A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Oh yes, I know … depending on how she does her hair, she should be ok … but Jeanie gave her a full head of hair … I always pull my hair into a poneytail when I wear a ball cap
All I gotta say is this: I’m DIYING to know what happens next! Oh, and If you’re into anime cross-over comics, I found an… [i]intersting[i/] one called Sailor Ranko. If anyone knows who Ranko and or Ranma are, or what Anime they’re from, plz tell. thnx!
Bitersweet Candy Bowl is also pretty good if you’re into the romance-ish tomboy bi*ch and all. It’s pretty far into it, actually, so, it may take you a while to catch up! If you do look it up, I’m commenting on it as MacGyver Adrian Caboose! ^_^
Ranma and Ranko are from an anime called Ranma 1/2. It is a vary funny show with over 170 episodes. Sailor Ranko has a lot of jokes that are a lot funnier if you have seen Ranma 1/2. I forgot the name of the person who came up with Ranma 1/2 but I know that it is the same person who came up whit Inuyasha.
Rumiko Takahashi. She has a number of shorter pieces, but the long ones are the best known: Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Ranma 1/2, Inu-Yasha. You can pretty much define what generation of anime fandom you belong to by which one was popular over here when you got into it. (The Ranma 1/2 manga started its run in Japan right after I got into anime.)
Yeah….. I know what you mean.I finished rereading it through for the SECOND TIME TONIGHT (it’s now 5:20 AM here, and I didn’t sleep a wink.) I would love it if they could just finish the story, or give us a few more pages and not leave us hanging….
anyways, I’ve noticed tha all the comics I read get WAY better art in them as they progress.
Example 1: El Goonish Shive
CD might have another idea up his sleave …. if Nelly is found out, she could try to say she is Neil’s twin sister helping him out because he is really sick at home in bed … that Neil filled her in on what to say and all?
Is the bottle in a secret compartment of the fatsuit?
She just might pull it off
I thinking that cap may explode from trying to hold back all that hair.
Agreed … she looks worried about it
Oh, I wouldn’t worry about the cap, they can hold a lot of hair.
LOL! Is that Dr. Bellows? I hope so!!
Oh yes, I know … depending on how she does her hair, she should be ok … but Jeanie gave her a full head of hair … I always pull my hair into a poneytail when I wear a ball cap
lol, fat suit…? epic fail, or epic win?
What no frostbite?
It had better be a short meeting or else heat stroke!
If he passes out, first aid is to remove excess clothing!
jayessell: “Is the bottle in a secret compartment of the fat suit?”
Yup! Tucked descretely between the “girls!” 🙂
That should keep it nice and toasty, should she have to hide in it lol
[quote]It had better be a short meeting or else heat stroke!
If he passes out, first aid is to remove excess clothing![/quote]
Which will raise all kinds of interesting questions
All I gotta say is this: I’m DIYING to know what happens next! Oh, and If you’re into anime cross-over comics, I found an… [i]intersting[i/] one called Sailor Ranko. If anyone knows who Ranko and or Ranma are, or what Anime they’re from, plz tell. thnx!
Bitersweet Candy Bowl is also pretty good if you’re into the romance-ish tomboy bi*ch and all. It’s pretty far into it, actually, so, it may take you a while to catch up! If you do look it up, I’m commenting on it as MacGyver Adrian Caboose! ^_^
Ranma and Ranko are from an anime called Ranma 1/2. It is a vary funny show with over 170 episodes. Sailor Ranko has a lot of jokes that are a lot funnier if you have seen Ranma 1/2. I forgot the name of the person who came up with Ranma 1/2 but I know that it is the same person who came up whit Inuyasha.
Rumiko Takahashi. She has a number of shorter pieces, but the long ones are the best known: Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Ranma 1/2, Inu-Yasha. You can pretty much define what generation of anime fandom you belong to by which one was popular over here when you got into it. (The Ranma 1/2 manga started its run in Japan right after I got into anime.)
I’ll have 2 check ranma 1/2 out then…
Unfortunately, Sailor Ranko doesn’t seem to have updated since November. Pity, it’s a good rework of an older fanfic.
Yeah….. I know what you mean.I finished rereading it through for the SECOND TIME TONIGHT (it’s now 5:20 AM here, and I didn’t sleep a wink.) I would love it if they could just finish the story, or give us a few more pages and not leave us hanging….
anyways, I’ve noticed tha all the comics I read get WAY better art in them as they progress.
Example 1: El Goonish Shive
Example 2: Questionable Content
the first one is definately poorly drawn….
Then, down the line, it looks remarkably better….
Here, it’s even better….
1000 strips later, lookin’ good!
THAT is why I love webcomics. it starts out with shitty artwork, and progresses from there.
I’ve already seen that here at IDoaJB. ^_^ I say, keep up the good work!
CD might have another idea up his sleave …. if Nelly is found out, she could try to say she is Neil’s twin sister helping him out because he is really sick at home in bed … that Neil filled her in on what to say and all?
It’s a long shot
If that were to happen, Dr. Bellows would want to see Neil and Nelly together.
Jeanie would have to impersonate her. Or him.
Or … they might decide to hire Nelly instead. ^.~
well, it was an idea (:^<
A very convoluted and twisty idea, amy.
Thanks … I’ll take that as a compliment (:^>
Yaay Amy. GREAT idea. now where is #62? grrrrr!! . . .
This is a security interview, I don’t think they’ll accept any “substitutes!” 🙂
well, depends on what CD has in his fertil mind … hopefully 62 will be soon … the walls have ears (:^>)
And I’m deathly ill. I hope you’re proud of yourself. Let’s get this over with.