Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Well, Rodge is double clueless if he knowingly takes a kid into a strip club.
However, if Jean has turned Neil into Natelie again, then encounters with Anderson will be quite likely.
As far as Jean being angry over Neil-as-Jean possibly sleeping with Belle, the STUPID part about it (on Jean’s part) is that Jean was pushing Neil earlier to act like Jean, up to and including groping her. Demanding that Neil get at least to second base with Belle and then being upset at the thought of Neil going beyond second base does seem hypocritical of Jean, especially if Neil suddenly backing down when Belle is “getting interested” would make Belle suspicious (which was allegedly the whole motive for demanding that Neil start groping her). That said, I do agree with the people who say that Belle should NOT be made to sleep with anybody under false pretenses–my above statement is in regards to Jean’s motivations.
I’m with Jean on this one. Not because of the stupid Bro Code thing, but because having sex with someone who thinks you are someone else is considered Rape in many jurisdictions. It is very skeevy. Whatever you’ve got coming Neil, you kinda deserve it. You are supposed to be the non-skeevy one in the comic.
Assuming Neil really did have sex with Belle, I’m going to have to side with Neil on this one. He was given specific instructions, with no limits, and it sounds like Belle was very much the instigator. Neil would have been a little overwhelmed, to the point of not being able to find a nice way to say “No” without breaking a character he doesn’t really understand.
Yeah it is the not breaking character that makes it rape. Unless he disclosed to Belle his identity, then Belle was having sex with someone she did not consent to. Belle might have been the instigator with “Jean” but if she had known that “Jean” in this case was Neil, then she might not have. If Neil has not explained he was Neil pretending to be Jean then Belle had a lack of informed consent and sex without fully informed consent is called Rape.
The bro code no longer applies not after jean told him to stick his tongue in her mouth and grab her ass also grope her body.
Jean was cool with it when Neil had his body but it looks like he couldn’t suspend belif when he changed Neil back.
This is Jeans mess he’s srewing with Niels life and now Bells.
When he didn’t contact her for weeks he lost all claim to her.
I hope Neil or someone lays the smack down on him soon.
Okay…first off, it is definitely not rape. Rape is all about consent and in this case, the sex was obviously consensual. Belle was obviously the instigator and Neil merely went along with it for the purpose of protecting Jean’s secret. It’s not like he slipped into her bed in the middle of the night and pretended to be Jean. There was no intended manipulation on Neil’s part. For all intents and purposes, Neil was physically transformed into Jean and did precisely what Jean would do.
Unless Neil said “I’m Neil” then Belle could not consent to sex with him. She might have consented to sex with Jean, but just because Neil looked like Jean did not mean he was Jean. Without that active and informed consent, that would constitute rape. It might not be violent rape, but it would be rape nonetheless. Your lack of understanding on what constitutes consent is…worrying. Now if it turns out that Neil did fully inform Belle, then it will not have been rape. However, as it stands it does very much look like rape by deception. You need to check out what Rape by Deception and Rape by Fraud means. It explicitly covers impersonating a significant other by another party in order to obtain sex. ‘m hoping that one of the following strips either rows back on Neil having had sex with Belle or having declared that he was in fact Neil and not Jean despite appearances. Otherwise, Neil is a Rapist.
If there was sex involved, it could very well be rape — of Neil. He certainly didn’t consent to the situation that he was put in. Rape by coercion is just as much rape as rape by force.
The problem is YOUR definition of rape. Rape by deceit is willful and intentional. It occurs when someone purposely sets out to deceive another person so as to procure sex. Neil DID NOT set out to deceive Belle. There was NO INTENT. Neil played along with it so as to help Jean and not just to satisfy some personal desire of his own. Rape requires an intent by the rapist. Since there was no intent on Neil’s part then he cannot be rightly called a rapist.
Possibly it was Neil that did not consent but went a long with it because he could not find a way to get out of it with out breaking character. Kind of like a girl giving it up because it’s expected but even though she did not want to, that happens all the time.
How ever since CD did not say the extent of what happened (PG comic) this is all pointless speculation. If the other shoe ever drops on this and the facts are reviled then this discussion might be relevant. At this point it amounts to baseless slander conjecture.
Really, you’d think that Jeanie would know better than to send the one guy that COULD help away. With her luck, Araceli saw that and will report to Guano about it.
Turned him into the girlfriend? Sent him packing to Vegas? Found a lovely little tiger’s den in India? The possibilities are as endless as they could be amusing.
Interesting Bro rule 28 is about ex-girlfriends. I think Jean-ie should be glad Neil scored because it means there could still be a relationship. But what dose that say about her that she has been dating and sleeps with Jean once he gets back in to town?
I think she poofed him to the Kreditbanken bank in the central Stockholm square of Norrmalmstorg where the Aug.23-28 1973 robbery hostage taking took place.
You know I mentioned Stockholm syndrome twice in widely spaced comics real time because given my understanding of said syndrome it made sense to me. These repeated bad jokes are getting very annoying and putting me off the comic.
The closest Neil has gotten to sexual harassment is requesting “Jumping Jacks” in the middle of the last story arc. Keeping him in character would probably require that aside from GETTING SEX from Belle, he really was trying to play the part of his friend Jean, and he was responding to Belle’s love for Jean and need for him.
Not that we’ll be seeing anything that sensitive actually spelled out in this series. But, still, backstory can be important, sometimes more important than what the author/artist actually puts in front of the audience.
The Swedish chef doesn’t come from Sweden. He doesn’t speak Swedish, he speaks Mock-Swedish, which is closer to Norwegian, since it uses the ø, which doesn’t exist in Swedish. Also, in episode 306, in a sketch with Jean Stapleton, it was revealed his native language is Mock-Japanese, so he comes from Mock-Nippon.
Uh oh. Is he on the stripper pole? Or in the bottle?
That’s smart Jean, send your only ally off to the stripper pole.
And luck will be that Nathalie shall be saved by Rodge 🙂
We’ll find out on Thursday. Well, you will. I edited the page already, so I know what happens. 🙂
And, of course, telling us now would be cheating. Right?
Of course it would. 🙂 I’d much rather make you guys squirm in anticipation, anyway. 🙂
What would make that really perfect is clueless Rodge bringing Caley to the strip club–either as Caley or “Kendra.”
And maybe Agent Anderson will be at the club too, perhaps trying to connect with his former masculinity–or maybe moonlighting…
Well, Rodge is double clueless if he knowingly takes a kid into a strip club.
However, if Jean has turned Neil into Natelie again, then encounters with Anderson will be quite likely.
As far as Jean being angry over Neil-as-Jean possibly sleeping with Belle, the STUPID part about it (on Jean’s part) is that Jean was pushing Neil earlier to act like Jean, up to and including groping her. Demanding that Neil get at least to second base with Belle and then being upset at the thought of Neil going beyond second base does seem hypocritical of Jean, especially if Neil suddenly backing down when Belle is “getting interested” would make Belle suspicious (which was allegedly the whole motive for demanding that Neil start groping her). That said, I do agree with the people who say that Belle should NOT be made to sleep with anybody under false pretenses–my above statement is in regards to Jean’s motivations.
Uh, Jean? Maybe instead of worrying that you got caught, you might consider bringing Neil back?
Oh, wait, that would require you to not be a ditz. Nevermind.
Seems that Jean’s temper got to her again and Neil…got poofed.
Ok bad karma time for Jean-ie and man has she earned it.
But does it apply if your bro is now a sis?
Sis’s can be bros. It’s in the bro code.
What about if said sis turns you into her former male self and pushes you onto said girlfriend as her himself?
I don’t think Jeanie did it.
“This will teach him” – i think she did.
I’m with Jean on this one. Not because of the stupid Bro Code thing, but because having sex with someone who thinks you are someone else is considered Rape in many jurisdictions. It is very skeevy. Whatever you’ve got coming Neil, you kinda deserve it. You are supposed to be the non-skeevy one in the comic.
Assuming Neil really did have sex with Belle, I’m going to have to side with Neil on this one. He was given specific instructions, with no limits, and it sounds like Belle was very much the instigator. Neil would have been a little overwhelmed, to the point of not being able to find a nice way to say “No” without breaking a character he doesn’t really understand.
Yeah it is the not breaking character that makes it rape. Unless he disclosed to Belle his identity, then Belle was having sex with someone she did not consent to. Belle might have been the instigator with “Jean” but if she had known that “Jean” in this case was Neil, then she might not have. If Neil has not explained he was Neil pretending to be Jean then Belle had a lack of informed consent and sex without fully informed consent is called Rape.
The bro code no longer applies not after jean told him to stick his tongue in her mouth and grab her ass also grope her body.
Jean was cool with it when Neil had his body but it looks like he couldn’t suspend belif when he changed Neil back.
This is Jeans mess he’s srewing with Niels life and now Bells.
When he didn’t contact her for weeks he lost all claim to her.
I hope Neil or someone lays the smack down on him soon.
Okay…first off, it is definitely not rape. Rape is all about consent and in this case, the sex was obviously consensual. Belle was obviously the instigator and Neil merely went along with it for the purpose of protecting Jean’s secret. It’s not like he slipped into her bed in the middle of the night and pretended to be Jean. There was no intended manipulation on Neil’s part. For all intents and purposes, Neil was physically transformed into Jean and did precisely what Jean would do.
Unless Neil said “I’m Neil” then Belle could not consent to sex with him. She might have consented to sex with Jean, but just because Neil looked like Jean did not mean he was Jean. Without that active and informed consent, that would constitute rape. It might not be violent rape, but it would be rape nonetheless. Your lack of understanding on what constitutes consent is…worrying. Now if it turns out that Neil did fully inform Belle, then it will not have been rape. However, as it stands it does very much look like rape by deception. You need to check out what Rape by Deception and Rape by Fraud means. It explicitly covers impersonating a significant other by another party in order to obtain sex. ‘m hoping that one of the following strips either rows back on Neil having had sex with Belle or having declared that he was in fact Neil and not Jean despite appearances. Otherwise, Neil is a Rapist.
If there was sex involved, it could very well be rape — of Neil. He certainly didn’t consent to the situation that he was put in. Rape by coercion is just as much rape as rape by force.
The problem is YOUR definition of rape. Rape by deceit is willful and intentional. It occurs when someone purposely sets out to deceive another person so as to procure sex. Neil DID NOT set out to deceive Belle. There was NO INTENT. Neil played along with it so as to help Jean and not just to satisfy some personal desire of his own. Rape requires an intent by the rapist. Since there was no intent on Neil’s part then he cannot be rightly called a rapist.
Possibly it was Neil that did not consent but went a long with it because he could not find a way to get out of it with out breaking character. Kind of like a girl giving it up because it’s expected but even though she did not want to, that happens all the time.
How ever since CD did not say the extent of what happened (PG comic) this is all pointless speculation. If the other shoe ever drops on this and the facts are reviled then this discussion might be relevant. At this point it amounts to baseless slander conjecture.
Well if “she” saw that then a new way to get rid of Jeanie just appeared.
Really, you’d think that Jeanie would know better than to send the one guy that COULD help away. With her luck, Araceli saw that and will report to Guano about it.
I hope Celi saw nothing, and especially that she didn’t invoke her Uncle. I want Neil and Jeanie to work this out between the two of them.
So…stripper pole?
That only one possibility. I would expect some a little bit more flashy or some different now. What it is, I am not sure.
Turned him into the girlfriend? Sent him packing to Vegas? Found a lovely little tiger’s den in India? The possibilities are as endless as they could be amusing.
That’s only 28? I would have figured that to be number 5 at a minimum.
I want to see her Bro code book. (which she’s obviously read more than the genie code book)
Sorry about that. I was totally supposed to link it in the comic description, but forgot. It’s up there now.
Ah, thank you. & I always thought that was fictional.
That’s her signature *Poof*, so why is she surprised?
Was she told at some point not to?
She’s not surprised, she’s thinking “Oh CRAP! Araceli *just* told me that I’ll get in a lot of trouble for that, if anyone saw me do it.”
Ah well that explains the look. I thought it might have been someone else “poofing” before she did.
Interesting Bro rule 28 is about ex-girlfriends. I think Jean-ie should be glad Neil scored because it means there could still be a relationship. But what dose that say about her that she has been dating and sleeps with Jean once he gets back in to town?
I think she poofed him to the Kreditbanken bank in the central Stockholm square of Norrmalmstorg where the Aug.23-28 1973 robbery hostage taking took place.
You know I mentioned Stockholm syndrome twice in widely spaced comics real time because given my understanding of said syndrome it made sense to me. These repeated bad jokes are getting very annoying and putting me off the comic.
In the Swedish edition of Monopoly Norrmalmstorg is the most expensive lot.
The closest Neil has gotten to sexual harassment is requesting “Jumping Jacks” in the middle of the last story arc. Keeping him in character would probably require that aside from GETTING SEX from Belle, he really was trying to play the part of his friend Jean, and he was responding to Belle’s love for Jean and need for him.
Not that we’ll be seeing anything that sensitive actually spelled out in this series. But, still, backstory can be important, sometimes more important than what the author/artist actually puts in front of the audience.
Where in Sweden does the Swedish chef come from? This question is never answered on the Muppet Show.
The Swedish chef doesn’t come from Sweden. He doesn’t speak Swedish, he speaks Mock-Swedish, which is closer to Norwegian, since it uses the ø, which doesn’t exist in Swedish. Also, in episode 306, in a sketch with Jean Stapleton, it was revealed his native language is Mock-Japanese, so he comes from Mock-Nippon.