Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
You know that. I know that. Jeanie…Jeanie has no idea that…well, Jeanie just has no idea. She doesn’t realize that Belle had sex with Jeanie’s idea of what Jean is like, not with Neil.
I wonder, though, if Neil himself was paying enough attention at the time to know what Jeanie wants him to demonstrate.
I have no clue where you’re getting this idea from. Jeanie has stated/thought multiple times that she wants to learn Neil’s secret to being better at sex than Jean was.
I admit, this is speculative. I don’t think that when Jeanie transformed Neil into Jean, that the magic stopped with Jean’s physical form. I think that Jeanie inadvertently made Neil into Jeanie’s idea of what Jean was like–God’s gift to women, somebody that isn’t much like Neil.
Again, speculative, and I’m prepared to proven wrong in the next comic or two.
Correct me if I am wrong but Jeanie’s magic can’t affect the mind. While it is true she could of given him great stamina and other physical advantages; a large part of it is how you use that equipment and treat the other person; which would be all Neil.
GungraveNZ, Jeanie’s magic can’t affect the mind, it’s true. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the larger magical context of the genie/master relationship. (Possibly mediated by the bottle, which for all we know is a magical entity itself.)
I think less suspicious and more utterly gobsmacked and confused. Much as I would love to see the aftermath of this I do suspect somethings going to happen that will prevent Jeanie from doing something she’ll regret in the afternoon.
She wouldn’t have to regret it…
I mean, F*&kin is fun, right?
I know i get a kick out of it, why can’t Jean, Neal is her best friend, right?
They were browsing antique stores together?
Yeah, I agree with Brackenn. Why would Jeanie regret this? It’ll be a novel experience for her, Neil is apparently *very* good at pleasuring his partner, and they already like each other as friends.
The only potential squick factor is “OMG I just had sex with a guy!” But that’s mitigated by “And holy crap it was AWESOME!”
Jean is pretty shallow, but. (Big but) I mean as a normal person, if you changed sex and got nasty with your best guy friend, had some laughs, and then got changed back, if it was a positive experience in a (brief) hetero relationship, why wouldn’t that carry through reversion? wouldn’t you feel really close? maybe the start of a bisexual foray? Has anyone besides me had a relationship with a coworker, and ended it, and remained friends?
I dated one girl through high school, that was it I’m not a people person these relationship things are generally a closed book to me and I’m basing my opinions on the cover and blurb.
Technically, Neil is still the master so perhaps Jeanie had to turn him back into Neil because Neil requested to be returned to normal. Sure, she can try to work some feminine wiles on him, but she may not have had much leeway on changing him into himself. Just my speculation.
I am enjoying this story line. It will be interesting to see if/when Araceli and Guano come back into the picture. I assume Agent Anderson is going to remain in airport purgatory until the next time Rodge and/or Natalie need to travel . . .
So far, I don’t believe that Neil has wished (asked for) anything that Jean did not want to give him. I wonder what would happen if he did? Would Jean be compelled to grant the wish, against her will?
Yes, she would be compelled to grant his wish, but, she can subvert that wish that she has to grant him. The Greek Sailor that became a Captain and then got fish turned to gold. But, when that captain tried to make Jeanie his wife, she turned him into female. She granted the wish, but subverted it by changing him in to a girl.
Yea, but was that Jeans Idea? What I wanna know is If Neil wishes for a puppy, Jean just responds with ‘No, you can’t have a puppy’, and not turn Roger into a dog. You know? I mean, was it Jeans free will to turn the sailor into the captain? Maybe she thinks she did it of her own free will, but could she have refused? And I’m not just saying subvert the wish, like turning him into Daryl Dragon of the Captain & Tennille, I’m saying actually not granting anything.
Thanks all. As Robert said, “I read all the comments. I just don’t have much to say (plus I’m usually reading the comments on my Ipad, which is a pain it the butt to comment on).
Kinda hoping “when”, to tell the truth. I want Neil to retain some dignity, some degree of autonomy.
Although I am also prepared for them to get into bed–that is, into the bottle–and then for Jeanie to fall asleep. She wouldn’t even be considering this if she weren’t buzzed on fatigue poisons.
I do rather suspect right now Jeanie’s more in the “Lets see a..qwelq3l how .. lhrqe good. .lkwhogho Neilaat.a wl is.i” all the weird spellling is deliberate she’s been staying up all night and was obviously on the verge of collapsing earlier. I’ve been there a lot thanks to my shift work your not thinking clearly and if she’s like me I think 50srefugee has the right of it since I’d be in the middle of doing something (reading, playing a game) and suddenly realize I’d nodded off for a few minutes.
Her making the connection between what she’s inciting and what it would actually involve (her, having sex as a girl and trying to compare that experience with how good a male lover is) is probably quite a bit beyond her even given her normal lack of forsight.
Belle doesn’t have supernatural powers she can use to severely punish Neil for minor transgressions. Including the “transgression” of getting a boner from accidental contact with a voluptuous genie. Neil has good reason to be suspicious of Jeanie’s advances.
Hmmm, not necessarily. The “There’s gotta be some way to find out how he’s better than me” thought from the two pages ago gives me a different impression. I think Jeanie’s doing this because she thinks studying what Neil does to her in bed will help her learn his technique, so he can be better when he becomes Jean again.
I had the impression that she’d been told that wasn’t going to happen, but she could learn to make herself look male, if she studied, which she hasn’t been willing to do.
Jeanie clearly *wants* to become male again, as evidenced by her attempts to make herself look like Jean for meeting back up with Belle. But what she wants, and how she plans based on those desires, do not necessarily reflect what will *actually happen*. Jean is like that.
I hope Neil is not so plastic that he does what she wants. I really can’t see sex between them you need 3-7 years in a sitcom to to get to that point.
Also why the hell is he not bitching her out? Or does he not care about the Kagirl poofing she does to him?
I’ve been saying for that awhile but thinking about the montages it probably has been a month or two, at least long enough for him to admire her and get her to pose when she was prepping for the duel with Sam. Personally I’m expecting Neil to go through with this (cute girl he’s been attracted too hitting on him and asking for sex is hard for most guys to resist particularly first thing in the morning) but something else (guano perhaps) will interfere.
Jeanie does seem callous and prone to spontaneous acts of idiocy but this seems to be a deeper issue it seems than a simple curiosity egged on by a hint of jealousy?
Does the bottle do more than act as a room to genies? This really don’t seem all that natural….
It was stated at the begining (or close to) that bottle genies are nurturing maternal types. I’d say Jeanie’s adaption to womanhood has been helped along by it but that it doesn’t force behaviour. Remember the genie formed is based on the humans idea of what a genie should be hence the large number of blue aladin style genies. Its possible this is part of Jeanie’s idea of how a genie acts but she isn’t being compelled to act this way.
Genies absolutely have free will, even in the way they grant the compulsory wishes.
My speculation is that the genie/master bond doesn’t compel the pair to specific acts, only modulates their desires and emotions. (Although so far we’ve seen this more for Jeanie than for Neal. This may be amplified or modified by Jean also becoming female.)
Looking for something else, I found this, where Neil/Jean frees a weeping Jeanie from the bottle, and she responds by embracing him, which is not what I’d expect a male to do: ?p=1626
Interesting conversation in comments there, where amongst much else, we speculate that since Neil uncorked the bottle, he is her master now in a way he never was before–including a possible wish number reset.
I raise this point to say that if the uncorking established a true master/genie relationship, one that, ahem, adjusted Jeanie’s emotional response, it may have affected Neil’s responses as well. As I recall, it’s been implied the genie manual says that bottle genies are expected to have sex with their masters. Aracelli acts that way.
But this is symmetrical: if genies are expected to have sex with their masters, then masters are expected to have sex with their genies. Neil might be in no more control of this than Jeanie is.
If this is true, Neil may very well have sex with Jeanie, if she can stay awake long enough–but if they do get jiggy, that will put their entire relationship on a new footing.
Somebody in the last comment thread suggested a a post-coital scene where Jeanie is looking in amazement at Natalie and wondering, “How did she DO that?” which was a great idea. But maybe that will happen with Neil.
I’m also in mind of the first time Jeanie woke up in the bottle to find herself happily cuddling Neil, who was, perhaps, a little too happy. But I think this time, she would not be so angry.
All very unlikely; this is a joke-a-day comic based on Jeanie not behaving like a good, obedient genie.
But, assuming that it can be done without making Neil Jeanie’s sex toy, I find myself enjoying the idea of Jeanie discovering some honest affection for Neil.
A Genie doesn’t have to have sex with there master unless both the Female Genie and her master want to have sex with each other. But, having sex, does have a tendency to captivate a master heart and keep him loyal to her instead of other girls in general and develops emotional, personal relationship with each other. So over time, most girl Genie maters will go that way, because they want it go that way.
But, that not what Jeanie doing here. She mentally flipping back and forth in her head between when she use to be guy and now being a girl. Jeanie made her decision the way a guy make his decision to have sex and not the way a women does. But, now he or she in a female body and he going to get different results than what he was expecting. If Neil messages her, she will go into a ufloria that men don’t go into in the sex act. So everything that Jeanie experiences in a sex act with Neil will be completely different from what she remembers when she was Jean and did it.
Yes, it will change the relationship very drastically too and have a tendency of turning them into lovers by the time it over with. But, before that happens, I would expect Neil to resist it and maybe even having to be bull dogged into doing it. There room for Jeanie to have second thought about continuing to doing it after she done it. Then doing what Jeanie does, blame Neil after she made the decision to do. Then we could have girl talk between Jeanie and Belle about Neil. Belle could be twirling Jeanie bottle in her hands and make wishful thinking wish to have another night with Jean before he goes back to the middle East after his vacation back here. We can have Arcadia poof over looking for Natalie, because she poof out and Rodger asking for his girl friend back. The we have Arcadia messing with Jeanie and Neil with Guano coming in too.
Pretty good analysis that answers Robert’s challenge. I did say that it had been implied, but on re-reading, the implication was not as strong as I thought about sex in particular–and there is Guano’s statement that “this isn’t the middle ages”, which to me suggests there are “rules” that are no longer enforced.
There’s also Jeanie’s admission to herself that if Neil were the genie, sex would be on the list of Jean’s demands that his genie would have to obey.
I’m going to hang my “implication” on that requirement for obedience.
All that aside, it does seem on re-reading that in unguarded moments, Jeanie does show a growing affection for Neil. So rules or no, I’m going with the idea that the master-genie relationship tends to lead that way.
Might be proved wrong next week, but that’s where I am now.
Forgot the references:
?p=180 Jeanie’s summary of Neil’s list of genie duties. Note especially that genies are expected to “Grant their master’s desires”.
?p=56 “I do not look at Neil in any way!” In response to Belle’s claim to the contrary.
?p=201 “not the middle ages” Which, to my mind, suggests a lot more than just getting your master a beer is in the manual. (I wish Guano had not said this. I have a strong dislike of laws that are still in effect, but are simply ignored. That causes real confusion.)
?p=208 Jean’s sexual expectations
…Amongst others. Again, not conclusive, but I read this as implying that genies have a tendency to develop a sexual relationship with their masters. If only, as Larry says, because that’s one way to develop a powerful bond.
Remember when it came to Jean speculating what he would do in id the situation was reversed you were dealing with fulfilling a wish. I get the impression that jennies, even bottle jennies, hare not slave and have a lot of free will when it comes to their Masters. remember Ancelli(SP? on her own free will placed Niel in a torture device when she thought ho was imprisoning people in a small box.
Tim, it’s true that genies are not slaves, contrary to Jeanie’s summary of the duty list. They can and do act of their own free will, once they’ve fulfilled the three wishes requirement.
But note that Neil has pretty much allowed the genies in his life to push him around. He rarely expresses direct commands or wishes.
As I’ve said before, I think things would change radically if he would pick up his slack and start acting like a master, and earning some respect. The one time he tried it [?p=47], it worked pretty well–for about five seconds, until Jeanie forgot again. Note that the list wasn’t a set of specific commands, but rather a set of attitudes.
You are entering another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of massive gender-swapping. That’s the sign-post up ahead, you are entering: the CD Rudd Zone.
The question is, at least in reference to this comic, is it correct? Is Jeanie getting away with too much, and would both their lives be better if Neil was more vigilant about keeping her from doing that?
Whether or not it’s correct in the real world is outside the scope of these comments.
Some of the older ones are interesting I’ve always been partial to “Marriage is like a pair of shears, two people joined at the hip forever moving in opposite directions and punishing anyone who tries to get between them.”
I’m somewhat disappointed it’s not going to be Jeanie and Natalie.
I’m pretty sure it was the warmup procedures that Belle appreciated.
Then of course there’s the built-in birth control that way.
Yup. That was a key milestone. And Jeanie’s emotions in response to Neil’s having had sex with Belle quickly shifted from jealousy to the current rather intense curiosity.
Neil with all the luck you are now having getting change back and that good rot, you should go out and buy as many lotto tickets as you can afford and before you know it you will be a Multi-Multi millionaire. whoopee !!!!
And so it begins.
Sure enough, Neil’s a bit suspicious. And Jeanie? You need to turn him into Jean, not Neil.
Jeanie’s working under the assumption that Neil is great at sex. Why would he need to be Jean for that?
You know that. I know that. Jeanie…Jeanie has no idea that…well, Jeanie just has no idea. She doesn’t realize that Belle had sex with Jeanie’s idea of what Jean is like, not with Neil.
I wonder, though, if Neil himself was paying enough attention at the time to know what Jeanie wants him to demonstrate.
I have no clue where you’re getting this idea from. Jeanie has stated/thought multiple times that she wants to learn Neil’s secret to being better at sex than Jean was.
I admit, this is speculative. I don’t think that when Jeanie transformed Neil into Jean, that the magic stopped with Jean’s physical form. I think that Jeanie inadvertently made Neil into Jeanie’s idea of what Jean was like–God’s gift to women, somebody that isn’t much like Neil.
Again, speculative, and I’m prepared to proven wrong in the next comic or two.
Interesting theory. I honestly don’t know if that’s true or not, as my knowledge of this storyline doesn’t go beyond the next few pages.
Correct me if I am wrong but Jeanie’s magic can’t affect the mind. While it is true she could of given him great stamina and other physical advantages; a large part of it is how you use that equipment and treat the other person; which would be all Neil.
GungraveNZ, Jeanie’s magic can’t affect the mind, it’s true. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the larger magical context of the genie/master relationship. (Possibly mediated by the bottle, which for all we know is a magical entity itself.)
I have no idea what you are trying to say, so I will just leave this conversation.
I think less suspicious and more utterly gobsmacked and confused. Much as I would love to see the aftermath of this I do suspect somethings going to happen that will prevent Jeanie from doing something she’ll regret in the afternoon.
She wouldn’t have to regret it…
I mean, F*&kin is fun, right?
I know i get a kick out of it, why can’t Jean, Neal is her best friend, right?
They were browsing antique stores together?
Yeah, I agree with Brackenn. Why would Jeanie regret this? It’ll be a novel experience for her, Neil is apparently *very* good at pleasuring his partner, and they already like each other as friends.
The only potential squick factor is “OMG I just had sex with a guy!” But that’s mitigated by “And holy crap it was AWESOME!”
And you don’t think the discovery she loves having sex with Neil as a girl is something she’d regret when she’s thinking straight again?
Jean is pretty shallow, but. (Big but) I mean as a normal person, if you changed sex and got nasty with your best guy friend, had some laughs, and then got changed back, if it was a positive experience in a (brief) hetero relationship, why wouldn’t that carry through reversion? wouldn’t you feel really close? maybe the start of a bisexual foray? Has anyone besides me had a relationship with a coworker, and ended it, and remained friends?
I dated one girl through high school, that was it I’m not a people person these relationship things are generally a closed book to me and I’m basing my opinions on the cover and blurb.
Technically, Neil is still the master so perhaps Jeanie had to turn him back into Neil because Neil requested to be returned to normal. Sure, she can try to work some feminine wiles on him, but she may not have had much leeway on changing him into himself. Just my speculation.
I am enjoying this story line. It will be interesting to see if/when Araceli and Guano come back into the picture. I assume Agent Anderson is going to remain in airport purgatory until the next time Rodge and/or Natalie need to travel . . .
So far, I don’t believe that Neil has wished (asked for) anything that Jean did not want to give him. I wonder what would happen if he did? Would Jean be compelled to grant the wish, against her will?
Yes, she would be compelled to grant his wish, but, she can subvert that wish that she has to grant him. The Greek Sailor that became a Captain and then got fish turned to gold. But, when that captain tried to make Jeanie his wife, she turned him into female. She granted the wish, but subverted it by changing him in to a girl.
Yea, but was that Jeans Idea? What I wanna know is If Neil wishes for a puppy, Jean just responds with ‘No, you can’t have a puppy’, and not turn Roger into a dog. You know? I mean, was it Jeans free will to turn the sailor into the captain? Maybe she thinks she did it of her own free will, but could she have refused? And I’m not just saying subvert the wish, like turning him into Daryl Dragon of the Captain & Tennille, I’m saying actually not granting anything.
The thing is that if Jeanie does *something* with Neal as Jean, wouldn’t it basically be her doing it with herself in a manner of speaking?
Remains to be seen if she turns Neil into Jean, but her hypothesis here seems to be that it was Neil’s skill that rang Belle’s bells, not the body.
…And back to waiting an entire seven days before we find out how this goes.
I’m in withdrawal already.
Sorry. >_< Does it help if I tell you that the next page is already done, and it's a double-height page?
[lets go of little old lady being mugged for cartoon money]
…A little? Maybe?
It does feel like it was a perfectly set up cliffhanger.
I love Jeanie’s come-hither in frame one.
CD, you are hitting this right out of the park.
Agreed! Jeanie looks super hot in that panel. Here’s the full-resolution version of Jeanie and Natalie in that frame.
Thank you! And please make sure CD knows how much fun this whole sequence has been!
I fully support this ^.
CD reads the comments, so he knows how much you guys are enjoying this.
Yes, and that “Wow, I liked kissing him!” look in panel 3 is even better.
She kissed a girl and she liked it (?)
Thanks all. As Robert said, “I read all the comments. I just don’t have much to say (plus I’m usually reading the comments on my Ipad, which is a pain it the butt to comment on).
Just about what I figured would happen. This can still break in several different Direction though.
Anyone else getting a deja vu feeling like when Dawn first absorbed life energy in sailorsun?
Does Jeanie understand what, exactly, anatomically, is going to happen to her if Neil does what she’s asking?
Does she realize that she has no one to compare Neil to?
Or has she been a bottle genie long enough that she actually wants to have her master make love to her? She’s groggy enough her defenses may be down.
When Neil turns her down, is she going to obsess over how to seduce him?
There are ways to play this out just for laughs. But there could also be some very serious relationship building here.
Honestly? I don’t know which one I want the most.
> When Neil turns her down
Don’t you mean “if”?
Kinda hoping “when”, to tell the truth. I want Neil to retain some dignity, some degree of autonomy.
Although I am also prepared for them to get into bed–that is, into the bottle–and then for Jeanie to fall asleep. She wouldn’t even be considering this if she weren’t buzzed on fatigue poisons.
I do rather suspect right now Jeanie’s more in the “Lets see a..qwelq3l how .. lhrqe good. .lkwhogho Neilaat.a wl is.i” all the weird spellling is deliberate she’s been staying up all night and was obviously on the verge of collapsing earlier. I’ve been there a lot thanks to my shift work your not thinking clearly and if she’s like me I think 50srefugee has the right of it since I’d be in the middle of doing something (reading, playing a game) and suddenly realize I’d nodded off for a few minutes.
Her making the connection between what she’s inciting and what it would actually involve (her, having sex as a girl and trying to compare that experience with how good a male lover is) is probably quite a bit beyond her even given her normal lack of forsight.
If Mea; were inclined to turn down women trying to have their was with him. he would have probably turned down Belle.
Belle doesn’t have supernatural powers she can use to severely punish Neil for minor transgressions. Including the “transgression” of getting a boner from accidental contact with a voluptuous genie. Neil has good reason to be suspicious of Jeanie’s advances.
So she *has* forgotten she used to be a guy. Sleep deprivation sure does funny things…
Hmmm, not necessarily. The “There’s gotta be some way to find out how he’s better than me” thought from the two pages ago gives me a different impression. I think Jeanie’s doing this because she thinks studying what Neil does to her in bed will help her learn his technique, so he can be better when he becomes Jean again.
“When he becomes Jean again”?
I had the impression that she’d been told that wasn’t going to happen, but she could learn to make herself look male, if she studied, which she hasn’t been willing to do.
Jeanie clearly *wants* to become male again, as evidenced by her attempts to make herself look like Jean for meeting back up with Belle. But what she wants, and how she plans based on those desires, do not necessarily reflect what will *actually happen*. Jean is like that.
SO, fake bets on when Jean snaps out of it he’s going to blame Neil for some reason?
No bet. This is one of the reasons I want Neil to keep his pants on.
He wasn’t wearing any pants when he was Natalie. Is he still?
His tshirt changed back to what he was wearing just before Jeanie poofed him into the Jean persona, and yeah, he was wearing pants: ?p=1609
I hope Neil is not so plastic that he does what she wants. I really can’t see sex between them you need 3-7 years in a sitcom to to get to that point.
Also why the hell is he not bitching her out? Or does he not care about the Kagirl poofing she does to him?
Just how much time *has* passed since things first happened?
It’s been a couple months. Since the ‘incident’.
I’ve been saying for that awhile but thinking about the montages it probably has been a month or two, at least long enough for him to admire her and get her to pose when she was prepping for the duel with Sam. Personally I’m expecting Neil to go through with this (cute girl he’s been attracted too hitting on him and asking for sex is hard for most guys to resist particularly first thing in the morning) but something else (guano perhaps) will interfere.
This web comic/sitcom is already running for 5 years. The first comic was posted in 2009. So we are well in your timeframe.
Definitely heading in a direction i am looking forward to whether just teasing us or not 🙂
This is getting awkward….
Jeanie does seem callous and prone to spontaneous acts of idiocy but this seems to be a deeper issue it seems than a simple curiosity egged on by a hint of jealousy?
Does the bottle do more than act as a room to genies? This really don’t seem all that natural….
Kadzooks, you are thinking along the same lines that I am.
It was stated at the begining (or close to) that bottle genies are nurturing maternal types. I’d say Jeanie’s adaption to womanhood has been helped along by it but that it doesn’t force behaviour. Remember the genie formed is based on the humans idea of what a genie should be hence the large number of blue aladin style genies. Its possible this is part of Jeanie’s idea of how a genie acts but she isn’t being compelled to act this way.
Genies absolutely have free will, even in the way they grant the compulsory wishes.
My speculation is that the genie/master bond doesn’t compel the pair to specific acts, only modulates their desires and emotions. (Although so far we’ve seen this more for Jeanie than for Neal. This may be amplified or modified by Jean also becoming female.)
Ung, somebody tell me when it’s over! *hides*
Looking for something else, I found this, where Neil/Jean frees a weeping Jeanie from the bottle, and she responds by embracing him, which is not what I’d expect a male to do: ?p=1626
Interesting conversation in comments there, where amongst much else, we speculate that since Neil uncorked the bottle, he is her master now in a way he never was before–including a possible wish number reset.
I raise this point to say that if the uncorking established a true master/genie relationship, one that, ahem, adjusted Jeanie’s emotional response, it may have affected Neil’s responses as well. As I recall, it’s been implied the genie manual says that bottle genies are expected to have sex with their masters. Aracelli acts that way.
But this is symmetrical: if genies are expected to have sex with their masters, then masters are expected to have sex with their genies. Neil might be in no more control of this than Jeanie is.
If this is true, Neil may very well have sex with Jeanie, if she can stay awake long enough–but if they do get jiggy, that will put their entire relationship on a new footing.
Somebody in the last comment thread suggested a a post-coital scene where Jeanie is looking in amazement at Natalie and wondering, “How did she DO that?” which was a great idea. But maybe that will happen with Neil.
I’m also in mind of the first time Jeanie woke up in the bottle to find herself happily cuddling Neil, who was, perhaps, a little too happy. But I think this time, she would not be so angry.
All very unlikely; this is a joke-a-day comic based on Jeanie not behaving like a good, obedient genie.
But, assuming that it can be done without making Neil Jeanie’s sex toy, I find myself enjoying the idea of Jeanie discovering some honest affection for Neil.
> As I recall, it’s been implied the genie manual says that bottle genies are expected to have sex with their masters
I don’t recall this. Do you have a citation for that?
> I find myself enjoying the idea of Jeanie discovering some honest affection for Neil.
Me, too!
Testing link tags.
I’ve had problems with untagged links being held for moderation; just want to see what happens when they’re tagged.
A Genie doesn’t have to have sex with there master unless both the Female Genie and her master want to have sex with each other. But, having sex, does have a tendency to captivate a master heart and keep him loyal to her instead of other girls in general and develops emotional, personal relationship with each other. So over time, most girl Genie maters will go that way, because they want it go that way.
But, that not what Jeanie doing here. She mentally flipping back and forth in her head between when she use to be guy and now being a girl. Jeanie made her decision the way a guy make his decision to have sex and not the way a women does. But, now he or she in a female body and he going to get different results than what he was expecting. If Neil messages her, she will go into a ufloria that men don’t go into in the sex act. So everything that Jeanie experiences in a sex act with Neil will be completely different from what she remembers when she was Jean and did it.
Yes, it will change the relationship very drastically too and have a tendency of turning them into lovers by the time it over with. But, before that happens, I would expect Neil to resist it and maybe even having to be bull dogged into doing it. There room for Jeanie to have second thought about continuing to doing it after she done it. Then doing what Jeanie does, blame Neil after she made the decision to do. Then we could have girl talk between Jeanie and Belle about Neil. Belle could be twirling Jeanie bottle in her hands and make wishful thinking wish to have another night with Jean before he goes back to the middle East after his vacation back here. We can have Arcadia poof over looking for Natalie, because she poof out and Rodger asking for his girl friend back. The we have Arcadia messing with Jeanie and Neil with Guano coming in too.
Pretty good analysis that answers Robert’s challenge. I did say that it had been implied, but on re-reading, the implication was not as strong as I thought about sex in particular–and there is Guano’s statement that “this isn’t the middle ages”, which to me suggests there are “rules” that are no longer enforced.
There’s also Jeanie’s admission to herself that if Neil were the genie, sex would be on the list of Jean’s demands that his genie would have to obey.
I’m going to hang my “implication” on that requirement for obedience.
All that aside, it does seem on re-reading that in unguarded moments, Jeanie does show a growing affection for Neil. So rules or no, I’m going with the idea that the master-genie relationship tends to lead that way.
Might be proved wrong next week, but that’s where I am now.
Forgot the references:
?p=180 Jeanie’s summary of Neil’s list of genie duties. Note especially that genies are expected to “Grant their master’s desires”.
?p=56 “I do not look at Neil in any way!” In response to Belle’s claim to the contrary.
?p=201 “not the middle ages” Which, to my mind, suggests a lot more than just getting your master a beer is in the manual. (I wish Guano had not said this. I have a strong dislike of laws that are still in effect, but are simply ignored. That causes real confusion.)
?p=208 Jean’s sexual expectations
…Amongst others. Again, not conclusive, but I read this as implying that genies have a tendency to develop a sexual relationship with their masters. If only, as Larry says, because that’s one way to develop a powerful bond.
Remember when it came to Jean speculating what he would do in id the situation was reversed you were dealing with fulfilling a wish. I get the impression that jennies, even bottle jennies, hare not slave and have a lot of free will when it comes to their Masters. remember Ancelli(SP? on her own free will placed Niel in a torture device when she thought ho was imprisoning people in a small box.
Tim, it’s true that genies are not slaves, contrary to Jeanie’s summary of the duty list. They can and do act of their own free will, once they’ve fulfilled the three wishes requirement.
But note that Neil has pretty much allowed the genies in his life to push him around. He rarely expresses direct commands or wishes.
As I’ve said before, I think things would change radically if he would pick up his slack and start acting like a master, and earning some respect. The one time he tried it [?p=47], it worked pretty well–for about five seconds, until Jeanie forgot again. Note that the list wasn’t a set of specific commands, but rather a set of attitudes.
Hey 50s, for future comments, you should know that HTML is fully supported. You can link to something by using an <a href=”url”>link text</a> tag.
Ah HA!
Now I can, dare I say it? rule the world!
Oh, wait, typing HTML tags is too much trouble. Never mind. But thanks, I’ll try to remember that for links.
If Jennie has free will, if Neil puts his foot down she will probably turn him into a girl again.
You are entering another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of massive gender-swapping. That’s the sign-post up ahead, you are entering: the CD Rudd Zone.
Hahaha, that got a genuine laugh out of me. 🙂
This won’t end well for Neil no matter what happens…
I saw a great little blip the other day, about a mother explaining the facts of a happily married life to her newly engaged daughter.
“It’s the woman’s job to try to get away with everything she can. It’s the man’s job to keep her from doing it.”
That seems pretty overtly sexist…
The question is, at least in reference to this comic, is it correct? Is Jeanie getting away with too much, and would both their lives be better if Neil was more vigilant about keeping her from doing that?
Whether or not it’s correct in the real world is outside the scope of these comments.
Some of the older ones are interesting I’ve always been partial to “Marriage is like a pair of shears, two people joined at the hip forever moving in opposite directions and punishing anyone who tries to get between them.”
I’m somewhat disappointed it’s not going to be Jeanie and Natalie.
I’m pretty sure it was the warmup procedures that Belle appreciated.
Then of course there’s the built-in birth control that way.
I think the real turning point was back when Neil let Jean back out of the bottle. Take another look at that hug:
Yup. That was a key milestone. And Jeanie’s emotions in response to Neil’s having had sex with Belle quickly shifted from jealousy to the current rather intense curiosity.
Ending this year with a lesbian kiss? Ok.
Wow, this one has gotten a lot of attention – 69 comments so far.
I’ve noticed the ones with Natalie get more comments on average.
Well, and then there’s Jeanie trying to trip Neil and beat him to the floor. That sort of thing always attracts attention.
But yeah, Natalie is cute as the dickens. I actually kind of prefer her to Jeanie.
Also Neil’s lost that funny MIT t-shirt, too…
Poor Roge there goes his shirt.
Yah, but look at all the great lingerie he got to keep!
Neil with all the luck you are now having getting change back and that good rot, you should go out and buy as many lotto tickets as you can afford and before you know it you will be a Multi-Multi millionaire. whoopee !!!!
I think this song will fit here
Night Ranger – Don’t Tell Me You Love Me (Live)
Has Jean gone INSANE with sleep deprivation and ego issues? 0_0; Or is this due to the gradual adaption to her new gender?
We will have to wait and see.
[Giggles and tickles CD’s chin with a feather boa]
Oh, you tease!
[Flutters eyelashes]