Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Yeah, that’s something that I’m hoping comes back to bite Araceli in the butt one of these days. She doesn’t seem to understand that Neil and Jeanie aren’t simply genie and master.
Same in hoping Araceli gets done punishment for this since after spending centuries trapped in her bottle at the bottom of the sea she seems very eager to inflict that same suffering on someone else. Not to mention the fact she’s bullying a new genie who doesn’t know the rules, is still learning and has already chosen to sacrifice power to stay with a specific master she was friends with while human.
Not to mention shes doing this to the same genie who freed her from being stuck like that. Although this does explain why genies are in such short supply if they give the humans who’s lives they muck up less than a year to figure out what’s going on before sealing them up forever as opposed to turning them back into humans.
Considering how much of a jackass she’s seen Jean been to him, she likely thinks he just feels OBLIGATED to be with Jean rather than any endearment or friendships.
Except she hasn’t seen much of Jeanie at all and considering what we’ve seen of Jeanie society I don’t think she’s really all that concerned with anyone other than herself.
Well with Jean-ie bottled up their is no one to interrupt sexy time. There is no one to change Neil back into him self. Question is how long till he pisses Bell off by not being enough like Jean. Also were is Blue going to send them when she catches them breaking into her future masters home.
I would leave Jeanie in the bottle for a little bit of time and let the blue Jeanie mess thing up for a little bit of time, which Neil being caught in the middle between Belle on the other side. Neil also has to go to work too. I also see possibilities of the blue Jeanie not knowing that Neil has been turned into Jeanie male form Jean. So you could have her looking for Neil too.
She honestly see this working out for the better between herself and Neil by accepting that offer? She better have a very good spin story in her defence when the BS hits the fan, because she’ll stand to lose about as much as Jean here.
Except that should be between Jeanie and her master don’t you think- When other people start doing things becaus they think they know what’s best for someone without taking to the people in question bad things tend to happen. Not to mention the fact she’s also gloating over the fact the genie she now knows was human not that long ago and who freed her from being trapped is going to wind up sealed in her bottle forever, that’s not I’m doing a favour for Neil.
Senko: “Except that should be between Jeanie and her master don’t you think-”
Oh, certainly.People thinking they can run other people’s lives for them is a rather angry bee in my bonnet, as happens. At least in real life.
But note my answer was to Jenny’s question, concerning what Celli expects. Celli has no experience of modern life, certainly little concept of personal liberty as we understand.
Neil is Master. She is Genie. Genies wield great power at their Master’s command, and if they chose, devote themselves to their Master’s personal service. That’s her picture of how things are supposed to work. It never occurs to her that Jeanie has no remotest concept of service as a fulfilling way of life. Jeanie is, after all, a genie, and genies are supposed to serve.
Jeanie is not holding up her end of the deal in exchange for her powers. She needs to be bottled–or she needs to accept Neil as her Master.
And Neil needs to accept Jeanie as his genie.
She’s probably never had a Master who didn’t want to be one.
Two problems with that from my perspective. First as I said Aracelli is gloating about sealing away a new genie who still has human ideas influencing them forever. She isn’t approaching this from a “I’m sorry but this is for the best” or “look your going to screw up big time if you keep this up let me help you” she’s coming at it from a “haha I’m taking your master and your going to spend eternitity sealed away. No grattitude, no sympathy, nothing.
Secondly she’s seen enough and been told enough to know Jeanie really is new, inexperienced, did help her get free and that the world is changed since she was sealed away yet Jeanie choose to stay with Neil. It ties in with one but she’s not coming at this from any desire to help the new genie adapt to her role and learn how much fun it can be she’s coming at it from a desire to steal a master another genie chose to stay with, a master who when given the choice choose that genie to be with.
Like I said from the start she’s been maniuplative, self centred and as its going on she’s becoming more and more unlikeable. I rather agree with another poster and I’d like to see a more reasonable genie lord taking an interest as Guano’s boss because right now Guano’s method of training backed up by her selfishness seems like a way to lose a lot of new genies while condeming them to an eternity of suffering sealed away because they couldn’t adapt quickly enough to losing their humanity or the dagger in the back politics of what’s meant to be a nurtuting class of genie.
Aracelli isn’t concerned for what’s best. She really doesn’t know that, or care. Her mindset is 100% “Which of us is the best genie?” She wins, hands down. Jeanie has no concept of what being a genie means.
‘Celli knows that her role is to be the magical servant. She adores Neil, although she’s impulsive when annoyed. She has no evidence that Jeanie has any affection for Neil at all.
And “[Celli’s] manipulative, self centered, and…becoming more and more unlikeable”? Same applies to Jeanie, who is based on Jean, who is essentially a sociopath who has no morals or empathy. Celli knows the genie role and rules, and has little thought of going outside them.
From what we’ve seen, female genies at least are highly impulsive as well.
You are absolutely correct in identifying the real problem as Lord Guano. He has completely botched this whole operation. Neil, Jeanie, and Celli are all his victims.
So, one genie can’t undo another genie’s magic, except a genie lord can. If Guano stuck around long enough he could undo the Neil-Jean spell, but he’d have to know about it and/or believe Neil when he told him. There are so many possibilities. It’s hard to guess where CD is going with this.
As usual, I’m happy to wait and see. I still say don’t count Jeanie out, she’s quick witted in a pinch and Araceli doesn’t seem to be any better at thinking ahead than Jean/Jeanie.
Blue just gained some points with me she really really wants to serve Neil. Jean uses him and abuses him on a whim. Jean needs to grow up a realize it’s not all about her and her fate is a the whim of Neil and others now that she is a creature of servitude.
That’s a pretty open ended question; depends on the circumstance.
But I will say in general that I do understand something about service, even duty.
True, I’d have a very hard time getting along with an abusive master. Abusive of me would be a personal problem; I gather that I could limit my service to three wishes, and could interpret them as I pleased. I think part of being a genie is identifying and punishing the power mad.)
Abusive of my powers, though, would be outright dangerous to others. Couldn’t permit myself to be used that way, even if stopping it resulted in my own destruction.
But someone like Neil? I would at the very least work with him to figure out how to proceed. I’d study the damn manual with him, find a way to live with the situation.
As I understand things, the role of Master is a heavy burden. The Master would be morally responsible for whatever use he made of my powers. Someone like Neil could easily be crushed by the role, far more effectively than I would be crushed by mine.
I would prefer to be the Master, no question. But I could live with being the genie, given a good Master.
And given a couple of hundred years to get used to it.
Also, remember that Celli hails from a time when being a servant, even a slave, was the default status of most humans, especially females. She has no concept of personal liberty as we understand it. The only question for her is, good or bad master?
Jean looks like her hair is long or at least more down in the last panel. You should seriously consider changing her hair to hang down more she looks tons better.
I noticed the same thing, but I’m not sure I want to see it like that all the time.
Normally, she’s so confident, so independent, she doesn’t need Neil or anybody else. And for awhile, that’s fun and attractive in its own way.
But now, she looks vulnerable, scared even, for the first time I can remember. She looks like she needs to be rescued.
Comforted, perhaps, heh heh heh.
And of course, like it or not, us guys are wired up to respond to that big time.
I don’t want to Jeanie be frightened or weak all the time. But man oh man, getting that smirk wiped off her face, just this once. Getting her to look as if, just this once, she might need a shoulder to lean on…oh yeah.
I’m still rooting for Araceli at this point, after all the crude Jean has pulled, and has shown few if any signs of learning NOT to abuse her new lot in life.
They both sneaky devious plans that are selfishly motivated. Jeanie is just more open about it and in your face with it. It will be an interesting battle to see who win as if we didn’t already know who will ultimately win. But, it make for an interesting story line.
I’ve been rooting for Araceli for a long time. She’s obviously better for Neil, and from what we’ve seen with Caley, she’d make a great mom for his kids.
Unfortunately, Neil has this loyalty thing with Jean, even if he really likes Araceli. Stay tuned…
Ummm you mean when she turned the guy responsible for caring for her into a statue for making a meal she didn’t like? Jeanie not really had a lot of time to adjust to the fact she’s a genie so far it’s been one wacky thing after another. Remember Jeanie has tried to being Neil lunch, helped him keep his job and frankly been very open and honest about who she is and what she’s doing. Araceli on the other hand has been deceitful, manipulative and just as selfish as well as rather more cruel. Personally I’d prefer Jeanie of the two and I’m starting to think there was a very good reason Araceli wound up sealed in her bottle at the bottom of the ocean.
What the hell is with you people claiming Stockholm syndrome?? Araceli has had barely any interaction with Neil, and he’s never treated her like a captive or even a servant. Claiming Stockholm is a HUUUUGE leap.
That’s just Senko who seems obsessed with Stockholm Syndrome. He brought it up a long time ago. It didn’t make sense then and it doesn’t make sense now.
My understanding of it is that stockholm syndrome is when a captive forms an emotional bond with their captor coming to identify with them. I mention it because really a genie is a captive of their master utterly dependant on them and their whims. They can’t leave, can’t disobey (in theory or they get punished by a higher ranking genie lord), have to literally grant their wishes, can’t even own property in their own name and in the case of a former human everything that was theirs is now their new masters. Seems to me like as good a description as any. In Aracelii’s case after a few centuries sealed away from any outside contact she ran into Neil who treated her kindly and she latched onto him. I admit I may not be correct in my understanding of the syndrome and I agree Neil’s never treated them as a captive or servent but to me it really does seem to fit because really that is what a genie is its just the captivity is being enforced from their end.
I believe that I brought up both Stockholm syndrome and it’s inverse Lima syndrome when Araceli latched onto Neil during the short time she was his genie.I brought them up because they’re both very strong emotional attachments.
Believe it or not I have sympathy for Guano. He has a thankless job keeping genies in check. A genie run amuck can create dire consequences on a global scale ( remember Eva). Though he is a jerk about it he still has an important and necessary job.
Yea, I kind of agree. The cop who pulls you over may seem like kind of a jerk, but he really is just trying to keep everybody safe, and hey, you were speeding, he has you on radar. Guano is just trying to make sure Jeanie is doing her job, even though she got roped into it. Arceli is the bitch, because she is trying to screw-over Jeanie.
I don’t think of Guano as a jerk. He had to make quick decisions based on incomplete information. And he had to deal with Jean.
He may have poor judgment, a prime example of the Peter Principle in action. He seems to suffer from future shock a lot. (What would a Genie Lord need a cell phone for?) I don’t think he is being difficult on purpose or through carelessness.
One elephant in the room in this and most genie stories is why genies must be slaves. Maybe Jean will start up a Genie Liberation Front and recruit Araceli? Jean can be pretty imaginative…
Check and balance sort of thing. It’s dangerous to give power and control to the same individual.
In balance, the genie gets to limit the number of wishes to three, if she sees fit, and can interpret them as necessary.
Neither Jeanie nor Aracelli strike me as good candidates for libertarianism; they are too willing to violate the no first use of force policy, and are far too impulsive, given the power they can wield. They both need Masters.
Neil very seriously needs to step up his game and take control.
Yep Araceli that is smart. Make your future Master mad, by helping get rid of his friend.
Good point!
Yeah, that’s something that I’m hoping comes back to bite Araceli in the butt one of these days. She doesn’t seem to understand that Neil and Jeanie aren’t simply genie and master.
Same in hoping Araceli gets done punishment for this since after spending centuries trapped in her bottle at the bottom of the sea she seems very eager to inflict that same suffering on someone else. Not to mention the fact she’s bullying a new genie who doesn’t know the rules, is still learning and has already chosen to sacrifice power to stay with a specific master she was friends with while human.
Not to mention shes doing this to the same genie who freed her from being stuck like that. Although this does explain why genies are in such short supply if they give the humans who’s lives they muck up less than a year to figure out what’s going on before sealing them up forever as opposed to turning them back into humans.
I hope Lord Guano gets punished for favorite treatment of his nice.
How can she when no one has told her so? All she sees is a jackass genie abusing a nice guy.
Considering how much of a jackass she’s seen Jean been to him, she likely thinks he just feels OBLIGATED to be with Jean rather than any endearment or friendships.
Except she hasn’t seen much of Jeanie at all and considering what we’ve seen of Jeanie society I don’t think she’s really all that concerned with anyone other than herself.
What a bitch.
My kind of bitch. Much prefer this bitch over the bitch Jean has been.
Love love love Jeanie’s disheveled look in the last frame.
Araceli may not understand that Neil and Jeanie aren’t simply genie and master, but neither Neil nor Jeanie understand that they are.
And that is exactly why Jeanie is now corked in her bottle.
Now the question is, will Jeanie take the chance to explain to Araceli what’s really going on, and enlist her help?
Or will Neil have to step in and rescue Jeanie? And if so, will she be properly grateful?
(Meanwhile, Neil is learning what a real girlfriend expects from her lover. Zippety zounds! Education all round!
Well with Jean-ie bottled up their is no one to interrupt sexy time. There is no one to change Neil back into him self. Question is how long till he pisses Bell off by not being enough like Jean. Also were is Blue going to send them when she catches them breaking into her future masters home.
Why would Belle get mad at Neil-Jean for being less Jeanlike? Jean’s kindof a douche…
I think he meant something along the lines of:
When will Belle figure out that Jean is not acting like himself for reasons beyond simple jet-lag.
My question has more to do with how Neil (as male Jean) is going to handle his employment situation.
Ah. Now Aracelli is the Evil Sister!
If Jean has half a brain cell, she’ll realize this is the red warning light to shape up or else.
I would leave Jeanie in the bottle for a little bit of time and let the blue Jeanie mess thing up for a little bit of time, which Neil being caught in the middle between Belle on the other side. Neil also has to go to work too. I also see possibilities of the blue Jeanie not knowing that Neil has been turned into Jeanie male form Jean. So you could have her looking for Neil too.
She honestly see this working out for the better between herself and Neil by accepting that offer? She better have a very good spin story in her defence when the BS hits the fan, because she’ll stand to lose about as much as Jean here.
Yes, she does, because she’s had a lot of experience being a genie, as I recall, and knows what Masters like.
By her lights, she is indeed doing Neil a great service.
Jeanie may finally have to confront that as the genie, she is not in control. That’s her Master’s job.
Except that should be between Jeanie and her master don’t you think- When other people start doing things becaus they think they know what’s best for someone without taking to the people in question bad things tend to happen. Not to mention the fact she’s also gloating over the fact the genie she now knows was human not that long ago and who freed her from being trapped is going to wind up sealed in her bottle forever, that’s not I’m doing a favour for Neil.
Senko: “Except that should be between Jeanie and her master don’t you think-”
Oh, certainly.People thinking they can run other people’s lives for them is a rather angry bee in my bonnet, as happens. At least in real life.
But note my answer was to Jenny’s question, concerning what Celli expects. Celli has no experience of modern life, certainly little concept of personal liberty as we understand.
Neil is Master. She is Genie. Genies wield great power at their Master’s command, and if they chose, devote themselves to their Master’s personal service. That’s her picture of how things are supposed to work. It never occurs to her that Jeanie has no remotest concept of service as a fulfilling way of life. Jeanie is, after all, a genie, and genies are supposed to serve.
Jeanie is not holding up her end of the deal in exchange for her powers. She needs to be bottled–or she needs to accept Neil as her Master.
And Neil needs to accept Jeanie as his genie.
She’s probably never had a Master who didn’t want to be one.
(That is, Aracelli has probably never seen an unwilling Master. That line got misplaced.)
Two problems with that from my perspective. First as I said Aracelli is gloating about sealing away a new genie who still has human ideas influencing them forever. She isn’t approaching this from a “I’m sorry but this is for the best” or “look your going to screw up big time if you keep this up let me help you” she’s coming at it from a “haha I’m taking your master and your going to spend eternitity sealed away. No grattitude, no sympathy, nothing.
Secondly she’s seen enough and been told enough to know Jeanie really is new, inexperienced, did help her get free and that the world is changed since she was sealed away yet Jeanie choose to stay with Neil. It ties in with one but she’s not coming at this from any desire to help the new genie adapt to her role and learn how much fun it can be she’s coming at it from a desire to steal a master another genie chose to stay with, a master who when given the choice choose that genie to be with.
Like I said from the start she’s been maniuplative, self centred and as its going on she’s becoming more and more unlikeable. I rather agree with another poster and I’d like to see a more reasonable genie lord taking an interest as Guano’s boss because right now Guano’s method of training backed up by her selfishness seems like a way to lose a lot of new genies while condeming them to an eternity of suffering sealed away because they couldn’t adapt quickly enough to losing their humanity or the dagger in the back politics of what’s meant to be a nurtuting class of genie.
Aracelli isn’t concerned for what’s best. She really doesn’t know that, or care. Her mindset is 100% “Which of us is the best genie?” She wins, hands down. Jeanie has no concept of what being a genie means.
‘Celli knows that her role is to be the magical servant. She adores Neil, although she’s impulsive when annoyed. She has no evidence that Jeanie has any affection for Neil at all.
And “[Celli’s] manipulative, self centered, and…becoming more and more unlikeable”? Same applies to Jeanie, who is based on Jean, who is essentially a sociopath who has no morals or empathy. Celli knows the genie role and rules, and has little thought of going outside them.
From what we’ve seen, female genies at least are highly impulsive as well.
You are absolutely correct in identifying the real problem as Lord Guano. He has completely botched this whole operation. Neil, Jeanie, and Celli are all his victims.
So, one genie can’t undo another genie’s magic, except a genie lord can. If Guano stuck around long enough he could undo the Neil-Jean spell, but he’d have to know about it and/or believe Neil when he told him. There are so many possibilities. It’s hard to guess where CD is going with this.
As usual, I’m happy to wait and see. I still say don’t count Jeanie out, she’s quick witted in a pinch and Araceli doesn’t seem to be any better at thinking ahead than Jean/Jeanie.
Quick witted with ideas that have very unintended consequences.
However, I’m waiting for ol’ bird poop’s boss (there must be one someplace) to learn of his geriatric ways of dealing with modern people.
I think you mean “ol’ bat poop”. 🙂
Actually, guano is used for both bird and bat poop. Typically, sea birds.
Huh, did not know that.
Learn something new every day, don’t we?
Be patient,Aracelli..your time will come!
Well…Jean wanted to find Neil a girlfriend…any way possible to convince Araceli she can have Neil if she opens the bottle?
Yes, she put of Genie Lock on Jeanie’s bottle and now only another Genie can open it. Genie’s can do that, but, they don’t usually do that.
Blue just gained some points with me she really really wants to serve Neil. Jean uses him and abuses him on a whim. Jean needs to grow up a realize it’s not all about her and her fate is a the whim of Neil and others now that she is a creature of servitude.
Yes, exactly. So glad I’m not the only one thinking this way.
If this happened to you could you just accept your just a creature of servitude?
That’s a pretty open ended question; depends on the circumstance.
But I will say in general that I do understand something about service, even duty.
True, I’d have a very hard time getting along with an abusive master. Abusive of me would be a personal problem; I gather that I could limit my service to three wishes, and could interpret them as I pleased. I think part of being a genie is identifying and punishing the power mad.)
Abusive of my powers, though, would be outright dangerous to others. Couldn’t permit myself to be used that way, even if stopping it resulted in my own destruction.
But someone like Neil? I would at the very least work with him to figure out how to proceed. I’d study the damn manual with him, find a way to live with the situation.
As I understand things, the role of Master is a heavy burden. The Master would be morally responsible for whatever use he made of my powers. Someone like Neil could easily be crushed by the role, far more effectively than I would be crushed by mine.
I would prefer to be the Master, no question. But I could live with being the genie, given a good Master.
And given a couple of hundred years to get used to it.
Also, remember that Celli hails from a time when being a servant, even a slave, was the default status of most humans, especially females. She has no concept of personal liberty as we understand it. The only question for her is, good or bad master?
Jean looks like her hair is long or at least more down in the last panel. You should seriously consider changing her hair to hang down more she looks tons better.
I noticed the same thing, but I’m not sure I want to see it like that all the time.
Normally, she’s so confident, so independent, she doesn’t need Neil or anybody else. And for awhile, that’s fun and attractive in its own way.
But now, she looks vulnerable, scared even, for the first time I can remember. She looks like she needs to be rescued.
Comforted, perhaps, heh heh heh.
And of course, like it or not, us guys are wired up to respond to that big time.
I don’t want to Jeanie be frightened or weak all the time. But man oh man, getting that smirk wiped off her face, just this once. Getting her to look as if, just this once, she might need a shoulder to lean on…oh yeah.
Araceli seems to have the biggest crush ever on Neil.
I’m still rooting for Araceli at this point, after all the crude Jean has pulled, and has shown few if any signs of learning NOT to abuse her new lot in life.
They both sneaky devious plans that are selfishly motivated. Jeanie is just more open about it and in your face with it. It will be an interesting battle to see who win as if we didn’t already know who will ultimately win. But, it make for an interesting story line.
Jean’s Protagonist Shield Of Invincibility is just annoying at this point.
I’ve been rooting for Araceli for a long time. She’s obviously better for Neil, and from what we’ve seen with Caley, she’d make a great mom for his kids.
Unfortunately, Neil has this loyalty thing with Jean, even if he really likes Araceli. Stay tuned…
Ummm you mean when she turned the guy responsible for caring for her into a statue for making a meal she didn’t like? Jeanie not really had a lot of time to adjust to the fact she’s a genie so far it’s been one wacky thing after another. Remember Jeanie has tried to being Neil lunch, helped him keep his job and frankly been very open and honest about who she is and what she’s doing. Araceli on the other hand has been deceitful, manipulative and just as selfish as well as rather more cruel. Personally I’d prefer Jeanie of the two and I’m starting to think there was a very good reason Araceli wound up sealed in her bottle at the bottom of the ocean.
Good point, Senko! Why *was* Araceli down there to begin with? Seems like a pretty massive punishment, and not likely to have been an accident.
Araceli has a strong emotional attachment to Neil not unlike Puppy Love.
I’d say more Stockholm syndrome crossed with strong possessive tendencies.
What the hell is with you people claiming Stockholm syndrome?? Araceli has had barely any interaction with Neil, and he’s never treated her like a captive or even a servant. Claiming Stockholm is a HUUUUGE leap.
That’s just Senko who seems obsessed with Stockholm Syndrome. He brought it up a long time ago. It didn’t make sense then and it doesn’t make sense now.
My understanding of it is that stockholm syndrome is when a captive forms an emotional bond with their captor coming to identify with them. I mention it because really a genie is a captive of their master utterly dependant on them and their whims. They can’t leave, can’t disobey (in theory or they get punished by a higher ranking genie lord), have to literally grant their wishes, can’t even own property in their own name and in the case of a former human everything that was theirs is now their new masters. Seems to me like as good a description as any. In Aracelii’s case after a few centuries sealed away from any outside contact she ran into Neil who treated her kindly and she latched onto him. I admit I may not be correct in my understanding of the syndrome and I agree Neil’s never treated them as a captive or servent but to me it really does seem to fit because really that is what a genie is its just the captivity is being enforced from their end.
Talking about Stockholm syndrome on a blog is one of the early warning signs of Stockholm syndrome.
Stockholm syndrome gets it’s name from the Aug.23-28 1973 Norrmalmstorg robbery.
I believe that I brought up both Stockholm syndrome and it’s inverse Lima syndrome when Araceli latched onto Neil during the short time she was his genie.I brought them up because they’re both very strong emotional attachments.
I’m rooting for neither of the genies to get Neil, nor for Belle, but for Caley.
Ideal solution: Belle gets Jeanie’s bottle, Caley keeps Araceli’s focus, and Neil / (adult)Caley live happily ever after with Araceli as their maid.
Oh, and Rodge and Guano get to go work at the Hiram [sic] strip club for a (long) spell.
Believe it or not I have sympathy for Guano. He has a thankless job keeping genies in check. A genie run amuck can create dire consequences on a global scale ( remember Eva). Though he is a jerk about it he still has an important and necessary job.
Yea, I kind of agree. The cop who pulls you over may seem like kind of a jerk, but he really is just trying to keep everybody safe, and hey, you were speeding, he has you on radar. Guano is just trying to make sure Jeanie is doing her job, even though she got roped into it. Arceli is the bitch, because she is trying to screw-over Jeanie.
I don’t think of Guano as a jerk. He had to make quick decisions based on incomplete information. And he had to deal with Jean.
He may have poor judgment, a prime example of the Peter Principle in action. He seems to suffer from future shock a lot. (What would a Genie Lord need a cell phone for?) I don’t think he is being difficult on purpose or through carelessness.
Both the Stockholm and Lima syndromes interest me greatly I’m really curious how Captives and Captors emotionally latch on to each other.
One elephant in the room in this and most genie stories is why genies must be slaves. Maybe Jean will start up a Genie Liberation Front and recruit Araceli? Jean can be pretty imaginative…
Check and balance sort of thing. It’s dangerous to give power and control to the same individual.
In balance, the genie gets to limit the number of wishes to three, if she sees fit, and can interpret them as necessary.
Neither Jeanie nor Aracelli strike me as good candidates for libertarianism; they are too willing to violate the no first use of force policy, and are far too impulsive, given the power they can wield. They both need Masters.
Neil very seriously needs to step up his game and take control.
Um, it’s been established in the storyline that not all genies have masters–Lord Guano, for instance.
Natascha Kampusch now owns the house in she was held prisoner for 3096 days by Wolfgang Priklopil.
Natascha Kampusch was said to have wept bitterly when she was told her captor was dead.