A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
I assume that Boss Hogg’s wish was something along the lines of “no more General Lee and no more Duke Boys”. Jean, being annoyed at Hogg and not evil enough to actually make people cease to exist, re-interpreted “no more Duke Boys” to make them into Duke Girls.
I don’t know why I stopped watching Ranma 1/2. It was an interesting concept and was the first anime that I found coincidentally by looking up “genderbending cartoon” or something along those lines(I have the worst memory on the planet). I may look it up again sometime :3.
That’s how I found Ranma 1/2, too, Yujo! And I’ve read the entire manga, ages and ages ago. Loved it, and I was sad to see that several of my favorite storylines from the manga never made it into the anime, since it got canceled after barely 4 seasons.
The Ranma anime ran seven seasons, but nearly 1/3 of the manga was written AFTER the anime series ended (basically everything past the introduction of Ranma’s mother). It was largely a matter of “oops, the anime has caught up to the manga storyline, so we can either make a crapton of filler episodes, go on hiatus for a couple of years, or end the show”.
Yeah it references a cursed pond from the Manga Ranma 1/2 about a story of a boy who fell in a pond of drowned girl, now when ever he is hit by water her becomes a girl.
My guess is that Jeanie put her own personal spin on whatever Boss Hogg actually wished for. Maybe it was something like “Get rid of those Duke boys and their damn car!”, so Jeanie poofed the car and turned them into the Duke girls.
Sorry if this wasn’t clear, but CD Rudd is the author and artist. I just edit the pages for release and post them to the website. CD doesn’t tell me the plot of future pages, so I honestly don’t know why this just happened.
Well, for the record, it’s still technically two wishes if he doesn’t group them together. So he can wish for both the boys to be gone and it’s still one wish, but if he adds the car it counts as two. Well, technically, but CD would probably group it as one anyways.
I figure that it would be because she is still technically sick and the magic is manifesting as the most often used form of Jean’s casting.
As to why it didn’t affect Neil my theory fell apart unless Neil has developed an immunity to magic, accidentally cast magic.
What Robert says though sounds more plausible though.
The Duke Boys becoming Duke Girls was pretty likely, but the General Lee vanishing from around them mid-jump was not. At least they landed softly in the water.
And wait until they get a look at themselves too, beside, missing the General too. I think Robert had the right idea. Boss Hogg used up two of his wishes with Jeanie. The first wish, was to get ride of the General Lee and the second wish is to do something with the Duke Boy’s and turning them into girls, is defiantly doing something with the Duke Boy’s.
Boss Hogg got one more wish to go, but, what a waste of two wishes. GEE Boss Hoggs.
The Duke Boy’s won’t know what happen to the General Lee or why they turned into girls, but, Niel will know. Especially, when he find doesn’t his have the Genie Bottle with him. It will be interesting for Niel to try and explain to them what happened and to try and get his Genie Bottle back from Boss Hogg and put everything back the way it suppose to be. Which is probably the rest of this story Arc, before Niel and Jeanie go back to Co Co Beach in Florida again.
Neil would definitely recognize the sudden genderflip as being Jean’s handiwork–it’s just a matter of figuring out that it’s Boss Hogg who got the bottle.
“Getting rid of the General Lee” could also be accomplished by poofing it 500 feet above the Sharif’s office. Could be a useful mis-interpretation of the wish.
Did anyone else notice that when the General disappeared there was a very small pinkish box shape just to the upper left of what I think is Neil. I think the General may have been turned into a small toy car.
In the 1st Back to the Future the DeLorean’s power pole hit the wire at the
exact instant (+/- 0.01 seconds) to return to 1985.
Here Jeannie poofed the car at the exact instant (+/- 0,1 second) they were over
water. Had the poof not occurred is that where the car would have hit or did the
poof cancel their forward momentum?
Well, removing their support in mid-air without a safe landing might skirt too close to the prohibition on killing people that Genies in this world operate under, so “Ensure that they survive the landing” might be built in. Of course, you’d be surprised what you can live through . . .
Huh. For once, it wasn’t Neil.
No – because it was Boss Hogg’s wish…
To what benefit would he even want to turn his swore enemies into girls? I’m guessing Jean isn’t 100% better with his sneezes yet.
I assume that Boss Hogg’s wish was something along the lines of “no more General Lee and no more Duke Boys”. Jean, being annoyed at Hogg and not evil enough to actually make people cease to exist, re-interpreted “no more Duke Boys” to make them into Duke Girls.
So, the Duke boys will be wearing “Daisy Dukes” from here on?
I get the feeling neither of these boys have been to China… 😉
Ahhh, it took me a couple of hours to get the reference. Of course I could have just Googled it.
I don’t know why I stopped watching Ranma 1/2. It was an interesting concept and was the first anime that I found coincidentally by looking up “genderbending cartoon” or something along those lines(I have the worst memory on the planet). I may look it up again sometime :3.
And the Manga was just re-released in a new format. I heartily recommend the Manga, it’s very good!
That’s how I found Ranma 1/2, too, Yujo! And I’ve read the entire manga, ages and ages ago. Loved it, and I was sad to see that several of my favorite storylines from the manga never made it into the anime, since it got canceled after barely 4 seasons.
The Ranma anime ran seven seasons, but nearly 1/3 of the manga was written AFTER the anime series ended (basically everything past the introduction of Ranma’s mother). It was largely a matter of “oops, the anime has caught up to the manga storyline, so we can either make a crapton of filler episodes, go on hiatus for a couple of years, or end the show”.
Yeah it references a cursed pond from the Manga Ranma 1/2 about a story of a boy who fell in a pond of drowned girl, now when ever he is hit by water her becomes a girl.
That was actually the first thing I thought when I read this. It took me LONGER to realize it was Jean.
Why are the Dukes girls now?
Did Hogg use up two wishes at once?
My guess is that Jeanie put her own personal spin on whatever Boss Hogg actually wished for. Maybe it was something like “Get rid of those Duke boys and their damn car!”, so Jeanie poofed the car and turned them into the Duke girls.
…It becomes less a guess and more ‘Word of God’ if you, the author, tell it.
And nice accidental anime reference, even if you didn’t mean it…
Robert’s not the author, just the editor and forum wrangler. [For non-dismissive values of “just”. We really like having him around.]
Sorry if this wasn’t clear, but CD Rudd is the author and artist. I just edit the pages for release and post them to the website. CD doesn’t tell me the plot of future pages, so I honestly don’t know why this just happened.
Well, for the record, it’s still technically two wishes if he doesn’t group them together. So he can wish for both the boys to be gone and it’s still one wish, but if he adds the car it counts as two. Well, technically, but CD would probably group it as one anyways.
I figure that it would be because she is still technically sick and the magic is manifesting as the most often used form of Jean’s casting.
As to why it didn’t affect Neil my theory fell apart unless Neil has developed an immunity to magic, accidentally cast magic.
What Robert says though sounds more plausible though.
Wow does Neil look dry!
I guess he likes that new-fangled super-hydrophobic fabric.
Either that or he fell in the shallow end of the pond.
…a fall of that height……I would hope it wasn’t the shallow end of the pond…
The dukes in daisy dukes?
I approve
I wonder what the names of the Duke “girls” are 🙂
Bo and Lulu Duke
Somehow I want them to use the names Coy and Vance.
Bo (being useful in either gender) and Lucy would be my guess.
The General? Wait ’til they figure out what happened to *them*…
Well worth the wait great way to fix wrighter block love the idea
“Well this is an unexpected turn of events…”
Not really. Long time readers of this comic must learn to expect stuff like this.
The Duke Boys becoming Duke Girls was pretty likely, but the General Lee vanishing from around them mid-jump was not. At least they landed softly in the water.
That was self explanatory wasn’t it.
And wait until they get a look at themselves too, beside, missing the General too. I think Robert had the right idea. Boss Hogg used up two of his wishes with Jeanie. The first wish, was to get ride of the General Lee and the second wish is to do something with the Duke Boy’s and turning them into girls, is defiantly doing something with the Duke Boy’s.
Boss Hogg got one more wish to go, but, what a waste of two wishes. GEE Boss Hoggs.
The Duke Boy’s won’t know what happen to the General Lee or why they turned into girls, but, Niel will know. Especially, when he find doesn’t his have the Genie Bottle with him. It will be interesting for Niel to try and explain to them what happened and to try and get his Genie Bottle back from Boss Hogg and put everything back the way it suppose to be. Which is probably the rest of this story Arc, before Niel and Jeanie go back to Co Co Beach in Florida again.
Neil would definitely recognize the sudden genderflip as being Jean’s handiwork–it’s just a matter of figuring out that it’s Boss Hogg who got the bottle.
“Getting rid of the General Lee” could also be accomplished by poofing it 500 feet above the Sharif’s office. Could be a useful mis-interpretation of the wish.
I hope this means wedding bells for Roscoe and Enos
Why in the world would you want that for poor Enos?
Did anyone else notice that when the General disappeared there was a very small pinkish box shape just to the upper left of what I think is Neil. I think the General may have been turned into a small toy car.
I figured it was Neil’s pack.
From relative size, I’m guessing it is Neil’s backpack also. It’s the wrong color for The General. The backpack is blue, see: https://jeaniebottle.com/?comic=jeanie-bottle-334
Them Duke boys have found themselves in a right spot of trouble. Looks like Daisy’s gonna have to get used to having some competition around Hazzard.
Nice improbable timing!
In the 1st Back to the Future the DeLorean’s power pole hit the wire at the
exact instant (+/- 0.01 seconds) to return to 1985.
Here Jeannie poofed the car at the exact instant (+/- 0,1 second) they were over
water. Had the poof not occurred is that where the car would have hit or did the
poof cancel their forward momentum?
You can tell from the art in panels 2 and 3 that their forward momentum was at least not fully canceled. But yeah, definitely lucky timing.
Well, removing their support in mid-air without a safe landing might skirt too close to the prohibition on killing people that Genies in this world operate under, so “Ensure that they survive the landing” might be built in. Of course, you’d be surprised what you can live through . . .
Is the Sherrif going to pull those wet ladies out of the water?
Oh… And Neil.
Wait… are Robert and CD Rudd the same person?