Jeanie Bottle 202
Ok, I’d like to prevent the barrage of pro-postal employee and pro-government comments I’m probably going to get for this comic. (This kind of thing has happened before in my other comic.)
First of all, this is not a slam at the post office or any postal employee of ANY nation. I’m not trying to make fun of, or mock anyone who works in or for any government services. You may notice how the stoners are not wearing postal employee uniforms, hence are not NORMAL governmental postal employees.
Second, there’s a reason these stoners are here. I have to establish the type of quality of post service Jean and Neil get in this comic for a future aspect of the stories. Keen and well trained Postal Employees would never act non-professional, so instead these … stoners work at the local post establishment near Jean and Neil. This will allow me to get some thing done that will actually help move this story, and future stories along.
Third, it’s a comic. Can’t we let reality be a little bit flexible?
I wonder if Neil will ever get fit.
Yeah, maybe he ought to wish for a more toned body. I’m sure that would not go wrong in a variety of hilarious ways. Go Neil, wish for it. *popcorn*
Neil is in shape. Round is a shape…….
He has a well rounded personality.
He’s in better shape than I am! And I run up and down stairs for fun!
Fourth, some of us have had experiences indicating that the final panel may not be completely wrong.
Fifth, it’s hilarious.
And sixth, we all know what the package is, right?
Not all postmen are as stoned as these guys, and the dead letter office has managed some near miraculous saves.
The dead letter office gets a lot of respect from me. I once got a letter delivered that I have no idea how they managed to figure out it was mine. I could translate the gibberish because I knew what it was supposed to say but it looked pretty random and illegible.
But a package only addressed only to “Coke Coal Beach, USA?” Even if they got the city right, how could they possibly know who it’s for?
Obviously if you don’t know who its for you go with the dude who has nice jugs so you can look at them some more.
On an unrelated note i like that Jean just changed into a pink tshirt to pick up her package.
As for khamya9 perhaps the dead letter office is one of those areas wizards work in?
“Hey Tom got another one with no address for you”
Arcane chanting and whisps of strange smelling oddly coloured music begin.
I think I’ve picked up a package from those two.
Seventh, and most importantly, THIS IS CD’S WORLD, end of argument.
I have noticed that there are some really incompitent people in jobs where you need to at least give a spit about the job…for instance, every job I’ve had, I go to work to WORK, do my job, so I can get paid, and then go home, lather, rinse, repeat. Most of the people I work with are either there for a week or two or just padding the clock, it really does irritate me.
I am overqualified for 80% of the jobs out there, yet I still prefer to be a dishwasher or a janitor, simply because I need income, and those two things I can do eight hours a day (night) for a steady (tho humble) income. What I do off the clock is my business, yet every job I’ve interviewed for, they do their best to find some little thing to not hire me, like I don’t drink (so no after-work parties), I am not a sports fan (no buddy to beat on when their team is losing), and I don’t care for casual sex (no meat marketing for me), OR, the obvious, I don’t speak Spanish AND, my skin is too pale.
My interests include electronics, computer tech (hardware and software) and music and carpentry, tho these things I prefer to do for myself or close friends, if I made a job of these, I’d not have much fun and want to give it up or actually hurt someone who goes off the deep end and blames me for their idiocy.
TMI, I know…just enforcing the fact that life imitates art, and art imitates life, and well, sometimes it sucks, sometimes it doesn’t.
Besides, until I’m making over three mil a day on my side projects, and for more than a year, I wouldn’t quit my day job…that would just be stupid. So why can I not find a simple humble job I can do for income so I can at least pay rent and eat?
Answer: Life Sucks, and Then You Die.
I’m still waiting for the second part of that answer, tho it seems out of my reach.
Pray for me. I pray for alla you.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled insanity…BRING IT ON!!!
And oh…yeah…we ALL know what that package is…if you don’t, go back and reread…for those too lazy, methinks it be Araceli’s bottle. We all await the answer, next time on “I Dream Of A Jeanie Bottle”
(duh, have I been spelling that wrong all this time?!?!?!?)
Speaking as someone who actually *works* for the USPS, I can tell you some of the guys there would be a lot easier to take if they were stoned…
At my local USPS branch, the counter personnel who were born in the USA have been there for longer than I have lived at my address and all know me by name. The ones who were born elsewhere are at best just business and do not wish to deal with customers as real people.
The carrier staff (the ones who put mail in the box cluster at the end of the street) now experience much turnover and seem to lack clues (which worries me a bit, because they are driving around in vehicles with right-side drive). Every once in awhile, all the mail will be delivered one number off (e.g., 810 gets 809’s mail, 811 gets 810’s, and so on). Why this can happen more than once is a mystery. Makes the “stoner” depiction seem plausible.
I once knew a USPS carrier who was actually _stabbed_ while making his rounds. No one deserves that. Well, OK, one of my ex-bosses maybe.
And once, my 4-digit ZIP code suffix changed abruptly. I made several phone calls until I reached someone deep in the bowels of the sectional sorting center. He had _never_ talked to an actual customer before and was unbelievably excited to have such a conversation. (I don’t think I was supposed to be able to reach such a person by phone.) He went out of his way to find an explanation (which was that my code had changed from odd-even side of the street to designating which box cluster, since odd-even delivery was not applicable to my area).
I.e., it takes all kinds to make up the USPS, and I would not be surprised to find that there are some slackers and stoners. More particularly in Cocoa Beach, FL, than, say, in Moosehicmaguntic, Maine.
I’ve lived where there has been great postal service, and where there has been post office service so spectacularly bad that levels of professionalism exhibited by these guys could only be achieved by a massive improvement drive. Sometimes no matter how good the service is overall, you will just get a pocket of suck and incompetence. Neil and Jean just live in the sucky part. With their luck, would we expect anything else?
I actually got the impression that the “post office” Jeanne was referring to was more of a “Mailbox’s R Us” type place, rather than the USPS. Jean (in boy mode) struck me as likely to have one of those mailboxes, rather than a regular one.
And the banks?
Deserve whatever we should choose to do to them for reasons entirely outside the scope of this comic. 😀
Here, here although my local community one isnt that bad the big 4 are, seriously telling a teenager try don’t have to worry about the new account fees if they keep more than $2000 in there when they’ve never had that much?
I’ve been to our local post office several times, and none of the people there are stoners, hippies, druggies, or any of the other dregs of humanity.
Sad that CD has to waste so much time trying fend off people who will complain about him joking about the U.S. Government. Dudes! It’s the U.S. Government!!! It exists to be joked about! When it’s not extorting your hard earned money in taxes for some politician’s pet project that is…
And I am American so I do have the right to say that.
I agree that CD has to defend his world against idiots who take offense. I recall reading a comment he made a while back (around the Hawaiian vacation time) where he said the most logical thing I’ve ever read – “If you don’t like it, don’t read it.”
There have been many shows on tv and magazines and other things that “offend” me, and my solution is to change the channel, not read it or avoid it. Example: I hate reality shows, and Mythbusters does not count, to me the only GOOD reality show was Extreme Makeover – Home Edition. Sure, they went a bit overboard sometimes, but still, IN MY OPINION, reality shows suck and are a waste of airwaves.
There’s a particular reality show (and more following it, destroying everything else a-la X-Files example), that has been causing business owners to basically alienate their customers and become total buttholes and pretty much putting themselves out of business and/or getting sued/arrested (as said tactics are illegal in other states) with the tactics “learned” from said reality show.
Seriously, are we that “monkey-see-monkey-do” that we’ll break something that works by trying to “fix” it from some jerk’s suggestions?
Beam me up, Scotty…there’s no intelligent life down here.
I defend CD’s right to let his FICTIONAL STORY be however he sees fit. If I don’t like it, I’ll go read something else, and keep checking back to see if he has his story back to where I like it. I can’t help it, I’m addicted 😉
I’ve been selling on eBay for years, which means dealing with the post office. Yes, there are some workers who could be like those two.
why do i get the feeling jean ordered something for nelly
Hm, I kinda like that even better than it being Ari’s Lamp.
This would explain why Jeanie wants Neil to come along.
It’s not “Nelly”, it’s Natalie. Which frankly, fits the character quite well. (Just curious CD…did you choose the name, or did the character…)
I live in a gated community with a non-USPS mail distribution center located just near the gate, and I’d rather have these two stoners work there than the champion a-holes actually employed. For the record, I have leaned on the (actual) doorbell next to the window for 25 continuous minutes to get one of them to come and give me my package. Not lunchtime or during the mail delivery, mind you; no one wanted to answer.
Post office is okay. The DMV in Boulder, CO is way more baked than this lot. I was a girl for five years because of their failure to guess at my gender. [Hint: thin hair and stubble.]