A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
“Neil, the thing is, I made a deal with a disembodied genie that everyone told me is the actual Devil and a murderer, but he actually seems to be a really nice guy and it’s teaching me a lot of cool new tricks, BTW, it was his idea to mess with your brain, but he is really sorry about that, anyway, the thing is, now we are sharing bodies and some times he may take control of may body without me realizing it, but I am sure he isn’t doing anything bad. I know it sound crazy, but now I will be a more powerful genie with more tricks than before and he gets a body after lord Shithead take his own for a crime that he SWEARS me he din’t commit, so everyone wins, right?… Also, we may have to make a baby genie, I am still not sure how that works, but I am sure it has nothing sexual… I think”
Jean had done plenty of other lousy things with “her” magic before the Blue Djinn came along, and not just to Neil either. It’s understandable If Neil is starting to get a bit fed up with Jean just doing whatever “she” wants without any qualms. If he wants to scare Jean to re-establish some of his bounaries with her, I’m all for it.
Neil getting some revenge on Jeanie for all the shitty things she has done lately perfect. Plus he’s not sending her away just some real good pay back.
That’s my prediction as well. I can’t see Neil actually banishing Jeanie, but I can totally see him holding that possibility over her head to get a few concessions out of her. Like “Don’t ever fuck with my brain again.”
I do have to wonder how Big Blue will react to all this, though…
Yes but BD seeing what Neil is up to, could just re-Natifie hormonally super-charged Neil, naked and mute, into Rodge’s bed. A few hours later restore Neil, still in said bed. Neil would have no choice but to send Jennie/homicidal BD to Haji, for his own protection.
You mean he could end up first being sent to Alaska before stealing a fighter jet with Rodge to fly to a a generic middle eastern country where he almost gets beheaded?
I loved that story arc in IDoJ. It had the best ending.
1) A lot of people have been saying that Araceli has been playing/disrespectful of Caley in her actions with Neil, but no one seems to realize that Caley is using Araceli to keep Neil in her life. Remember in I Dream of a General after Neil couldn’t figure out the whole poison/allergy thing using the manual? He immediately called Caley to get her to send Araceli over, something he almost certainly wouldn’t have done if they didn’t have genies (he’s a grown man and she’s a pre-pubescent girl, figure out why). She’s crushing on him bad, and she’s using Araceli to keep Neil in her life just as much as Araceli is using her so she can stay close to Neil. At least, that’s how it looks to me.
2) If what BD did in Shanghai made them more powerful, at some point Jean might notice that she’s got more magic. It’s just a question of whether she’ll be nice about it or not. Remember that she’s not naturally as powerful as pure genies (mentioned in I Dream of an Escape), and she’s not used to being a beta dog, as evidenced by her reaction to the entire genie/master relationship in the first place. This will be interesting, to say the least.
3) There’s two bad scenarios I can see playing out in this story. Either Jean tries to surreptitiously put Neil in dangerous situations in order to “save” him in order to regain the upper hand in their relationship (via life-debt), or Neil convinces Jean to be his magic slave for the day in order to keep from getting banished. Neither ends well, the first via Neil getting horribly hurt due to Jean’s poor foresight, the second by Natalie getting shackled to a pole at the Hiram once Neil loses his leverage. Hopefully we go with the latter, since the last story got darker than normal at times, and I for one could use some chuckles.
I think that’s it for now. Let’s see how all of these things play out, hopefully.
Why we kept brining up Natalie as the “bad” scenario? if anything (and I know there is no way this is gonna happen) If Jeanie repeated her chemistry trick on Natalie’s brain during the duration of Haji¡s day, she would be to busy thinking on Rogie to send Jeanie away!
In any case, I do see Neil finally taking a little revenge on Jeanie for the day, in would end badly, that much is clear, but I am curious of how a “mischievous” Neil may be.
Also, I am kind of divised on your Caley theory, I see the logic, but not so much evidence, we know that Caley likes Neil, but so far it doesn’t seems like a “big crush” and she just seem happy to have a genie friend in general… though is weird we don’t know of any of her wishes yet, after all Guano make a huge deal of Jeanie not granting her third wish to Neil.
Finally, I don’t see Jeanie trying to put Neil in danger to gain his good grace, her plan was most likely to play dumb in regards the Haji day and wait for it to be over, and now in a “ideal scenario” where everything goes according to Neil’s plan, I just see her playing along with him and waiting for the day to end… then it would be Hiram time for Natalie.
Of course, with Blue, Arceli, Guano and even Asha around, this day just can end badly for Jeanie and Neil, regardless of their plans.
I’d like to reply not as a jerk, but someone who wants to have a conversation and possibly clarify some points above. I’ll respond in the order you posted, just so it doesn’t confuse anyone reading afterwords.
Point the First, when I refer to Natalie as a “bad” scenario, I mean that in relation to Neil and Jean, not us. I don’t mind seeing Nat every once in a while, though I’m not one of those “replace Neil with Natalie” people; that said, it’s clear that Neil’s not happy in a female body. Yes, even when he needs to be (see the early half of I Dream of Las Vegas). And I’m pretty sure that if Jean turns him into Natalie again so soon after the last time, even if Neil doesn’t remember a lot of what happened last time, it still won’t end well for their friendship.
Point the Second, yes. We haven’t really seen Neil be anything other than the responsible one, so mischievous Neil will be fun while he lasts.
Point the Third, I admit I had little to base the theory on, mostly the fact that A) she wants to hang with Neil way more than Rodge (though I can understand that not being much of an attraction thing and more of a “Rodge is a clod” thing), B) she goes from ignoring Rodge (when he comes to pick her up at day camp) to practically lighting up when she finds out Neil came too, and C) Neil has to call/text her in order to ask Araceli any genie-related questions not in the manual. Plus, I like the idea of Caley being devious. As for the thing about Araceli and Caley’s wishes, the top two theories I have are A) Caley burned through her wishes and Araceli chose to stay with her in order to stick close to Neil, or B) Caley’s not yet used her wishes, but Guano cares not one bit because he dotes on Araceli because he believes in nepotism (plus, Jean has been kind of a brat with him from the get-go; it’s possible he’s not as much of an ass with other genies and we’ve only seen his interactions with Araceli and Jean). Also, I had to deal with a semi-similar situation in real life where my twin sister fell hard for our older (by almost 10 years) sister’s boyfriend. It might not look like much on the outside, but on the inside . . .
Point the Fourth and Hopefully Last for now, that life-threatening scenario came from an episode of American Dad where Roger does that in order to restore the life-debt Stan owed him after Stan saves Roger from . . . I want to say getting hit by a truck, but I can’t quite remember. I don’t really see it happening, but it was the second-most likely thing I could think of. Probably why I don’t write a gender-swap webcomic, come to think of it.
If you have any thoughts, I’d be happy to hear them. Thanks for responding!
@He Who Abides Is ok, I may not sound very serious in my comments, but I actually really like to debate theories and opinions, so don’t worry.
I joke a loot about Natalie, she is actually my favorite girl in the comic, but for the most part I am just joking, I mean, as I said later, the easiest way Jean could have avoided any problem was hoping that Neil never find out about Haji’s day, and now the easiest answer is to play along with him until the day is over, brining back Natalie and meesing with her brain again is just me joking and looking for excuses to see her.
I know all the logistics “problems” Natalie brings with her, and as much as I would like it, I don’t see a way to make her a permanent deal without destroying Neil as a character, which, in the long run is Natalie’s character, at least not yet, also I am not a fan of the idea some people have of turning them into two separate characters, that for me is more like creating a new girl who looks like Natalie, she may be cute, but she wouldn’t be the character I was invested. I may have my tiniest hopes for the future, but they are really tiny.
In high sight, I do see your point about Caley, is just that we really haven’t see much of her beyond the happy little girl who likes Diney movies and hang out with Neil and Arceli (and cares enought for Rodge to “protect” him from thieves), so for now all the devious intentions seem to come from Arceli and not so much from Caley, thats one of the reasons I bring up her wishes, I really would like to know more about their relationship and her story with Neil.
You also bring a good point about Guano, even without nepotism, he really was against Jean almost as soon as he meet her, so it’s actually posible that he was more strict with her and the three wishes rule back from the start, I mean, now the character page states that Asha’s master dies without asking his third wish, and Rouya took her time with Andy’s wishes, so in high sight the lord may judge each genie under their supervision differently, not to mention each lord seem to be different on their methods.
So, yeah, glad to have a response and an actual conversation about the comic!
@C_Prime – Yeah, I’d like to see more of Caley at some point, build on her character a little more. Fingers crossed! I also reread the first meeting between Guano and Jean, and neither does great there. He got handsy, turned her ball bat into shackles, gagged her, and leaft her suspended from the ceiling; she slapped him, cursed him out, threatened him with a ball bat, and kicked him in the crotch. Neither comes out as a winner, and both of them have refused to change their opinions of each other since. Like I said, Guano most likely treats most genies under his purview nicer than Jean (who did damage his gentlemen’s baggage, not cool) but not as nice as Araceli (his family), but we haven’t seen that one way or the other yet. Something else to hope for, I guess.
It’s fairly new as far I can tell, I notice it a couple of weeks ago and back then it linked to only a couple of the early pages in the whole comic, but now it truly seems to go to every “poof” so far.
Neil, at least give Jean a chance to explain why she’s been acting like that.
“Neil, the thing is, I made a deal with a disembodied genie that everyone told me is the actual Devil and a murderer, but he actually seems to be a really nice guy and it’s teaching me a lot of cool new tricks, BTW, it was his idea to mess with your brain, but he is really sorry about that, anyway, the thing is, now we are sharing bodies and some times he may take control of may body without me realizing it, but I am sure he isn’t doing anything bad. I know it sound crazy, but now I will be a more powerful genie with more tricks than before and he gets a body after lord Shithead take his own for a crime that he SWEARS me he din’t commit, so everyone wins, right?… Also, we may have to make a baby genie, I am still not sure how that works, but I am sure it has nothing sexual… I think”
Jean had done plenty of other lousy things with “her” magic before the Blue Djinn came along, and not just to Neil either. It’s understandable If Neil is starting to get a bit fed up with Jean just doing whatever “she” wants without any qualms. If he wants to scare Jean to re-establish some of his bounaries with her, I’m all for it.
Agree 100%. Hear, hear!
Jean could stand to gain a little humility.
But Jean won’t and this will backfire on Neil.
Not sure how this will work out, but either way it will be interesting to see Jeanies reaction in the next few comics…
Neil getting some revenge on Jeanie for all the shitty things she has done lately perfect. Plus he’s not sending her away just some real good pay back.
Hopefully he doesn’t accidentally do so.
Really, Neil? Do you not think you’ll regret sending even her to wherever fired genies go?
Neil’s too nice to actually do that. But I’ll bet he’s not above throwing a scare into her.
That’s my prediction as well. I can’t see Neil actually banishing Jeanie, but I can totally see him holding that possibility over her head to get a few concessions out of her. Like “Don’t ever fuck with my brain again.”
I do have to wonder how Big Blue will react to all this, though…
Yes but BD seeing what Neil is up to, could just re-Natifie hormonally super-charged Neil, naked and mute, into Rodge’s bed. A few hours later restore Neil, still in said bed. Neil would have no choice but to send Jennie/homicidal BD to Haji, for his own protection.
If she’s getting a little cocky with her magic, maybe it’s just compensation.
he better remember how badly sending Jeannie away worked on I DREAM OF JEANIE before he sends Jean away.
You mean he could end up first being sent to Alaska before stealing a fighter jet with Rodge to fly to a a generic middle eastern country where he almost gets beheaded?
I loved that story arc in IDoJ. It had the best ending.
hope he remember what happened on I DREAM IF JEANIE before sending Jean away
Couple of things . . .
1) A lot of people have been saying that Araceli has been playing/disrespectful of Caley in her actions with Neil, but no one seems to realize that Caley is using Araceli to keep Neil in her life. Remember in I Dream of a General after Neil couldn’t figure out the whole poison/allergy thing using the manual? He immediately called Caley to get her to send Araceli over, something he almost certainly wouldn’t have done if they didn’t have genies (he’s a grown man and she’s a pre-pubescent girl, figure out why). She’s crushing on him bad, and she’s using Araceli to keep Neil in her life just as much as Araceli is using her so she can stay close to Neil. At least, that’s how it looks to me.
2) If what BD did in Shanghai made them more powerful, at some point Jean might notice that she’s got more magic. It’s just a question of whether she’ll be nice about it or not. Remember that she’s not naturally as powerful as pure genies (mentioned in I Dream of an Escape), and she’s not used to being a beta dog, as evidenced by her reaction to the entire genie/master relationship in the first place. This will be interesting, to say the least.
3) There’s two bad scenarios I can see playing out in this story. Either Jean tries to surreptitiously put Neil in dangerous situations in order to “save” him in order to regain the upper hand in their relationship (via life-debt), or Neil convinces Jean to be his magic slave for the day in order to keep from getting banished. Neither ends well, the first via Neil getting horribly hurt due to Jean’s poor foresight, the second by Natalie getting shackled to a pole at the Hiram once Neil loses his leverage. Hopefully we go with the latter, since the last story got darker than normal at times, and I for one could use some chuckles.
I think that’s it for now. Let’s see how all of these things play out, hopefully.
Why we kept brining up Natalie as the “bad” scenario? if anything (and I know there is no way this is gonna happen) If Jeanie repeated her chemistry trick on Natalie’s brain during the duration of Haji¡s day, she would be to busy thinking on Rogie to send Jeanie away!
In any case, I do see Neil finally taking a little revenge on Jeanie for the day, in would end badly, that much is clear, but I am curious of how a “mischievous” Neil may be.
Also, I am kind of divised on your Caley theory, I see the logic, but not so much evidence, we know that Caley likes Neil, but so far it doesn’t seems like a “big crush” and she just seem happy to have a genie friend in general… though is weird we don’t know of any of her wishes yet, after all Guano make a huge deal of Jeanie not granting her third wish to Neil.
Finally, I don’t see Jeanie trying to put Neil in danger to gain his good grace, her plan was most likely to play dumb in regards the Haji day and wait for it to be over, and now in a “ideal scenario” where everything goes according to Neil’s plan, I just see her playing along with him and waiting for the day to end… then it would be Hiram time for Natalie.
Of course, with Blue, Arceli, Guano and even Asha around, this day just can end badly for Jeanie and Neil, regardless of their plans.
I’d like to reply not as a jerk, but someone who wants to have a conversation and possibly clarify some points above. I’ll respond in the order you posted, just so it doesn’t confuse anyone reading afterwords.
Point the First, when I refer to Natalie as a “bad” scenario, I mean that in relation to Neil and Jean, not us. I don’t mind seeing Nat every once in a while, though I’m not one of those “replace Neil with Natalie” people; that said, it’s clear that Neil’s not happy in a female body. Yes, even when he needs to be (see the early half of I Dream of Las Vegas). And I’m pretty sure that if Jean turns him into Natalie again so soon after the last time, even if Neil doesn’t remember a lot of what happened last time, it still won’t end well for their friendship.
Point the Second, yes. We haven’t really seen Neil be anything other than the responsible one, so mischievous Neil will be fun while he lasts.
Point the Third, I admit I had little to base the theory on, mostly the fact that A) she wants to hang with Neil way more than Rodge (though I can understand that not being much of an attraction thing and more of a “Rodge is a clod” thing), B) she goes from ignoring Rodge (when he comes to pick her up at day camp) to practically lighting up when she finds out Neil came too, and C) Neil has to call/text her in order to ask Araceli any genie-related questions not in the manual. Plus, I like the idea of Caley being devious. As for the thing about Araceli and Caley’s wishes, the top two theories I have are A) Caley burned through her wishes and Araceli chose to stay with her in order to stick close to Neil, or B) Caley’s not yet used her wishes, but Guano cares not one bit because he dotes on Araceli because he believes in nepotism (plus, Jean has been kind of a brat with him from the get-go; it’s possible he’s not as much of an ass with other genies and we’ve only seen his interactions with Araceli and Jean). Also, I had to deal with a semi-similar situation in real life where my twin sister fell hard for our older (by almost 10 years) sister’s boyfriend. It might not look like much on the outside, but on the inside . . .
Point the Fourth and Hopefully Last for now, that life-threatening scenario came from an episode of American Dad where Roger does that in order to restore the life-debt Stan owed him after Stan saves Roger from . . . I want to say getting hit by a truck, but I can’t quite remember. I don’t really see it happening, but it was the second-most likely thing I could think of. Probably why I don’t write a gender-swap webcomic, come to think of it.
If you have any thoughts, I’d be happy to hear them. Thanks for responding!
@He Who Abides Is ok, I may not sound very serious in my comments, but I actually really like to debate theories and opinions, so don’t worry.
I joke a loot about Natalie, she is actually my favorite girl in the comic, but for the most part I am just joking, I mean, as I said later, the easiest way Jean could have avoided any problem was hoping that Neil never find out about Haji’s day, and now the easiest answer is to play along with him until the day is over, brining back Natalie and meesing with her brain again is just me joking and looking for excuses to see her.
I know all the logistics “problems” Natalie brings with her, and as much as I would like it, I don’t see a way to make her a permanent deal without destroying Neil as a character, which, in the long run is Natalie’s character, at least not yet, also I am not a fan of the idea some people have of turning them into two separate characters, that for me is more like creating a new girl who looks like Natalie, she may be cute, but she wouldn’t be the character I was invested. I may have my tiniest hopes for the future, but they are really tiny.
In high sight, I do see your point about Caley, is just that we really haven’t see much of her beyond the happy little girl who likes Diney movies and hang out with Neil and Arceli (and cares enought for Rodge to “protect” him from thieves), so for now all the devious intentions seem to come from Arceli and not so much from Caley, thats one of the reasons I bring up her wishes, I really would like to know more about their relationship and her story with Neil.
You also bring a good point about Guano, even without nepotism, he really was against Jean almost as soon as he meet her, so it’s actually posible that he was more strict with her and the three wishes rule back from the start, I mean, now the character page states that Asha’s master dies without asking his third wish, and Rouya took her time with Andy’s wishes, so in high sight the lord may judge each genie under their supervision differently, not to mention each lord seem to be different on their methods.
So, yeah, glad to have a response and an actual conversation about the comic!
@C_Prime – Yeah, I’d like to see more of Caley at some point, build on her character a little more. Fingers crossed! I also reread the first meeting between Guano and Jean, and neither does great there. He got handsy, turned her ball bat into shackles, gagged her, and leaft her suspended from the ceiling; she slapped him, cursed him out, threatened him with a ball bat, and kicked him in the crotch. Neither comes out as a winner, and both of them have refused to change their opinions of each other since. Like I said, Guano most likely treats most genies under his purview nicer than Jean (who did damage his gentlemen’s baggage, not cool) but not as nice as Araceli (his family), but we haven’t seen that one way or the other yet. Something else to hope for, I guess.
Robert Is CD going to a place where he might run into James Bond?
Wouldn’t that be pretty much everywhere? That Bond guy gets around.
Hmmm, I wouldn’t rule it out completely, but it seems quite unlikely. Unless a supervillain decides to set up a secret base nearby.
Well, Robert, they ARE in Florida – Crab Key can’t be too far away. And Jeannie already knows how to become Honey Ryder…
Now THAT would be a fun crossover.
Well this practical joke’s gonna end very badly. At least the blue djinn will probably benefit from it.
Time to make Jean sweat.
Could this mean we have seen the last of Natalie?
Rodge cast description does not mention her. Thought it use to.
Rodge’s description in the Cast page doesn’t mention Natalie, but his Character description when you hover his portrait on a page he’s in does.
Hey, Robert –
I notice that “Poof” is featured by itself in the tags. Is magic itself now a character?
Has this tag always been around? I don’t recall seeing it before.
It’s fairly new as far I can tell, I notice it a couple of weeks ago and back then it linked to only a couple of the early pages in the whole comic, but now it truly seems to go to every “poof” so far.
Robert and I added a new bunch of tags to aid in finding certain things in past comics
Oh, goody! Here, let me try searching for something…
Darn. “Jean does something sensible” still returns nothing.