I Dream of Another Jeanie Bottle 4
Phenomenal cosmic powers!
Iiiiity bitty living space.
So, yeah… this page is pretty damn epic. If you want to see it in its full resolution glory, click here. Warning: 30 megabyte jpeg!
By the way, CD made a cute little Jeanie Bottle wallpaper, which you can find on his Patreon.
EDIT: For anyone who last visited the site a week ago, you may not be aware that I screwed up the posts once again. There are now two rows of panels on last week’s comic, rather than just the one. So if you haven’t seen the double row comic, you’ll want to go back to last week to check it out.
This is like a dream even greater than last week artwork thank you Hachimitsu
This just looks gorgeous! Amazing job Hatch!
Also, I guess we miss a lot of what happen inside the poof that turn Jean in Jeanie back on the first page!
Yeah. I feel gypped now.
Fuckin cool
Looks like Agent Anderson just got Geniefied. Nice are work. I wonder who going to open the bottle now and become Agent Anderson new master.
The most ironic possibility would be … Natalie ?
That would be super amusing!
Honestly, i hope it’s either Anderson’s Wife or son.
Well there goes any chance of her ever getting turned back to normal….
Still I am sure she will enjoy the benefits of genie-hood eventually, though I guess it depends on who her master ends up being. ^^
Well, in the non cannon she can’t change back, but, in the regular line, she still can.
This is a non canon story.
This is kinda heart breaking.
Awesome comic but i rather see Anderson rejoin his family. A son with out a dad a wife with out a husband = sad.
Yeah, he doesn’t deserve any of this.
So, I already said this, but I have to insist, so far I have little sympathy for Anderson’s wife. I mean, I get it’s a lot to take right now, I am not asking for her to become gay or bi out of nowhere, but still, the hot take we have of her is that when Anderson’s world was turning upside down, her wife not only send her away but also forbid him to see or even talk to their son? And then just call him to reclaim the grades of the kid? It would kill her be a little more supportive in regards whats happening?
I dunno, maybe in context it wouldn’t sound that bad, and Andrson’s story is still kind of tragic even when I enjoy this transformations plots here at JB, but so far, I really don’t like Anderson’s Wife.
I will be honest, I am kind of hoping they were already divorced before Anderson’s transformation, If Anderson only have a share custody or something before all of this, I MAY see the logic on the part of the wife to force Anderson to fix her life before involving their kid in all that weirdness, but still.
Interesting. And how further is it planned to develop the story with this genie ???
Until CD Rudd get back, which according to Robert will be about 5 months or so.
To bad there is one page left of this 6 page story I wish there would be a sequal to this?
I hope we haven’t given the impression that this comic is almost over. Because it’s not.
Man, that is both the saddest and most beautiful comic I’ve seen here.
It looks like getting sucked into the bottle was quite a painful experience for her. Also, the bottle is now… drifting in space? If I’ve interpreted that last panel correctly, it could take quite a long time before she gets a master.
I’m pretty sure the “space” stuff is symbolic, rather than literal.
Itty-bitty living space
Okay so if I read this right, she wished for the bangles to be looser so she could take them off, and as a result she grew to a cosmic size of several lightyears with literal star systems inside of her.
Then because she is a bottle djinn, and thereby chained to be bottle, it grew in size too and trapped her inside, and because she is of cosmic size, noone and nothing will ever be able to claim the bottle, thereby trapping her inside for eternity.
Well, according to the Black coven of Sable, the Esoteric Order of Dagon and other minor covens of black magic among the witches, there should be more than enough entities on the void of space big enough to claim her totem if that was the case.
But I am sure this is all just symbolic, rather than literal like Robert just said.
Also, her wish to get “them” bigger and looser was granted, but not on the bangles, check where the magic is gathering after she ask for that in the previous page!
Soooooo, Nyarlathotep, or someone that matters?
When will CrazyCow’s story be back?
She fills out the space in the bottle so well.
Oh, Robert? Just sort of FYI, but I think the word is phenomenal.
Wow, I missed that even with the benefit of spell check! Goes to show how little sleep I’ve been getting lately.
Me thinks Agent Anderson’s FBI days are over. I just hope Neal becomes her Master
Anderson really does not deserve this. I hope this curse turns out to be a blessing and she gets a master/mistress that cares about and respects her like Jean got Neal. A genie that develops an equal friendship with their master is practically free since the master chooses not to take advantage. I like how the realm of magic was illustrated as Anderson transformed. It’s like she was being simultaneously imprisoned, but also bathed in the pure magic of the universe and reborn. It looks like she is a very different kind of genie than Jean. Her binding to the bottle seems a lot more restrictive and unpleasant, however, in exchange for that she appears to be immensely more powerful. She seems to be like the original nigh-omnipotent genie of the lamp from Aladdin, while Jean is more similar to the genie of the ring from the same story. The genie of the ring could just poof stuff around, shape-shift, and conjure small objects while the genie of the lamp was only restricted by a few specific rules and genie laws. I’m interested to see how Anderson would use her newfound powers, she seems a lot more responsible, good-natured, mature, and level headed than Jean. Maybe we’re in store for less trivial magic tricks and more awesome wish granting.
Did she ever get to use the restroom?
It might be uncomfortable inside that bottle if she hasn’t.
Add some unicorns and this reminds me of some old trapper keepers from when I was in grade school.
I hope not – the majority of those unicorns were stolen…
Those Lisa Frank acid trip Trapper Keepers, right?
WHat the hell?.. Unicorns??
and heck no im not adding unicorns.. if I want to add something i rather be a hot chick.. dolphins, 2 side by side Delorean’s, some flamming scorch tracks.. an ocean.. and LAZERS!!!
And will add a typography that reads..
I need to stop watching moonbeam city >>!
Really? ‘Cause what I get from that is that I need to start watching Moonbeam City.
Love this thanks for posting it
Sorry for taking so long to comment. I’m just so lost in the images. I just.. can’t find the right words. This is just beautiful. Art at its finest. The more I look at each detail, the more intrigue I feel. Feeling is built in its subtly and magnificance. The greatness, the tension… I Just wish I could say ‘something’.
Anderson woke up… Reduced… streamlined… mortality stripped away. All conventions that apply to a human being cease. No heartbeat nor blood or bones to roam upon an Earth, but a starry sky where she is made of starlight itself. For a moment there was peace… she saw infinity in the darkness and beyond that an even greater light, all bathing her gentle glow. Her presence seemed to light a beacon in the deepest reaches as if two eyes watched… a greeting? Perhaps by some instinct she shields herself.. not to be noticed… yet she has been spotted.
Chains wrap around her form and she is cast away from this playground of the universe to play in. Contained and sealed away as if from the universe entirely. What was her crime? What did she do.. why was this happening?
Everything was her, and she was everything here. She could not escape her own self after all. Her cries and pleas for help unanswered… at least for the time being…
Wow, I would like who take this bottle ?