Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Is the end of that lobster’s tail supposed to be orange?
Are lobsters different colors?
“Red as a lobster” is just a tale. Lobsters come in just about every color but red. They can be blue, light yellow, greenish-brown, grey, dusty orange, some calico, and some with spots. However, they all turn red when they hit hot water. The hot water cuts the link between astaxanthin, a red substance contained in the lobster’s shell, and protein, which in cold water brings out the predominant coloring.
Actually, to my knowledge, there’s a rare variant of lobster (apparently worth a ridiculous amount, compared to regular lobster) that is naturally red.
To think both crabs and lobsters are essentially sea cockroach.
I think this duel may come to an end when they get too tired to cast, or their imaginations are stretched to their limit. Phenomenal cosmic power is only limited by what the caster can imagine.
We want to take the Island Lobster Bake Cruise on Oct 18 Thurs.Can we confirm? What time?We are conimg from Colorado (we called about the whale watching but think this sounds fun also).Thank youSteve Obrecht
Injecting a little realism, when the girls notice the guys aren’t paying attention to their duel, they might turn their wrath on the guys…
…wait, when did Neillie take over the website title-bar duties?
I think Natalie appeared around wednesday.
Well that was short lived. Hare today but gone tomorrow. CD mut not have wanted up while he is gone next month.
Short lived? She’s still up there, as far as I can tell.
Oh wow, I completely missed that! Thank you for pointing out Bunny Natalie, ’cause she’s hawt!
Amen to that!
We require a wallpaper of bunnygirl Natalie for… science. Yes, science.
In prep for Easter?
Happy Easter everyone.
In another fight sequence, i’d say the gloves are off.
Not here.
The pants are off!
Jean has crabs? I didn’t think she was that kind of girl.
Now you know… :p I mean, look how easily she drops her pants. 😉
The guys will soon mention the words ‘genie’ and ‘witch’.
After they realize it’s all been a misunderstanding, they go to Red Lobster for the seafood platter.
That’s exactly what I’m waiting for since the begining of the duel
Crabs vs lobsters at least makes some sense. The whole setup for this was so goofy we could have gotten oysters vs clams.
This is a few steps away from becoming a Pokémon battle.
Yeah, but is there going to be anything the two girls do that will be “super effective”?
In the real world the lobsters would be at a severe disadvantage, Florida bugs don’t have claws!
She must have imported Mane lobster they have wicked big pinching claws! Better flavor to!
Is the end of that lobster’s tail supposed to be orange?
Are lobsters different colors?
“Red as a lobster” is just a tale. Lobsters come in just about every color but red. They can be blue, light yellow, greenish-brown, grey, dusty orange, some calico, and some with spots. However, they all turn red when they hit hot water. The hot water cuts the link between astaxanthin, a red substance contained in the lobster’s shell, and protein, which in cold water brings out the predominant coloring.
So if the lobsters are red, they’ve already been cooked?
Gross! Sam is using an army of undead zombie lobsters! That totally trumps Jean having crabs.
Teenage Mutant Zombie Lobsters?
Actually, to my knowledge, there’s a rare variant of lobster (apparently worth a ridiculous amount, compared to regular lobster) that is naturally red.
I think the bunny is Rodge.
So when do the pokemons and power rangers come out to play?
I don’t think Jean is into Pokeman or Power Rangers–but he/she is into Sailor Moon, because she cosplayed odango atama way back in Part 12.
BTW, Sailor Moon was created as sort of a girl-friendly version of Power Rangers. As the great guru Yogurt expounded in Spaceballs: MERCHANDIZING!
To think both crabs and lobsters are essentially sea cockroach.
I think this duel may come to an end when they get too tired to cast, or their imaginations are stretched to their limit. Phenomenal cosmic power is only limited by what the caster can imagine.
I hope this duel doesn’t degenerate into gratuitous bitch-slapping.
But can we hope for mud wrestling? THAT would get the guys’ attention back!
Aww man, these guys are missing the greatest show ever!
Time for the ultimate defense in Crabs versus Lobsters: Drawn Butter.
Am I the only one who remembers the Smothers Brothers? Those can’t be crabs ’cause they’re supposed to walk sideways, whereas lobsters walk straight.
“Doing great, honey!”
“Come on, sweetie!”
[sotto voce]
“They are so adorable I can’t stand it.”
“I’d pat mine on the, um, head, but…”
“…But you like having hands. Yeah, I know.”
I like how the eyes of the crabs and lobsters in frame three echo those of the girls in one and two.
Which brings up my next question: Doesn’t Jeanie look just tad panicked?
We want to take the Island Lobster Bake Cruise on Oct 18 Thurs.Can we confirm? What time?We are conimg from Colorado (we called about the whale watching but think this sounds fun also).Thank youSteve Obrecht