Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Jean is so dense. Okay, maybe I’m dense too cause it took me a few seconds to realize he likes blonds.
And Jean was thinking in terms of appearance appeal, which fits her shallow personality, she didn’t think Melvin would want a girl with a personality that compliment his own.
The real pity is that Jean makes a cute little girl. And the ‘spirit of Melvin’s wish’ is proving pretty intelligent and crafty to be relying purely on programming.
I think it’s time to get some hair product,a one-piece dress,and a pair of lens.
(according to “the phisic law of animation,comic,movie and games”.
“Nerdy glass-wearing girl will become a “God Damn it”-ly natural beauty,once they take off the glass and brushed thier hair for few times.)
I don’t see where thay had said that “Melvin already likes her”
they only said she like Melvin and she is Melvin’s favirate type of girl(which I think is Blonde girls).
and most important point,”chaning someone’s clothes and hair style(and of couse remove the glass) to make her a beauty” is a “international classic way to make story goes on” in comic,anime and movie.
Gals with glasses turn me on bigtime…blondes usually scare me off…intelligence in a woman makes me melt…redheads are my preference, and the longer the hair, the better..
i thought the results of one of the polls was that ‘she’ ends up being melvins date …i would like to see them get together . possibly even by ‘her’ being jealous of the …uh fake jean or somthing {basically ‘She’ is more female than ‘she’ thought and actually LIKES Melvin
Jean(nie) is not dumb, (s)he is a narcissist. Other people’s feelings and concerns aren’t really on his/her radar. Remember this whole thing started with his lust for the body of an actress on a 50-year-old TV show. He wanted her body–well, now he’s GOT her body. Except temporarily now, when he’s a 6-year-old girl without genie powers…
Middle school is age 11-13. 13 is old enough to go through puberty these days; it didn’t used to be when nutrition was not as good as it has been in the post-war years.
Not to mention that today’s TV shows expose younger and younger children to adult concepts, along with implication of societal approval. It is no longer surprising to find 13-year-olds involved in sexual activity, including pregnancy and even rape.
Blonde, nerdy girls?
You should keep jean as a little girl.
Tie their shoe laces together?
Jean is so dense. Okay, maybe I’m dense too cause it took me a few seconds to realize he likes blonds.
And Jean was thinking in terms of appearance appeal, which fits her shallow personality, she didn’t think Melvin would want a girl with a personality that compliment his own.
The real pity is that Jean makes a cute little girl. And the ‘spirit of Melvin’s wish’ is proving pretty intelligent and crafty to be relying purely on programming.
it be great if there was a character obsessed with how cute jean is now.
I agree with Teerack, keep Jean as a five year old for a while.
I think it’s time to get some hair product,a one-piece dress,and a pair of lens.
(according to “the phisic law of animation,comic,movie and games”.
“Nerdy glass-wearing girl will become a “God Damn it”-ly natural beauty,once they take off the glass and brushed thier hair for few times.)
Melvin already likes her. Why get her all dressed up?
I don’t see where thay had said that “Melvin already likes her”
they only said she like Melvin and she is Melvin’s favirate type of girl(which I think is Blonde girls).
and most important point,”chaning someone’s clothes and hair style(and of couse remove the glass) to make her a beauty” is a “international classic way to make story goes on” in comic,anime and movie.
Gals with glasses turn me on bigtime…blondes usually scare me off…intelligence in a woman makes me melt…redheads are my preference, and the longer the hair, the better..
so your ideal woman is a soulless computer …
Wait… What?!
I’m wondering if Melvin’s friend is going to be stuck as a girl; ‘she’ doesn’t seem to notice or care that she’s acting and looking more like a girl.
i thought the results of one of the polls was that ‘she’ ends up being melvins date …i would like to see them get together . possibly even by ‘her’ being jealous of the …uh fake jean or somthing {basically ‘She’ is more female than ‘she’ thought and actually LIKES Melvin
Ah, so he’s into blonde. Well that certainly explains why he likes Jeanie.
I am still waiting for Jean to wise up. Hes even dumb for a 5 year old.
Jean(nie) is not dumb, (s)he is a narcissist. Other people’s feelings and concerns aren’t really on his/her radar. Remember this whole thing started with his lust for the body of an actress on a 50-year-old TV show. He wanted her body–well, now he’s GOT her body. Except temporarily now, when he’s a 6-year-old girl without genie powers…
So, wait a minute. I thought these were 8 year olds? Why does the red-head have boobs and a hot body?
when jean got turned into a little girl they got older to. I’m wondering just how old tho.
I mean is that read head supposed to be a milf now? 😮
Eight-year-olds? Melvin and his friends go to middle school. But now Aqua-Shades Guy and the redhead are physically (and mentally?) high-school age.
Middle school is age 11-13. 13 is old enough to go through puberty these days; it didn’t used to be when nutrition was not as good as it has been in the post-war years.
Not to mention that today’s TV shows expose younger and younger children to adult concepts, along with implication of societal approval. It is no longer surprising to find 13-year-olds involved in sexual activity, including pregnancy and even rape.
When will you continue it this comics ?
Really? Six years, and no one’s pointed out that Jean’s thought bubble has naked versions of her, Holly, and Honey?
For shame, internet. For shame.