Jeanie Bottle 272
You walked right into that one, Neil.
And for those who don’t recall, Jeannie made a duplicate of Neil back on page 70.
You walked right into that one, Neil.
And for those who don’t recall, Jeannie made a duplicate of Neil back on page 70.
Oh shit!
I think we all saw this coming, except for neil of course…..
Now, does Neil become Jean or Jeannie?
Hopefully Jeannie.
But the who would be Jean? Jean can’t become Jean.
I’m surprised Jean is okay with Neil stealing his leading lady.
Not sure having Neil date your Girlfriend is such a good idea Jean.
When she sees Neil and Belle kissing, Jeanie will turn into a green-eyed monster for sure. But will she be jealous of Belle kissing Neil or will she be jealous of Neil kissing another girl – thus realising she has developed feelings for Neil?
If it’s not the former, I will burn the site down!
Neil, I admit, for a rocket scientist you sure are dumb.
I’m getting to the point where I have a deep and abiding need to see Jeanie take the consequences for her own actions.
And I’d like to see Neil be the one to deliver those consequences, instead of constantly being the dummy.
Keep in mind that Neil is not a rocket scientist. He is just an engineer working for some NASA subcontractor, And he’s a clue-less Nerd!
Can’t wait to see Jean get jealous over Belle and Neil.
Yes the wrecking ball jeanie needs some reality checking. Of course with out Jean-ies stupid plans there wouldn’t be much of a comic she is the prime mover here.
Go ahead, Neil. Let Jeanie turn you into Jean, as if you have a choice.
Learn what it’s like to have a fit body and a hot girl friend. Learn to act like Jean.
Then come back home to Jeanie, and show her what you’ve learned.
Technically he does have a choice, he is the master of the lamp after all. He just never enforces that power over his friend because he is just a good guy. (At least that’s what I think the reason is.)
You can’t fool everybody all the time. I think Belle may figure this out soon. There will be some sparks, but Jean will still end up as her psycho analysis project.
Neil, you really are a swinger!! First it was three ladies appearing at your office, one of them being you and all, and now you’re going out with Belle!!! XP
Can genie’s get drunk? If they can; Jeannie should get into a fight with neil after turning him back; leading to a rather surprising kiss brought on by the booze
It would have to be a *very* convincing imitation. And just how well does Belle know Jean?
I think Belle might like “Jean” better than Jean, since Neal as Jean actually listens to what women say. This will give the real Jean even more reason to be jealous.
Stripper pole for two, anyone?
what about pole for 3; the guy Belle was kissing
And as the girls (~) are walking back from the Hiram:
Belle: How did you get so many more tips?
Natalie: Training. Jean has does this to me a lot, so I took a course.
Maybe casting a spell on Belle would be smarter?
Illusion spell so that Belle sees Jeanie as Jean and … Hmm, Why does this feel like one of Jeanie’s plans?
And what an evil smile in the last frame.
Woo, I knew it would be brought up!
Open mouth, insert foot anyone?
Must resist urge to make Jokes about how Jeanie us finally learning where men’s proper place is.
Jeanie’s not thinking this through…what happens when Jean’s girlfriend starts making out with “Jean”?
Like I should have said earlier, stripper poles for two.
And you’re actually surprised Jean isn’t thinking this through? Since when has Jean thought ANYTHING through?
Right at the start when she thought through what shed be doing to Neil if their positions were reversed and got very embarrassed
Is that a new Jeanie at the top of this page, or have I just failed to notice before now?
She is new. She looks more manga-like I’d say.