Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
@CD – Loving this. My Xmas wish is that alla my regular comic artists that I read regularly (that are not syndicated) all be able to comfortably stack up a month’s worth of buffer without losing sleep, hand fatigue, or Signifigant Other woes…meaning, I’m praying while you work on your comic, Time Stands Still, and you do not pay for it in any way…if you use pencils, they magically return the next day.
So…A Month of BUFFERS…Everyone, help me make this wish come true, wouldn’t ya like ta see Jean and Bay updated weekly and CD can take a well-earned break? *laff*
Keep at it, CD, dun listen to anyone negative, they be jealous, they don’t have your talent.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Neil (the wuss) has never actually made a wish, and so Jean has never actually granted one. With this guy, Jeanie has granted a wish. Wanna bet that Jeanie soon discovers that she can’t just POOF herself back to the US of A?
I’m afraid you’re wrong. Neil made three wishes. Lord Guano showed up because he had only made two, and Jeannie was obligated to grant three. The third wish, as I recall, was a sandwich.
He wished for a key to Jean’s apartment, and a reference manual for genies, both of which fell out of thin air and hit him on the head. Later he wished for a ham sandwich as his third wish to keep Jeanie from Lord Guano’s punishment, it also landed on his head.
This is the first time that Jeanie’s wish granting has put something appropriate on the wishers head.
Uh, who or what is taking Jean’s place in the header?
I’m guessing Jeanie won’t be able to poof herself back home, or if she can, as soon as fisherman guy makes a new wish she gets poofed right back to him.
Remember that Jean isn’t Jean but Araceli. And she’s now in the “get new master” process. So, she will grant him 3 wishes and afterwards she’ll be offered to remain with her new master with a reduced power or to be locked back in her bottle. And in this situation she must have another Genie Master and not Guano. And I suspect this one is the only one who can return everything to normal. Unless Jean meets Araceli again and this one offers willingly her the bottle like Jean did provoking all this mess.
Making her current Master into the new Captain is probably a better way of fulfilling the wish than making the previous Captain act less like a jerk, what with the prohibition on mind-controlling people and all, plus it benefits her new Master by giving him the Captain position.
What? No kneeling before her new Master and saying “Your wish is my command”?
What a rip-off! Jean is a Wal-Mart genie if ever there was one! 😉
Well, he or she is the worst genie ever, so no one dead yet is pretty good.
Oh, this is going to be interesting. I hope the guy is a good captain. It’s not just a hat.
I have to say I’m enjoying the extra attention being given to Jeanie Bottle this week.
Yay wishes!
I hope she made the old captain just a simple seaman.
@CD – Loving this. My Xmas wish is that alla my regular comic artists that I read regularly (that are not syndicated) all be able to comfortably stack up a month’s worth of buffer without losing sleep, hand fatigue, or Signifigant Other woes…meaning, I’m praying while you work on your comic, Time Stands Still, and you do not pay for it in any way…if you use pencils, they magically return the next day.
So…A Month of BUFFERS…Everyone, help me make this wish come true, wouldn’t ya like ta see Jean and Bay updated weekly and CD can take a well-earned break? *laff*
Keep at it, CD, dun listen to anyone negative, they be jealous, they don’t have your talent.
Jean just lost her virginity.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Neil (the wuss) has never actually made a wish, and so Jean has never actually granted one. With this guy, Jeanie has granted a wish. Wanna bet that Jeanie soon discovers that she can’t just POOF herself back to the US of A?
I’m afraid you’re wrong. Neil made three wishes. Lord Guano showed up because he had only made two, and Jeannie was obligated to grant three. The third wish, as I recall, was a sandwich.
He wished for a key to Jean’s apartment, and a reference manual for genies, both of which fell out of thin air and hit him on the head. Later he wished for a ham sandwich as his third wish to keep Jeanie from Lord Guano’s punishment, it also landed on his head.
This is the first time that Jeanie’s wish granting has put something appropriate on the wishers head.
Uh, who or what is taking Jean’s place in the header?
I’m guessing Jeanie won’t be able to poof herself back home, or if she can, as soon as fisherman guy makes a new wish she gets poofed right back to him.
I wonder what will happen next.
Remember that Jean isn’t Jean but Araceli. And she’s now in the “get new master” process. So, she will grant him 3 wishes and afterwards she’ll be offered to remain with her new master with a reduced power or to be locked back in her bottle. And in this situation she must have another Genie Master and not Guano. And I suspect this one is the only one who can return everything to normal. Unless Jean meets Araceli again and this one offers willingly her the bottle like Jean did provoking all this mess.
Making her current Master into the new Captain is probably a better way of fulfilling the wish than making the previous Captain act less like a jerk, what with the prohibition on mind-controlling people and all, plus it benefits her new Master by giving him the Captain position.