Jeanie Bottle 535
I have no idea how this is possible…
Please note: Robert made a plot-relevant editing error on the previous page. It has now been corrected.
I have no idea how this is possible…
Please note: Robert made a plot-relevant editing error on the previous page. It has now been corrected.
I was right! Niel Araceli is your genie she cant do your commands she is Caleys.
Nah, back in the Duke’s storyline and even now with Lilly, Araceli did things for Neil no problem, this though… this IS a problem.
yea your right and this does really make me wonder why. since poofing up a set of clothes would normally be simple stuff for them. And your right even if she’s not officially his genie she can still choose to grant his wishes if she wants, it’s just that she’s not under any obligation to do so.
I am going to make a guess that the reason she can’t is related to the fact that Jean is now human. I think that for a genie to be turned into a human is a big issue and involves some kind of big time avoiding/pretending the former genie does not exist.
We know that Genies can be rendered mortal/human as a punishment for defying Genie laws. It is quite possible that the rules include that the ex-Genie be a pariah to other Genies and that it be forbidden to use magic to assist them in any way. Araceli is likely assuming that Jeanie was rendered human as an official punishment (especially given that Araceli’s uncle, Lord Guano, has been talking about the possible need to punish Jeanie if she doesn’t fall into line).
Man she looks like a broken doll…..
Well on the bright side if Neil collects enough blood echoes he can level up!
the good news: Jean’s finally a human again. the bad news: she’s still a female.
This is great news for Jean. Now that she’s human, she can easily be changed into a man again.
In this story, things aren’t that easy.
I think not. Her new body is created by the Blue djinn’s magic, so it can’t be changed by the other djinn’s magic.
It’s a good thing they’re all in front of a clothing store.
@Rayisoar Dracobyss – it’s the coat check for the restaurant.
The how part is the easy, no spoiler answer. Genies seem to be able to do “human bodies” with no issue, Kazom who can’t use 100% of his magic did one for Ghost Genie and even Jeanie made a dummy Neil. So Blue making a spare body for Jean is no issue, specially now that he thinks Neil is not a problem anymore.
This got posted a day early, didn’t it? Well, sorry about that, but I’m glad for my sake. 🙂 Good twist!
Nope, JB pages always go live either Tuesday at midnight EST or Thursday at midnight EST.
Called 1/2 of it. Araceli being in the picture was unexpected. Probably blows my idea out of the water.
@CD – Next Page?
My main question here is why Araceli refused to clothe Jeanie. Is she misunderstanding what Neil asked? Is there something about one genie casting magic on another genie being forbidden? Perhaps something else entirely? I have no idea.
She’s worried about showing up to the Blue Djinn, is my bet, since she’s mentioned not using magic before in connection to Big Bad Blue finding Jean. Jean didn’t listen…
…On the other hand it might be that Genie Law doesn’t allow granting any wishes to someone who isn’t the official Master. Considering she Poof’d the boat in.
I don’t think that’s the case, plenty of stuff that has already happened seems to show that Genie’s can choose to use their magic on what they want, when it doesn’t conflict with a wish their real master made. also except for that one time she switched places with Jean. She was never his genie, so it can’t be that. There shouldn’t be a reason that we know of she can’t do this, and from the look she’s giving him. She does want to help, but can’t for some reason. So there is something else afoot. And I think your thing about big bad blue is more likely the case.
Does Araceli know about Jeanie being possessed (formerly?) by the Blue Djinn? I doubt it, as there’s no one to tell her that. Neil doesn’t know what the hell is going on, so he couldn’t explain it to Araceli.
Isn’t it because of genie law? You’ve shown that genies have really bad prejudice to lower castes, and former genies would probably be the bottom of the bottom (this makes me wonder how genies really view humans)
My first thought was that Araceli knows some clause in genie law that if a genie turns human another genie cannot do anything to help that ‘former genie’. i.e. Jean is something of a genie outcast right now.
That . . . makes a lot of sense, actually.
That does sound plausible.
Plausible, Robert, but not likely. Araceli only has to create a dress for Neil so that he can give it to the naked girl (still not 100% certain that it IS Jeanie), she doesn’t have to do anything that would affect a genie spell. Most likely there is some underlying genie magic that she senses warning her off. True, she may not know the magic came from the Blue Djinn, but she may sense trouble if she expends magic in close proximity.
Let think this thing through. In Jeanie Bottle 436 is where Jeanie contacted or is contacted through what appears to be some kind of Genie Netwert system, the Blue Djinn. It was there the Blue Djinn deceived and mislead Jeanie and gain entry to Jeanie’s body. From this point forward is where she start acting screwy and not like her usual self, because she has the Blue Djinn riding inside of her.
After that, the Blue Djinn acting in secret kill another Genie and steal her power and steal one of those red glowing things that represents sole of a new Genie to be born. All this happens before Jeanie bottle 500, Jeanie finds out that he there and is suppressed by the Blue Djinn while being in her own body and formally take control over it. Other things happen before that point, but, those are the high light of what happen before Jeanie bottle 500.
In Jeanie Bottle 501, 502, The Blue Djinn in Jeanie body creates Lillie from a hair he find in Neil apartment that she assume is Neil hair and one of Jeanie’s hair that he pull out of Jeanie’s head and bulb that he got from the Amazon that is from plant that eats bugs and such and give her, her mission to eat Neil. Other things happen, but, the climax is Araceli crashes the boat on Lillie and we are assuming that that wiped out Lillie and that the end of her.
That brings us up to the Crying naked girl that look like Jeanie. Here where we have a bunch of unknowns and unanswered question like.
1. Is that really Jeanie?
2. Or is it the Blue Djinn trap in this body, because of what Araceli did to Lillie?
3. Or they could both be trapped in there together?
4. Or is it another one of the Blue Djinn trick or something else entirely. We don’t know?
5. Araceli, identified that female that looks like Jeanie as a Human and not as a Genie.
6. When Neil ask Araceli to put cloth on her, she couldn’t comply with Neil request. Which would indicate that some other magic is preventing Araceli from doing what Neil wants to do. Why? We don’t know.
7. Because of what the Blue Djinn was doing, there could be some kind of cosmic consequences that we and the Blue Djinn don’t know about yet and that we will have to find out in a later editions.
These are the main issue, that we don’t know about. Which mean’s that it could tip in almost any direction. About the only thing’s that we are sure of is that we haven’t seen the last of the Blue Djinn yet and Jeanie still isn’t out of the woods when it come to evicting the Blue Djinn from her own body.
Well, if she can’t…you’re in a cloakroom, so “borrow” something she can wear.
I’m thinking the fact that we can’t see Jeanie’s eyes might mean something, but just what it is, I have no idea.
Maybe they’re BLUE! Da-da-daaah!
Yes, it probably does mean something. In Jeanie Bottle 436 when the Blue Djinn first entered Jeanie and just before she was recalled to Haji Castle for supposed safe keeping of the young genie from what ever the Blue Djinn could do to them, we could not see her eye then either. They look almost like the way we don’t see the current girls eye. Almost like there nobody home or something like that.
Does anyone know where I can find more updated pages of the agent Anderson Genie storyline?
The Anderson Genie story, was just a filler comic intended for just a few month only. So there may not be any updates, unless the author chose to do a spin off, off the Jeanie Bottle series. So there probably aren’t any updates on the Anderson Genie Story out there.
Larry is right, The comic I am working on is something I wanted to do for a long long time. It wasn’t easy to get motivated nor get the job done but I thought I try again with the jeaniebottle comic web series until Cdrudd comes back.
So far the filler series will not be coming back until I finished with both arcs of my own creation.
The way Jean is pulling away of from Neil in panel 3, makes me think that this Jeanie is an empty vessel with no clue who she is.
It definitely plays into Carlos’ comment above.
Jeanie might not have any memories anymore of who she was…
I am sure that Rodge will be willing to lend a helping hand now that she is a human female with no clothes on.
previous post didn’t go through. Kasum explained to Red that a Genie can’t change another Genie’s magic. Since the Bad Blue made Jeanie with his magic it is against Genie law for Araceli to use her own magic to help. She just can’t poof the clothes. I am sure that now that Jeanie is a human female with no clothes on Rodge will be willing to lend her a hand. Probably two of them. If Jeanie doesn’t have any memories of who she is maybe she can be Rodge’s girlfriend for a while.
Oh, it’s not against genie law to to use their magic against other genies magic, is just against genies common sense. It seems it requires a lot of power to break another genies spell, which could either drain a weak Genie out of their life, or just mess up the original spell and in disaster if they are not careful, and so far only Lords seem to have this much power. Even Kazom on his current state it’s not willing to risk his life trying to break the spell of a young genie like Jeanie. Still, it’s no impossible, nor forbidden, just really risky.
Is just me but i feel the quality of the strips has really improved over the last few months.
Since almost everyone thinks that it is Jeanie it will probably turn out to be Lilly in a Jeanie lookalike body. Rodge gets his girlfriend ack.
I only considered that as one possibility, other possibilities are:
1. Jeanie
2. Blue Djinn
3. Jeanie and the Blue Djinn are in the same body and it may be that body.
4. It Lilly in a Jeanie Lookalike body.
5. It just an empty body that may or may not have someone inside of it.
6. It another one of the Blue Djinn tricks to mislead everyone down the wrong path or to confuse every as to what really going on.
7. It one of the above mention or somebody else not seen yet seen and/or there a complete mind wash and they don’t know who they are.
I think that just about covers everything that this girl could be, with nothing left out.
You left out #8… invasion of the body snatchers.
where’s the next page?
Next page is L* A* T* E*, late.
How many guys sit up until midnight to get the next page first?
Due to the nature of my job I tend to be up at the time when it usually posts. That’s how I know it’s late.
How many times do I have to remind you guys that Jeanie Bottle come out either Tuesday or on Thursday. For a long time and for a fair amount of that time of the Jeanie Bottle, Robert posted it on Thursday unless he had two Posting of Jeanie Bottle for the week, then he would post one on Tuesday and the other on Thursday. But, usually we only get one posting of the Jeanie Bottle and the last few posting of the Jeanie Bottle have been on Tuesday only. So officially isn’t really late until about Thursday midnight going into Friday Morning.
So cut these guy some slack, there doing this in there spar time.
But, if your going to complain that it late, at least wait until Friday morning before complaining that it LATE.
It should be noted I’m being ironic. I’m not actually getting mad over the comic not posting immediately. If anything enthusiasm is killing me.
Me too, but I’m channeling that into finishing up my 4c Snow Angels deck for this Friday.
Somebody should put a jacket, coat, or even a shirt over Jean.
“over whoever it is”
We don’t know that it is Jeanie, or even her body. Likely, yes, but…”waiting is”.
I don’t think anyone is actually complaining. We are just excited about getting the next page.
I’m disturbed at Blondie’s unresponsiveness. Jeanie is rather voluble; I wouldn’t expect this of her, unless she’s been mentally incapacitated somehow. A powerless Jeanie would not simply ignore Neil. She might turn to him for support, or shy away from him, but to just sit there naked? Not the Jeanie we know.
She could be Blue, who has been stripped of her genie-hood (and thus her costume). Blue might well be in shock from that–but I really, really don’t want Blue running around loose. Once she recovered, she’d be terribly dangerous, even without powers. Neil is simply not suspicious enough, or assertive enough, to deal with someone like Blue. And where, then, is Jeanie?
Blondie might well be just a shell, lacking both Jeanie and Blue to animate her. She’s capable of some movement–see her hands–and I assume that she can be dressed and led away to safety.That raises the question of where Jeanie and Blue are now.
>shrug< I dunno.
Next page please.