Jeanie Bottle 525
I think this might be the first page in several years which contains just Rodge and Neil, with Neil not being Natalie.
I think this might be the first page in several years which contains just Rodge and Neil, with Neil not being Natalie.
How drunk was he when he tried to make a move on Natalie. Then he tried and didn’t with Jean cause he thought it over for once But it would been funny to see him turn into a frog or get tg what would his girl name be I think Rouge.
It *is* kindof surprised that we haven’t seen girl-Rodge yet. Maybe someone should ask CD to draw her the next time he does an art stream.
Yeah think of all the fun actually that would be a chapter I like to see Rodge as a girl for a day what would he do maybe one day but that would be a dream come true.
If Rodge were to be a girl for a day, we wouldn’t be able to see the cartoons of it because they would all be Rodgette playing with her equipment!
I think he would try on underwear and bikinis first and go to woman only places probably with his mind.
I could see how that would go. Neil would come over to Rodge’s place after Jeanie punishes him by turning him into a girl. Finds him locked in the bathroom. Tells him to come out and the both of them can go see Jeanie and ask her to change him back. Rodge says ok ill be out in a minuet. 3 hours pass Neil “Rodge what are you doing in there? Are out coming out?” Rodge “yaa ill be out in a minuet” More time passes scene fades out.
Personal agenda or not, this is about to get awkward now that Lilly is coming back with instructions of going for Neil. Poor Rodge can’t win, does he? Well, that’s what happen when you give up on the best girl.
So Rodge, are you thinking of having a threesome between Natalie, Lily and Yourself?
Though knowing Jeanie, I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to make that happen (or the blue djinn might do the same)
Well Lilly is going be upset, they each have one steak with no sides and Neil and Rodge will have probably finished their’s by the time she gets back.
There are a lot of plants in the background
The plants were there before, it’s just that with Blue and Lilly gone, we can see more of them.
Wait a minute, Rodge is sounding a lot like Jean? Could it be that Jean has somehow possessed Rodge?
Hmm, intriguing theory. Though you’d think that Blue would have noticed, and he specifically said to Lilly that he’s still dealing with Jeanie fighting his control.
No, It just Rodge being a Jean want to be. We have people like Jean who are real lady killers and then we have people like Rodge who want to be lady killers or at least fantasizing of being a lady killer. It just Rodge being vain in his thoughts of who he like to be or thinks that he would like to be. We all do it and this is just Rodge turn to do it and he is.
Man, Rodge is so deep in denial right now.
Yuuuuup. He’s definitely still got it bad for Natalie.
That too. I feel like he’s trying waaaaaaaaay too hard to show himself in love with Lilly both because of Natalie, and that Lilly’s tried to feed on him at least once already. Speaking of which, where the Hell are those hickies?
“Stay away from antique stores.” Like the place where Jean got that funky bottle? Or (at least in Hachimitsu-land) where Agent Anderson got her funky bottle?
They’re after his lucky charms.
That hypothetical situation would be an amusing omake or what if comic.
Is it my imagination, or does Rodge have a greenish cast to his skin? How’s his red blood cell count this evening?
Nope, it’s just your imagination (probably because of all the plants in the background). I checked the skintone color on this page compared to the last few times Rodge has appeared, and it matches.
I wonder if Rudd’s monitor is properly color-corrected, while the rest of us are seeing some default factory setting?
Rudd’s skin tones have often been perceived as a bit greenish. He’s gotten better, but the tendency is still there.
To check, I sampled Rodge’s skin tone in the GIMP, and put a square in the middle of a white field. It definitely looks greenish. In the color picker, it looks to be at the greenish end of yellow-gray. RGB value is R=228, G=228, B=190.
Compare Jean/Jeanie’s skin tone in the very first strip with her tone in the current banner pic. A lot of us thought she was greenish. In GIMP’s color picker, her color there is actually more orangish–but not by much. R=230, G=224, B=202.Still looks greenish to me.
By comparison, Jeanie/Blue’s current skin tone, which looks much less greenish to me, is still rather orangish/gray in the picker, with a code of R=238, G=214, B=190.
There is no greenish tone on my screen.
Is your screen color corrected?