Jeanie Bottle 554
on December 27, 2019
at 12:00 am
and modified on December 26, 2022. at 10:17 pm
Chapter: Story 12: I Dream of a Promotion
Characters: Araceli
To head off some unnecessarily speculation in advance: no, Araceli’s phone is not gigantic. CD just drew it with weird perspective on this page. I like to think that it’s on a table, directly in front of the camera. 🙂
Try to make a call Araceli! Also are we get a Natalie art work this year cause the week of updates are almost up?
CD drew Natalie for the Secret Santa content on the Patreon this month. And while she’s wearing holiday garb, it’s not the traditional Santa dress… 🙂
I dunno how her cell phone got in the lamp, but at least Araceli’s ok. and she might be able to call for help.
Araceli was carry Caley cell phone with her. That how Araceli knew that Neil was in trouble and knew to come to his rescue in the restaurant. When the Blue Djinn redirected Araceli to materialize into her own bottle so that he could cap it and trap Araceli in her bottle, Caley cell phone was with her when the Blue Djinn and since the cell phone doesn’t use magic, it not affected by being inside the bottle with Araceli. Also Lord Guano had a cell phone too. When he first saw a cell phone in one of those store that sell cell phone, he thought it was interesting and decided to pick one up for his own use.
Plan Araceli turns Neil turn into Natalie or a muscle guard with Jean and Rodge transformed inti disguises as well then they pose as Genie and strike before Blue strikes the killing blow with his plan mostly wing it.
you are overlooking 1 key detail. Jean doesn’t have her powers, so she can’t turn Neil and Rodge into women.
Araceli helps them she is not aligned to Blue yet I said women or muscle guards that they have there Rodge would be distracted by hitting on women.
But can Araceli use magic to alter people/things outside of her bottle while she is trapped within it?
If so she could simply arrange for something to fall on to the stopper and knock it out, thus being released by herself and be her own master.
No, she can’t do that. A Genie being sealed up in a bottle, has limited to no capability to affect anything outside of the Genie bottle or lamp. They can hear what going on outside of the lamp and maybe even see what going on out side of the bottle or lamp and that about it. Then if we had a Genie Lord out side of the bottle, they can extract one of the lower Genie’s from an enclosed bottle or lamp. But, Araceli has cell phone from the human world that she can call out on to reach other people.
Jeanie may not have any magic right now and she probably still knows very little about the magical world but Araceli using that cell phone might be able to direct Jeanie and Neil on how to contact the Haji or one of his people.
Jean would have to wear a mundane disguise. Blue has branded Jean so no other Genie can cast magic for her, which is why Aracelli couldn’t magic her up some clothes.
Thing is, making Jean immune to most Genie magic might backfire, just as marrying Guano might backfire. And as this universe runs on sitcom rules where every plan is doomed to backfire….
Way, way back Guano was seen shopping for a cell, and he said something like “You mean I can call Haji on this?”
So where is the bottle? The last time we saw it, it was in a car crusher along with Guano’s lamp. Maybe in Neil or Rouyah’s apartment. Blue left Rouyah bottled up, and I think he may assume Neil and Rodge are being digested now. Plotwise, either place would be useful for Neil and Rodge now.
Araceli Bottle and Guano lamp are in a car, that in a car crushing machine. Rouyah old bottle is now Jeanie’s bottle and the Blue Djinn has taken possession of Jeanie body and he is keeping her bottle safe and sound, because, someone could break it and he would have the same problem that the Chinese Genie had when the Blue Djinn broke her bottle. Rouyah is currently imprisoned in what look like a regular wine bottle.
We don’t know where the Blue Djinn bottle or lamps is or even if it still exist even. For all we know, the Blue Djinn is a disembodied bodied Genie with no corporal physical form. That may be the reason that he had to take possession of another Genie body. He had to settle for Jeanie body, because, she was the only one that he could fool and she opened herself to him and he took advantage of the situation.
At least that the way I think this thing went down. Now the story line is how does Jeanie get her body back and her bottle too. Another question is: What happens to Rouyah, does she go back to being Ms Eden or goes back to being a Genie?
Don’t know!
Gee, and Blue was just crowing to Guano that HE was behind the times.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Our genies are named Siri, Google, and Alexa.
The primary difference from a cell phone and magic is if the Blue Djinn can sense magic or items made by magic, but, he can’t sense something that was made by us humans using new technologies and such.
It one of those things if not ringing or if it out of sight, it out of mind and he may overlook the fact that she has a cell phone even. Besides, in the 1960 when the battle with the Blue Djinn and Haji took place, they didn’t have Cell phones back then. They had mobile phones, but, they were big sucker and used a lot of power and were restrictive to being mounted in car or a brief case which needed power outlets and modem connection and such.
So, yes, the Blue Djinn is behind the times, big time.
Good to see the Blue genie forgot about that little piece of technology.
BTW with Araceli in the bottle with the cell phone she can be found by using the GPS feature and liberated from the bottle
I do hope Araceli knows how to use a cell phone…
Of course Araceli’s phone is not gigantic. Ariceli is smaller when in lamp.
I’m impressed with your ability to edit something three days before its creation…
The first date shown is when the post went live. The second date is when I last edited the post. You usually don’t see the “modified on” part because I normally make sure the post is correct before I save it for the first time.
Nice little LBD in the banner. Hope for something special for New Years.