Jeanie Bottle 285
Yay, more Natalie! Sexy Natalie, even!
EDIT: As commenter “heavy” mentioned below, I completely forgot to provide a full-resolution pinup for Natalie, as I had done for Jeanie in a previous comic. Well let’s remedy that oversight, shall we?
personally I get a kick out of Jeanie’s temper tantrum’s, Jeanie from the TV series had quite a temper too, I agree with SageM but I’d go one better a white bridal teddy stockings garter and veil… very comical and entertaining, keep up the good work 🙂
When Jeanie turns someone into a girl, is it what they would look like if they were born a girl or is it Jean’s ideal girl with features (skin, hair, eye color) of that person? Basically, are they average looking or 9’s and 10’s?
On another note, how does Neil keep his hands off himself?!
To apply scientific logic to totally irrational magic. I would have to say that it’s Jean’s providing input.
A male is made up of XY chromosomes, and a female is XX. That’s why you get sex linked traits like male pattern baldness, red-green colorblindness and hemophilia.
If Neil had been born a girl, there would have been a whole other arm of genetic information on the chromosome supplied by his father. In other words, there a whole lot of possible female Neils. It’s not a simple binary switch.
Therefore, what we are seeing is Jean’s idea of Natalie as a girl. That fits with the general logic of genie magic that we have seen as well. Jeannie looks like Jean’s idea of what a Genie should like, not what a female Jean would look like.
How is that for overthinking?
I picture this for the next strip:
Natalie working on a laptop at the kitchen table, Rodge reading the paper in the opposite chair. ( copy) “Rodge I need you to input these changes exactly as I have typed them when you get to work. No screwing around!” Rodge ” Sure Nat.”
Next frame: There is a loud CRASH! off frame. They do not look at all startled.
Next frame: An upset little boy runs in. Copy ” Mommy baby Jean keeps breaking my Leggo city!
Next frame: Natalie consoling the boy. Copy ” That’s ok Neil, Jean is too young to know any better.” Rodge Copy ” you know you really need to take a firmer hand with that boy.”
Next frame: A blond toddler with a defiant smirk stands in the door way. Copy Natalie ” I really have the strongest feeling of deja vu right now.”
I wonder if Natascha Kampusch will ever sell the house in which she was imprisoned for 3096 days or if she’ll still be owning it when she dies.
Looks to me like her bust size is bigger and middle thinner then prev nattle
That is exactly what a bustier is designed to do.
True but nat has been in one before and wasent showing that much look back so this is ultra nattle
I don’t think anyone has asked this question yet: Just whose bottle was it before Jean got it (and it got Jean)?
What is the record number of comments for any particular strip in this series?
There are a handful of comics with comment counts in the 60s, and one with 76 (page 213), but since this one is at 88 (counting this comment), it’s far in the lead.