Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
I like the idea of Jeanie making Neil into a Jean look-a-like. This fits with the fact that Jean/Jeanie doesn’t think things through very well. I can see it now, Belle and Jeanie go to the airport to meet Jean (really Neil in disguise) and Belle is all over him as a welcome home . . . 😉
I have to say Jeanie looks positively adorable in her little pouting fit, I especially like her look in the third panel very cute. Its obvious she’s going to ask Neil for help but it’ll be interesting to see how she goes about it.
That most certainly isn’t out of her range of power. She did the very same thing to Neil earlier on, but I’m unsure if Jean can give the double a personality to match the look.
Okay, the bet seems to be that Jeanie turn Neil into her old male self. Odds are that Belle sees Neal/Jean, falls madly back in love with him & Jeanie inevitably gets jealous of this new match, while trying to juggle Neal’s new persona with his old one who needs to go to work at NASA on some sort of regular basis.
Let’s see… Jean picks out a flight arriving from the Middle East and zaps ‘Jean’ into the debarking passengers. Do you think TSA (a branch of Homeland Security) will be watching with extra vigilance a flight arriving from the Middle East? Do you think ‘Jean’ will get picked up by the TSA? Do you think we will be seeing a couple of agents we last saw in Story 5 interrogating Natalie?
Do you suppose anyone will notice one passenger more exiting than boarded?
He’d have to appear AFTER all the paperwork and security checks.
Make sure she’s late to the airport; meet in the food court.
Yes, that would be the *smart* way to do it. Think that Jean will plan ahead that carefully instead of just charging in like he/she’s done for five years and 271 strips?
And even if Jean does follow the plan, the laws of situation comedy dictate that something will go wrong anyway, such as the two agents taking a meal break at the same food court, where they will recognize the real Jean (with Belle) and arrest her, unless Jean poofs them out–and blows her cover to Belle and any other witnesses.
Lets look at the options in order from most plausible to least:
1: She turns Neil into a copy of her male self, and he pretends to be Jean for Belle, and as such has to live a triple life now.
2: She creates a copy of herself, male of course, who takes over and basically steals the old life that she was trying to get back.
3: She finds a way to make herself look mostly male, possibly almost completely, with clothes hiding the female bits. Since she can’t be completely male ever again, she could still probably make herself male-looking except where it count, due to the severe difference. At least she could make herself appear so male Belle wouldn’t notice until she wants to take Jean’s clothes off.
There’s a less fun option than turning Neal into a Jean copy: Jean could claim he got smashed one day and woke up a girl (along with an expensive transgender operation bill)
So Neal becomes Jean……
Neal might be look like Jean–but he’s too much of a nebbish to play the role well enough for Belle.
It’d be interesting if he at least tried, though. He might discover he likes it.
Heck, Belle might discover she likes it.
I like the idea of Jeanie making Neil into a Jean look-a-like. This fits with the fact that Jean/Jeanie doesn’t think things through very well. I can see it now, Belle and Jeanie go to the airport to meet Jean (really Neil in disguise) and Belle is all over him as a welcome home . . . 😉
Oh this should be good! ^_^
Well, tell me when to get the popcorn. Man I’ll have to save my snack over several days!
I have to say Jeanie looks positively adorable in her little pouting fit, I especially like her look in the third panel very cute. Its obvious she’s going to ask Neil for help but it’ll be interesting to see how she goes about it.
I completely agree! Jeannie’s expressions really shine on this page.
Maybe she could blink up a male double…
Jean would be jalous of her own double.
That most certainly isn’t out of her range of power. She did the very same thing to Neil earlier on, but I’m unsure if Jean can give the double a personality to match the look.
The all powerful Jeanie needs help from a mortal. This should be fun.
If Jeannie turns Neil into a copy of herself, it would be cool in some way Jeannie accidentally turns him into a genie version of herself!
Okay, the bet seems to be that Jeanie turn Neil into her old male self. Odds are that Belle sees Neal/Jean, falls madly back in love with him & Jeanie inevitably gets jealous of this new match, while trying to juggle Neal’s new persona with his old one who needs to go to work at NASA on some sort of regular basis.
Hilarity will ensue. Pass the popcorn.
Let’s see… Jean picks out a flight arriving from the Middle East and zaps ‘Jean’ into the debarking passengers. Do you think TSA (a branch of Homeland Security) will be watching with extra vigilance a flight arriving from the Middle East? Do you think ‘Jean’ will get picked up by the TSA? Do you think we will be seeing a couple of agents we last saw in Story 5 interrogating Natalie?
Yes, this could be *MIGHTY* good!
Do you suppose anyone will notice one passenger more exiting than boarded?
He’d have to appear AFTER all the paperwork and security checks.
Make sure she’s late to the airport; meet in the food court.
Yes, that would be the *smart* way to do it. Think that Jean will plan ahead that carefully instead of just charging in like he/she’s done for five years and 271 strips?
And even if Jean does follow the plan, the laws of situation comedy dictate that something will go wrong anyway, such as the two agents taking a meal break at the same food court, where they will recognize the real Jean (with Belle) and arrest her, unless Jean poofs them out–and blows her cover to Belle and any other witnesses.
Anyone up for a contest to name Jean’s sister?+
Jean should make Neil look like his old self then temporary switch bodies. Of course Lord bat poop will show up.
Lets look at the options in order from most plausible to least:
1: She turns Neil into a copy of her male self, and he pretends to be Jean for Belle, and as such has to live a triple life now.
2: She creates a copy of herself, male of course, who takes over and basically steals the old life that she was trying to get back.
3: She finds a way to make herself look mostly male, possibly almost completely, with clothes hiding the female bits. Since she can’t be completely male ever again, she could still probably make herself male-looking except where it count, due to the severe difference. At least she could make herself appear so male Belle wouldn’t notice until she wants to take Jean’s clothes off.
…You know Jean, I know I’ve thought this of you many, many times, but I think now it applies more then ever:
Jean, you’re a f*cking idiot.
Oh you have NO idea…
There’s a less fun option than turning Neal into a Jean copy: Jean could claim he got smashed one day and woke up a girl (along with an expensive transgender operation bill)
Perhaps this will force Jean to tell the truth to Belle.
Then prove it by turning Neal into his female counterpart.
A real Freakazoid moment!
“Oh what tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”
…but really, this is less a web and more a knot in a shoestring.
Not doing blonde stereotypes and favours, are you Jean? (Or male stereotypes either, come to think of it.)