A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
So then who decides who gets the trip to Vegas? On what merit is it decided? And by whom? It makes no sense for the boss not to pleased as punch about this decision.
Rings true to me. I’ve never had a manager who could remember a decision they took two minutes ago. A decision taken so long ago they’d had it sent to another department to written down and then passed back to be read out at an event (because managers don’t write things down themselves, and they certainly don’t organise company events). That is so long ago in management time that it was three re-orgs and two takeovers ago. Of course he’d forgotten which name he’d wrote.
Yes, so how does the Big Boss know Rodge has “improved” unless this guy told him? And if this guy told him, did he recommend Rodge of Neil? It still makes no sense.
It’s the third panel that has me worried.. company employee and Guest..
How is Niel going to get the same week off? Because we all know who Rodge wants to pick to go as his guest!
This has FUN written all over it for us reader!
And Jean will be displeased at not getting to go. She will probably think that getting stuck as Natelie on the trip and getting hit on will be a fitting punishment for Neil.
Your post are getting the css class “bypostauthor”, which gains the css:
/* change the background of the author of the posts comments */
.bypostauthor { background: #fdfdf4; }
The longest Neil has been Natalie was when (s)he was chained to the bottle, and it’s not clear if that was much more than a day. This is going to be a whole week, right?
Neil probably has some vacation accrued so he can be gone for the week she spends in Vegas…
Show girl Natalie? That’s safer than some of the other types of girls around Vegas that Jean could think of. Isn’t the Bunny Ranch nearby? Be harder to get home from there than the strip club that Neil’s been sent to before.
Except probably Jean will be going as Natalie, much to the confusion and frustration of Rodge, and Neil will finally have time to catch up on his own neglected project.
Here are a few options that I can see happening
1) Jean plays Nat for the trip
2) Jean plays Neil, and Neil as Nat goes on the trip
3) Jean makes a second Neil and sends one of them as Nat on the trip
Forgot got about Cat, that was teaching Jean, or the head boss that sent Jean to the Cat. They might lead a hand to the fire. Plus there is also Araceli
So am I the only one who saw this coming? From the first strip where Rodge got his work done after being with Nat I figured this would happen. Don’t got nothing on the future though, too many variables what was in the package, will the blue Jeanie be back before the trip what more is Neil willing to do.
Jeanie has “cosmic genie powers.” If she wants to go to Las Vegas, she can just *POOF* herself there. Particularly if her master, as Natalie, is there, since a genie cannot abandon his/her master (except under higher orders, such as Jeanie’s time with Melvin). Maybe that’s why she wants Neil to get a trip, although not clear why she can’t *POOF* both of them anywhere she wants. But in any case, shenanigans not needed.
I wonder if Roger and Natalie get separate rooms, or if the operation is really cheapjack. (Govt. travel rules–FAR for contractors–don’t require doubling up, but in these days of the Sequester, budgets tend to be pretty tight.)
However. Jean doesn’t like being stuck as a female. Misery loves company. It seems likely Neil is going to be spending more and more time as Natalie. Especially as it rubs Jean the wrong way that Neil isn’t as miserable with it as Jeanie is. Perhaps because it can’t be permanent for Neil, since the job and apartment lease and so on all depend on Neil’s identity.
Anyway, CD has lots of plans for complications, I’m sure. Hilarity will ensue.
At this point Neil should throw up his hands and start looking for another job. Rodge will crash and burn hard without Neil/Natalie, and Neil’s wearing himself out saving his and Rodge’s jobs.
And we all know what Natalie going to Las Vegas with Rodge will lead to….attempted seduction? From Rodge.
Jean needs to “map up” and quit using Neil as a convenient feminine distraction.
Does it not occur to anyone else that Niel’s wish that surprised Jeanie was to have Rodge win the contest? That’s why the boss is surprised.
Now, I’m not sure Niel has thought this out because obviously Rodge will be looking to take Natalie along, but I suppose he just plans to turn down the trip as Natalie, and maybe get Rodge to take Jeanie instead. Rodge being a horndog will certainly be willing to take a different woman. (unless the real twist is he’s falling for Natalie and refuses to take anyone else)
Frankly, that was really stupid of the boss. He knows he ordered Neil to keep Rodge on task – and Neil’s ‘reward’ is for Rodge to get the trip he would easily have gotten otherwise. If I were Neil, I would complain – privately – to the boss for the disgusting lack of integrity he just showed. Then again, if I were Neil, I wouldn’t tamely have accepted being threatened with losing my job to keep a deadbeat loser from losing his. I would have simply said, “I’m sorry, but my own job takes up too much time to try to constantly keep another employee on task.”
Then again, it wouldn’t make for a very entertaining comic for someone to do that, so I’m certainly not blaming the author for going that route.
Obviously, but if someone above the boss made the decision, on what did this person base Rodge’s performance? And if Neil was always the goto guy before, what lowered his performance? Again, the answer to both of those questions is the boss who is reading the results and surprised by them. It really doesn’t make sense.
Here’s the thing. Neil was ordered to help Rodge get up to speed. According to Rodge, Neil hasn’t been helping at all. His improvement has been entirely due to this Natalie librarian chick he’s been dating. So Neil loses the prize for failing to do the task given him, Rodge wins it for doing his.
Anyway, from the names, it’s pretty obvious Rodge is going to be let in on Jean’s genie-hood at some point.
Jean = Jeannie
Neil = Maj. Anthony Nelson
Rodge = Maj. Roger Healey
Why does the boss seem surprised?
Maybe it’s like the Oscars, and he didn’t know who it was before opening it? That was the impression that I got.
So then who decides who gets the trip to Vegas? On what merit is it decided? And by whom? It makes no sense for the boss not to pleased as punch about this decision.
And also,it’s Neil who win EVERY YEAR,and Roger can’t even get a simple job right few..I guess days? ago!So,of couse the boss is surprised.
Rings true to me. I’ve never had a manager who could remember a decision they took two minutes ago. A decision taken so long ago they’d had it sent to another department to written down and then passed back to be read out at an event (because managers don’t write things down themselves, and they certainly don’t organise company events). That is so long ago in management time that it was three re-orgs and two takeovers ago. Of course he’d forgotten which name he’d wrote.
Did you ever think that he isn’t the big boss, but simply the manager for the engineers?
Yes, so how does the Big Boss know Rodge has “improved” unless this guy told him? And if this guy told him, did he recommend Rodge of Neil? It still makes no sense.
The Big Boss sees “designs by Roge Heeny.” Reports by “Roge Heeny,” and other such stuff.
Whoa, Neillie!
oh crap Rodge is going to screw thing up =(
Oh don’t worry…I’m betting his guest is going to be Niel in his female alter alias form.
It’s the third panel that has me worried.. company employee and Guest..
How is Niel going to get the same week off? Because we all know who Rodge wants to pick to go as his guest!
This has FUN written all over it for us reader!
And Jean will be displeased at not getting to go. She will probably think that getting stuck as Natelie on the trip and getting hit on will be a fitting punishment for Neil.
Ohh, I hadn’t thought of that angle for Jeanie’s response to this twist. I like it!
EDIT: Why are my comments white? >_<
Your post are getting the css class “bypostauthor”, which gains the css:
/* change the background of the author of the posts comments */
.bypostauthor { background: #fdfdf4; }
which is in: https://jeaniebottle.com/wp-content/uploads/css/custom_style.css
Because your important
Are you, perhaps, the proofreader?
Edit? Who can edit?
EDIT by Robert: ME, apparently! Bwahahahaha.
The longest Neil has been Natalie was when (s)he was chained to the bottle, and it’s not clear if that was much more than a day. This is going to be a whole week, right?
Neil probably has some vacation accrued so he can be gone for the week she spends in Vegas…
Um, newsflash. Neil could just wish to go to Las Vegas. Yeah, problem solved.
Heh, I can just imagine how that would end up.
And we would see Natalie as a show girl.
mmmm – yes lets do that one 🙂
Show girl Natalie? That’s safer than some of the other types of girls around Vegas that Jean could think of. Isn’t the Bunny Ranch nearby? Be harder to get home from there than the strip club that Neil’s been sent to before.
Oh dear.
As the old saying goes “out of the frying pan, into the fire”, or in this case into Las Vegas.
Poor Neil :\ I dont like this.
“and guest”
And for his +1, he takes Natalie. So Neil gets to go anyway, he’ll just be wearing evening gowns instead of tuxedos.
Except probably Jean will be going as Natalie, much to the confusion and frustration of Rodge, and Neil will finally have time to catch up on his own neglected project.
Are Neil’s next words going to be “Take this job and shove it!” or “I quit!”?
Of course not, he works at NASA!
Those would be Jean’s words, if he were the engineer and Neil were the genie. But Neil doesn’t act like that.
Here are a few options that I can see happening
1) Jean plays Nat for the trip
2) Jean plays Neil, and Neil as Nat goes on the trip
3) Jean makes a second Neil and sends one of them as Nat on the trip
Forgot got about Cat, that was teaching Jean, or the head boss that sent Jean to the Cat. They might lead a hand to the fire. Plus there is also Araceli
Yeah Jean plays Nat on the trip and does something that causes Rodge to think they’re dating…making things difficult for Neil
So am I the only one who saw this coming? From the first strip where Rodge got his work done after being with Nat I figured this would happen. Don’t got nothing on the future though, too many variables what was in the package, will the blue Jeanie be back before the trip what more is Neil willing to do.
I sensed it coming too.
Neil just screwed himself out of a trip to Vegas. Roger technically owes his success to Neil, so really Neil won this.
I’m sure Roger would invite Natalie to go with him to Vegas, but would Neil do it, even if he has to be a woman?
These are questions Neil should be asking himself, and if not, who cares. He has access to a genie friend and could probably make the trip for free.
Hey, anyone notice that the company employees mirror each-other in panel 2?
The boss can’t threaten to fire Neil now!
Remember, Jean really wants to go to Vegas. She may resort to shenanigans.
Jeanie has “cosmic genie powers.” If she wants to go to Las Vegas, she can just *POOF* herself there. Particularly if her master, as Natalie, is there, since a genie cannot abandon his/her master (except under higher orders, such as Jeanie’s time with Melvin). Maybe that’s why she wants Neil to get a trip, although not clear why she can’t *POOF* both of them anywhere she wants. But in any case, shenanigans not needed.
I wonder if Roger and Natalie get separate rooms, or if the operation is really cheapjack. (Govt. travel rules–FAR for contractors–don’t require doubling up, but in these days of the Sequester, budgets tend to be pretty tight.)
However. Jean doesn’t like being stuck as a female. Misery loves company. It seems likely Neil is going to be spending more and more time as Natalie. Especially as it rubs Jean the wrong way that Neil isn’t as miserable with it as Jeanie is. Perhaps because it can’t be permanent for Neil, since the job and apartment lease and so on all depend on Neil’s identity.
Anyway, CD has lots of plans for complications, I’m sure. Hilarity will ensue.
This is Jeanie. She doesn’t think in those kinds of straight lines. There will be shenanigans, and possibly a poorly thought out plan.
I should note that government budgets can be light… unless you’re the IRS!
And a free online cookie to anyone who is paying enough attention to the world to know what I’m talking about. 😛
Ty294. Can I get that as an internet muffin, instead?
Umm…I think it might be about time–a’la the original TV series–to clue Roger in on what’s going on before things get too much more complicated…
…or maybe not! Cardinal “rule” of comedy–give characters the necessary information only AFTER disaster has struck! 😀
Yup… I guessed it. Neil will be in dresses and heels in Vegas.
So Neil is gonna be stuck as a girl for that entire trip to keep the idiot focused.
Does Neil still have a girlfriend or did she dump him?
Yeah…we haven’t heard from Belle in a while….
Belle is Jean’s GF
Bad options all around for poor Neil. Good luck, we’re rooting for you (to have a fun time on your date in Vegas).
At this point Neil should throw up his hands and start looking for another job. Rodge will crash and burn hard without Neil/Natalie, and Neil’s wearing himself out saving his and Rodge’s jobs.
And we all know what Natalie going to Las Vegas with Rodge will lead to….attempted seduction? From Rodge.
Jean needs to “map up” and quit using Neil as a convenient feminine distraction.
Does it not occur to anyone else that Niel’s wish that surprised Jeanie was to have Rodge win the contest? That’s why the boss is surprised.
Now, I’m not sure Niel has thought this out because obviously Rodge will be looking to take Natalie along, but I suppose he just plans to turn down the trip as Natalie, and maybe get Rodge to take Jeanie instead. Rodge being a horndog will certainly be willing to take a different woman. (unless the real twist is he’s falling for Natalie and refuses to take anyone else)
I thought the wish that surprised Jeanie was being turned into a girl in the evening for a couple hours to tutor Rodge.
Frankly, that was really stupid of the boss. He knows he ordered Neil to keep Rodge on task – and Neil’s ‘reward’ is for Rodge to get the trip he would easily have gotten otherwise. If I were Neil, I would complain – privately – to the boss for the disgusting lack of integrity he just showed. Then again, if I were Neil, I wouldn’t tamely have accepted being threatened with losing my job to keep a deadbeat loser from losing his. I would have simply said, “I’m sorry, but my own job takes up too much time to try to constantly keep another employee on task.”
Then again, it wouldn’t make for a very entertaining comic for someone to do that, so I’m certainly not blaming the author for going that route.
It looks to me like the boss wasn’t expecting Rodge to win. I don’t think he’s the one who made the decision.
Obviously, but if someone above the boss made the decision, on what did this person base Rodge’s performance? And if Neil was always the goto guy before, what lowered his performance? Again, the answer to both of those questions is the boss who is reading the results and surprised by them. It really doesn’t make sense.
Here’s the thing. Neil was ordered to help Rodge get up to speed. According to Rodge, Neil hasn’t been helping at all. His improvement has been entirely due to this Natalie librarian chick he’s been dating. So Neil loses the prize for failing to do the task given him, Rodge wins it for doing his.
Anyway, from the names, it’s pretty obvious Rodge is going to be let in on Jean’s genie-hood at some point.
Jean = Jeannie
Neil = Maj. Anthony Nelson
Rodge = Maj. Roger Healey
Hey, RObert – i think you missed one – shouldn’t that be “Heiny”?
Should it? Where else has his last name been seen? I honestly don’t know.
“Heiny” – as inj an anatomical reference…
See the cast page (remember, the names aren’t the same as the TV show, just similar).
Heanny strip # 197