Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Guano’s face looks like “Do you really believe I have fallen in your stupid cheap trick?”
It’s like I’ve said before, Neil never said “I wish a sandwich”
It’s a side effect of the caching I need to do to keep the website from overloading my allowed server CPU usage.
Basically, it takes a snap-shot of the page, so instead of rebuilding the page each time a person visits, it just shows the snap-shot instead. Once a day, the snap-shot updates itself.
So if you visit comic 75… it’s still showing the snap-shot of comic 75 when it was the newest page. Even though comic 76 is out. It will fix itself within 24 hours. To avoid this problem, just hit the ‘home’ menu option on the site, OR re-type the web page address to get to the latest comic.
When Neil wanted the keys to Jeans apartment, it fell on his head.
When Neil wanted information, the genie manual fell on his head.
(Was that a Kindle?)
So, it only makes sense the sandwich would appear on his head.
I’m just glad she didn’t make him INTO a sandwich. ‘Cause that would just be really weird.
Not to mention cliche.
For some reason I suspect Guano would approve of that sort of old school genieing
LSH looks highly skeptical.
“skeptical” , or ready to laugh his ass off! Not sure which yet Although, I was also afraid Neil would turn into a Ham Sandwich 😀
That wouldn’t be kosher. 😉
I love how everyone refers to Lord Guano as LSH (we all know what the SH stands for). XD
I have a feeling LSH is gonna be telling Jean(ie) that this is far from over. Hilarity will ensue.
Did Jeanie forget the muster?
A great way to cap off a Wensday night is to read this comic
Guano’s face looks like “Do you really believe I have fallen in your stupid cheap trick?”
It’s like I’ve said before, Neil never said “I wish a sandwich”
Lol, just as I was reading this comic, ‘Every little thing she does is magic’ from The Police came on.
I’m no cooking show contestant, but even I know
how important presentation is.
The sandwich should be on fine china, with a sprig
of parsley on the side.
AND Jeanie should be dressed as wait staff.
Teleported to/conjure a fine restaurant, the three of them in formalwear,
Appropriate wine… etc.
But, knowing Jeanie…
Roadside diner, Jeanie dressed as Flo from that old TV series…
I couldn’t remember the TV series was ‘Alice’. 1976-1985.
Flo was portrayed by Polly Holiday, and her catchphrase was
“Kiss my grits!”
I have no idea what you’re talking about, so here’s a Neil with a sandwich on his head.
the buttons from 75 to 76 dont work… only reason i found 76 was thanks to the “latest” button (even though it’s gray’d out on pg. 75)
it’s been fixed ><
It’s a side effect of the caching I need to do to keep the website from overloading my allowed server CPU usage.
Basically, it takes a snap-shot of the page, so instead of rebuilding the page each time a person visits, it just shows the snap-shot instead. Once a day, the snap-shot updates itself.
So if you visit comic 75… it’s still showing the snap-shot of comic 75 when it was the newest page. Even though comic 76 is out. It will fix itself within 24 hours. To avoid this problem, just hit the ‘home’ menu option on the site, OR re-type the web page address to get to the latest comic.
I just remembered…
When Neil wanted the keys to Jeans apartment, it fell on his head.
When Neil wanted information, the genie manual fell on his head.
(Was that a Kindle?)
So, it only makes sense the sandwich would appear on his head.
He should wish for a hat.
… or a helmet.
Glad to see someone has noticed the pattern.
Just hope he doesn’t wish for a piano 😛
its a really good thing he didn’t say “make me a sandwich”