Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
I dunno Neil gave in and slept with Belle which was clearly a bad idea, he might be saying no now, but with a little persistance I don’t see him holding out here.
Not to mention that Jeanie has a tendency to zap you if she doesn’t get her way too. Unless Neil grows Iron pair of ball’s real quick and forbids Jeanie doing what she trying to do. I don’t see this end very nicely and is going to get real nasty here.
I don’t think he’d mind they’re running a recruiting drive if Jeanies bottle is anything to go by and if a Genie is allowed to stay with a specific master because they love them then one assumes the other things that go along with that also apply.
Well, Jeannie from the TV series was pretty aggressive at pursuing Tony Nelson, at least as aggressive as a ’60s TV sitcom could allow, I mean they didn’t even let her show her navel.
I have sort have been seeing Araceli as the stand-in for TV Jeannie. Though with a bit of evil sister Jeannie as well.
Practically every TV series, comic, webcomic, etc runs off the perpetual will-they-won’t-they romance. Even in Accidental Centaurs, they agreed that ‘it didn’t happen’ afterwards, and in a later episode the guy got enchanted just before the fateful deed. It would be nice to see one where they do have sex – and continue to – and grow (not just deal) with it. It doesn’t matter if the sex is on-screen or off-screen.
Jeanie’s attracted to Neil, she just wants to know why Belle thinks Neil-Jean was a better lover than Jean himself.
But as many have noted, Jeanie is not thinking clearly at the moment. She’s sleep deprived, jazzed on java, and blinded by jealousy (see the story arc title: “I Dream of Green Eyes”).
Although Jeanie isn’t interested in Neil as such as most people have already noted. If she has her way and has sex with Neil to fined out why Neil-Jean is a better lover than she is. She will have to do it as a female and that will get her to thinking differently after she check Neil out in bed. It will also change Jeanie’s sexual desire too and her thinking Neil as a sexual partner now. Before this time, they were mostly as friend with no sexual intent on either party up to this point. But, that would change real quick and they would become lovers real quick.
Aargh, sense reversing typo! I meant, “Jeanie’s not attracted to Neil”.
Jeanie’s behavior here is so atypical that Neil is rightfully concerned about her motives, and about how she will treat him once she realizes what she did.
She needs to develop some respect, and even affection for Neil before she has sex with him.
Agree with the first two points. But, that not Jeanie style on the third point. That why Neil is a better lover than Jean is. I agree with you that she should develop some respect for Neil before having sex with hem, but not Jeanie way.
@Larry: “that not Jeanie style on the third point”.
Neither is it Neil’s style to be assertive, to assume master-ship over his genie.
Nevertheless, he must, first of all, not give in to Jeanie’s demand to have sex with her until he knows she’s in her right mind. Second, he must demand respect at least before allowing her to use her sexual allure to control him.
This is against both their natures. But that’s what learning and growing are all about: overcoming ourselves.
I recall something about genies not being able to kill…(is that correct?)
So, hypothetically, if Jeanie got pregnant would she be unable to poof it away?
That song would have an entirely different set of genie-driven visuals given the current context (most likely rated R), and I have to say I would be interested in seeing those visuals. “Can your girlfriends do this?” “Can your girlfriends do that?”
I dunno Neil gave in and slept with Belle which was clearly a bad idea, he might be saying no now, but with a little persistance I don’t see him holding out here.
Not to mention that Jeanie has a tendency to zap you if she doesn’t get her way too. Unless Neil grows Iron pair of ball’s real quick and forbids Jeanie doing what she trying to do. I don’t see this end very nicely and is going to get real nasty here.
This must happen, yes.
If Neil’s mastership means anything at all, it has to mean than he can check her more irresponsible behavior.
Can a Genie get pregnant?
Yes, Genie can get pregnant.
How do we know this? Tradition? TV show? In-comic?
TV Movie “I Dream of Jeannie… Fifteen Years Later” where Jeannie and Tony had a son.
It does happen, but, it doesn’t happen very often. Pregnancy that is. Maybe it was a planned Pregnancy. Who knows?
Source material; The Thousand and One Nights mentions the mixed offspring of djinn and humans.
Welp, Jean’s officially lost it ._.
I wonder if Lord Guano would approve of one of his genies trying to seduce a human, especially her master.
I don’t think he’d mind they’re running a recruiting drive if Jeanies bottle is anything to go by and if a Genie is allowed to stay with a specific master because they love them then one assumes the other things that go along with that also apply.
Seduce, sure why not? Probably most masters don’t need even that; see Jean himself.
But to aggressively demand sex, as Jeanie is doing here? To make her master retreat from her in confusion, even fear?
No, I wouldn’t think that’s acceptable at all. The master makes demands of his genie, not the other way ’round.
Well, Jeannie from the TV series was pretty aggressive at pursuing Tony Nelson, at least as aggressive as a ’60s TV sitcom could allow, I mean they didn’t even let her show her navel.
I have sort have been seeing Araceli as the stand-in for TV Jeannie. Though with a bit of evil sister Jeannie as well.
Practically every TV series, comic, webcomic, etc runs off the perpetual will-they-won’t-they romance. Even in Accidental Centaurs, they agreed that ‘it didn’t happen’ afterwards, and in a later episode the guy got enchanted just before the fateful deed. It would be nice to see one where they do have sex – and continue to – and grow (not just deal) with it. It doesn’t matter if the sex is on-screen or off-screen.
Hear hear! I fucking hate will-they-or-won’t-they plots.
If Neil’s head is currently not FULL of ringing alarm bells, I shall be very disappointed in him. ^^;
And I still say something’s off with Jean!
Just wanted to say, if something actually did take place here, it would be a first in the history of webcomics.
Elgoonish hinted at it, though never ran with it. TheWotch has always played it safe.
You can make history here, Robert.
Yea Robert….
You can make history here! (BTW, Where’s Katy?)
Hehe, well played CD. Perhaps you too can make history.
Yeah, nothing ever happens in web comics. They’re so static.
Flagg, just to note: I don’t draw or write this comic. CD Rudd does. I’m just the editor and web guru.
Perhaps Jean isn’t attracted to Neil, but giving a psychological shock to make a point about how uncool Neil was to bed Belle.
To REALLY mess with Neal’s head she could insinuate it was possibly Jean in Belle’s form when they shared the sack!
Jeanie’s attracted to Neil, she just wants to know why Belle thinks Neil-Jean was a better lover than Jean himself.
But as many have noted, Jeanie is not thinking clearly at the moment. She’s sleep deprived, jazzed on java, and blinded by jealousy (see the story arc title: “I Dream of Green Eyes”).
Although Jeanie isn’t interested in Neil as such as most people have already noted. If she has her way and has sex with Neil to fined out why Neil-Jean is a better lover than she is. She will have to do it as a female and that will get her to thinking differently after she check Neil out in bed. It will also change Jeanie’s sexual desire too and her thinking Neil as a sexual partner now. Before this time, they were mostly as friend with no sexual intent on either party up to this point. But, that would change real quick and they would become lovers real quick.
Aargh, sense reversing typo! I meant, “Jeanie’s not attracted to Neil”.
Jeanie’s behavior here is so atypical that Neil is rightfully concerned about her motives, and about how she will treat him once she realizes what she did.
She needs to develop some respect, and even affection for Neil before she has sex with him.
Agree with the first two points. But, that not Jeanie style on the third point. That why Neil is a better lover than Jean is. I agree with you that she should develop some respect for Neil before having sex with hem, but not Jeanie way.
@Larry: “that not Jeanie style on the third point”.
Neither is it Neil’s style to be assertive, to assume master-ship over his genie.
Nevertheless, he must, first of all, not give in to Jeanie’s demand to have sex with her until he knows she’s in her right mind. Second, he must demand respect at least before allowing her to use her sexual allure to control him.
This is against both their natures. But that’s what learning and growing are all about: overcoming ourselves.
I recall something about genies not being able to kill…(is that correct?)
So, hypothetically, if Jeanie got pregnant would she be unable to poof it away?
That’s just the big blue guy in Disney’s Aladdin movie.
In 1001 Nights, genies could definitely kill…
“You aint’ never had a girlfriend like me.”
That song would have an entirely different set of genie-driven visuals given the current context (most likely rated R), and I have to say I would be interested in seeing those visuals. “Can your girlfriends do this?” “Can your girlfriends do that?”
Hahaha, I love it!
“You ain’t ever had a girlfriend like–
You ain’t never had a girlfriend, period.”