Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Poor Jeanie. I really feel for her here, she hates the bottle but HAS to go into it whether she wants to or not, and just knowing how vulnerable it makes her only makes that fear worse. I’m not sure if those are just movement lines in the last panel or not, but to me, it looks like she’s shaking.
I bet i would be easier to sleep if you had a good friend watching over you. To bad you were a complete @#$hole to the only one you have. It’s the old you made your bottle now lay in it. No sympathy for you.
This is the other thing I wanted to say, thank you.
This is part of the reason I advocate for Jeanie and Neil fulfilling their roles as genie and master. The idea of the powerless mortal standing guard over his phenomenally powerful genie, with nothing but his respect and even affection for her, almost catches in my throat.
The fact that Jeanie has not allowed this to happen is, in fact, why she is on the outs with Guano.
No she’s on the outs with Guano is because he’s an idiot with no idea how to handle the training of a new Genie who still thinks of themself as human never mind male. I keep saying this but if you were in Jeanies position could you adapt to being essentially property that easily?
How about getting asleep while holding the lid in her hands? Would she keep it while she’s puffed into the bottle? That would assure her no one would be able to lock her within.
Ooh, this could lead to some sort of spacial paradox. She’d be in the bottle holding the bottle. She could get out of it, but just then be inside it again.
Never mind the bottle Neil’s been poofed into it before and then Jeanie poofed on top of him and snuggled up. So what I want to know is if a master is in the bottle and it gets corked does he get ejected, does it get decorked or is he trapped in there too?
It may or may not be significant to our story, but in the very first strip, there isn’t any stopper visible in the bottle, or in Jean’s hand. It just goes POP! when Jean mentions the old I Dream of Jeannie show.
Could the bottle have been a boobie-trap left with Jean in mind? And who would be able to set Jean up?
Possibly because Guano or his niece would just POOF up another one, like Araceli did not so long ago? Also, remember how scared Jean was when she was trapped inside Araceli’s bottle, wedged in an old shipwreck?
Which is why I have no sympathy for Araceli she has essentially been freed by Jeanie yet rather than trying to help the new Genie adapt she’s trying to stab her in the back.
Araceli is definitely a huge prick. The only thing she really has going for her is the semi-humorous “I have no idea how modern society works” schtick. I really hope she gets what’s coming to her.
I don’t feel sorry for her here, because, she created this situation by turning Neil into Natalie, because of her jealous rage a few post back. If she ends up in the bottle and somebody like Ana or somebody, she won’t have Neil around to let her out of the bottle again or possibly keep her from being corked in the bottle in the first place. Jeanie was the one that created this situation that she worried about. So no, I don’t feel sorry for her at all.
I won’t say I have no sympathy for her, because, um, I’m not perfect and have done selfish unthinking crap myself–but let’s just say I hope she has a learning experience. Those are often painful and fun to watch. 🙂
How did she create this situation, exactly? Neil or no Neil, she’d still be afraid of the bottle. Let’s say Jeanie hadn’t poof’d Neil, so he’s still there. It’s not like Aracleli or Guano would give two shits about what Neil thinks, if they decide to come back and fuck with Jeanie again.
Due to essentially no fault of her own, the place she automatically ends up in every time she goes to sleep is no longer her safe and comfortable bottle, but instead a potential deathtrap. Who the fuck wouldn’t be terrified of sleeping under those circumstances?
Although, Neil is no match for either Aracleli or Guano, Having Neil there, is still better than having no one there to defend Jeanie interest, which Neil has done on several occasions. Neil was the one that let Jeanie out the last time that she was in the bottle. So Jeanie make it more likely that she will end up in a cored Genie bottle again.
The sooner jean excepts his situation and quits being delusional the better for him and Neil. Forcing Neil to suffer being a girl and disrupting Neils life because his has been taken from him is the most petty and childish thing Jean has done in the story. He is a horrible friend and he deserves all the bad karma he has created. He clearly has lived a charmed life because he can’t cope with things not going his way. Basically he needs to grow up and quit acting likeva child.
Agreed, that why I don’t feel sorry for Jeanie, because most of her injuries are self inflicted on herself. I don’t feel sorry for those kinds of people. They need to grow up.
Again if you’d been in her position would you have accepted your a girl and property by now or would you still be thinking of yourself as a free man/woman?
The thing is, Jean was self centered jerk to begin with before he was poof into being the Genie in the bottle. Then after he became her the Genie in the bottle, she is still self centered jerk after becoming Genie. The Jean before becoming a Genie could not poof out his displeasure or cause too much trouble and you could ignore him if you wanted to. But, Jeanie with Genie powers you now you can no longer ignore her, because she will poof out her displeasure. What Badtaiming and I am talking about isn’t about Jean becoming a Genie which is what your talking about, but the fact that Jeanie a still self centered jerk. That is entirely different than what your saying or talking about.
Trying to hurt/harm others because you were hurt/harmed is not cool. Neil had nothing to do with Jean becoming a genie but Jean continues to lash out at him any way. Also don’t bring up the Bell thing Neil had no choice in that. Jean forced him into that as well. Jean is a huge jerk. He only tried to do one nice thing for Neil since this comic began.
You know Jeanie, when it comes to stress, you shouldn’t bottle it up.
Too much stress can cause you to blow your cork.
she’s just being e-vase-ive
Poor Jeanie. I really feel for her here, she hates the bottle but HAS to go into it whether she wants to or not, and just knowing how vulnerable it makes her only makes that fear worse. I’m not sure if those are just movement lines in the last panel or not, but to me, it looks like she’s shaking.
Yes, Jeanie is definitely shivering in panel 4. Sorry that the low resolution makes that less obvious.
Jeanie, you know, if you poofed Natalie back I’m sure she could help you stay awake.
Somehow. Doing something.
I bet i would be easier to sleep if you had a good friend watching over you. To bad you were a complete @#$hole to the only one you have. It’s the old you made your bottle now lay in it. No sympathy for you.
This is the other thing I wanted to say, thank you.
This is part of the reason I advocate for Jeanie and Neil fulfilling their roles as genie and master. The idea of the powerless mortal standing guard over his phenomenally powerful genie, with nothing but his respect and even affection for her, almost catches in my throat.
The fact that Jeanie has not allowed this to happen is, in fact, why she is on the outs with Guano.
No she’s on the outs with Guano is because he’s an idiot with no idea how to handle the training of a new Genie who still thinks of themself as human never mind male. I keep saying this but if you were in Jeanies position could you adapt to being essentially property that easily?
How about getting asleep while holding the lid in her hands? Would she keep it while she’s puffed into the bottle? That would assure her no one would be able to lock her within.
What would happen if she fell asleep with the bottle in her hands?
The same would probably happen if she fell asleep with the stopper in her hands.
What if she is holding it and it doesn’t go into the bottle, but corks it?
Ooh, this could lead to some sort of spacial paradox. She’d be in the bottle holding the bottle. She could get out of it, but just then be inside it again.
Convert the bottle into a Klein bottle. That way she can be inside it and outside it at the same time.
Never mind the bottle Neil’s been poofed into it before and then Jeanie poofed on top of him and snuggled up. So what I want to know is if a master is in the bottle and it gets corked does he get ejected, does it get decorked or is he trapped in there too?
Well who needs sleep when you’re a magical being anyway…
Don’t suppose “she” could just throw away the cork instead?
ah, that old schtick…i love visual humor… lol
Time to hit the bottle?
It may or may not be significant to our story, but in the very first strip, there isn’t any stopper visible in the bottle, or in Jean’s hand. It just goes POP! when Jean mentions the old I Dream of Jeannie show.
Could the bottle have been a boobie-trap left with Jean in mind? And who would be able to set Jean up?
Check Panel 4 in Comic,
If she is that afraid of being trapped? Why doesn’t she hide the plug to the bottle?
Possibly because Guano or his niece would just POOF up another one, like Araceli did not so long ago? Also, remember how scared Jean was when she was trapped inside Araceli’s bottle, wedged in an old shipwreck?
Which is why I have no sympathy for Araceli she has essentially been freed by Jeanie yet rather than trying to help the new Genie adapt she’s trying to stab her in the back.
Araceli is definitely a huge prick. The only thing she really has going for her is the semi-humorous “I have no idea how modern society works” schtick. I really hope she gets what’s coming to her.
And now we feel a bit sorry for Jean again. Wonder how that’s going to end.
I don’t feel sorry for her here, because, she created this situation by turning Neil into Natalie, because of her jealous rage a few post back. If she ends up in the bottle and somebody like Ana or somebody, she won’t have Neil around to let her out of the bottle again or possibly keep her from being corked in the bottle in the first place. Jeanie was the one that created this situation that she worried about. So no, I don’t feel sorry for her at all.
I won’t say I have no sympathy for her, because, um, I’m not perfect and have done selfish unthinking crap myself–but let’s just say I hope she has a learning experience. Those are often painful and fun to watch. 🙂
How did she create this situation, exactly? Neil or no Neil, she’d still be afraid of the bottle. Let’s say Jeanie hadn’t poof’d Neil, so he’s still there. It’s not like Aracleli or Guano would give two shits about what Neil thinks, if they decide to come back and fuck with Jeanie again.
Due to essentially no fault of her own, the place she automatically ends up in every time she goes to sleep is no longer her safe and comfortable bottle, but instead a potential deathtrap. Who the fuck wouldn’t be terrified of sleeping under those circumstances?
Although, Neil is no match for either Aracleli or Guano, Having Neil there, is still better than having no one there to defend Jeanie interest, which Neil has done on several occasions. Neil was the one that let Jeanie out the last time that she was in the bottle. So Jeanie make it more likely that she will end up in a cored Genie bottle again.
The sooner jean excepts his situation and quits being delusional the better for him and Neil. Forcing Neil to suffer being a girl and disrupting Neils life because his has been taken from him is the most petty and childish thing Jean has done in the story. He is a horrible friend and he deserves all the bad karma he has created. He clearly has lived a charmed life because he can’t cope with things not going his way. Basically he needs to grow up and quit acting likeva child.
Agreed, that why I don’t feel sorry for Jeanie, because most of her injuries are self inflicted on herself. I don’t feel sorry for those kinds of people. They need to grow up.
Again if you’d been in her position would you have accepted your a girl and property by now or would you still be thinking of yourself as a free man/woman?
The thing is, Jean was self centered jerk to begin with before he was poof into being the Genie in the bottle. Then after he became her the Genie in the bottle, she is still self centered jerk after becoming Genie. The Jean before becoming a Genie could not poof out his displeasure or cause too much trouble and you could ignore him if you wanted to. But, Jeanie with Genie powers you now you can no longer ignore her, because she will poof out her displeasure. What Badtaiming and I am talking about isn’t about Jean becoming a Genie which is what your talking about, but the fact that Jeanie a still self centered jerk. That is entirely different than what your saying or talking about.
Trying to hurt/harm others because you were hurt/harmed is not cool. Neil had nothing to do with Jean becoming a genie but Jean continues to lash out at him any way. Also don’t bring up the Bell thing Neil had no choice in that. Jean forced him into that as well. Jean is a huge jerk. He only tried to do one nice thing for Neil since this comic began.
Damn, I wish that Neil was always a girl.
Jean is acting less and less like a guy. Also, if Neil stays a girl for like a week the same thing happens. Also, their hot.
At least Jean(ie)’s sleep deprivation hasn’t reached this level: