Jeanie Bottle 497
OK, so I’ve got to cop to be a bit of a screwup, here. I may have unintentionally implied, in earlier comments and page descriptions, that Jean knows more about what’s going on than she does. (Remember, CD is the writer, not me.)
So let me make it clear now, to avoid confusion on later pages: Jean does not know who she’s talking to. She really does think that voice belongs to her magic.
With the hiatus coming up soon, I wonder if we’ll get to comic number 500 and if we’ll find out if Jeanie is getting sent away by Neil before then.
CD has been burning the midnight oil, and has created a sizable buffer. The hiatus will definitely not be starting before page 500.
I see The Blue Djinn’s starting to take shape, but he’s still not ready to be revealed.
Ok, the “good” news is it seems that Jeanie wasn’t willing to make a deal with a dangerous magic murderer to begin with after all.
The bad news (besides the fact that she is possessed by a magic murderer) is that, if she really thinks that this start to happen as something natural, she seems to be really calm about the fact that SHE IS HEARING FREAKING MURDEROUS VOICES ON HER HEAD NOW!
Also, now I am really freaking curious of how this happen if Jeanie didn’t make a deal with Blue.
I don’t think she realizes it’s a murderous voice. The Blue Djinn is pulling a Sauron impression. He’s masquerading in a more benevolent role. More of a “Eddie Haskell” evil than a “Lord Voldemort” evil. He’s not showing his full evil, and Jeanie is gullible enough to buy it.
However, I don’t think the Blue Djinn knows a few things about Jeanie, too. Like the whole “Used to be a Guy” thing. If he did, he’d have a lot better way of manipulating her.
Hm. The Blue Djinn bears an eerie resemblance to Oscar the Grouch. Coincidence? I think not!
I think that’s just a bit of cloud reading on your part. All I see is hazy smoke with eyes.
Obviously not an Oscar fan. 😉
This is one of my wilder guesses, but I wonder if this is going to end up with Jeanie absorbing the awesome magic power of the Blue Djinn. It would make about as much sense as Sailor Moon, who’s basically a Deathstar in a miniskirt.
That WOULD be awesome. I was thinking something similar but didn’t have the guts to voice it.
Edit: Actually now that I think about it more this comic lays the groundwork for how such a thing could happen. If she thinks the Blue Jinn is her own magic to begin with then in her mind she’s not doing anything special by absorbing her own magic. It’s a kind of achievements in ignorance thing. She will probably only be surprised after the fact when everybody tells her what she did.
You joke, but Sailor Moon technically puts the Death Star to shame.
After the first season, she holds the Millennium Silver Crystal, which has the power to rewrite all of reality on a whim. When used at its full power, it grants the user one wish, which can be anything, and then kills the user. The reason she ends up alive after Season 1, despite using the crystal to reset the world after the Dark Kingdom almost won, was that her wish unintentionally revived herself along with her friends (all the Sailor Senshi die in the climax of Season 1).
I really need to rewatch Sailor Moon, since I remember none of that. 20 years with no Sailor Moon must’ve wiped it all from my head.
I’m something of a Sailor Moon grognard; I’ve read the entire original manga series, so I know about Sailors some of you may never have heard of, like Heavy Metal Papillon and know that Usagi went to Cygnus X1, the black hole at the center of our galaxy. In the original anime first season, Usagi resurrected all the other original sailors and reset time to before their adventures began. Now that beats the heck out of anything Star Wars came up with.
As I recall, the original edited dub shown in North America had the climax of season 1 severely edited. Those edits removed the actual deaths if memory serves so if that’s the only version you saw, you might not have seen what Robert is referring to.
Correct. The original dub from the 90s edited the last four episodes of the first season down to just 2, utterly mangling the beautiful and heart-wrenching story into a complete mess.
@Tom Sewell: That wasn’t Cygnus X1, it was Sagittarius A* S-0 (referred to in the manga as Sagittarius Zero Star), which does happen to be the most likely candidate for the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole.
On the subject of the rest of the series, that event with the time reset wasn’t even the worst time it happened either: they were also crucified at the end of the Death Buster arc in the anime; and in both the anime and manga everyone except Moon, Chibichibi, and Galaxia had their starseeds ripped out at various points in the final arc. Both of those got wished away by various methods too.
Strange voices talking to you is rarely a good sign.
What’s the line? “It’s okay to talk to yourself, just so long as you don’t get any answers back”?
I have voices in my head talking to me all the time. Fortunately, they’re not telling me to do weird things….mostly just making wry social commentary on my life and the world around me. It’s kind of like having the cast of MST3K in my head most of the time.
She was turned from man to genie girl. Her sense for what is “strange” is off.
You have a point
I talk to myself all the time and some times I have the most interesting discussion with myself too. I have even been known to tell myself jokes and I even laugh at them too. Matter of fact some times I am my own best company and friend too.
But, then I have been known to be a little weird too.
No, Neil won’t send Jean off to some genie oblivion. He’ll have to be tricked into doing it.
And that’s why Jeanie needs to be proactive, and get to him before THEY do. See my post below.
–Aw, dagnabit, Jeanie’s doomed, isn’t she?
Jeanie, you ditz. You self-centered, unthinking, blonde bombshell ditz. You know damn well, or should, that the genie hierarchy pretty much runs on snap judgments and misunderstandings. You need to *poof* your self to Neil RIGHT BLOODY NOW, ask if it’s a convenient time to talk, explain things as best and as calmly as you can, and ask him, NICELY, if there’s anything you’re doing that really annoys him that you need to stop, anything you can do to make his life better. Say “please, master”. Yes, acknowledge him as your master. Don’t be snarky about it. Don’t get all syrupy. Don’t get pushy. LISTEN like your life and liberty depend on it, because they do. Don’t argue, don’t get offended, don’t fight, don’t even run off in tears. Just listen, and promise him that whatever complaints he might have, you acknowledge him as your Master, that he’s the best master you can imagine having, and that if anybody asks him anything about how he might be dissatisfied with you, you will–oh, what am I saying? Jeanie’s doomed, isn’t she?
Wow. That would actually be the logical, sensible thing to do.
So, how often have we seen Jeannie do that?
Like I said, she’s doomed. ;( 🙂
yep she’s doomed.
This is definitely a time the Jeanie need to reflect on her past life and how she has been behaving to Neil. She needs to come to terms that she a female genie and that Neil is her master now, even though she been fighting it this whole time. She needs to come to terms that that who is and learn to enjoy being a female genie.
Will she choice to do that?
Jeanie has a rough road to travel and she does not have the self awareness to know she is going on a trip.
I hope Neil finally finds his back bone because it is hard to respect a character that acts like a door mat all the time. Him telling his greatest fan to go home was a nice step in the right direction last comic.
Neil should
1 tell Jeanie no magic for 1 day
2 make her jump though a hoop like in the circus
3do a belly dance for him
4give him a neck massage
5use a little bell to call her to wait on him drinks/snacks while he watches tv
6do his laundry and clean his room
I know this is peanuts compared to the crap she did to him but i don’t think he is mean enough to make her debase her self in a fit revenge.
I know that I kind of sounds like a broken disc brining up Natalie all the time, but a LONG time ago Neil did find his back bone while being on her shoes:
Kind of amazing we having see him reach that break point again after all this years.
That time he probably was push nearly to the edge of his sanity.
C_Prime: “Neil did find his back bone.” I think there was another time, around when they received The Care and Feeding of Genies, but I haven’t stumbled across it, yet. Jeanie caved pretty quickly there, too.
Whether it’s part of Jean’s natural character, or part of the transformation, Jeanie does indeed respond well to the strong hand.
Neil’s nebbish refusal to accept the role of Master is threatening Jeanie, and not just because it allows her to pursue her half-cocked, selfish plans.
50srefugee- Maybe Jeanie needs a strong hand on her back side. I am not sure if as a girl for a while now if that would be a punishment or something else for Jeanie. Girls can be weird about these things.
Badtaiming: “Maybe Jeanie needs a strong hand on her back side.”
No “maybe” about it. Problem is, Neil hasn’t the spine to do it, and Jeanie can poof Natalie right off to the nightclub, or worse. Neil has to establish that he IS her Master before he actually does anything like that. My guess is that once she accepted his Mastership, it wouldn’t be a problem. She wouldn’t necessarily find anything sexual about it–but her genie nature might well feel substantial relief at this evidence that there is a master/genie relationship in effect, and that he cares enough about her–about them as a pair–to take such an action. She may act out the way she does because she’s basically pleading to be taken in hand. She cannot love or even respect a master who is such a wimp.
Even before becoming a genie, Jean was a goof-off, but only of limited effectiveness. Now, excepting Neil, she is untouchable. There is nothing worse for a junkie than a free supply of her junk of choice.
(If this were a serious story instead of a joke-a-day, I’d expect the health of the master/genie dyad, rather than just the genie herself, to be the main point. And the current situation would be a good way to establish Neil’s mastership–let her dangle over the Haji’s dungeons for awhile before rescuing her. I really, really want to see the scene where Neil explains to Haji that Guano failed to confirm that she WASN’T Jeanie, and punished the wrong girl.)
“I’m starting to think it was better before my magic started talking to me.”
Jeanie? Sweetie darling honey pie? If that feeling is strong enough to get your attention, you should probably pay closer attention to it. It’s you yourself, Jeanie. You trust yourself, don’t you? It’s the part of yourself that wants to be free.
Of course, it’s likely also connected to your conscience, which I know is an annoyance, but seriously: pay attention to that feeling. It too has a voice, often described as the still, small voice. It doesn’t have the grating, growling feel of the one you’ve been listening to, but trust me, ignore it and it will shriek like a fire alarm, because that’s what it is.
Um, and I really, really hesitate to mention this, but there’s this guy you know, kind of wimpy, but basically a straight shooter? Good at figuring things out? You might possibly, conceivably, consider asking him what he thinks.
To stop the big blue Jeanie and Neil travel back in time with Kasom to stop Rouyaa from messing with the NASSA budget. She doesn’t lose her powers and lives with her master. Her bottle still gets stolen and ends up with Jean to start the story all over again.
Hmmm. Well, if Rouyaa doesn’t lose her powers, she should still be sleeping in her bottle. Sid would still be dead, and if the bottle winds up in a thrift shop, instead of turning into a genie, Jean would become Rouyaa’s new master, which is something which would be kinda hard to explain to Belle. Maybe not that much a problem because Jean seems pretty likely to use up his three wishes and Rouyaa pretty unlikely to stay with Jean after the inevitable fiasco.
OR, maybe, Jean doesn’t summon Rouyaa and simply gives it to Belle, which was what he was going to do anyway before getting T-Genied. So either Belle gets a genie, or Belle gets turned into a genie. Hey, sounds like a couple of pretty good premises for fanfics.
Kasom keeps peeking at me. Easy kitty, nice kitty.
yeah me too…perhaps he is lonely from his hiatus
Pretty sure he’s telling you his vacation is over . . .
I gotta admit, that freaked me the hell out when I saw it floating around.
Me too.
Well, this DOES tell us something new about the situation… clearly the Blue Djinn IS at least partially aware of what’s happening, even when he’s not directly controlling Jeannie. It’s not certain yet whether that’s through just simply listening in, or maybe reading her mind, but in any case, it’s clear that it would be very difficult to keep any secrets from him.
Not good.
So, the Blue Djinn is Yami Bakura? Is it time to d-d-d-d-duel?
GOD Jean is stupid…
Yes. Yes it was.