Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Bwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha! This is turning out great! What a typical dude imagination. Instant harem. I have to agree with Rindis (above). (hmmm… I need an image!) This was definitely worth the wait.
Well Rodger catching Jennie was how he eventually got roped in to explaining things when things went array with Nelson. I hope that him and Neal aren’t buddies but just co-works. Since that would add for future humor with them trying to hide it from him, or he black mails them, or he tries to get some wishes out it. The same kind of fun that was possible with Rodger in the series.
Well… for the time being at least… no explanations required!
Has the guy in the adjoining cubicle been named?
Is he friend, adversary or neutral?
Is he like the Gladys of Bewitched?
In the show it was Roger Healey that was his friend and coworker.
In the strip…. Mr. Rogers?
I meant of course Mrs. Kravitz of Bewitched.
And he didn’t see the bottle. That’s excellent!
Funny how in the co-workers mind, Nelly’s shirt got awfully short! 🙂 (Frame 1 -> Frame 4)
Not only that, he imagined seeing her face
while her back was to him.
She didn’t see him!
When in doubt, assume you’ve stumbled into a harem anime…. 😛
LOL … but where did her bottle go?
It be hidden in the scarf.
Or perhaps behind Nelly.
Nelly clearly needs to be separated into her own person from Neil somehow in the future to be his ‘sister’, and Jean’s friend.
Also, a redhead being very attracted to a busty brunette? I think I see a pattern here… 🙂
Bwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha! This is turning out great! What a typical dude imagination. Instant harem. I have to agree with Rindis (above). (hmmm… I need an image!) This was definitely worth the wait.
“when in doubt, think Harem anime!!!!”
I can see the ad:
*Note: you will also have to supply somewhere between 5 to 30 girls.
**It doesn’t work
i cant wait for what happens next i give this comic 900000/900000!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’d think he’d notice in his fantasy that there’s a slight resemblance between Neil and this other girl. Like, a family resemblance.
nice avatar, w00t! g0 pir0! l33t iz t3h w4y 0f l4rg0-s4m4!
Well Rodger catching Jennie was how he eventually got roped in to explaining things when things went array with Nelson. I hope that him and Neal aren’t buddies but just co-works. Since that would add for future humor with them trying to hide it from him, or he black mails them, or he tries to get some wishes out it. The same kind of fun that was possible with Rodger in the series.
Not much of a friend to think of him as chubby and dim witted.
This guy will be the strip’s Mrs. Kravitz.
Always not quite sure what is going on.
Jean is the Roger, and Jeannie is the Genie.
They just happen to be the same person.
Does that mean Neil\Nell(Y) is the other “Jeanie” and guano is the Blue Djinn. will there be a Jibjib(the invisible Dog that ate uniforms)
He must be nice.
I know, it’s unfair.