1960-70 TV Poll & I want your input!
If you notice, on the right of the page is a new poll.
I’m curious which 60-70s TV shows you all have watched, or at least remember. In the last story, we had a Bewitched parody, which I always though was the perfect Yin to the ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ Yang.
I picked the most popular and well known shows I recall from watching TV when I was younger; ones I can conceive of being used as a parody in the comic (obviously game shows didn’t make the list).
Since not everyone remembers the same shows I remember, I wanted to get a good gauge of those which the readers know, and what I MIGHT use as parody shows in the future of the comic.
Not every show in the 2 decades made the list, and some I choose not to include because I didn’t know it well enough. I didn’t include every 60-70 show I thought of, but if you think of a 60-70s TV show that was a hugely-popular-iconic-classic-show which I missed and should be on the list, let me know in the comments. Remember, it may not make the final list.
Pick your top 3 favorite TV shows you would like to see a parody of with Jean and Neil interacting with (like in the B-Witched storyline).
And not to worry, I’ll be holding a 1980 and 90s poll in the future, so those shows will not be neglected.
P.S. Remember, it’s the 60s and 70s version of the shows. So Batman would be the Adam West version, and Doctor Who would be the early versions of the 1st – 4th Doctor
I can’t believe you didn’t put M*A*S*H on that list!
M*A*S*H is a 70s show, but is set in the ’50s, so crossing over could be complicated. Then again, Happy Days and Hogan’s Heroes are there so I guess it works.
I guess mixing M*A*S*H and time anomalies can finally explain a ten year Korean War. Or why Happy Days would periodically forget it was the ’50s and drop in things that were clearly from the ’70s.
Anyway, both Star Trek and Doctor Who are sitting in the top 3, both of which have time travel, so once you throw them in, you can go anywhere.
One show that would be an easy thematic crossover is Secrets of Isis. You have a magical medallion that turn someone into an incarnation of Isis. If you have a guy in possession of the medallion, you get an easy recipe for gender switching. I suppose having Neil and Jeannnie palling around with someone called Isis is only going to give Homeland Security more reason to be suspicious of them.
Natalie as the Doctor’s reluctant companion could be entertaining, as could Jeannie and Natalie having to deal with Kirk putting the moves on them. Then again having Batman show up could give Jeannie the chance to be the supervillain she has the potential to be. I rather like Teerack’s Mr. Ed idea. That does seem to be something an irate Jeannie would do.
So many good ideas. I think I am going to hold of voting for a bit and wait to hear more of people’s ideas in the comments.
M*A*S*H is one that probably should be on the list. So it’s been added.
Hey, what happened to my vote for the Addams’ Family?
So much more sophisticated than its cheap imitator the Munsters.
No time travel required.
And Jeanie gets to meet people who genuinely weird and twisted in a way she can only pretend to be. People with a deep and abiding interest in the occult and strange.
Also, Morticia. Sigh.
Well, OK, that was appropriately peculiar: the first time I looked, Addams Family didn’t appear on the tally page.
Now it shows at the top, with 38%.
Thank you, Thing!
I said Mr. Ed because I think it would be super interesting if Jean turned some hot girl into an donkey for insulting her ass or something and then she had to live life as a talking donkey. I think it could be funny and interesting.
Careful! That might anger the Sorceress at http://www.nagasden.com!
BTW that link is NSFW
Bah, didn’t you get any decent TV over there?
No The Sweeney, Dixon of Dock Green, or All Creatures Great & Small?
No Monty Python or The Goodies?
Appearently not, since I’ve never heard of most of those shows.
Many of them were on PBS in the States a few years after their British run. The only one I never saw was The Sweeney. Not about the Barber, I presume?
Heresy, you must witness the glory that is Monty Python!!
Who wouldn’t want to see Jeanie in a pair of Daisy Dukes!!!?!?!
What about the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman?
Wonder Woman with Linda Cater or The Incredible Hulk with Bill Bixby?
And don’t forget a true classic, The Andy Griffith Show.
Doh!. How did I miss Andy Griffith, it was at the top of the list.
I thought about Hulk and Wonder Women and other super hero shows. I decided against it. The only reason Batman is on the list, is it’s over welmonly popularity in today’s culture.
Ahhh, so many good choices!
Dang it, guess I’ll have to leave Gilligan’s Island off of my votes.
I must say that I am pleasantly surprised that so many of us are voting for Addams Family. But I honestly wonder how many people who voted for Doctor Who have actually watched the original episodes.
Also, the list is missing Twilight Zone and Mission Impossible.
Both good shows, but TZ is really an anthology show with no continuing characters.
MI…no…Jeanie would result in “the Secretary” (Of State, I presume) having to disavowing pretty much everything and everybody.
Twilight Zone was rejected, because it doesn’t have a regular cast. I could make a Twilight zone Storyline with the cast I have.
Mission Impossible mainly cause I’m not familiar with the TV show, it wasn’t (in my opinion) a hugely-popular-iconic-classic-show. Al be it, being a Popular-Classic show, and I can’t really think of a good way to mesh Jeanie Bottle and Mission Impossible that wasn’t cheesy.
Oh, goddess. Adams Family and Dr. Who in the top three? If those get selected, I’m gone from here. Not that anyone would miss me, but I’d be sad to leave one of four webcomics that I still follow. 🙁
Why do you feel so strongly about a cameo? Given that he is probably going to be poking some fun at the property that gets picked, even if you don’t like it, it might be entertaining. In any case, its not like the Bewitched crossover lasted long. Seems silly to abandon the whole comic.
Cameo is one thing, crossovers something else. Cameos are generally one-and-done (though the mcguyver one lasted several strips). But “its not like the Bewitched crossover lasted long” is kinda wrong: 12 Nov 2013 – 15 July 2014 (or 8 July if you prefer the last appearance of the crossover characters). 8 months is far from short.
Remember, this is just a gauge for me to see which shows people know. I already have the next paradoy planned (and that show is on the list).
And if I do use the addams family or Dr Who in the future, I’ll try to make it entertaining and not too obvious a story.
Right. I’m not trying to tell you what to do (your comic after all, thus your story). But if comics take a direction I don’t like, I end up dropping them. Same with books, too, for that matter. While I don’t know a lot of the shows on the list (some might be things I would greatly dislike if I knew what they were), I know enough to know that the Addams family would be something I would dislike. It’d be like having a crossover with South Park or Ren and Stimpy.
I’m glad to hear this is just a gauge. Personally, I don’t think you need to limit yourself to the most known references. Going with more obscure references can often be funnier. There is nothing on the list that nobody voted for. Not limiting yourself to the most known properties can just be gateway to other people to look them up on Youtube.
Okay I could see issue with Docor Who.. that show does go a bit out there for trying o keep semi realistic and magic meets the doctor.. I don’t think the universe would survive..
But are you mistaking the Addams from the 90s movies with the TV series Addams? Because there was never a more wholesome American Family then the lovable Addams’ when they first hit Television. It could be cute, though… well…
IMHO it feels a bit early to be pulling off crossovers, parody or otherwise, there is so much material to run with on just the IDoJ series alone to have to do crossover parodies so early in the webcomics life… though granted more than half the series was about Jeannie trying to win Tony’s favor and love doing things without really thinking about the consequences and how fearful Tony is that people find out about her powers.
A True child of the 70’s, (I turned 6 in ’69): Evening Dramas: Adam-12, Emergency, the 6 million dallar man, Comedies: All in the family, Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart, Dick Van Dyke, The Patrridge Family, Reruns: Maverick, Gunsmoke, Star Trek (TOS), Lost in space, But Most importantly, Saturnday morning: Land of the Lost, Space Academy, Ark II, H.R. Puff-N-Stuff, Josie and the Pussycats, and of course, Scooby-Doo.
If Doctor Who wins I would be so thrilled.
It’s not a contest. it’s a gauge. (See my response to Annabelle above)
I can’t believe that My Favorite Martian isn’t on there… I mean it was the show that created the trend that was eventually followed by Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie…
Agreed, you should include My Favorite Martian. I would have voted for it, if it had been available.
Sadly if I included everyone’s prefered show(s), the list would be MASSIVE! I had to filter the list a bit to these core shows I felt I could work with and was popular enough, almost everyone knows/seen them.
(plus I’ve never seen My Favorite Martian)
Worth it. Check it out in your spare time sometime & think about a guy who could become invisible or levitate things by waving his finger at them.
Well, CD, if you can’t find an episode on Hulu or Netflix, at least check out the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Favorite_Martian
It really is an interesting contrast to IDoJ and Bewitched, in being a science fiction comedy, and was pretty popular at the time. Not to mention a lot of fun.
So many flash backs to fun shows. I had to vote for Doctor Who to show these kids the Power of the Pertwee! Of course Tom Baker was my favorite Doctor. I went with the Dukes of Hazard for obvious reasons & Three’s Company for fun! As a kid who ran around outside alot it is amazing that I remember so many TV shows. Most of these shows I saw as re-runs in the early 80’s because I was born in the mid 70’s.
Lucky I moved the limit to 3. The default is 1 pick.
I was rather missing “Wagon Train” but then I’m a wee bit older than you.
It was Clint Eastwood’s first “starring” role, so maybe you could think about some classic movies as an option for your next list. Genie meets the Maltese falcon, or Casablanca, or Wizard of Oz… or even Zardoz if you want to go there.
BTW: I voted for the Andy Griffeth Show, because Jeanie dealing with Barney Fife would be worth twice whatever the price of admission might be.
When I voted I didn’t know we could have up to 3 (my fault for not reading); oh well.
Lots of ones I have never heard of, but no The Beverly Hillbillies
No “I Love Lucy?”
“I Love Lucy” seems like a natural to me, even though I grew tired of it about the same time as Crocodile Dundee did . . . but it did have the same sort of screwball esthetic as Jeanie Bottle . . .
Now, “Time Tunnel” has some possibilities, especially the episodes where they had to deal with Merlin.
I love Lucy was in the 50s. Bit too old for this since the show ended right at 1960. Though the Lucy Show would be fair game and would be hilarious to see Gail Gordon’s character having to deal with Jeannie and Lucy’s antics if they somehow joined forces.. hahahaha….
Yeah, I know that I should have voted for Doctor Who, as my first dip into sci-fi TV was watching Tom Baker on my PBS station (and later John Perrtwee). But I chose to go with Get Smart! and Charlie’s Angels (both would be comedic gold for both Jeannie and Natalie).
I love Baker-era Doctor Who, but you made the right decision. It’s already got all the votes it needs.
Forgot to say that I did vote for Star Trek (would love to see Natalie in the female dress uniform). 😀
“Hogans heroes” would get my vote, especialy with the inclusion of Kinch and the comedic value. I would love to see a colonel Klink parody.
“The Muppet show” (76-81) is also high up on my list of childhood shows (given that these where more then 10 years old BEFORE i was born).
Battlestar Galactica, Bonanza and Charlies angels come to mind as well.
I also would have voted cosmos but that started incidently in January 1980! But you could include Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Since we already have Homeland Security involved, it should be simple enough to bring in CONTROL and KAOS in the event of a “Get Smart” parody.
How about three classics from Jerry and Sylvia Anderson: Fireball XL5, Stingray, and Thunderbirds. (Jean meets Lady Penelope & Tin-Tin Kyrano, Dr. Venus, or Atlanta Shore and Marina!)