A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Oh! I get it! Blue Gin, Lilly… Jaenie was trying to warn them about the Blue Djinn! Also, I feel some forshadowing, as well as some kudos for Rouyaa. If what Araceli is saying is true, she must have a will of steel!
I think that Carlos has something here. The secrete message in a bottle by Jeanie to Neil. I wonder if Neil is sharp enough to catch on to what Jeanie trying to tell him.
It will have to be Neil that goes back home that will find Rouyaa or Barbara Eden in a wine bottle too. Because, Neil is going to have to go home at some point and maybe even have to check in on Barbara Eden too. That when he will get the bad news as to what going on from her.
Then Neil might caught onto the message that Jeanie was trying to tell him too.
Rodge CAN focus in just one girl… the problem is that Girl is Natalie. But seriously, he was able to avoid all sort of temptation on NY, fearing Jeanie’s wrath, but his his will broke as soon as he saw Natalie.
@Carlos: “That Girl is Natalie.” I wonder why? Is it because Rodge likes a girl with Neil’s engineering personality? Is it because jeanie made Nat be supernaturally attractive to punish Neil? Is it because Nat won’t have anything to do with him, and Rodge compulsively pursues the women around him, and thus sees Natalie as a challenge? Probably a mix of all three is my guess, but in truth, I’m betting it’s mostly that Rudd thought it would be funny to put Neil on the spot with his workmate.
@50srefugee Besides the comedy factor (which is always the most important one), a good explanation is that, by all intents and purposes, for Rodge’s point of view, he and Natalie were dating for quite a while back then. In canon, the Vegas storyline took place on a couple of weeks, of which he and Natalie went to multiple “dates”, and he was actually trying to get things working for real on all of them, after all, Nat’s idea of a “date” was talking about Enginery. From there, the fact that Natalie accepted coming with him to las Vegas just the two of them may have made him think that things were going to the next level… and then everything went down hill for him afterwards.
I don’t think that Natalie is super “Nat”urally attractive, given that she seems to draw only the normal amount of “hot girl” attention from men other than Rodge.
At least we are getting some answers to our question as to what Araceli actually meant by her statement of us humans having a feeble mind and such things as that. But, if what Araceli is right about everything that she saying about Genie’s and what they have to go through being Genie, then poor Jeanie, she must have a broken mind, because. it now a human mind that she operating with now. That should have serious impact on how Jeanie thinks or even how she acts in the future too.
Up to this point, everything from being transformed into Jeanie from being Jean has been a slow incremental process over the last year or so, after the first initial transformation from being male human to supernatural female Genie that is.
I think that the distress is related to forcing a complete, intact Genie mind into a human’s limitations. Rouyaa, due to Haji being more merciful than Blue, likely modified Rouyaa’s mind enough that she could endure living as a human (the memory erasure, etc.), so that she could die from old age after decades in human form rather than immediately.
I phrased the question with a slightly different emphasis: Does this mean that genies routinely fall in love with their masters, and possibly have children with them?
The answer to the question of the half-Genie, half-human hybrids is-:
Yes, they do have children, but, they generally avoid the issue of the dual nature issue’s. They generally either have them born either all human or all genie and it generally depending on what the author of that particular series want to do or how they want to tell there story.
For example: the The Barbara Eden I dream of Jeanie series, her son was all Genie with a Genie Nature.
This is kind of like the Bewitched series where they had a daughter that was a witch, Sabrina and they had a son that was a mortal or human named Adam, in a spin off series of the next generation of Witches and human interaction.
It basically, depends on who telling the story and how they want to advance there story or where they want to go with there story.
It’s normal. The site caches old pages and renews the cache every 24 hours. Therefore, the last page is cached while it was still latest comic page. It will correct itself in 24 hours.
To get to the latest page from the last comic, just click on the HOME in the menu bar.
Oh come on, Jeanie hasn’t been through…that….much………
I’ll just shut up now.
So rather than “feeble human mind” it’s a “mind that is not naturally numbed to traumatic experience”. Not sure if that’s a good thing for them genies.
But is it really fair to compare the stuff Jeanie’s gone through to the nightmare fuel mentioned in the first panel? I mean, yes “The Author” is extremely cruel and brutal but I don’t think it would have resulted in Jeanie’s current state with her human morals restored. (unless that means it could have been MUCH worse)
I only thought of that cause I read this happen in some manga or webnovel.
“it really fair to compare the stuff Jeanie’s gone through to the nightmare fuel mentioned in the first panel?”
Very good point. Unless the Blue Djinn, whom I will hereinafter refer to as “Bombay”, did truly horrific things to Jeanie while in his possession, there is no comparison.
Which means that either Blondie is not, in fact, Jeanie, but some poor mortal who has been Bombay’s slave for a very long time; or that Jeanie’s weeping is indeed related to her loss of powers. (Other options are possible, I’m sure, but those are the two main ones I see. )
Or Jeanie actually was affected mentally from being a genie, and the backlash from the bad things she did finally struck. (I still question this cause from Neil we can tell that Jean probably would have acted that way either way?)
Props to “Nobody” who, in comments to the last strip at 15 Oct 5:58 pm, said, [Araceli] doesn’t mean “feeble” as in “stupid” she means feeble as in “fragile.”
I contested that, mildly, on grounds that “fragile” itself would then have been a better word, but Nobody is bang on.
I feel like the writing just stepped on itself trying to condense this into one strip. There is some important stuff here not being explained properly.
Rodge London first then talk about Neil love life. Wait are you talking about gin the drink?
Oh! I get it! Blue Gin, Lilly… Jaenie was trying to warn them about the Blue Djinn! Also, I feel some forshadowing, as well as some kudos for Rouyaa. If what Araceli is saying is true, she must have a will of steel!
I think you mean Jeannie.
Jeanie is how characters who know Jean’s original identity spell her name. Jeannie is how those who don’t know spell it.
I think that Carlos has something here. The secrete message in a bottle by Jeanie to Neil. I wonder if Neil is sharp enough to catch on to what Jeanie trying to tell him.
It will have to be Neil that goes back home that will find Rouyaa or Barbara Eden in a wine bottle too. Because, Neil is going to have to go home at some point and maybe even have to check in on Barbara Eden too. That when he will get the bad news as to what going on from her.
Then Neil might caught onto the message that Jeanie was trying to tell him too.
I vaguely recall that at some point in dim antiquity, Rudd explained he changed the name to avoid trademark or copyright disputes.
look who’s talking “one track mind.” you forgot that Rodge can’t get his brainbox, I.E. his head, off of girls.
Rodge and Araceli would be perfect together, if Araceli had other guys in mind than Neil and Rodge focused on one girl.
Rodge CAN focus in just one girl… the problem is that Girl is Natalie. But seriously, he was able to avoid all sort of temptation on NY, fearing Jeanie’s wrath, but his his will broke as soon as he saw Natalie.
@Carlos: “That Girl is Natalie.” I wonder why? Is it because Rodge likes a girl with Neil’s engineering personality? Is it because jeanie made Nat be supernaturally attractive to punish Neil? Is it because Nat won’t have anything to do with him, and Rodge compulsively pursues the women around him, and thus sees Natalie as a challenge? Probably a mix of all three is my guess, but in truth, I’m betting it’s mostly that Rudd thought it would be funny to put Neil on the spot with his workmate.
@50srefugee Besides the comedy factor (which is always the most important one), a good explanation is that, by all intents and purposes, for Rodge’s point of view, he and Natalie were dating for quite a while back then. In canon, the Vegas storyline took place on a couple of weeks, of which he and Natalie went to multiple “dates”, and he was actually trying to get things working for real on all of them, after all, Nat’s idea of a “date” was talking about Enginery. From there, the fact that Natalie accepted coming with him to las Vegas just the two of them may have made him think that things were going to the next level… and then everything went down hill for him afterwards.
I don’t think that Natalie is super “Nat”urally attractive, given that she seems to draw only the normal amount of “hot girl” attention from men other than Rodge.
“…you thought about us…” not “though about us”
Typo? What typo? I totally don’t fix that typo while you were making this comment.
This is not the Jedi Mind Trick . . .
At least we are getting some answers to our question as to what Araceli actually meant by her statement of us humans having a feeble mind and such things as that. But, if what Araceli is right about everything that she saying about Genie’s and what they have to go through being Genie, then poor Jeanie, she must have a broken mind, because. it now a human mind that she operating with now. That should have serious impact on how Jeanie thinks or even how she acts in the future too.
Up to this point, everything from being transformed into Jeanie from being Jean has been a slow incremental process over the last year or so, after the first initial transformation from being male human to supernatural female Genie that is.
I think that the distress is related to forcing a complete, intact Genie mind into a human’s limitations. Rouyaa, due to Haji being more merciful than Blue, likely modified Rouyaa’s mind enough that she could endure living as a human (the memory erasure, etc.), so that she could die from old age after decades in human form rather than immediately.
Neil is surrounded by a bluenette, a blond, and a red-head idiot!
Jean hasn’t been a Genie all that long so He/She should be able to recover.
Well, if your loved ones are all genies, wouldn’t they still be around after thousands of years?
I phrased the question with a slightly different emphasis: Does this mean that genies routinely fall in love with their masters, and possibly have children with them?
If I Dream of Jeannie (Barbara Eden) is any example, yes they do.
That raises the question of the prevalence and nature of half-Genie, half-human hybrids…
The answer to the question of the half-Genie, half-human hybrids is-:
Yes, they do have children, but, they generally avoid the issue of the dual nature issue’s. They generally either have them born either all human or all genie and it generally depending on what the author of that particular series want to do or how they want to tell there story.
For example: the The Barbara Eden I dream of Jeanie series, her son was all Genie with a Genie Nature.
This is kind of like the Bewitched series where they had a daughter that was a witch, Sabrina and they had a son that was a mortal or human named Adam, in a spin off series of the next generation of Witches and human interaction.
It basically, depends on who telling the story and how they want to advance there story or where they want to go with there story.
For some reason page 539 doesn’t link to 540
It’s normal. The site caches old pages and renews the cache every 24 hours. Therefore, the last page is cached while it was still latest comic page. It will correct itself in 24 hours.
To get to the latest page from the last comic, just click on the HOME in the menu bar.
Oh come on, Jeanie hasn’t been through…that….much………
I’ll just shut up now.
So rather than “feeble human mind” it’s a “mind that is not naturally numbed to traumatic experience”. Not sure if that’s a good thing for them genies.
But is it really fair to compare the stuff Jeanie’s gone through to the nightmare fuel mentioned in the first panel? I mean, yes “The Author” is extremely cruel and brutal but I don’t think it would have resulted in Jeanie’s current state with her human morals restored. (unless that means it could have been MUCH worse)
I only thought of that cause I read this happen in some manga or webnovel.
“it really fair to compare the stuff Jeanie’s gone through to the nightmare fuel mentioned in the first panel?”
Very good point. Unless the Blue Djinn, whom I will hereinafter refer to as “Bombay”, did truly horrific things to Jeanie while in his possession, there is no comparison.
Which means that either Blondie is not, in fact, Jeanie, but some poor mortal who has been Bombay’s slave for a very long time; or that Jeanie’s weeping is indeed related to her loss of powers. (Other options are possible, I’m sure, but those are the two main ones I see. )
Or Jeanie actually was affected mentally from being a genie, and the backlash from the bad things she did finally struck. (I still question this cause from Neil we can tell that Jean probably would have acted that way either way?)
Props to “Nobody” who, in comments to the last strip at 15 Oct 5:58 pm, said, [Araceli] doesn’t mean “feeble” as in “stupid” she means feeble as in “fragile.”
I contested that, mildly, on grounds that “fragile” itself would then have been a better word, but Nobody is bang on.
I’m pretty sure your comment should be “Araceli with that one track mind…”
I feel like the writing just stepped on itself trying to condense this into one strip. There is some important stuff here not being explained properly.
What about Roy? I it’s different there, I’m just a little vague about exactly how.