. Page 633, when he ordered Jeanie not to change Rita into a dog.
And once before, early on in the story.But he has to make it stick, and to do that, he needs to earn Jeanie’s respect.
We have yet to see how his assertiveness will play out here.
(And I have to mention that I think that deep down, Jeanie wants Neil’s steadying hand. She wants to respect him. Check out the Bewitched sequence, with Jeanie dragging Neil off to teach him how to surf. She’s not doing that to annoy or mock him, but because it’s a skill that requires physical strength and agility, something she responds to a visceral way. She wants that common bond.
What was that previous instance, do you have the page number? And I agree, one or two instances of putting his foot down doesn’t quite the Master make.
Neil puts his foot down here: /?comic=04142010
(And previously, Jeanie denies “looking at Neil in any way”./?comic=02242010 I think this was a sign of her genie nature wanting to be paired with a good Master.)
I love your idea. Neil deserves to be happy, and he deserves to be happy as Natalie. I hope she falls so much in love that she wants to stay a girl forever. That’s what I would love to see!
@The Mean One: “I hope she falls so much in love that she wants to stay a girl forever.” Hm, while that wouldn’t be bad, and while I hope Natalie has a good time as a girl, I don’t want him stuck that way. Instead, I want Neil to realize what kind of guy girls like–and tries to be that guy for his genie. Who, remember, was also a guy to start.
But yeah: One way or another, Neil deserves to be happy. I don’t want him to be a drudge, or a doormat.
Neil knows how to serve. He needs to learn to lead. Jeanie knows neither leadership nor service, but as a bottle genie, she needs to learn to serve before she can be a good leader.
On page 232, panel 3, Natalie was having a serious case of female hormones… what else would you call crying over a soap opera? Then there’s the whole neurotransmitter episode during “I Dream of an Escape.” Perhaps falling in love isn’t so far fetched of an idea.
@mike: “Perhaps falling in love isn’t so far fetched of an idea.” Certainly not!
Again, I’d love to see teen-Nat meet some dreamy guy and have a wonderful time at the prom. I’m only resistant to Neil deciding that she wants to be Nat for the rest of her life.
On the other side, Jeanie doesn’t just have female hormones working on her, she’s also got her bottle-genie nature to contend with. I want Neil to learn how to be a guy, and Jeanie to learn to be a girl–specifically Neil’s girl.
@ Mike
Then there’s the whole neurotransmitter episode
Perhaps that episode will be revisitied so that Natalie will want a date to the prom 🙂
On page 232, panel 3, Natalie was having a serious case of female hormones… what else would you call crying over a soap opera? Then there’s the whole neurotransmitter episode during “I Dream of an Escape.” Perhaps falling in love isn’t so far fetched of an idea.
Answered you under The Mean One’s note.
Duplicate post.
You know what I really want? I want Jeanie to be focused on revenge, and have a miserable time. I want Natalie to be swept off her feet, and just enjoy herself. (And I want teen-Neil and Zoe to at least hold hands, and maybe even dance without stepping on each other’s toes.)
I think Natalie is going to be busy trying to keep Jeanie from doing something to Rita virtually the whole night, so Natalie going to be too busy to engage in that kind of foolishness. Besides, if teen Neil is going to at least hold Zoe hand, it will probably be Natalie that suggest it. That may be something that Neil regret not doing when he had the chance to do it and now as Natalie, she can correct that mistake by encourage the teen Neil to hold her hand at least. It could be something that Natalie tell Jeanie while she try keep Jeanie in check while at the prom.
What I want to see and what I expect to see are…not congruent.
I’m mostly just waiting to see what CD does. I expect it to be a fun ride regardless.
On prom dresses. You might be a little bit Redneck if you pick up your girl for prom and the object of your affliction comes to the door in a brand new pair of Carharts. At prom the prom dress pattern of choice is Mossy Oak Camo.
neil wasn’t plannning 24 hours as a girl let alone getting ready for prom, hopefully male neil won’t fall in love with future female neil during this same with Jean
What I want is for when they go back to the future, Zoey shows up as Neil’s girlfriend. Jeanie deserves it.
Interesting idea, and one that would cause no end of humorous situations. The current IDOAGB story up until now has shown no indication of Neil having a girlfriend. To suddenly have one appear now would validate a radial time line in which time travelers cannot reenter their own present but return to an alternate present that may or may not be nearly identical.
Imagine this scenario… that house Neil and Jeanie share would now be occupied by Zoe (instead of a house full of roommates), and she would have no idea who Jeanie is. Zoe is an accomplished mathematician working on the space program alongside Neil at their engineering firm, possibly replacing Rodge entirely. She sports a very impressive engagement ring and the kitchen table is littered with Brides magazines and vacation brochures, and is much more assertive than she was the day before prom.
So, what did Natalie say to teen Neil that sparked this change in history (and will there be a shiny, black, 1985 Toyota Xtra Cab Pickup in the driveway)?
That would go in with what I have been saying, that this isn’t the original time line, but this is the Kelvin Time now. To get what you said that you would like to see, several things have to happen.
1. Natalie not interested in young Neil and she has to convince young Neil that he want to maintain a relationship with Zoe and that could be one of the things the Neil regret not doing and through Natalie encouragement and support, young Neil take a different rout.
2. Jean was actually trying to help young Neil with girls and with Natalie help, they succeed they in there efforts with young Neil to keep Zoe as his girlfriend.
3. We want Zoe in another apartment close by, but, not in the same apartment with Neil or Jean. When Jean turns into Jeanie, Zoe may or may not know that Jean turned into Jeanie, but, suddenly another girl beside Neil and she doesn’t know who it is. Zoe may or may not be on friendly relationship with Jean girlfriend Belle Lows. We can have Zoe me a mathematician or engineer too and eventually being hired at the same engineering firm that Neil works at or competitors engineering firm, that would work too.
4. We would want to keep Rodge around, because, we want some dummy hanging around Neil and Rodge serve that purpose very well.
5. When they go back to the future, Jeanie been Jeanie for about year or so and now Jeanie is jealous of Zoe, because, now Jeanie want to be Neil girlfriend instead of Zoe being his girlfriend.
Well, if CD Rudd does any part of the above stuff when they go back to the future, all I have to say is:
I just now saw the “Sailor Ranko” post on Patron. Yeh, Bay is coming back? She will make an awesome bad guy.
Ya know – shortly after the first episode of Buffy, someone asked about Willow – couldn’t remember her name – and someone else replied “Oh – you mean the hot girl…” and i couldn’t disagree.
I sorta feel that way about Natalie and Jeanie.
Jeanie is flashy and obvious …Natalie is quiet, cool and accidentally sexy.
Natalie is quiet, cool and accidentally sexy.
Its almost as if Jeanie’s control over a transformation is improving, better fine tuning if you will. Teen Natalie in particular seems to have an unconscious, natural allure that the earlier transformations didn’t possess. True the artwork has improved (kudos), but I’d like to think its because 1.) Neil is more comfortable as a female and 2.) Jeanie’s magic has begun to extend deeper into Natalie’s DNA and psyche.
As the character description says, Jeanie has turned Neil into a girl so much that Natalie counts as her own character. By this point, Neil has developed a sense of identity regarding Natalie.
I love teen-Natalie, and would like to see more of her.
>ahem< That is, see her more often.
I think I like teen-nat better than adult-Nat.
We haven't seen Natalie interact with guys much. I hope we get to see her have a good time with her date, and learn something about how to act towards Jeanie.
Still reading through the archives here, but I thought I’d just pop in and say I’m enjoying the comic so far! Funny story, I’d planned on making an IDOJ fan comic of my own at one point, but I guess that would be a bit redundant now 😛
Take ypur time CD. The comic is well worth waiting for.
What happens if teenager Jean mistakes Jeanie’s eagerness to go to the prom for eagerness to do “other things” with him? What happens when/if Jean seriously hits on Jeanie? How does she react? Does she react differently if they’re alone than if others, especially Zoe are watching? Is that how Jeanie comes to realize what a putz her male teenage self was?
Yelp, there are several possibility that could happen here and I have already mentioned a few of those possibilities in the past. It a disaster waiting to happen. We already know that Jean is going to be making a move on Jeanie just like she is just any girl that he has put the moves on in the past and that going to be a problem.
@Ellie Dauber: “What happens if teenager Jean mistakes Jeanie’s eagerness to go to the prom for eagerness to do “other things” with him? ”
She turns him into a chihuahua, of course. Maybe a cute little pug.
Or maybe she forgets turning him into a girl, and she grows up never remembering that she used to be male.
But frankly, my bet is that Jeanie’s the one who taught Jean to be the overly assertive asshole he grew up to be.
@50srefugee: Jean seemed to be a douchebag before he met Jeanie, as demonstrated by his innuendos regarding Neil and Zoey. So, no, this isn’t a teachable moment. Jeanie will most likely rebuff Jean’s advances but Jean’s ego is going to misremember the entire event.
I’m 100% sure Natalie’s date is either gonna be Neil the obvious one or a young Rodge the ironic one
She proba bly thinks Nat just needs to get some. Attention. Distraction. Just anything to shut her up