Jeanie Bottle 495
Araceli still disrespecting Caley by calling Neil her master…
HEADS UP! Be sure to read the latest blog post, as it contains critical information about the upcoming hiatus.
Araceli still disrespecting Caley by calling Neil her master…
HEADS UP! Be sure to read the latest blog post, as it contains critical information about the upcoming hiatus.
I cannot believe I didn’t see this one coming.
Agreed. ^_^; It was so obvious in hindsight.
Well I guess any hope for Jeanie being able to stay behind is doomed…
The only way I would see this working out is if the Blue Djinn intervenes on her behalf.
I wonder if this also means no more Natalie transformations?
It’s not doomed at all. Neil wouldn’t do that to Jean. He might take advantage of the situation to mess with Jean though.
@SageM Honestly the relevance of Haji´s day is the fact that the banished genie is send directly to Haji so he decide their fate, because there is already plenty of means in which a master can get rid of their genie, they just have to either lost the sealed totem with the genie inside or give it to someone else (plus a yet to discuss rule about sealed genies and the lunar cycle).
Just in Neil case, he could either kept Arceli when he have the chance, leave Jeanie with Boss Hogg or even told Rodge to just touch Jeanie´s bottle during their trip to New York… granted, that last one would ended backfiring in such a expectacular way is almost a shame we didn´t get to see it.
Neil may try to get it´s fun at Jeanie´s expense this day, and that may end badly for a lot of different reasons, but I doubt he is willing to send her away, no matter how mad at her he may be right now.
Right, at the end of the day Jean is his friend. It’s also why Neil doesn’t treat Jean like a slave and let’s her do whatever she wants.
Giving Jean to Rodge is an exceptionally bad idea. “I wish Natalie were here.”
> “I wish Natalie were here.”
This would be a bad thing…. how? 🙂
Speaking of sooner or later something’s gotta give. The Blue Jinn may THINK he’s the ultimate chessmater, but he’s used to dealing with normal geanies and masters, not these smucks. I used to think it was just the unpredictability of Jean(ie) that would defeat him. Know I think it’s the unpredictably of the whole crew.
Robert. Sorry about this, but in panel 4 that should be “their” and not “there”. As I’ve said before the easy way to remember is that “there’ and “where” both have the word “here” in them as they all deal with location.
Whoops, you’re right! I know the rule, I just completely missed the misspelling.
I wonder if Neil could use today to rid himself of both Jeanie and Araceli. Of course that would end the comic and none of us want that.
He has more reasons to want to get rid of Jeanie than Araceli. I mean, possible brain damage? Would you let that pass?
Here’s a question. Does the master have to make a specific statement, “I want my genie to stay” or “I want my genie to go away”, or can the master just keep quiet and let the status remain?
That’s a good question. I imagine that we’ll eventually find out. 🙂
It may be that a scenario as simple as Neil wanting to not be distracted from some task and thus telling Jeannie to go away (intended to mean only for the duration of his task), and the vague wording would be declared sufficient to send Jeannie to Haji.
…there is a very obvious way for this to backfire.
Regrettably, I don’t see Neil banishing Jean — yet. He’s too kind.
She is nothing if not persistent.
Yeah, she really isn’t bothering to beat around the bush with this. I’m waiting to see how she going to take rejection here again. As Guano put it, emotionally.
I hate to tell Araceli this, but Caley might send HER away is she sees her doing this.
The last time we saw Neil, Caley, and Araceli together, Caley seemed very pleased with the idea of her genie hooking up with Neil.
I am sure that Caley is assuming that she still going to have Araceli as her Genie. But, that not what Araceli is thinking. Araceli is thinking about switching master and that would leave Caley completely out of the picture when it comes to spending time with Neil, which is what Caley wants. So Caley is thinking of using Araceli to get Neil. What Caley doesn’t understand is, there are other people here with other ideas than what she wants.
I hope Aracely ends up being the one that gets banished because of how she’s neglecting Caley.
Neglecting Caley? Hmmm. Conjures blankets for Caley when she falls asleep; turns Rodge into a statue for not making hot dogs; fires a cannon beside Natalie because Caley said she looks suspicious (Caley doesn’t know Natalie is Neil…)
And she doesn’t call her master and continues to try to be Neil’s genie.
Araceli is being a b-word as usual, and she STILL doesn’t realize Jean and Neil are friends (I have a theory that the majority of older genies are crafty, but are unable to learn anything new)
Maybe Neil will finally reveal that fact to her here.
lol Araceli is better than any alarm clock Neil could have.
She couldn’t wake him with a canon last time
Well goodbye Jean. It was fun while it lasted.
Also how did I not see this coming.
So much for Jeannie keeping Haji day secrete from Neil with blabber mouth Araceli around. But, like most of the other poster have already stated, Neil has a kind hart and is a long time friend of Jeanie and unless Jeanie does something between here or in the near future, she safe from Neil sending her away for now. But, we know how Jeanie messes things up, that could change the whole outcome of things near future.
I just want to point out that the lack of “poof” in this page makes me wonder, for how long was Arceli watching Neil sleep before giving him the good news? also, is this the first time Arceli has come to watch Neil sleep?
“Yeah well, waking me up at seven in the morning is a good way to get sent away, Haji day or not!”
If CD’s hiatus begins late in the next month, that means only four or five more comics if the schedule holds. Does this mean I Dream of a Promotion is going to wind up by then? Or are we going to be left with an eight- or nine-month wait for the story to pick up again?
I hope there’s some sort of “She’s ba-aack!” mailing list so we’ll know when the Great Genie Drought is over…
We hadn’t actually thought of that, but if such a thing is easy to set up, it’s not a bad idea.
And we’re going to be releasing as much fanart filler as we can get on a weekly basis, plus however much of a buffer CD manages to put together before he leaves, so it’s possible that updates will only cease for a couple of months.
@Tom: I don’t know what CD’s plans are in terms of ending the storyline before his hiatus.
And does the end of SS mean Jeanie will return with a more frequent release cycle?
Your not the first one to ask, and you probably won’t be the last one.
At the moment, I am not planning on releasing JeanieBottle anymore frequently then I currently am (once a week, occasionally twice a week).
I plan on focusing my energies into Wolfpac.
I’ve also been making comics since 2006. I may just decide cut back, as making comics tend to take a good chunk of my time.
I so don’t care HOW many people will disagree with me for this. If i had Araceli on my bed, calling me Master, I’m pulling her INTO the bed!
I’d normally say the same, but I go by the old adage of “Don’t stick your dick in crazy.”
I like that saying. But, look at that open MOUTH!
I don’t think she is a level 5 clinger she just fell in love with the first guy she seen in 100’s of years.
The way she acts toward Neil is relatively reasonable, given her background. The problem is that she’s a Grade-A UltraPsycho when it comes to Jean.
Of course, the reason she’s like that is because of Neil…
I think that’s one of the reasons Araceli’s obsessed with Neil.
He’s too nice of a guy to take advantaged of her,
I can’t get over Aracelli’s expression in frame two–gaping mouth, huge tongue, wild, Marty Feldman eyes. Not at all seductive. More like an overenthusiastic kid waking Dad up for Halloween.
I agree with those thinking that Neil won’t send Jeanie away because he still thinks of Jeanie as his old, if somewhat obnoxious, buddy Jean, who was involuntarily and unfairly transformed into a genie–and a female one at that. No one in the genie hierarchy has acknowledged that. No one has given her the training she needs, in light of that fact. No one has noticed that Neil doesn’t want a genie anyway, at least not the slinky harem girl variety; that his goals are literally unworldly; and most especially that he wants to achieve those goals through his own abilities, not through magical intervention. (Problems he shares with the original Tony.) No one has thought that, being something of a nerd and a nebbish, he might need some training in how to be a Master.
No one has ever considered the possibility that Jeanie isn’t just an under-performing genie, but rather that Jeanie and Neil must be considered as a Master/Slave dyad, and that neither really understands how to make that work, or even what the intended role such dyads are intended to play in the cosmic scheme of things.
And never, ever, in the entire story, has anyone, not Neil, not Jeanie, not Guano, not even Kazom, not anyone, mentioned the possibility that Neil might well want to win the respect and affection of a girl like Jeanie on his own merits, and not because a genie is supposed to feel that way towards her master.
I am actually curious of how Jean would react if Neil actually starting to show interest in other girls, she can be frustrated with his relation with Arceli, and even Rodge back in the Vegas arc, but she hasn’t actually deal with someone who Neil may be actually interested, we know how jealous Jeanie may be towards Neil, but so far she has always had an excuse to rationalize her feelings.
Also, just to twist matters even more, it would be fun if Neil started to get interest in Anderson while she looks for Natalie.
“I am actually curious of how Jean would react if Neil actually starting to show interest in other girls…”
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Or, indeed, how Jeanie would react if Neil started showing interest in HER. He’s gotten ticked at her a couple of times, and gave her actual commands–and she caved immediately. He’s saved her bacon once or twice, and she responded by kissing him in gratitude.
Neil needs to understand that Jeanie is not Jean.
I do like the jealousy angle. Girls like status the way guys like boobs, and nothing shows status like other girls flirting with your guy.
Back in the Las Vegas arc, Jeanie got ticked off because she heard Rodge talking to himself saying he liked the the brunette better than “the blue-haired girl” or the blonde who looked like she was from the 50’s. She was really doing it because she wanted to go to Las Vegas for free like Jean had done with Neil before, but Rodge had won the contest instead of Neil. It certainly looked like Jean being the same old Jean, jealous when someone else seemingly beat him/her out. Remember what happened when Jean found out Belle thought Neil (as Jean) was better in bed than Jean as Jean?
But, if Jeanie really is destined to develop “those” feelings for Neil, the Las Vegas switch could be retconned into being the beginning of them.
@Tom Sewell I mean scenes like in page 206, Jeanie din’t had any problems to turn Neil into Natalie to get rid of Rodge at the post office a couple of pages back, but turning hin into Natalie so he can have “dates” of study with Rodge, even if it is to get the trip to Vegas later, seems to piss her off for no real reason, looking back at the comments, even back then nobody was able to figure out what was her problem, beyond the fact that Neil was expending time with someone else.
@Tom Sewell – I believe what made Jean mad was the fact that Neil made it sound like Rodge wanted Jean for a date, but it turned out that Araceli or Natalie would have worked equally as well. Can’t actually blame him that time, either.
“No one has noticed that Neil doesn’t want a genie anyway, at least not the slinky harem girl variety; that his goals are literally unworldly; and most especially that he wants to achieve those goals through his own abilities, not through magical intervention. (Problems he shares with the original Tony.)”
There’s also the matter that in the comic continuity, Haji has forbidden all Genies from either helping or hindering any of humanity’s extraterrestrial ventures. Jeannie has never been notified of this standing order, so there’s always a chance that she would run afoul of it.
After paging though all the Neil comics I think i know what the problem is. Neil has never been in love with anyone. With his jacked up brain chemistry and girl hormones Natale fell in love with Roger. Now that Neil is back Roger has been giving him the cold shoulder and Neil with his Natale memories is feeling rejected and more than a little confused.
Ohh, interesting hypothesis. I wonder if that’s the case?
Jean is poofing back to check up on Neil. What is she going to think and do when she sees Blue in bed with Neil. This could trigger her into doing something she is going to regret with that little sparkling thing.
Maybe a good guess.
Although it won’t happen because it would make too much sense, Jean could just tell Araceli that Jeanie’s a guy who got turned into a genie–or Neil could tell Araceli. There have been a few times Neil was turned on by Jeanie because, hey, she’s a babe–but Neil still thinks of Jeanie as Jean, his old friend, and the guy who got him a prom date.
In fact, the only other genie who seems to know Jeanie was a guy before being turned into a genie is Kazom, and he doesn’t seem to have shared that information.
Oh lord, not again lol