Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
I get the feeling she didn’t really know her former girlfriend. I was serious about flights from New York by the way I don’t see it on the arrivals board.
I think I would take that bet. Belle was apparently fooled into thinking Jean was really Middle Eastern (unless this was a GIANT LIFE-SIZED PLOT HOLE.) Otherwise any first-semester psych student would have diagnosed “Jeanie” as having something like Munchhausen’s Syndrome or some other delusional disorder–and an obvious subject for a future doctoral thesis.
Also, despite the smarts to get into a psych program, Belle has fallen for Jean, good-looking but massively superficial in every other respect. This doesn’t exactly scream “good judgement,” does it?
A girl can be good at her job but still have lousy luck with boyfriend’s and superficial as Jean was he may well have presented a good look to prospective girlfriends. Given Belles limited concern over his disappearance they may not have even been that serious and she was probably more interested in the girl dressed as a harem dancer anyway.
An old joke, “A train wreck is stopped just in time. They ask the engineer what they’d done if there had been no way to stop the wreck. Answer, “Get my brother!. They ask why go get your brother?, Answer, So my brother could see the biggest train wreck he ever saw!”
For MastaA: Yes, Belle is wearing a vest, exactly the same look she’s always had. I even did a stripper version of her outfit (now lost with my old computer, I think.)
I’ve noticed that some of the shadowy figures in the crowd look Middle Eastern. One of them (cloned and reversed in the second panel) looks very much like a man with a long beard and wearing a turban. Another might be a woman with a long veil.
Maybe there *is* a connecting flight from New York recently arrived…
Every train wreck starts slowly. I can’t wait to the wheels really fall off on this hair brain plan of jean-ie.
I think I heard a ticking sound…
“When you fail to plan…”
Sigh Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeanie you should have at least checked the flight plan, there’s no flights from New York at this time either.
More seriously why is she angry at Belle checking the arrivals board?
Because Jeannie just wanted to pick up “Jean” with no bothers, no muss, no customs, not plane, no plan, no problems, no thoughts behind it.
I get the feeling she didn’t really know her former girlfriend. I was serious about flights from New York by the way I don’t see it on the arrivals board.
I’d give odds in favor of Belle figuring it out. So you’ll have to work extra hard if you want her to not to.
I think I would take that bet. Belle was apparently fooled into thinking Jean was really Middle Eastern (unless this was a GIANT LIFE-SIZED PLOT HOLE.) Otherwise any first-semester psych student would have diagnosed “Jeanie” as having something like Munchhausen’s Syndrome or some other delusional disorder–and an obvious subject for a future doctoral thesis.
Also, despite the smarts to get into a psych program, Belle has fallen for Jean, good-looking but massively superficial in every other respect. This doesn’t exactly scream “good judgement,” does it?
A girl can be good at her job but still have lousy luck with boyfriend’s and superficial as Jean was he may well have presented a good look to prospective girlfriends. Given Belles limited concern over his disappearance they may not have even been that serious and she was probably more interested in the girl dressed as a harem dancer anyway.
Poor Jeanie, she just wants things to be back to the original normal, and it ain’t gonna happen. You may as well ‘fess up, girl.
And the lies begin to unravel….
I see a major train wreck coming.
An old joke, “A train wreck is stopped just in time. They ask the engineer what they’d done if there had been no way to stop the wreck. Answer, “Get my brother!. They ask why go get your brother?, Answer, So my brother could see the biggest train wreck he ever saw!”
Get out the popcorn and soda!
Is Belle wearing some sort of vest?
You didn’t think this through very far, did you Jean?
For MastaA: Yes, Belle is wearing a vest, exactly the same look she’s always had. I even did a stripper version of her outfit (now lost with my old computer, I think.)
I’ve noticed that some of the shadowy figures in the crowd look Middle Eastern. One of them (cloned and reversed in the second panel) looks very much like a man with a long beard and wearing a turban. Another might be a woman with a long veil.
Maybe there *is* a connecting flight from New York recently arrived…
I am sorry, but I cannot resist the pun.
It is obvious that Jeanie is not just a bottle blond.