Jeanie Bottle 761
Yay! Cruise trip with Natalie!
Time to bust out that bikini, girl. 🙂
(Sorry for the delayed post this week. Not sure what happened.)
Yay! Cruise trip with Natalie!
Time to bust out that bikini, girl. 🙂
(Sorry for the delayed post this week. Not sure what happened.)
yeah honestly at this given all the shit Jean’s been through, i dont even feel the slightest bit bad for Neil anymore xD
I do, Jean’s pissed at Neil for something he didn’t do and taking it out on him.
As usual.
I do because the shit Jean’s been through was not Neil’s fault.
Jeanie is in a bad place because of Jeanie. Full Stop. Neil has never, ever done anything to deserve any of the shit Jeanie puts him through. HOW can you not feel bad for Neil??? Explain exactly what Neil has ever done to deserve any of the bullshit Jeanie does to him or blames him for that he has no knowledge of?
Jeanie is a self-ish a–hole. Always has been. Always will be. That is what makes the comic fun and funny. But one shouldn’t forget who she really is just because one likes her.
Power corrupts. Doesn’t explain why Jeanie, in both time lines, is so intent on turning Neil female.
Jeanie’s default reaction for any sort of slight, insult, or complaint is to transform the victim into a woman. It probably has a lot to do with Jean’s misogynistic outlook on life prior to being reborn as a genie and isn’t really a conscious thought. The two jerks on the beach that were hitting on Anne were lucky they only ended up in Normandy instead of as naked women in Normandy.
Neil got laid, but he doesn’t know it, except that Jeanie is clearly pissed at him about it. Rodge seems to be up to his usual scheming. Still, a weeklong cruise on a yacht. Sun, water, and Natalie and Jeanie and maybe some other girls in bikinis, what could possibly go wrong?
Nat in a bikini, I’d like to see that
I’m pretty sure you will.
And I’d be betting that, in Rodge’s imagination, he’s already seeing Natalie out of her bikini… but we’ll never see that, if only due to the rating of the strip; Jeanie may be projecting enough resentment to have made Natalie more compliant with where Rodge undoubtedly wants to take things.
Is this about to be Gilligans Island?
With Jeannie as Ginger and Natalie as Mary Ann.
I guess that leaves Rodge as Gilligan. How appropriate.
YES. now all they need is the Skipper, the millionaire and his wife.
Who’s the Professor?
most likely Zoe.
I was thinking Titanic…
Wrong ocean, I think. The Minnow operated out of Honolulu.
OTOH, they are near to a certain triangular patch of ocean with a history of popular overreaction to perfectly ordinary mysterious disappearances…
So wait… Neil could just ‘wish’ himself back to normal at any point. Why doesn’t he?
I think he’s used up all his wishes. His first wish was for the key to Jean’s apartment, then his second wish (after it failed to change Jean back to a guy) was for a PDF of the genie handbook, and then Lord Guano required him to use his third wish and he wished for a sandwich. Everything since then has been Jean using her magic whenever she felt like it.
Genies are only obligated to grant the first 3 wishes their master makes
After that, whether or not she grants any of his wishes is completely at Jeanie’s discretion
In ‘Everything You Wanted To Know About Genies And Were Afraid To Ask” it lists Jeanie’s Genie duties. One of which is to ‘Grant their masters desires’, Lord Guano allowed Jeanie to serve Neil for the remainder of his days. Therefore and ipso facto, Jeanie must grant all of Neil’s wishes. Even one that might prohibit her from being… so unpleasant and mean!
If Neil/Natalie does command Jeanie to change her back, even if she is compelled to obey it doesn’t mean Jeanie would grant the wish in the expected way. Given why she is so angry at Neil, it wouldn’t surprise me if Jeanie instead of transforming Neil/Natalie back into Neil she turned her back into the version of Natalie that was seen in Part 480. And that assumes that it isn’t already 480 Nat who appears in panel four.
Or there could be an infant Neil
It has been a while since we have seen Natalie on scene.
I am going to –> am I going to
Natalie could always bug out and disappear before Rodge arrives.
Except that Jeannie would probably poof her right back.
Panel 1: Should be: “how many times AM I going to…”
Panel 2: Should be: “I’m trying TO invite him…”
“Relaxing” just isn’t the word for it.
Guess we’ll might get to see Natalie in a swimsuit.
I was half surprised she didn’t poof Natalie with a bikini to start.
So who else is going to be on that yacht? Belle, Agent Anderson in a bikini, Araceli also in bikini, Macgyver, kendra or the fishing boat captain, now a yacht captain?
Crockett and Tubbs? Castillo? Nash Bridges?
But wouldn’t Crockett and Bridges look too much alike?
Don’t forget the Three Stooges.
Oh, wait – we already mentioned Rodge, Jeannie and Neil.
Rodge and Natalie stranded on a desert Isle, that should get very interesting. Specially Natalie spending all her time trying to keep away from Roger.
Natalie looks surprised in panel 4 (she shouldn’t, really, because Jeanie’s solution was so obvious). The question here is, did Jeanie also tweak Natalie’s brain chemistry like she did way back during the I Dream of an Escape arc (as explained on page 481… was that really only a year ago?).
The obvious solution was Jeanie going on the yacht trip, but then we
wouldn’t’vewould not have seen Natalie. I’m sure Jeanie will tag along.Maybe, but Rodge was inviting Natalie, not Jeanie. Will she watch? Depends on how pissed off she really is.
Or on how good the book is
I’m still blown away by the fact that Jeannie actually reads BOOKS.
I would have thought that would be WAY too much effort.
I’ll bet it is one of those “Bodice Rippers”
Jean did book reviews for a living before becoming a genie, and still does them on occasion (via remote working), so the book may be for a work assignment.
Also, Jeanie appears to be reading from a tablet in the first panel, so it is likely an e-book.
Correct me if I’m mistaken but Rodge didn’t know that Neil was Natalie.
Rodge does know. See pages 217-219.
He found out when they won that trip to vegas.
(Whoops, this post was in error.)
Page 220 is also a good one to go back and see again. What could possibly go wrong?
Are we saying that Natalie has less say in this than Neil? It begins to sound like a forced date or kidnaping. Although in this form Natalie, legally, doesn’t exist.
Damn! You know, you can still say No.