Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Nataly should just reach over, grab Roge’s hand, and “CHOMP!” bite off the hot dog, looking as fierce as she can when she does it. That should give Roge second thoughts. Maybe even third thoughts.
There is some evidence (see strip 232) that the physical transformation into being a woman also may have a mental side effect that becomes stronger the longer Neil remains female. (This also might explain why Neil wanted to be Rodge’s lover during the time the Blue Djinn was possessing Jean if the boost to Jean’s power made the mental side effect stronger.) If so, blushing might mean Neil’s begun to change mentally. Of course, whether she’d eventually want to be Rodge’s lover (or accept the role of being his fiance) would still be dependent upon how long Neil remains a woman (likely a long while given the ship is the Lucky Minnow) and on Rodge’s behavior (not looking very promising at this point.)
I can’t take any TG story seriously that DOESN’T have the body affect the emotions of the persona occupying it. The body is more than a meat suit.
I used to annoy my fellow forumites for the Misfile comic forum Napalm Luck by writing vignettes of Ash acting like a girl. (Oddly, the one that pissed everybody off the most showed Ash acting like an asshole male.)
That in mind, I think Natalie is probably more susceptible than some to the effect, because Neil is simply more or less asexual. I’ve come to agree that Natalie’s blush here really is girlish fluster. Honestly, Rodge would have a real chance with her if he wasn’t quite so much of a doofus.
@CD please let me know how much I can donate to just have Neil / Natallie beat the s***** out of Rodge by the end of this comic. At this point you’re doing a great job of making me hate his character.
Yup. Unfortunately, Schulz burned me out on the football-snatching trope. I’m old enough, and have stubbed my own toes often enough, that watching a clown do it is no longer funny.
Should have both a tg’ed Rodge and a human Jeanie trapped on a desert island with male doppelgangers of themselves who treat them the same as they treated women in the past.
I’d like Natalie better if she’d have some lines like that, it would show Neil growing a little and standing up for herself. Women learn to use their wits to deal with men and their physical advantages. Also, it would make the TG part of this more interesting if Natalie took advantage of her looks or even better started to enjoy being Natalie.
I’d love to see a TG comic where the main character learns, rather against his/her initial will, to appreciate the strengths and advantages of her/his new self, rather than just being overwhelmed by the weaknesses and disadvantages.
[My personal attempts at this have focused on an unhappy couple getting magically and unwillingly swapped, thereby learning a great deal about themselves and each other. I apparently don’t have the writing chops to pull it off, though.]
You’d probably like the latest complete comic on It’s pretty close to your bracketed description, though only the start of said story, as it’s only a few dozen pages. It’s also a $15/mo pay site, but there’s lots of sexy (and non-sexy) TG media on there, if that interests you.
Also, I’d say that CD Rudd’s previous comic,, kinda matches your first paragraph.
It’s really getting to a point where I don’t *like* any of the characters, with the possible exceptions of Araceli and Agent Anderson. Jeanie is a self-centered jerk, Neil (as noted by others) is a doormat, and Rodge is just a waste of human flesh. I still can’t believe Neil went on the yacht trip — just because Jeanie pulled the Natalie trick on him again does not obligate him to a weekend of being tossed off a boat and dealing with wiener jokes.
I really hope something changes in these dynamics. Soon.
Araceli is selfish and too one-track. My favourite character is Lahab. And yes … I’m not likely to actually stop reading, but the main cast reminds me some horror stories where you are on the side of the monster and make tips about who will die first.
… ok, blue djinn was even worse jerk, so I wasn’t on his side, but otherwise … really, I expected more character development over 783 pages.
Well, the Genie story looks interesting and it likely ends with either character development of Jeanie OR with her being forced to get pregnant, possibly even both, so win-win. The yacht trip story, meanwhile, so far looks as total loss if it won’t result in character development.
You’re not wrong about Araceli, she just seems less odious than the others. I am not 100% sure I will keep reading because as you mention you’d think there would be some growth in the characters by now. OTOH, I grew up watching Jeanie and Bewitched and so this comic hits a lot of buttons for me.
It wouldn’t take much to improve the situation. Have Neil stand up to Jeanie. Show Jeanie caring just a little about something other than herself. And something needs to happen to Rodge.
So….they all get back to the house, Neil lets Jeanie know what happened and that it’s not ok, Jeanie realizes how cruel she’s been to Neil and by way of apology turns Rodge into a permanent addition to the entertainment staff at the strip joint. We never see Rodge again, only Rose the dancer. That would all make me very happy!
I hope Araceli overheard Rodge use the name “Neil” when he was talking to Natalie. She can’t undo Jeanie’s magic but she can sure make Rodge pay for it.
Yes, this. Araceli should do what she usually does, react first (maybe by dropping an anchor on Rodge’s head) then ask Natalie what he meant by calling her Neil. The explanation should be worth the ticket price.
Rodge has now suggested the transformation on his “friend”, forced him into this trip, thrown her off a boat and now this. Some genie needs to spend some time with this guy. Poof him into prison covered in perfume or some shit. geez!
WTF? I stop paying attention to this comic for a month and I come back to Rodge being a massive creep? TF is going no?
And can Natallie please just do something about this? I swear if CD pulls a freaking Usagi Drop next or jumps the shark with Natalie and Rodge in bed…. *shudders*
I’m still shocked that Neil/Natalie hasn’t just outright punched Rodge for all the stuff he puts him/her through. the man needs to learn that Natalie is not a toy.
Rodge time and place. Well at least Jean wasn’t the recipient of the joke.
Nataly should just reach over, grab Roge’s hand, and “CHOMP!” bite off the hot dog, looking as fierce as she can when she does it. That should give Roge second thoughts. Maybe even third thoughts.
I dunno. It seems to be a pretty rare day when Rodge even has FIRST thoughts, let alone second or third.
You still blushed, Nat.
She’s allowed to feel embarrassed.
Yeah, she’s embarrassed for being associated with this loser, haha.
No kidding. Rodge has had a few moments of humanity, but most of the time, he’s rock-bottom.
He reminds me of Ramsey Bolton in this scene.
Blushing in the last panel as in the second to last there may be a look of longing in her eyes.
Yeah. A longing to be anywhere else but there. Back home and male for example.
…and? What does that mean? Please explain why her blushing is a “gotcha” moment.
There is some evidence (see strip 232) that the physical transformation into being a woman also may have a mental side effect that becomes stronger the longer Neil remains female. (This also might explain why Neil wanted to be Rodge’s lover during the time the Blue Djinn was possessing Jean if the boost to Jean’s power made the mental side effect stronger.) If so, blushing might mean Neil’s begun to change mentally. Of course, whether she’d eventually want to be Rodge’s lover (or accept the role of being his fiance) would still be dependent upon how long Neil remains a woman (likely a long while given the ship is the Lucky Minnow) and on Rodge’s behavior (not looking very promising at this point.)
As I pointed out previously, Natalie’s shriek of surprise when getting tossed off the boat sure seemed pretty feminine.
I can’t take any TG story seriously that DOESN’T have the body affect the emotions of the persona occupying it. The body is more than a meat suit.
I used to annoy my fellow forumites for the Misfile comic forum Napalm Luck by writing vignettes of Ash acting like a girl. (Oddly, the one that pissed everybody off the most showed Ash acting like an asshole male.)
That in mind, I think Natalie is probably more susceptible than some to the effect, because Neil is simply more or less asexual. I’ve come to agree that Natalie’s blush here really is girlish fluster. Honestly, Rodge would have a real chance with her if he wasn’t quite so much of a doofus.
@CD please let me know how much I can donate to just have Neil / Natallie beat the s***** out of Rodge by the end of this comic. At this point you’re doing a great job of making me hate his character.
He really doesn’t seem have any redeeming qualities does he? Just how is he Neil’s friend?
Neil is a doormat. This is well-established lore. Afterall, his “best friend” is Jean.
“Neil is a doormat.” Yup.
And Rodge is a limp loser.
Gods (and CD) only know what’s going on in Jeanie’s mind.
Neil is the “Charlie Brown” of the group, trying hard to understand all the craziness that’s going on around him.
Jeanie is, a lot of the time, the “Lucy”, pushie and far too sure of herself.
Yup. Unfortunately, Schulz burned me out on the football-snatching trope. I’m old enough, and have stubbed my own toes often enough, that watching a clown do it is no longer funny.
I always thought Rodge was about 98% “co-worker”, and only about 2% “friend”.
Should have both a tg’ed Rodge and a human Jeanie trapped on a desert island with male doppelgangers of themselves who treat them the same as they treated women in the past.
With such charming ways I wonder how is possible Roger remains single.
Natalie should have retorted : “Yes Roger, I get the penis joke. You remember I have a penis too most of the time, right?”
“What do you think?”
“If you grilled it to a crisp, it wouldn’t be so…limp.”
Rodge has all the emotional development of a ten year old. I’m pretty much done with him.
I’d like Natalie better if she’d have some lines like that, it would show Neil growing a little and standing up for herself. Women learn to use their wits to deal with men and their physical advantages. Also, it would make the TG part of this more interesting if Natalie took advantage of her looks or even better started to enjoy being Natalie.
She can’t. She is still Neil. And Neil is completely pathetic.
Yup. And I’m tired of pathetic. See Charlie Brown, supra.
I’d love to see a TG comic where the main character learns, rather against his/her initial will, to appreciate the strengths and advantages of her/his new self, rather than just being overwhelmed by the weaknesses and disadvantages.
[My personal attempts at this have focused on an unhappy couple getting magically and unwillingly swapped, thereby learning a great deal about themselves and each other. I apparently don’t have the writing chops to pull it off, though.]
You’d probably like the latest complete comic on It’s pretty close to your bracketed description, though only the start of said story, as it’s only a few dozen pages. It’s also a $15/mo pay site, but there’s lots of sexy (and non-sexy) TG media on there, if that interests you.
Also, I’d say that CD Rudd’s previous comic,, kinda matches your first paragraph.
It’s really getting to a point where I don’t *like* any of the characters, with the possible exceptions of Araceli and Agent Anderson. Jeanie is a self-centered jerk, Neil (as noted by others) is a doormat, and Rodge is just a waste of human flesh. I still can’t believe Neil went on the yacht trip — just because Jeanie pulled the Natalie trick on him again does not obligate him to a weekend of being tossed off a boat and dealing with wiener jokes.
I really hope something changes in these dynamics. Soon.
Araceli is selfish and too one-track. My favourite character is Lahab. And yes … I’m not likely to actually stop reading, but the main cast reminds me some horror stories where you are on the side of the monster and make tips about who will die first.
… ok, blue djinn was even worse jerk, so I wasn’t on his side, but otherwise … really, I expected more character development over 783 pages.
Well, the Genie story looks interesting and it likely ends with either character development of Jeanie OR with her being forced to get pregnant, possibly even both, so win-win. The yacht trip story, meanwhile, so far looks as total loss if it won’t result in character development.
You’re not wrong about Araceli, she just seems less odious than the others. I am not 100% sure I will keep reading because as you mention you’d think there would be some growth in the characters by now. OTOH, I grew up watching Jeanie and Bewitched and so this comic hits a lot of buttons for me.
It wouldn’t take much to improve the situation. Have Neil stand up to Jeanie. Show Jeanie caring just a little about something other than herself. And something needs to happen to Rodge.
So….they all get back to the house, Neil lets Jeanie know what happened and that it’s not ok, Jeanie realizes how cruel she’s been to Neil and by way of apology turns Rodge into a permanent addition to the entertainment staff at the strip joint. We never see Rodge again, only Rose the dancer. That would all make me very happy!
I think the consensus was that she’d be called Rouge (as in the makeup).
Or as rouge, the abrasive substance that wears down true gems.
Absolutely disagree about characters. Don’t change anything!
I’m thinking the look on panel 4 Is appalled.
That joke probably uses up his “A” material.
I don’t think he has “A” material.
Natalie could get bigger laughs with the same joke. Just substitute something Rodge carries around.
I think he went straight to the “D” material.
Really, Rodge? Really?
I hope Araceli overheard Rodge use the name “Neil” when he was talking to Natalie. She can’t undo Jeanie’s magic but she can sure make Rodge pay for it.
Yes, this. Araceli should do what she usually does, react first (maybe by dropping an anchor on Rodge’s head) then ask Natalie what he meant by calling her Neil. The explanation should be worth the ticket price.
Thank you, that was very necessary.
Beware the silly ones… there is often a method to their madness.
I think it’s actually a nice detail that Araceli is getting a veggie dog. She tried a regular hot dog once and it didn’t go very well.
Yeah, but that was only because Neil failed to explain that it wasn’t actually made from a real canine. Which just made him look dumb.
Not only that, but it was made of pork, which is not Halal.
Yeah, but she didn’t know that, and we don’t know if genies share human religions, anyway.
Her reaction to him saying that it was made of pork suggests that the ingredient was at least part of the reason for her revulsion.
Yes – I’m waiting for the Araceli gambit – Nat needs an ally.
Rodge has now suggested the transformation on his “friend”, forced him into this trip, thrown her off a boat and now this. Some genie needs to spend some time with this guy. Poof him into prison covered in perfume or some shit. geez!
WTF? I stop paying attention to this comic for a month and I come back to Rodge being a massive creep? TF is going no?
And can Natallie please just do something about this? I swear if CD pulls a freaking Usagi Drop next or jumps the shark with Natalie and Rodge in bed…. *shudders*
What does a six-year-old illegitimate child of someone’s grandfather have to do with Natalie?
I doubt that will happen unless Araceli finds out what Godge did and switches Rodge and Natalie’s bodies.
Maybe Natalie’s Pet Shark will appear and eat Rodge.
I’m still shocked that Neil/Natalie hasn’t just outright punched Rodge for all the stuff he puts him/her through. the man needs to learn that Natalie is not a toy.
Just drown him Natalie. No one will blame you.
As much as I tried, I couldn’t find Jean in any of the panels, even though she is listed. Maybe hiding as the hot dog?
It does seem rather animated.
god i hope Rodge gets a taste of his own medicine soon. the guy is a fuckin pathetic creep
One last note: Rodge isn’t waving around a footlong.
But at least it’s not a cocktail weeny.
I’m surprised that anyone thinks they’re engaged. It must be a supoer power of Rodge’s.