Jeanie Bottle 455
Sorry for the late update all.
Robert will be checking the comic when he gets a chance. Till then I put up the unchecked version.
EDOT: Robert here. The comic’s all set, now!
Sorry for the late update all.
Robert will be checking the comic when he gets a chance. Till then I put up the unchecked version.
EDOT: Robert here. The comic’s all set, now!
Jean, do YOU realize you’re half-naked?
Obviously her super hero name is Captain Oblivious
Well, Jean was complaining about the clothes a few pages ago, so I’d say she understands she’s in the same boat 😛
SHE’S half-naked? have YOU looked in the mirror Jean?
Jean is well known for hypocrisy . . .
It’s not really hypocrisy, given that Jean was complaining about the “stupid costume” she has to wear a few pages ago.
what that.. Robert was here not too long ago.
Yeah, I mistakenly posted the comic again after CD posted it. So I deleted my post.
I see. it’s ok man.
Yeah, it’s like the EGOT (winning an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony), but instead of a Grammy, you win a Dime.
It look like we are going to go through the ceremony now, which is OK, but, I would also like to see the rest of the back story or Jehane up to this time too. Because, it an interesting story too and it still just hanging there right now.
I agree, more backstory of Jehane would be something I’d like to reveal. But at the moment, it doesn’t play much into the current story. Since this is a weekly comic, I figured I better get back to the storyline, so you could find out what happens to Jean and Neil.
I am worried about Neil. (Natalie?) If Rodge doesn’t vamoose soon, it’s entirely possible that Natalie could wind up needing maternity leave.
Well, if that happens, maybe Natalie will try to convince everyone she was posing as a man all along. She might even succeed. After all, this series has welcomed the tropes of four TV series obviously set in very alternate realities: IDOJ, Bewitched, McGuyver and the most far-fetched of all, The Dukes of Hazzard (the only one of the four that had spinoffs).
Possibly Neil’s parents would go along (fading hopes of grandchildren suddenly restored.)
My suspicion is mounting… can genies not see themselves? What do they see with their own eyes..
Or is this just Jeanie being Jeannie..
Waaayyyy back when Jean first got genie’d, Neil once caught her trying on different feminine costumes and posing in front of a mirror. So that seems unlikely.
I’m guessing that this is just Jeanie being her usual, oblivious self.
Possibly. However we are seeing Jeannie see herself in a mirror there… we’ve never seen a genie eye perespective. I’m just wondering if something is different in how they view themselves until certain things are pointed out to them. Like jeannies fez.. or being a girl…
yes, your choice.
I hope not before we see more of them all.
Jean may be the “youngest” female genie, but she’s acting now like she thinks Alya is a kid. Adults don’t get sugar highs; they’re supposed to get high on more questionable substances.
You don’t suppose this could be the reputed maternal qualities of bottle genies kicking in, do you?
As a general rule most adult don’t suffer from a sugar high, because, they generally don’t eat that much sugar to get high. Most people experiences with sugar high’s is when little kinds getting hipper active and basically start bouncing all over the walls. I have heard of a case where some guy ate too much sugar after his son got into trouble, which later to also to be the cause of too much sugar. Fortunately for both of them, the Judge was lenient with both of them and let them get medical help.
Well, if it is a maternal instinct qualities of a female genie bottle kicking in for Jeanie, We know that Jeanie will never acknowledge it. She will denie it to her dying days. But, I do admit that it would be nice to see that quality at least kick in occasionally some times with Jeanie, but, not very often with Jeanie sometimes, because, it would change the whole flavor of Jeanie Bottle comic too much.
Even with all of Jeanie flaws, she does some time does come across with maturity or some kind of being grown up a bit. But, then Jeanie opens her mouth and blows up that illusion big time.
Seems more like it’s just Jean’s blimp-like ego pushing its way to the fore, again.
You used the wrong B-word. Jean’s ego isn’t like a blimp; blimps are soft and easily swayed by the slightest breeze. Jean’s ego is clearly like a bulldozer, either knocking down or running over everything in her path until someone or something is big enough to stop her or push her off-course.
However, I still think Jean’s attitude toward Alya’s has softened. Bulldozers generally try to avoid running over kids.
Ey, Jean’s boobs finally look normal in that last panel.
Maybe she made them smaller? Araceli tied them up pretty tight. 😉
She reminds me of that new Girl on Fairly Odd Parents.
… the comic is doomed! We need a genie dog to mix things up with Kazom asap. 😉