Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Actually, that’s a misinterpretation of indian tradition.
Karma (pronounced more like Karuma) is more about damaging the pan-soul (or Brahmin) of all people. To hurt others is to hurt yourself by damaging that shared essence (or Atman).
It was never about people deserving the bad things that happen to them, or some kind of punishment for bad deeds. That was always a popular misinterpretation of the west, possibly inspired by the christian tradition of divine punishment.
Blue has no problem imprisoning Jean-ie even though she her self spent a very long time locked in her bottle Ironic if you ask me . Clearly she is a genie on a mission to get her temporary master back full time.
Really… The girl is literally being two-faced here.
Sure, Jean might be somewhat a jerk at times with Neil or just plain crass but at least “she’s” straight with him and can actually be genuinely nice to “her” best friend. Jean and Neil’s friendship I would say from experience is fairly normal for two guys, more or less.
Araceli is however is secretly manipulative, insensitively cold with sugar-coating faux etiquettes to those in her way (like Frieza of Dragon Ball Z or Jennifer from Total Drama Island). Cally, if I’m guessing right, is her master/new friend and seems to be a sweet girl as far. Araceli doesn’t seem to care if she leaves her for Neil nor that she’ll ASAP try to throw Jean “under the bus” behind Neil’s back just to get him all to herself. What’s exactly is so good about what she’s willingly do for this? Lonely for affection or not, even with an eternity of servitude, this goal of her isn’t justifiable.
She doesn’t have one right now. She only obligated to give Cali three wishes and then She can move on if she want to. But, some Genie’s can choose to stay with the one that opened the bottle if they want to. It is purely Genie choice here where they stay or not after they full there duty to grant three wishes to the person that opened the bottle. That why that seaman turned captain and then turned into a girl was trying to make Genie stay after making his three wishes. He figured that he could make genie his wife and then he could have all the wishes that he wanted. But, Genie had no intention of doing that.
Jeanie will spend her time out pouting. Considering her job as a book reviewer you would think she likes to read. But i am getting the feeling that she is to self absorbed to do any thing productive.
And now Araceli will go looking for Neil…does she know his name? Meanwhile, Caley will become increasingly upset about her missing crush, and elsewhere, Neil is doing his best (we hope) to be Jean. And is Roger stoned once again? And what of Agent Anderson?
Stay tuned…
P.S. Anyone remember that Guano’s boss hasn’t shown up yet?
Well, we don’t know what Neil told Araceli about Jean/Jeanie while she was his temporary genie. She may, or may not, know about the gender switch and what male Jean looked like.
I suppose Caley has already used up her 3 wishes and Araceli is free to find a new master. Caley, being a child, probably didn’t consider the 3 wish limit carefully (not that Neil did, either).
Finally, there is no indication that Guano *has* a boss. Nothing in the dialog or story so far gives that impression to me. We know very little of genie society and hierarchy.
I’m not rooting for Araceli, as much as I’m rooting for Jeanie (and Neil) to understand the Master-genie relationship, the powers and duties on both sides.
And I’m not attacking Araceli, although she is pretty much a bitch, because she’s not modern. She doesn’t know that by our standards, what she’s doing is horribly wrong.
Araceli would not now have the upper hand had Jeanie not been so contemptuous, by genie standards, of Neil, and so frivolously selfish in the exercise of her powers.
Not being modern is no excuse for what she is doing. Even if she has no respect for the modern ideal of freedom, she should have respect for family and responsibility. Her uncle has charged her with getting Jeannie in shape. Araceli has decided she is just going to ensure Jeannie fails so that she can get her way. By telling Jeannie to not tell Neil anything, she is also telling Jeannie not to be honest with her master. She is doing wrong by what should be her own standards as well as modern ones.
There’s also duty and obligation Araceli spent 500 years at the bottom of the sea without her uncle doing a thing, Jeanie freed her (even if technically she was trying to free herself) and now she’s trying to double cross Jeanie who as per the djinn rules has already decided to sacrifice power to stay with a specific master. I’m really hoping uncle Guano can’t protect Araceli from the consequences of abusing a new genie, trying to interfere I’m another genies relationship with their master and any other genie traditions she may be. Violating here.
I don’t think anyone wants Araceli to actually succeed. But I do hope she realizes the error of her ways and learns a valuable lesson about friendship that… *erk*
Aracelli will now pop over to see Neil and find “Jean” and Belle.
And knowing Jeanies history of turning guys into girls will now try to change Belle back into Neil 🙂
Jean-ie is stuck till Neil can find a excuse to go home.
Bell is going to want sexy time question is is her place closer or is his. Aslo when she poofed Neil into her male self did she give him ID and keys?
Here is my guess on how it is all going down. Neil and Bell end up at Jean’s apartment Bell finds the bottle thinking its a gift and opens it before Neil can stop her. Jean pops out and all hell breaks loose. Then they all have some pie or maybe some cup cakes.
Another situation that could happen is Araceli could go appear for Neil and try to impress him. though that could be rather problematic as now we got a good looking middle eastern girl showing up and trying to call him master and trying to impress him. which will no doubt get bell all upset, because she still thinks Neil is Jean. and then both will probably start to fight for neil. Leaving Neil stuck in a no win situation.
Jean could still technically tell someone else in the loop about “her” being a genie to tell Neil about this, if “she” were to use the classical ‘creative interpretation’ trick on Aracelli’s wording. But Jean might not be THAT smart to think of it.
I’m imagining that Aracelli’s lack of knowledge on the current era and Jean/Neil’s friendship is gonna land her in a big mess eventually like last time and I’m really hoping it will karma-tically get her to compromise or be more co-operative with Jean in order to work things out.
I don’t see how “creative interpretation” helps at all. Aracelli is threatening to bring Guano down on her (in more than one sense) if Jeannie doesn’t do as she insists. Jean explaining to Aracelli that she didn’t technically break the rule isn’t going to stop Aracellie from inacting vengeance, regardless of the wording used.
I hope Aracelli’s karma payback is right out of an IDOJ TV episode where Jeannie’s evil sister is frozen into a giant block of ice. With the addition of a walk in freezer zapped up to store the ice block. Or it teleported to Pluto for a few months close to absolute zero.
Sometimes, or even more often, someone will get an idea under their bonnet & can’t see the contradictory evidence. I’d give examples, but do I really need to?
I like both of them, they are both pretty and cute. That said, Araceli shouldn’t be so mean to Jeanie considering she knows how unpleasant being trapped in a bottle is. Hopefully both of them can reach happy solutions rather than being at odds with each other.
I just realized something: the problem isn’t Araceli (though I admit that her attachment to Neil is probably something that she needs to work out).
The root of the problem is Guano and his bad habit of placing blame/work on others. He’s using everyone else (including Araceli) to make Jeanie behave. He even went out of his way to threaten Neil when the poor sap some time back. So the one that really needs the karmatic payback that everyone is saying Araceli should get (though she will probably have some to a lesser degree as might Jeanie considering the collateral damage rule) is Guano.
I will say that Guano is probably the rightful target of all vengeful feelings. He is the root of many problems…but Jean is also responsible for his fair share. 😉
In which case the parent or parents should step in and punish Araceli for her behaviour instead we have the authority figure Guano treating her as his little princess and punishing Jeanie.
Also while I dislike Araceli I agree Guanos boss should step I’m and lay down the law because Guanos style of genie management would be bad for a modern anyone, girl or guy. Which Kazom seemed to get but he’s too tired to try and change things.
How about having Araceli poof Jean’s bottle back in time to the Aug.23-28 1973 bank robbery and hostage taking in the Norrmalmstorg square in central Stockholm.
The term Stockholm syndrome originated as a result of the Norrmalmstorg robbery and hostage taking for 6 days 2 men held 4 bank employees 3 female 1 male hostage the police was shocked when they took offense to a rescue attempt even speaking well of their captors.
Okay, that is just cruel. Don’t the djinn believe in or understand karma?
No, that concept’s from a bit further east. Still.
Actually, that’s a misinterpretation of indian tradition.
Karma (pronounced more like Karuma) is more about damaging the pan-soul (or Brahmin) of all people. To hurt others is to hurt yourself by damaging that shared essence (or Atman).
It was never about people deserving the bad things that happen to them, or some kind of punishment for bad deeds. That was always a popular misinterpretation of the west, possibly inspired by the christian tradition of divine punishment.
Actually, I know all of that, but I also know my audience… or thought that I did.
I guess one never knows when a vedic scholar will be in the house.
Blue has no problem imprisoning Jean-ie even though she her self spent a very long time locked in her bottle Ironic if you ask me . Clearly she is a genie on a mission to get her temporary master back full time.
lol That’s a classic right there. XD Looks like Jean is going to be counting beers of the wall until Araceli comes back. XD
Until the blue one decides to blow up the solar system, I’m rooting for her.
Really… The girl is literally being two-faced here.
Sure, Jean might be somewhat a jerk at times with Neil or just plain crass but at least “she’s” straight with him and can actually be genuinely nice to “her” best friend. Jean and Neil’s friendship I would say from experience is fairly normal for two guys, more or less.
Araceli is however is secretly manipulative, insensitively cold with sugar-coating faux etiquettes to those in her way (like Frieza of Dragon Ball Z or Jennifer from Total Drama Island). Cally, if I’m guessing right, is her master/new friend and seems to be a sweet girl as far. Araceli doesn’t seem to care if she leaves her for Neil nor that she’ll ASAP try to throw Jean “under the bus” behind Neil’s back just to get him all to herself. What’s exactly is so good about what she’s willingly do for this? Lonely for affection or not, even with an eternity of servitude, this goal of her isn’t justifiable.
Blue doesn’t owe jean-ie any loyalty. As for calli when her wishes are filled Blue will be moving on.
By saying “Uncle” Guano she might have let the cat out of the bag (if Jean is smart enough to catch it).
Poll: I’m in the pro-Neil camp.
Oh, and the threat if Jeanie tells Neil? That moves me away from Aracelli.
Who is Araceli’s master? Is it not Caley?
She doesn’t have one right now. She only obligated to give Cali three wishes and then She can move on if she want to. But, some Genie’s can choose to stay with the one that opened the bottle if they want to. It is purely Genie choice here where they stay or not after they full there duty to grant three wishes to the person that opened the bottle. That why that seaman turned captain and then turned into a girl was trying to make Genie stay after making his three wishes. He figured that he could make genie his wife and then he could have all the wishes that he wanted. But, Genie had no intention of doing that.
Maybe now she’ll finally make the time to read the manual.
Jeanie will spend her time out pouting. Considering her job as a book reviewer you would think she likes to read. But i am getting the feeling that she is to self absorbed to do any thing productive.
Wait till someone wanders by, then try to get them to open the bottle. Couldn’t take more than, oh, a couple thousand years…
Save your Jeanie, Neil!
And now Araceli will go looking for Neil…does she know his name? Meanwhile, Caley will become increasingly upset about her missing crush, and elsewhere, Neil is doing his best (we hope) to be Jean. And is Roger stoned once again? And what of Agent Anderson?
Stay tuned…
P.S. Anyone remember that Guano’s boss hasn’t shown up yet?
Well, we don’t know what Neil told Araceli about Jean/Jeanie while she was his temporary genie. She may, or may not, know about the gender switch and what male Jean looked like.
I suppose Caley has already used up her 3 wishes and Araceli is free to find a new master. Caley, being a child, probably didn’t consider the 3 wish limit carefully (not that Neil did, either).
Finally, there is no indication that Guano *has* a boss. Nothing in the dialog or story so far gives that impression to me. We know very little of genie society and hierarchy.
Am I the only one who isn’t rooting for Aracelli?
I’m not. She’s a total bitch.
I’m not rooting for Araceli, as much as I’m rooting for Jeanie (and Neil) to understand the Master-genie relationship, the powers and duties on both sides.
And I’m not attacking Araceli, although she is pretty much a bitch, because she’s not modern. She doesn’t know that by our standards, what she’s doing is horribly wrong.
Araceli would not now have the upper hand had Jeanie not been so contemptuous, by genie standards, of Neil, and so frivolously selfish in the exercise of her powers.
Not being modern is no excuse for what she is doing. Even if she has no respect for the modern ideal of freedom, she should have respect for family and responsibility. Her uncle has charged her with getting Jeannie in shape. Araceli has decided she is just going to ensure Jeannie fails so that she can get her way. By telling Jeannie to not tell Neil anything, she is also telling Jeannie not to be honest with her master. She is doing wrong by what should be her own standards as well as modern ones.
There’s also duty and obligation Araceli spent 500 years at the bottom of the sea without her uncle doing a thing, Jeanie freed her (even if technically she was trying to free herself) and now she’s trying to double cross Jeanie who as per the djinn rules has already decided to sacrifice power to stay with a specific master. I’m really hoping uncle Guano can’t protect Araceli from the consequences of abusing a new genie, trying to interfere I’m another genies relationship with their master and any other genie traditions she may be. Violating here.
I don’t think anyone wants Araceli to actually succeed. But I do hope she realizes the error of her ways and learns a valuable lesson about friendship that… *erk*
Aracelli will now pop over to see Neil and find “Jean” and Belle.
And knowing Jeanies history of turning guys into girls will now try to change Belle back into Neil 🙂
Jean-ie is stuck till Neil can find a excuse to go home.
Bell is going to want sexy time question is is her place closer or is his. Aslo when she poofed Neil into her male self did she give him ID and keys?
Here is my guess on how it is all going down. Neil and Bell end up at Jean’s apartment Bell finds the bottle thinking its a gift and opens it before Neil can stop her. Jean pops out and all hell breaks loose. Then they all have some pie or maybe some cup cakes.
Pie and cupcakes as dessert? Or as ammunition?
Pie and or cup cakes just because 😉
Another situation that could happen is Araceli could go appear for Neil and try to impress him. though that could be rather problematic as now we got a good looking middle eastern girl showing up and trying to call him master and trying to impress him. which will no doubt get bell all upset, because she still thinks Neil is Jean. and then both will probably start to fight for neil. Leaving Neil stuck in a no win situation.
Jean could still technically tell someone else in the loop about “her” being a genie to tell Neil about this, if “she” were to use the classical ‘creative interpretation’ trick on Aracelli’s wording. But Jean might not be THAT smart to think of it.
I’m imagining that Aracelli’s lack of knowledge on the current era and Jean/Neil’s friendship is gonna land her in a big mess eventually like last time and I’m really hoping it will karma-tically get her to compromise or be more co-operative with Jean in order to work things out.
I don’t see how “creative interpretation” helps at all. Aracelli is threatening to bring Guano down on her (in more than one sense) if Jeannie doesn’t do as she insists. Jean explaining to Aracelli that she didn’t technically break the rule isn’t going to stop Aracellie from inacting vengeance, regardless of the wording used.
I hope Aracelli’s karma payback is right out of an IDOJ TV episode where Jeannie’s evil sister is frozen into a giant block of ice. With the addition of a walk in freezer zapped up to store the ice block. Or it teleported to Pluto for a few months close to absolute zero.
Found a great IDOJ fanart by a pro artist.
Meanwhile, under Jean’s orders, Neil is getting freaky with Jean’s girlfriend.
Ok maybe Jean-ie isn’t all bad after all.
Okay why does she even think Neil want her? He already made her bring Jean back once.
Sometimes, or even more often, someone will get an idea under their bonnet & can’t see the contradictory evidence. I’d give examples, but do I really need to?
Araceli’s really latched on to Neil.This reminds me of the Crush.
I like both of them, they are both pretty and cute. That said, Araceli shouldn’t be so mean to Jeanie considering she knows how unpleasant being trapped in a bottle is. Hopefully both of them can reach happy solutions rather than being at odds with each other.
I just realized something: the problem isn’t Araceli (though I admit that her attachment to Neil is probably something that she needs to work out).
The root of the problem is Guano and his bad habit of placing blame/work on others. He’s using everyone else (including Araceli) to make Jeanie behave. He even went out of his way to threaten Neil when the poor sap some time back. So the one that really needs the karmatic payback that everyone is saying Araceli should get (though she will probably have some to a lesser degree as might Jeanie considering the collateral damage rule) is Guano.
I will say that Guano is probably the rightful target of all vengeful feelings. He is the root of many problems…but Jean is also responsible for his fair share. 😉
Glad to see that someone is thinking along the same lines as I am. XD
Yup. I blame Guano more than anybody, for making decisions with investigating.
Jeanie also loses points, ditto. She has consistently refused to learn about her situation.
Araceli comes in a close third.
If Jeanie and Araceli were sisters this would be looked at as sibling rivalry.
In which case the parent or parents should step in and punish Araceli for her behaviour instead we have the authority figure Guano treating her as his little princess and punishing Jeanie.
Also while I dislike Araceli I agree Guanos boss should step I’m and lay down the law because Guanos style of genie management would be bad for a modern anyone, girl or guy. Which Kazom seemed to get but he’s too tired to try and change things.
How about having Araceli poof Jean’s bottle back in time to the Aug.23-28 1973 bank robbery and hostage taking in the Norrmalmstorg square in central Stockholm.
First, she’d have to know about it.
I didn’t.
Jeanie acts like a boy in a girls body.
Araceli acts like girl.
Jeanie also has acted like a girl in a girls body quite a few times.
The term Stockholm syndrome originated as a result of the Norrmalmstorg robbery and hostage taking for 6 days 2 men held 4 bank employees 3 female 1 male hostage the police was shocked when they took offense to a rescue attempt even speaking well of their captors.