If you notice, on the right of the page is a new poll.

I’m curious which 60-70s TV shows you all have watched, or at least remember. In the last story, we had a Bewitched parody, which I always though was the perfect Yin to the ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ Yang.

I picked the most popular and well known shows I recall from watching TV when I was younger; ones I can conceive of being used as a parody in the comic (obviously game shows didn’t make the list).

Since not everyone remembers the same shows I remember, I wanted to get a good gauge of those which the readers know, and what I MIGHT use as parody shows in the future of the comic.

Not every show in the 2 decades made the list, and some I choose not to include because I didn’t know it well enough. I didn’t include every 60-70 show I thought of, but if you think of a 60-70s TV show that was a hugely-popular-iconic-classic-show which I missed and should be on the list, let me know in the comments. Remember, it may not make the final list.

Pick your top 3 favorite TV shows you would like to see a parody of with Jean and Neil interacting with (like in the B-Witched storyline).

And not to worry, I’ll be holding a 1980 and 90s poll in the future, so those shows will not be neglected.

P.S. Remember, it’s the 60s and 70s version of the shows. So Batman would be the Adam West version, and Doctor Who would be the early versions of the 1st – 4th Doctor