A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
It’s not a question of intelligence; it’s a question of attention span.
I do think Neal is smarter than any of the genies, as well as being smarter than Roger. He simply has the nerd trait of not paying attention to social stuff. All his instruction cycles are spent on engineering matters.
I look forward to seeing Ariceli’s reaction when she finally learns that Natelie is really Neil. Will she declare Jeanie to be even more evil for inflicting such a punishment? Will she start to wonder if Neil/Natelie might actually have willingly slept with Rodge?
Actually she’ll probably conclude that Neil is a pervert who has Jeannie regularly poof him into a woman in his free time, and that was why he didn’t want to marry her. And immediately do whatever actions are warranted by this conclusion that will have the greatest comedic effect.
If she learns Natalie’s true identity, that’s the only outcome I can think of which doesn’t immediately end with Araceli going “a ha” and reporting Jeanie to Guano, getting her banished, and the comic ending.
Will Caley Araceli do a number on Natalie out of ignorance of who she is? Will Jeanie get over her Jealousy tantrum in time to save Natalie from the other Genie? Stay tuned in until the next cartoon strip and find out!
I look forward to seeing Araceli doing something mean to Natelie and THEN finding out that Natelie is Neil. Her reaction to realizing that she has “attacked” the man whom she desires should be interesting.
It not going to be good for the visiting team either. It going to be a bad deal for both Genie’s if this thing goes to a logical conclusion, before it straighten out. Because, Araceli can put a hex on Natalie too and then Jeanie won’t be able to change Natalie back into Neil until Araceli remove’s her hex on Natalie too. Rodger to the rescuer by telling Caley that Natalie is actually Neil or claiming that Natalie is his girl if CD Rudd want to keep Natalie identity secret for future shenanigans that he may want to do in the future.
Remember from Jeanies day of training that a genie cant force a human to do anything against their will. So all Araceli can do is teleportation or transformation, i guess you could bribe or threaten but Natalie/Neil read the genie book so he would be wise to certain things.
I don’t think Araceli is completely at liberty to do whatever she wants. She’s trying to get Caley to go to bed so she can deal with this new situation. Does she know it’s Neil in Natalie form? It’s not clear yet. Maybe she can tell and maybe she can’t.
If she knows it’s Neil then she won’t want to harm him/her, but her master has expressed a dislike and wants this strange woman gone. Araceli will need to tread carefully so as to obey her master yet not hurt Neil.
If she does not know it’s Neil, then all bets are off and Araceli may poof her anywhere, but she’s trying to use the leverage of making the nasty woman go away to get Caley to go to bed. Caley clearly doesn’t want to, and as a genie Araceli can’t just go against her master’s wishes, but we do know genie’s can be tricky.
I wonder if Araceli might turn “Natalie” into a man…
About the poll: I was surprised that Dr. Who came in second. And I’m a guy who remembers that the First Doctor was Peter Cushing, the same actor who played Moff Tarkin in Star Wars.
I voted for “Star Trek.” Why? Well, who wouldn’t like to see:
(1) Green Orion Women
(2) Harry Mudd (Think what he would do with his own genie!)
(3) Spock confronted with Jeanie’s twisted logic
However, the Brady Bunch would make a good crossover, and an appropriate one: Picture Natalie trapped in a Sitcom Sixties.
I like the way you think Tom, but The Adams Family would be more fun than The Brady Bunch i think. Though, i really would love to see natalie, jeanie and araceli all stuck as charlies angels with rodge being charlie.
*facepalms* These are the official Doctors of Doctor Who. No one better mess them up.
1. William Hartnell
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Jon Pertwee
4. Tom Baker
5. Peter Davison
6. Colin Baker
7. Sylvester McCoy
8. Paul McGann
War. John Hurt
9. Christopher Eccleston
10. David Tennant
11. Matt Smith
12. Peter Capaldi
I think Aracili is trying to get the kid to go to bed so she can find out who this woman is and why she is here. Then she will make her leave by the door or with a poof.
If she was mean she would just stone Roger and poof Nat some were else.
Like i said before i don’t think Blue is evil or mean but she will protect and fight for the ones she cares about.
I am interested to see how she handles this. I would go better than even odds she takes Caley’s form and tries to get Roger to make Nat leave. After Caley is in bed sleeping.
She seems pretty damn heartless when dealing with Jean. “Mean” does not even begin to cover “I desperately want you to fuck up so I can imprison you forever”.
Two women fighting over a man can get nasty. But that doesn’t mean that they are heartless and cruel in dealing with other people.
I have seen some crazy things women have done over the years.
Hopefully she doesn’t do any thing mean to Neil/Nat while trying to full fill her masters wish.
Considering that Araceli literally put Neil on the rack after she assumed he was an evil sorcerer who had exiled the castaways to Gilligan’s Island, yes, MUCH too much to hope for. Overreaction seems to run in the family…
Speaking of Gilligan’s Island, if Araceli does zap Natalie onto Gilligan’s Isle, will she become yet another guest star, or take the place of
I suspect Natalie will have an unexpected trip, or the faint possibly of a transformation. Natalie would make an lovely lingerie mannequin in a Victoria Secrets store window.
With CD’s permission I put a fanart piece in my DevArt gallery, Natalie and the New Statue. An imagined outcome if Jean got her revenge on Aracelli. LINK BELOW
You know, the strangest thing I read in these comments each time, is that everyone is always on Jean to start obeying as a genie, and that when she gets mad at Neil that she is always the bad one.
Am I the only one who feels bad for Jean? Sure, it may seem like karma to see a guy drooling over the idea of a genie that looks like Barbara get turned into one, but how would you feel if you suddenly got changed against your will into another body, one you really hate, then are told that from now on all your free will is gone, and you are to be a slave to your best friend, then just whoever picks up a random glass bottle, forever?
Am I the only one who feels that overreacting, getting mad, and resisting the people trying to enslave you might actually be normal?
There’s really only one, very vocal commenter who talks about Jean being more obedient.
And I agree, Jean got seriously screwed at the start of this story, and she deserves a little better than all the shit she goes through. Not a LOT better, but at least a little.
As Disney’s Genie says, “PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER, itty bitty living space”, which is just a brilliant metaphor.
It’s a balance of power thing.
I will grant Our Jeanie this, though: as impulsive and selfish as she can be, she’s also been quite modest in her exercise of her powers. She’s got no real ambition. And she hasn’t really hurt anyone.
My gosh, she hasn’t even stopped writing reviews for her job, last we heard.
Of course, if Natalie sees Araceli, the first thing she’s going to say is something like “Araceli! What are you doing here?” Which will *probably* keep her from getting poofed even worse, but will give Araceli an absolutely *splendid* transgression to report to Uncle Guano.
I just noticed that Caley didn’t say to get rid of Nat. Blue was the one that said that and Caley didn’t second it. This leaves Blue open to dealing with this how ever she wants. Wishes have to be followed to the word, this was not a wish.
Oh, good show, Ari! Make yourself complicit in Jeanie’s crime! Compound it, actually!
Are genies in fact unable to think for more than half a second?
No, I think it’s just that Araceli is somehow less intelligent than Jean.
Jean isn’t stupid. I always thought Neil was the dumb one of the duo. He always finds a way to make his situation worst by saying the wrong thing.
It’s not a question of intelligence; it’s a question of attention span.
I do think Neal is smarter than any of the genies, as well as being smarter than Roger. He simply has the nerd trait of not paying attention to social stuff. All his instruction cycles are spent on engineering matters.
Considering how Blue keeps out smarting Jean? The evidence doesn’t back it up.
Honestly, it doesn’t seem like much of a contest.
Well, this went downhill fast…. I wonder what ari is going to do with natalie?
Poofed inside a tv show? Thus the next crossover?
Ohhhhh, so that’s what the poll is for!
She doesn’t even know about the hot dogs, to say nothing about shows.
OMG this is going to be awesome xD
I look forward to seeing Ariceli’s reaction when she finally learns that Natelie is really Neil. Will she declare Jeanie to be even more evil for inflicting such a punishment? Will she start to wonder if Neil/Natelie might actually have willingly slept with Rodge?
She’ll probably think Neil likes being a woman.
Actually she’ll probably conclude that Neil is a pervert who has Jeannie regularly poof him into a woman in his free time, and that was why he didn’t want to marry her. And immediately do whatever actions are warranted by this conclusion that will have the greatest comedic effect.
If she learns Natalie’s true identity, that’s the only outcome I can think of which doesn’t immediately end with Araceli going “a ha” and reporting Jeanie to Guano, getting her banished, and the comic ending.
Will Caley Araceli do a number on Natalie out of ignorance of who she is? Will Jeanie get over her Jealousy tantrum in time to save Natalie from the other Genie? Stay tuned in until the next cartoon strip and find out!
I look forward to seeing Araceli doing something mean to Natelie and THEN finding out that Natelie is Neil. Her reaction to realizing that she has “attacked” the man whom she desires should be interesting.
Heh, this could end up working in Jean’s favor depending on what Araceli does to Nathalie.
And with all these hints, i can see Rodge sleeping with Natalie at some point.
Rodge is the comic relief. If he sleeps with Natalie, it’ll be as a woman, or a cat, or a neglige or something.
*giggle* I like your way of thinking!
Yes, having Rodge get the “girlification” punishment would be karmically appropriate and comedic.
I think Rodge could benefit from a night as Nat’s pajamas. Probably not a negligee, but a nice, sensible oversized T-shirt.
Ooooooooooo No I don’t think this will be good for the home team.
It not going to be good for the visiting team either. It going to be a bad deal for both Genie’s if this thing goes to a logical conclusion, before it straighten out. Because, Araceli can put a hex on Natalie too and then Jeanie won’t be able to change Natalie back into Neil until Araceli remove’s her hex on Natalie too. Rodger to the rescuer by telling Caley that Natalie is actually Neil or claiming that Natalie is his girl if CD Rudd want to keep Natalie identity secret for future shenanigans that he may want to do in the future.
I’m beginning to see the head of a lot of relational issues with Neil. With who exactly is the core of the question.
What kind of person show up late at night? Used to be Carson, Leno, Letterman…I forget who’s doing it now…
Correction Robert the word should be “woman” in the last panel
Whoops, you’re right! Thanks for catching that. I’ll fix it ASAP.
You are most welcome.
Be well
Oh boy…Looks like Neil isn’t going to have an easy night.
Hopefully what Araceli does isn’t too crazy. Then again, her master is a kid…so there’s no telling. XD
Remember from Jeanies day of training that a genie cant force a human to do anything against their will. So all Araceli can do is teleportation or transformation, i guess you could bribe or threaten but Natalie/Neil read the genie book so he would be wise to certain things.
I don’t think Aaceli knows that Natalie is Neil?
I don’t think Araceli is completely at liberty to do whatever she wants. She’s trying to get Caley to go to bed so she can deal with this new situation. Does she know it’s Neil in Natalie form? It’s not clear yet. Maybe she can tell and maybe she can’t.
If she knows it’s Neil then she won’t want to harm him/her, but her master has expressed a dislike and wants this strange woman gone. Araceli will need to tread carefully so as to obey her master yet not hurt Neil.
If she does not know it’s Neil, then all bets are off and Araceli may poof her anywhere, but she’s trying to use the leverage of making the nasty woman go away to get Caley to go to bed. Caley clearly doesn’t want to, and as a genie Araceli can’t just go against her master’s wishes, but we do know genie’s can be tricky.
I wonder if Araceli might turn “Natalie” into a man…
About the poll: I was surprised that Dr. Who came in second. And I’m a guy who remembers that the First Doctor was Peter Cushing, the same actor who played Moff Tarkin in Star Wars.
I voted for “Star Trek.” Why? Well, who wouldn’t like to see:
(1) Green Orion Women
(2) Harry Mudd (Think what he would do with his own genie!)
(3) Spock confronted with Jeanie’s twisted logic
However, the Brady Bunch would make a good crossover, and an appropriate one: Picture Natalie trapped in a Sitcom Sixties.
I like the way you think Tom, but The Adams Family would be more fun than The Brady Bunch i think. Though, i really would love to see natalie, jeanie and araceli all stuck as charlies angels with rodge being charlie.
I loved the original Addams Family (as well as the movies) but I think that a more normal family like the Brady Bunch would make for better contrast.
A thought: If Araceli poofs Jeanie into some TV world, wouldn’t it be from a series she’s actually seen before?
Um, I meant poofing Neil/Natalie.
Well Araceli has seen Gilligan’s Island, I believe . . .
Actually the First Doctor was William Hartnell (1963), Peter Cushing was the Doctor in 1965 🙂
*facepalms* These are the official Doctors of Doctor Who. No one better mess them up.
1. William Hartnell
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Jon Pertwee
4. Tom Baker
5. Peter Davison
6. Colin Baker
7. Sylvester McCoy
8. Paul McGann
War. John Hurt
9. Christopher Eccleston
10. David Tennant
11. Matt Smith
12. Peter Capaldi
I stand corrected, Kirby. Are you by any chance Mayor of Whoville?
She’s gonna find out that having a Genie overlord for a relative is NOT always a good thing.
This is not Neil’s day.
I think Aracili is trying to get the kid to go to bed so she can find out who this woman is and why she is here. Then she will make her leave by the door or with a poof.
If she was mean she would just stone Roger and poof Nat some were else.
Like i said before i don’t think Blue is evil or mean but she will protect and fight for the ones she cares about.
I am interested to see how she handles this. I would go better than even odds she takes Caley’s form and tries to get Roger to make Nat leave. After Caley is in bed sleeping.
She seems pretty damn heartless when dealing with Jean. “Mean” does not even begin to cover “I desperately want you to fuck up so I can imprison you forever”.
Consider the trouble Jean has caused? And will CONTINUE to cause? And has shown no signs of reforming in the least?
Two women fighting over a man can get nasty. But that doesn’t mean that they are heartless and cruel in dealing with other people.
I have seen some crazy things women have done over the years.
Hopefully she doesn’t do any thing mean to Neil/Nat while trying to full fill her masters wish.
How’s this for a twist. Aracelli teleports Natalie away. She then has to fly back. Then runs into Agent Anderson at the airport….
Not a lot of cash in that outfit.
If Natalie took another trip to the strip club, I am sure the patrons would find a way to get cash in that outfit.
last panel ” WOMEN” plural?
Fixed it. Thanks.
I’m sure Araceli is just humouring young Calie. She doesn’t really think this woman’s a thief, right?
This may be too much to hope for…
Considering that Araceli literally put Neil on the rack after she assumed he was an evil sorcerer who had exiled the castaways to Gilligan’s Island, yes, MUCH too much to hope for. Overreaction seems to run in the family…
Speaking of Gilligan’s Island, if Araceli does zap Natalie onto Gilligan’s Isle, will she become yet another guest star, or take the place of
(1) Mary Ann
(2) Ginger
(3) Mrs. Howell
And to make it even more interesting it would be the episode where they did all the mind swaps 🙂
I suspect Natalie will have an unexpected trip, or the faint possibly of a transformation. Natalie would make an lovely lingerie mannequin in a Victoria Secrets store window.
With CD’s permission I put a fanart piece in my DevArt gallery, Natalie and the New Statue. An imagined outcome if Jean got her revenge on Aracelli. LINK BELOW
Fantastic! I love seeing fanart of CD’s comics.
You know, the strangest thing I read in these comments each time, is that everyone is always on Jean to start obeying as a genie, and that when she gets mad at Neil that she is always the bad one.
Am I the only one who feels bad for Jean? Sure, it may seem like karma to see a guy drooling over the idea of a genie that looks like Barbara get turned into one, but how would you feel if you suddenly got changed against your will into another body, one you really hate, then are told that from now on all your free will is gone, and you are to be a slave to your best friend, then just whoever picks up a random glass bottle, forever?
Am I the only one who feels that overreacting, getting mad, and resisting the people trying to enslave you might actually be normal?
Not the only one. I’m hoping Jean will found the GLF: Genies’ Liberation Front.
There’s really only one, very vocal commenter who talks about Jean being more obedient.
And I agree, Jean got seriously screwed at the start of this story, and she deserves a little better than all the shit she goes through. Not a LOT better, but at least a little.
As Disney’s Genie says, “PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER, itty bitty living space”, which is just a brilliant metaphor.
It’s a balance of power thing.
I will grant Our Jeanie this, though: as impulsive and selfish as she can be, she’s also been quite modest in her exercise of her powers. She’s got no real ambition. And she hasn’t really hurt anyone.
My gosh, she hasn’t even stopped writing reviews for her job, last we heard.
And to be fair, she’s got a wimp master. I just don’t know about Neil sometimes.
Of course, if Natalie sees Araceli, the first thing she’s going to say is something like “Araceli! What are you doing here?” Which will *probably* keep her from getting poofed even worse, but will give Araceli an absolutely *splendid* transgression to report to Uncle Guano.
I just noticed that Caley didn’t say to get rid of Nat. Blue was the one that said that and Caley didn’t second it. This leaves Blue open to dealing with this how ever she wants. Wishes have to be followed to the word, this was not a wish.