Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
I think Jean/Jeanie just transitioned mentally from a guy to a gal while planning to prove how much of a man she is and she doesn’t even realize she did it.
Who is Jeanie going to turn Natalie into now, Neil or Jean? If it Neil, then she may finally try to do a female number on him. If it Jean, then she turn him into Jean, then we can expect something else to happen. But, the way that Jeanie patting her breast would indicate that it will probably be the first choice.
Not necessarily, depending on what if anything is going through Jeanie’s mind she may be happy to experiment with Natalie as that avoids any issues about sleeping with “another” man while at the same time allowing her partner most of what they need.
I assume this fit of madness was brought on by two things; 1) A sleepless night. & 2) Several months being stuck on the wrong side of the gender fence.
Are those sexy eyes Jeanie has in the last panel?
Boobs look perked up to, thanks to the adjust she did in panel 3.
Has lack of sleep finally put Jeanie over the tipping point? I can’t wait to see were this train wreck is going.
Considering the last two or three comic strips before this last one. We could have a Jeanie that competing with Belle now instead of competing against Neil, with Neil being the focus of Jeanie attention. Because, Jeanie just got girl discussion of what a girl does with a guy. In addition to being tired out already and having a Jeanie that doesn’t think too straight anyway.
I am afraid that if Neil relents and uses his “magic” on Jeanie she will receive more of an education than she intended, and an unintended perspective shift in her self image and in there relationship. At this point I don’t think Neil would be willing, he has been used and abused too much by Jeanie.
Oh I don’t know, Natalie also got an interrupted nights sleep and scientifically its that last half hour that’s most vital in not making bad decisions. I can’t help imagining Jeanie trying to use her technqiues on Natalie and Neil giving in at the kiss . . . then an after shot of them in the bottle with Natalie snuggled up to Jeanie and Jeanie staring up in the air with a shell shocked look and a thought bubble reading “How did she do that?”
Yeah, pretty much, and well said. I think Jeanie’s ego is so offended that a nebbish like Neil turned out to be a better lover than Jean was (even though it was while Neil was Jean) that she hasn’t actually realized that she’s about to propose having sex with a male.
What if ‘Sleepy Jeanie’ does something that ‘Full Night’s Sleep’ Jeanie has to wake up to?
No has ever asked “If a guy who was magically transformed into a gal has sex with a different guy who was magically transformed into a gal, does that make them lesbian, bi, gay or transsexuals?”
Actually I did along with the question is having sex with your opposite sex clone masturbation, incest or sex. In regards to your question the answer is a lesbian since it goes off current gender. Now if Jeanie in her sleep deprived state then turned Natalie back into Neil to compare that would make Neil straight, Natalie a gay lesbian and Jeanie bisexual.
Now looking forward to the scene where a highly enlightened and satisfied Jeanie is snuggling up to a rather dazedly smug Jean just as Aracelli pops in.
Look closer at her expression on her faces and what she say in those panel. Jeanie is getting ready to go sexual with Neil to find out why Belle say that Neil is a better Sexual partner that Jean was. Of course Jeanie going to have to do it as a woman too. Poor Neil, being dragged along weather he want to be or not.
Hmmm. Just maybe when Jean told “Jean” to act more like the lady-killer Jean thinks he is, Jean’s genie magic kicked in and turned into Mr. Super Lover.
You know, if Araceli or Guano found out Jean was making love with her master, wouldn’t that be one of the services a genie is supposed to provide on request?
Jean seems a bit like Mihoshi of Tenchi Muyo: clueless and incompetent, but blessed (or cursed) with luck that gets herself out of every jam she gets herself into (though Mihoshi is a heck of a lot nicer.) Jean could actually save herself from permanent bottling by screwing up in just the right way at the right time.
But if Jeanie poofs Neil into Jean, that’s not what Aracelli or Guano will see.
And I’m still unsure that Neil’s going to let himself be seduced by Jeanie. Neil has absolutely no reason to trust Jeanie that far; he’ll suspect a trick.
I am rather entertained by all these posts of how it wont happy because Neil wont trust Jeanie after the string before the marathon of Neil should assert his master relationship with her.
You are confusing master-ship with sexual dominance. Not the same thing–and in fact, as I said up thread, I think that Neil letting Jeanie seduce him would leave him in a very weak position indeed.
That true, the last time somebody that looked like Jeanie tried to seduce Neil, it was Aracelli that was masquerading as Jeanie. Neil might think that it Aracelli trying to seduce him again and not the true Jeanie trying to seduce him.
verrrrry interesting. I had thought on the previous strip that the only way Jean could really find out how Neil is better in the sack than he/she is would be to boink him so I kinda figured things might go this way but then I thought, nahhhhh.
Jeannie actually kind of reminds me of the protagonist of “fear and loathing in las vegas” if just because she seems to just sort of blunder through situations without thinking things through and somehow usually mamnaging to avoid terrible consequences in spite of it all.
o_o I uh, I… am feeling pretty conflicted. It sounds as if Jean wants to um, well… to have sex with Neil to test his skills. That can’t be right. Can it? I mean, I know Jean’s been slowly, reluctantly adapting, but this much? Already?
Yes, it does seem more than a little sudden. It’s certainly going to give Neil some whiplash, which is part of why I can’t really see him going along with it. (And really, folks: I’d love to see the look on Jeanie’s face if Neil turns her down. I suspect she can’t imagine he would, especially given this: ?p=208.)
But I am having a hard time coming up with a scenario that doesn’t have plenty of comic potential, short of Jeanie actually falling asleep in Neil’s arms–which could at least be rather romantic. Even though they’d both poof into the bottle.
Which now makes me wonder about Aracelli coming in and accidentally bottling Neil as well as Jeanie….
It’s mid morning, at least, what has Natalie been doing, dressed only in a night shirt, with Rodge and Caley? Did they all see her disappear in a poof of pink?
Yes but Caley know’s she has a genie who said she’d handle things, I doubt the fact the smoke is pink will really register she’ll just see the woman she doesn’t trust vanishing via magic. As for Roger he know’s Jeanie’s a genie so he’ll probably assume she poofed Neil home.
Although given Caley’s attitude towards Roger I’m surprised she cared enough about Natalie to be suspicious.
That look on Jean’s face…I don’t trust it one bit.
I think Jean/Jeanie just transitioned mentally from a guy to a gal while planning to prove how much of a man she is and she doesn’t even realize she did it.
Yes, because before going out on the hunt as a would-be lady-killer, it’s essential to adjust your melons first.
This time, Jeanie going to be a man-killer instead of a lady-killer.
I am confused and deeply worried by Jeans prettying herself up in front of a mirror before bringing neil/natalie back.
Somehow we are going what it feel like to be at the bottom of a avalanche.
Who is Jeanie going to turn Natalie into now, Neil or Jean? If it Neil, then she may finally try to do a female number on him. If it Jean, then she turn him into Jean, then we can expect something else to happen. But, the way that Jeanie patting her breast would indicate that it will probably be the first choice.
Not necessarily, depending on what if anything is going through Jeanie’s mind she may be happy to experiment with Natalie as that avoids any issues about sleeping with “another” man while at the same time allowing her partner most of what they need.
I assume this fit of madness was brought on by two things; 1) A sleepless night. & 2) Several months being stuck on the wrong side of the gender fence.
Are those sexy eyes Jeanie has in the last panel?
Boobs look perked up to, thanks to the adjust she did in panel 3.
Has lack of sleep finally put Jeanie over the tipping point? I can’t wait to see were this train wreck is going.
Considering the last two or three comic strips before this last one. We could have a Jeanie that competing with Belle now instead of competing against Neil, with Neil being the focus of Jeanie attention. Because, Jeanie just got girl discussion of what a girl does with a guy. In addition to being tired out already and having a Jeanie that doesn’t think too straight anyway.
I am afraid that if Neil relents and uses his “magic” on Jeanie she will receive more of an education than she intended, and an unintended perspective shift in her self image and in there relationship. At this point I don’t think Neil would be willing, he has been used and abused too much by Jeanie.
Yup. I can’t imagine Neil being anything other than deeply suspicious of Jeanie, even a bit terrified.
Plus, I seriously doubt he has any idea how he did what he did with Belle.
True, men who are naturaly giving and respectful in a relationship tend not to know.
Oh I don’t know, Natalie also got an interrupted nights sleep and scientifically its that last half hour that’s most vital in not making bad decisions. I can’t help imagining Jeanie trying to use her technqiues on Natalie and Neil giving in at the kiss . . . then an after shot of them in the bottle with Natalie snuggled up to Jeanie and Jeanie staring up in the air with a shell shocked look and a thought bubble reading “How did she do that?”
If any thing Neil should rip a strip off her for the crap she put him though. Ill go better than even odds he rejects Jeanie and what ever she try’s.
I think Jeanie’s decision making processes have been affected by lack of sleep.
I think Jeanie’s decision making processes may have been affected by being Jeannie.
Yeah, pretty much, and well said. I think Jeanie’s ego is so offended that a nebbish like Neil turned out to be a better lover than Jean was (even though it was while Neil was Jean) that she hasn’t actually realized that she’s about to propose having sex with a male.
What if ‘Sleepy Jeanie’ does something that ‘Full Night’s Sleep’ Jeanie has to wake up to?
No has ever asked “If a guy who was magically transformed into a gal has sex with a different guy who was magically transformed into a gal, does that make them lesbian, bi, gay or transsexuals?”
Until now.
Actually I did along with the question is having sex with your opposite sex clone masturbation, incest or sex. In regards to your question the answer is a lesbian since it goes off current gender. Now if Jeanie in her sleep deprived state then turned Natalie back into Neil to compare that would make Neil straight, Natalie a gay lesbian and Jeanie bisexual.
“Cheer up, Sleepy Jean … oh what does it mean…”
Ooh, FPF had the same flash back I did! He was, however, clever enough to attach it to the inspiration.
Um. Just how many cups of coffee did Jeanie have?
I don’t think she had any, some got sprayed over the table and the rest got stared at (with very cute expressions).
Maybe he did that thing in the middle of it when he turned into a girl…
Now looking forward to the scene where a highly enlightened and satisfied Jeanie is snuggling up to a rather dazedly smug Jean just as Aracelli pops in.
Look closer at her expression on her faces and what she say in those panel. Jeanie is getting ready to go sexual with Neil to find out why Belle say that Neil is a better Sexual partner that Jean was. Of course Jeanie going to have to do it as a woman too. Poor Neil, being dragged along weather he want to be or not.
Yes, exactly. But she’s going to have to change Neil to Jean to get it.
And what’s more, a version of Jean who is the God’s gift to women Jean thinks he is.
Hmmm. Just maybe when Jean told “Jean” to act more like the lady-killer Jean thinks he is, Jean’s genie magic kicked in and turned into Mr. Super Lover.
Exactly what I’m getting at.
And then Aracelli comes in and finds Jeanie “cheating” on her master Neil with “Jean”.
You know, if Araceli or Guano found out Jean was making love with her master, wouldn’t that be one of the services a genie is supposed to provide on request?
Jean seems a bit like Mihoshi of Tenchi Muyo: clueless and incompetent, but blessed (or cursed) with luck that gets herself out of every jam she gets herself into (though Mihoshi is a heck of a lot nicer.) Jean could actually save herself from permanent bottling by screwing up in just the right way at the right time.
If Jeanie can get Neil into the sack, certainly.
But if Jeanie poofs Neil into Jean, that’s not what Aracelli or Guano will see.
And I’m still unsure that Neil’s going to let himself be seduced by Jeanie. Neil has absolutely no reason to trust Jeanie that far; he’ll suspect a trick.
Hey, CD! Thank you for the marathon! This has been a great development, however it goes from here.
Ok, yeah, even I dont know where Jeans going with this xD
I am rather entertained by all these posts of how it wont happy because Neil wont trust Jeanie after the string before the marathon of Neil should assert his master relationship with her.
You are confusing master-ship with sexual dominance. Not the same thing–and in fact, as I said up thread, I think that Neil letting Jeanie seduce him would leave him in a very weak position indeed.
It could, however, be very funny. sp we’ll see.
It would add an extra layer of confusion if Neil, confronted with a seductive Jeannie, assumes it has to be Aracelli in disguise again.
That true, the last time somebody that looked like Jeanie tried to seduce Neil, it was Aracelli that was masquerading as Jeanie. Neil might think that it Aracelli trying to seduce him again and not the true Jeanie trying to seduce him.
Good point! I really like CD’s setup for this story, so many lovely ways for Jeanie to go badly off track!
verrrrry interesting. I had thought on the previous strip that the only way Jean could really find out how Neil is better in the sack than he/she is would be to boink him so I kinda figured things might go this way but then I thought, nahhhhh.
Jeannie actually kind of reminds me of the protagonist of “fear and loathing in las vegas” if just because she seems to just sort of blunder through situations without thinking things through and somehow usually mamnaging to avoid terrible consequences in spite of it all.
She’s certainly mam-naging things in the third frame *snort*
“…Wake up sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean, for a day dreeeam believer and a…”
Oops, sorry, had a flashback.
o_o I uh, I… am feeling pretty conflicted. It sounds as if Jean wants to um, well… to have sex with Neil to test his skills. That can’t be right. Can it? I mean, I know Jean’s been slowly, reluctantly adapting, but this much? Already?
It is and that where it going right now, unless something derails it and send it some place else.
“This much? Already?”
Yes, it does seem more than a little sudden. It’s certainly going to give Neil some whiplash, which is part of why I can’t really see him going along with it. (And really, folks: I’d love to see the look on Jeanie’s face if Neil turns her down. I suspect she can’t imagine he would, especially given this: ?p=208.)
But I am having a hard time coming up with a scenario that doesn’t have plenty of comic potential, short of Jeanie actually falling asleep in Neil’s arms–which could at least be rather romantic. Even though they’d both poof into the bottle.
Which now makes me wonder about Aracelli coming in and accidentally bottling Neil as well as Jeanie….
It’s mid morning, at least, what has Natalie been doing, dressed only in a night shirt, with Rodge and Caley? Did they all see her disappear in a poof of pink?
Even very small children are going to question that and Caley is suspicious of Natalie’s intentions already.
Yes but Caley know’s she has a genie who said she’d handle things, I doubt the fact the smoke is pink will really register she’ll just see the woman she doesn’t trust vanishing via magic. As for Roger he know’s Jeanie’s a genie so he’ll probably assume she poofed Neil home.
Although given Caley’s attitude towards Roger I’m surprised she cared enough about Natalie to be suspicious.
I’m thinking that Jean might turned Neil back into “Jean” while turning “herself” into “Belle” to find out the answer. Just a hunch.
Are we finally going to get lady on lady action with Jean and Natalie? ( we all know it’s not gonna happen but hey, I can have a wishful thinking )
I think when Neil/Natalie in whatever form realizes what Jean is up, they may run out of there as fast as possible!
Maaaybe go to sleep before making any life-altering decisions?