Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
I’d think that, with the rules against Genies being used in the war and in the space race, there would be rules against granting wishes that violate the spirit of the Three Wishes rule. If there is such a rule, it would seem GeNatte doesn’t know it. I wonder if Neil knows it…
Well Neil did have the Genie handbook on “How to Feed your Genie” when it came to Jeanie and to know what was acceptable and what isn’t acceptable, but, it seam it been a few month since he has opened it or has read much in it. Jeanie may also know what acceptable too, even if she doesn’t always act that way.
Neil has always been kind of laid back and very passive by nature who doesn’t what act when he should act. As the new Genie by the name of GeNatte she act the same way and let Jean have his way either by ignorance of the Genie rule or by lack of desire to fight him when she should fight him or challenge him for what he is doing to her.
@Larry: “Neil has always been kind of…passive” ding-ding-ding. It’s a crucial part of the Neil–Jeanie dynamic.
Jeanie, cast into the role of servant, is selfish, aggressive, and dominant–but has little self-discipline, and no real goals beyond the merely sybaritic. Neil, cast into the role of master, is submissive to the point of passivity, but is highly self-disciplined, and has nearly cosmic goals. Each has much to learn from the other, and much to learn about their true roles in the Master/Genie dyad. What we’re seeing in this sequence are the disastrous results of their role-reversals matching their natural inclinations all too well.
I hope both learn from this. If they can ever manage to form a true partnership, to meld, they will be a power to reckon with. IDoaJB has the potential to grow from a mere joke-a-day strip to a truly magnificent tale.
Does anyone else think that Genatte’s last comment, “How else? High School” suggests a familiarity with Jeanie that shouldn’t be present?
If Genatte is Neil post high school (very likely) without Jean having been transformed into Jeanie (obviously), then the only contact they’ve had in the past was one night at prom something like 7 years ago, and that was very brief. Why would Genatte think a stranger would understand the reference? They were both teenagers.
It was Teen Jean that got left out of the loop and this is the future that he remembers happening. My guess is that Jeanie either accidentally or intentionally told Jean about genie bottle and what would happen if he picked it up and so he got Neil to pick up instead of him picking it up and made the suggestion that turned Neil into Genatte. Jean the kind of guy that would brag about what he did especially if he doesn’t think that there going to be any consequences too.
Genatte was still in the bottle when both Jeanie and Neil poof into the bottle and they both identified themself as Jean and Neil the flip side of what to Jean and Genatte. It didn’t take too much for her to figure out what happened.
@Larry: I think you missed the point of my comment, it had nothing to do with Jean or how he acquired the bottle, it had to do with Genatte’s seemingly over familiarity with Jeanie. Would you remember somebody you met for less than 4 hours over 7 years ago (and only intermittently at that) enough to share intimate information and expect them to understand it?
@mike and @Larry: “It had to do with Genatte’s seemingly over familiarity with Jeanie.”
Pardon, but I suspect you’re both over-thinking. (And, yes, for ME to accuse anyone else of overthinking is indeed more than a little ironic.)
Genatte isn’t relying on personal memory or familiarity, but on shared human experience. High school is simply when the ancient, pre-human reproductive compulsions begin to stir with real force. Lots of folks make life altering (even life destroying) mistakes around that time.
Jean yes, Jeanie no. There is no reason for genie-Neil (or Natalie) to know who Jeanie is because Jean was not transformed in this alternate timestream. Neil was.
You could just poof back to before Jean buys Natalie’s bottle and buy it yourself. Then Neil could have himself as a genie. Course there would still be two genies but only one bottle.
I’d think that, with the rules against Genies being used in the war and in the space race, there would be rules against granting wishes that violate the spirit of the Three Wishes rule. If there is such a rule, it would seem GeNatte doesn’t know it. I wonder if Neil knows it…
Well Neil did have the Genie handbook on “How to Feed your Genie” when it came to Jeanie and to know what was acceptable and what isn’t acceptable, but, it seam it been a few month since he has opened it or has read much in it. Jeanie may also know what acceptable too, even if she doesn’t always act that way.
Neil has always been kind of laid back and very passive by nature who doesn’t what act when he should act. As the new Genie by the name of GeNatte she act the same way and let Jean have his way either by ignorance of the Genie rule or by lack of desire to fight him when she should fight him or challenge him for what he is doing to her.
@Larry: “Neil has always been kind of…passive” ding-ding-ding. It’s a crucial part of the Neil–Jeanie dynamic.
Jeanie, cast into the role of servant, is selfish, aggressive, and dominant–but has little self-discipline, and no real goals beyond the merely sybaritic. Neil, cast into the role of master, is submissive to the point of passivity, but is highly self-disciplined, and has nearly cosmic goals. Each has much to learn from the other, and much to learn about their true roles in the Master/Genie dyad. What we’re seeing in this sequence are the disastrous results of their role-reversals matching their natural inclinations all too well.
I hope both learn from this. If they can ever manage to form a true partnership, to meld, they will be a power to reckon with. IDoaJB has the potential to grow from a mere joke-a-day strip to a truly magnificent tale.
Does anyone else think that Genatte’s last comment, “How else? High School” suggests a familiarity with Jeanie that shouldn’t be present?
If Genatte is Neil post high school (very likely) without Jean having been transformed into Jeanie (obviously), then the only contact they’ve had in the past was one night at prom something like 7 years ago, and that was very brief. Why would Genatte think a stranger would understand the reference? They were both teenagers.
It was Teen Jean that got left out of the loop and this is the future that he remembers happening. My guess is that Jeanie either accidentally or intentionally told Jean about genie bottle and what would happen if he picked it up and so he got Neil to pick up instead of him picking it up and made the suggestion that turned Neil into Genatte. Jean the kind of guy that would brag about what he did especially if he doesn’t think that there going to be any consequences too.
Genatte was still in the bottle when both Jeanie and Neil poof into the bottle and they both identified themself as Jean and Neil the flip side of what to Jean and Genatte. It didn’t take too much for her to figure out what happened.
@Larry: I think you missed the point of my comment, it had nothing to do with Jean or how he acquired the bottle, it had to do with Genatte’s seemingly over familiarity with Jeanie. Would you remember somebody you met for less than 4 hours over 7 years ago (and only intermittently at that) enough to share intimate information and expect them to understand it?
@mike and @Larry: “It had to do with Genatte’s seemingly over familiarity with Jeanie.”
Pardon, but I suspect you’re both over-thinking. (And, yes, for ME to accuse anyone else of overthinking is indeed more than a little ironic.)
Genatte isn’t relying on personal memory or familiarity, but on shared human experience. High school is simply when the ancient, pre-human reproductive compulsions begin to stir with real force. Lots of folks make life altering (even life destroying) mistakes around that time.
@Mike, Neil and Jean were in high school together, why wouldn’t genie Natalie know how Jean became what he is?
Jean yes, Jeanie no. There is no reason for genie-Neil (or Natalie) to know who Jeanie is because Jean was not transformed in this alternate timestream. Neil was.
You could just poof back to before Jean buys Natalie’s bottle and buy it yourself. Then Neil could have himself as a genie. Course there would still be two genies but only one bottle.
Jean with the genie situation reversed where Neil became the genie, feels like such a jerk here.