Jeanie bottle 392
What an unbelievably cruel punishment… Especially for an accidental breech of a rule made almost a decade ago as part of wish she couldn’t refuse. Haji is a monster.
What an unbelievably cruel punishment… Especially for an accidental breech of a rule made almost a decade ago as part of wish she couldn’t refuse. Haji is a monster.
Well, perhaps she’ll meet up with her former unknowing master and they can establish a relationship not involving granting wishes…
I guess she won’t brag about being his concubine anymore. And to be fair on both sides, she was being a bit of a bitch before (or is that seriously just me?)
Rouyaa was being a bitch? Compared to… Jean? Seriously???
I can see that. Jean is selfish and slowly growing, she hasn’t really been a bitch to people. Rouyaa on the other hand is deliberately rude and insulting even to those trying to help her.
Here’s a good example of her being a bitch: how she treated Guano earlier, simple and enough said
Why are they laying down the law like this? I mean, what’s the point of having genie if you can’t rule the world and get a spaceship?
Wanna bet our usual duo happens to be in that room somehow?
I just want to congratulate CD Rudd on getting this strip to the point where people are so involved emotionally with these characters, that they would comment so much, and express so much emotion for your creations. As of now, 69 comments, on this strip alone.
It really says a lot that so many people would be moved so much by a character they have known for only a few weeks. So much so, that they would actually be upset with other creations of yours, for being such poopyheads.
I include myself in this number. And I know I am not alone in trying to think of some way to help Rouyaa have her happily ever after! Even if all we can do is attempt to break the emotional 4th wall by sending our combined wishes towards the author’s enlightened pen!
Well done, man. Well done indeed.
*Sigh* everyone is up in arms over this yet I’m more annoyed at 1 of 2 things:
– The writers logical leaps and writing mistake.
– The audience getting up in arms over a simple bait and switch.
Look at chapters 391 & 392’s Summary: We stripped you of your powers and took away your memories because of a wish you granted.
Chapter 389’s Last Panel: “Oh, a birthday wish. The best kind!”
Essentially what’s happened is that on 389 Rouyaa didn’t know what to get Andy for her birthday. Andy ‘wished’ for more cash and a new space ship. But that hasn’t materialized yet. She merely said, “I’ll give Andy a wish for his birthday.”
You could argue, “But Rouyaa intended to grant Andy’s wish for money.” Except that we have no evidence that Rouyaa was going to grant that wish after only 2 panels. Remember in 389 Rouyaa said, “A birthday wish.” Not, “Andy’s wish to give him the money he needs to go to space. Even though I was warned about this I’m going to grant this wish. Consequences be damned.” Kazom and Hajii are simply overreacting to the situation.
Which leads me to believe 1 of 2 conclusions:
#1: The writer fudged the story to move it along quickly. He made a logical leap that will ultimately go unresolved in the storyline and that will be that. However I doubt this, mainly because it’s the lazy way of doing things and, admittedly, after 392 pages I doubt the author is this lazy of a writer. (Though you’re not out of the dog house for at least 20 more pages. Need to be sure, haha).
The more likely conclusion is this:
#2: The writer purposely left this information out. It will ultimately get resolved by Neil and Gene in subsequent chapters, with the hopes of Gene being free from her Genie curse… Which leads me to my last point. This is the beginning of the end for the Jeannie Bottle series.
If my second thought is right, this would lead to a chapter that could resolve a large number of plot threads and story lines fairly quickly-ish. Even giving a lot of characters what they want in the end. Especially gene, who wants to be rid of the genies curse. But this is just a theory on my part (and a bit of a logical leap myself, though one I could see happening).
Also don’t use the argument, “She put the wish in the cake.” That’s just lazy writing and I’ll have no Dues Ex Machina’s on this website.
So Tl;dr: Either the writer fudged the story or people need to cool there gets. This much time and energy wouldn’t have been invested in a character for there to not be some sort of happy ending.
Also I still hope to see Gene suddenly go green genie dress, black hair, lots of Jewelry, and exclaiming, “Darling!” to Neil one day. Was always a fan of Jeannie’s sister in IDOJ.
I’ll more than likely post this again in chapter 392 because I doubt most will see this at this point and time.
You really should go back and read the first chapter again, especially strip #4 and strip #6/7. First, it’s apparent that the first three wishes are automatically granted as soon as the master expresses a wish – as evidenced by Jean’s apartment key falling on Neil’s head as a result of his first wish, not to mention the far heavier rulebook falling on his head as a result of the second book. Jeanie was as surprised in both cases as Neil was, and more to the point, both happened immediately after the wish.
Second, per Neil’s second wish (not to be confused with the wish which was invalidated), which didn’t have an “I wish” anywhere in it”, it’s clear that the master only has to express something that they wish for, or even would wish for, and it will be granted, and it will count as one of the three compulsory wishes.
So, it’s clear from those two points that the moment a wish is made, it’s as good as granted. The genie can apparently tweak it to get a particular result, as Rouyaa did with Andy’s first wish, but it will be granted whether or not the genie explicitly acts or not. Sadly, Rouyaa was trapped the moment she overheard Andy making the wish.
I disagree. As you said yourself, there is a rule book bigger than most college textbooks. And I would not be surprised if one of the rules is, “If the king of genie’s says to not grant X, then don’t. Even if your master wishes for it, don’t.” Meaning that under certain circumstances a genie would have some control over whether a wish could be granted or not. This being one of those circumstances.
So that being said, it is very possible that Rouyaa had every intention of following Haji’s orders. And merely had the idea for a birthday wish after overhearing Andy exclaim, “I wish for money for our rocket ship.” It could be a case of Kazom both spying on and overreacting to Rouyaa saying, “A birthday wish…”. But whether I’m right or wrong, we won’t know for several chapters whether I’m right or wrong.
If you remember comic 378. Rouya says,”…EEvi no longer has to follow the orders of her master..” when she learns that Haji has decreed no Genie will interfere with the Human’s war. and Evii Ignored the decree.
Which I believe that means, when Haji commands a genie, “Don’t grant -BLANK- wish.” then that supersede a master’s wish. Leaving it up to the Genie to grant or not grant and face whatever punishment is dished out.
And remember Jean on the fishing boat. She was able to modify the wishes she granted in such a way that it suited her. She didn’t blindly grant it as she did Neil’s Original 3 wishes.
bossrhino: Saying “there might be a rule justifying what I argued in that rulebook” stretches the plausibility of your argument past the breaking point, because it’s little more than an attempt at an ad hoc rescue of your theory from the counterpoints I made against it, and not a very good one at that.
Incidentally, it’s bad form to pretty much ignore every counterpoint someone brings up against your argument and instead go off on a tangent based on something minor they brought up. I mentioned the rulebook (and the earlier key) dropping on Neil’s head to point out that the genie doesn’t have to make a specific effort to grant a given wish. Instead of acknowledging and addressing that point, you imagined that the rulebook might have something in it justifying what you argued and so simply reiterated your argument without addressing the flaws I’d pointed out in it.
@Vimmy Ridge: This is better than bossrhino’s response, but not by a whole lot. It’s certainly possible that she wasn’t required to grant the wish due to the Haji’s command – but there isn’t anything in the genie laws on the Information page stating that, whereas it is clearly stated there that “a genie must make every effort to grant three wishes to their master”. I would be very surprised to find that decrees from the Haji could preempt the Laws of the Great Djinn.
@Jaimehlers, if you want to go by the information page,
“A Genie must make every effort to grant three wishes to their master before moving on to another master. However, if the master allows it, a Genie may choose to stay with him or her for as long as the master lives. If a Genie so chooses, they become bound to that master for as long as the master desires them.”
the VERY NEXT LAW on the information page is the INFANTIE WISH LAW,
“Genies will not grant infinite wishes. After the 3 Wishes law is are fulfilled for a particular master, a Genie may perform magic at that master’s request, but they are not forced to do so.”
Hence even the Djinn laws, can have laws that counterdict them. And who would have written the laws? My guess… Haji..
And exactly where is the contradiction between the Three Wish Law ans the Infinite Wish Law, Vimmy Ridge? Genies must grant three wishes, and may not grant infinite wishes; genies generally move on to a different master after granting three wishes but may choose to stay bound as long as their master desires it; genies may continue to perform magic for their master after the initial three wishes but cannot be forced to.
None of that is contradictory. And your guess of who wrote the genie laws is just that, a guess. I suggest that you not make the same mistake bossrhino made of making assumptions about the comic based on your theorycrafting.
Possibly the final comment for this one.
Rouyaa might be one of Melvin’s grandmothers, especially if Rouyaa is pregnant in this strip. Melvin is in middle school, meaning he’s probably thirteen or fourteen, so Rouyaa’s child won’t be impossibly young to be one of Melvin’s parents. And it adds an extra reason why Kazom, a genie, will watching over a witch’s child. Melvin could have both genie and witch genes.
And an even wilder thought: What if Eevi had a child by her late but not lamented master?