Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
I would image that Jeanie just use some really fowl language here. The censor that operates the Beeper had to hold down the Beeper for those really long Beeeeps and do it several times too. After all this is a family show after all.
Jean watch your mouth to your mother in law and possible future grandmother to your children cant wait to see you get out of this also if Araceli shows up it would be like Jean its me Neil we swapped bodies!
Actually, I think we have come to the conclusion that both Neil and Araceli are sharing that body and that it wasn’t a full body swap, because of the mirror incident where Araceli is waving at Neil and explaining what going on. However Neil is currently in control over that body.
I think most people would curse or at least yell angrily at someone for invading their personal space like she did. So Jean’s reaction is somewhat justified, even if it was a crude response.
CD what do I have to do to make the marriage between Jean and Guano stick? If nothing else but to have more scenes like this.
Side note – something I’ve wanted to say for a while:
Great Job on Guano’s character arc last chapter. Honestly him returning to face big blue was a surprise. But a pleasant one. Most times a writer would flanderize a characters traits. Basically take one feature (like a characters name being a metaphor for poop) and embellish that specific trait.
Yes, I kind of agree with you here. For all the jokes we make about Mr. Bat Poop, he has actually kind of grown into the roll of being a Genie Lord. He much better than he use to be. Originally, I think he was more of a Gilligan type person, someone that is always screwing things up and having these annoying accidents and such thing as that.
Somehow, even with all that power she has now, I don’t think she will be able to stand up to this one!
I mean, she already has the power of the ear pull move. Not to mention the Motherly lecture finishing move! No one in comic history has ever been able to defeat the Pissed Off Mother/Grandmother!
Though I guess Happosai did hold his ground against Cologne a few times.
Think how much practice Mama must have gotten on Atty’s ear. I’m also wondering if Jean’s mom worked on his ear; I bet she had plenty of provocations for it!
I like Alya doesn’t know what to do and is completely beside herself as to what she should do, but, that not the case with Genie prospective mother-in-law. But, the mother-in-law also brought some of this on herself, you walk up to a total stranger and start felling them up and down there body. But, response it also a crude too. So I am going to blame both the mother-in-law and Jeanie for what happened here.
For all the flack some of us (including myself) have given the genies for not listening to Jeanie, I have to acknowledge that she’s making it easy for them to ignore her. Still–Her frustration level is understandably high.
It’s a positive feedback loop–and the resulting “BEEEEP” is quite like the screech of a PA system in feedback mode.
It’s spelled “flak” and is an abbreviation for “Flugabwehrkanone”. It’s one of those German compound words without any hyphens, and it means an antiaircraft gun. A “flack” is a publicity agent.
On this day June 12 many years ago I refound this webcomic from deviantart this was ny first webcomic and always be closets to my heart thanks for another great year of comic CD and Robert.
I think it in line with the TV Censer, where everybody on the TV set where it being filmed hear the dirty language and it set the mood to what everybody is responding to. We are the only one that hear the Beep instead of the dirty language. I think that the way it works. Beside, if they hear the Beep instead of the dirty language, it would break the mood to what they are suppose to be hearing.
Instead of being offended at what Jeanie is saying, Jeanie goes Beep, Beep, Beeeep. No!
Geez Jean, You kiss your Mama with that mouth?!
I would image that Jeanie just use some really fowl language here. The censor that operates the Beeper had to hold down the Beeper for those really long Beeeeps and do it several times too. After all this is a family show after all.
Bet he feels like he was playing Diablo with the censor button.
Jean watch your mouth to your mother in law and possible future grandmother to your children cant wait to see you get out of this also if Araceli shows up it would be like Jean its me Neil we swapped bodies!
Actually, I think we have come to the conclusion that both Neil and Araceli are sharing that body and that it wasn’t a full body swap, because of the mirror incident where Araceli is waving at Neil and explaining what going on. However Neil is currently in control over that body.
time out time in the corner for her
All the while grumbling that she started it. 😀
Geez jean mind you’re Ps and Qs
I think most people would curse or at least yell angrily at someone for invading their personal space like she did. So Jean’s reaction is somewhat justified, even if it was a crude response.
Won’t someone please think of the children!
I believe that’s what they are thinking about 🙂
At least one of them is.
CD what do I have to do to make the marriage between Jean and Guano stick? If nothing else but to have more scenes like this.
Side note – something I’ve wanted to say for a while:
Great Job on Guano’s character arc last chapter. Honestly him returning to face big blue was a surprise. But a pleasant one. Most times a writer would flanderize a characters traits. Basically take one feature (like a characters name being a metaphor for poop) and embellish that specific trait.
Plus it’s nice to know Guano has a backbone.
Yes, I kind of agree with you here. For all the jokes we make about Mr. Bat Poop, he has actually kind of grown into the roll of being a Genie Lord. He much better than he use to be. Originally, I think he was more of a Gilligan type person, someone that is always screwing things up and having these annoying accidents and such thing as that.
Somehow, even with all that power she has now, I don’t think she will be able to stand up to this one!
I mean, she already has the power of the ear pull move. Not to mention the Motherly lecture finishing move! No one in comic history has ever been able to defeat the Pissed Off Mother/Grandmother!
Though I guess Happosai did hold his ground against Cologne a few times.
For a moment I thought that she was actually saying Beeeeeeeeeeep.
No, I think that is the Censure Beeping out all of Jeanie bad langue and cue words and it look like Jeanie had a mouth full of that stuff too.
Think how much practice Mama must have gotten on Atty’s ear. I’m also wondering if Jean’s mom worked on his ear; I bet she had plenty of provocations for it!
I like Alya doesn’t know what to do and is completely beside herself as to what she should do, but, that not the case with Genie prospective mother-in-law. But, the mother-in-law also brought some of this on herself, you walk up to a total stranger and start felling them up and down there body. But, response it also a crude too. So I am going to blame both the mother-in-law and Jeanie for what happened here.
from her expression in panel three it looks like Alya learned some new words. Jean, its time for soap in mouth.
Or that she is shocked by Jeanie’s defiance of the genie hierarchy. I don’t think it’s ever occurred to Alya that such a thing is even possible.
What the fork, Genie world has a V-chip? That is bell shirt.
Can you get there a fully uncensored text Jeanie, please, huh???
Guano’s mother has selective hearing.
Why use long words when short ones will do the job?
oh its time for the bar of soap
oh yeah zest time
Oy Irish Spring – for that fresh mouth
wonder how much Jeanie can do with those restrictor arm bands on?
Wow…I think sailors could take a note to all those words Jeanie used.
yup sailors are blushing around the world
For all the flack some of us (including myself) have given the genies for not listening to Jeanie, I have to acknowledge that she’s making it easy for them to ignore her. Still–Her frustration level is understandably high.
It’s a positive feedback loop–and the resulting “BEEEEP” is quite like the screech of a PA system in feedback mode.
It’s spelled “flak” and is an abbreviation for “Flugabwehrkanone”. It’s one of those German compound words without any hyphens, and it means an antiaircraft gun. A “flack” is a publicity agent.
@Tom Sewell: You’re you’re right I know you’re right.
Flacks are a source of verbal flak.
Seems the censor police has been here
Whiplash from “Turbo”: *seeing panels 2 and 3* Now i’m gonna pretend i didn’t hear what i clearly just heard.
On this day June 12 many years ago I refound this webcomic from deviantart this was ny first webcomic and always be closets to my heart thanks for another great year of comic CD and Robert.
That’s no way to talk to your mother in laws. Jeanie is going to learn the hard way, that mother-in-law always gets her way.
They might get their way in most things, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get it served in the fashion they would like.
@ CD Rudd: Do the characters in the strip “hear” the BEEEPs, or is that something that only we can read? Just curious.
I think it in line with the TV Censer, where everybody on the TV set where it being filmed hear the dirty language and it set the mood to what everybody is responding to. We are the only one that hear the Beep instead of the dirty language. I think that the way it works. Beside, if they hear the Beep instead of the dirty language, it would break the mood to what they are suppose to be hearing.
Instead of being offended at what Jeanie is saying, Jeanie goes Beep, Beep, Beeeep. No!
@Larry: The TV Censor model is certainly reasonable, and is in fact my best guess, but I’d like an authoritative answer.
I take it G-man was a wilfull child. Or his mom thought he was. No wonder he turned out the way he did.