Jeanie Bottle 532
Well, well, well… Can Araceli save them? Or will she just get smacked down by Blue when she tries?
Find out next episode (maybe)! Same plant time. Same plant channel.
Well, well, well… Can Araceli save them? Or will she just get smacked down by Blue when she tries?
Find out next episode (maybe)! Same plant time. Same plant channel.
Thank god Araceli your there only current hope also don’t let go Nate for Rodges life!
I mean, she has to at least try! Neil or not, part of the genie rules are they can’t allow someone to get killed!… good to know Asimov helped Haji to write the rules.
I forget. If the genie’s master would die, does the genie get imprisoned in the bottle forever, turned into a normal human being, or like that one genie, still a genie but without a master?
IIRC, the next mortal to claim the genie’s totem will become the genie’s new master. Asha is taking advantage of a loophole by ensuring that no mortal will find her totem in the near future.
Why does this arc feel like it’s one of the last arcs?
I have no idea why you’d feel that way. It’s never occurred to me.
Idk, epic fight between powerhouses, the villain gets beat, everyone’s happy…
It’s just feels like one of “those” moments.
As long as we don’t see Jean and Neil traveling back in time to the 60’s, we are “safe” from the ending. Once that happen, the ending can come at any moment, but not before.
Actually, both Jake The Peasant and Carlos is wrong here. We won’t start closing in on the last arc or end of the Jeanie Bottle series until both Jeanie and Neil get married to each other. At least that was basically what happened in the TV series. Once Jeanie married Anthony Nelson, the series continued for another session, but, everyone knew it was coming to an end.
Once Jeanie marries Neil, it might go on for a little while longer, but, everyone knows it coming to an end soon. But, we have a long way to go, before we get there.
I dunno if this series is necessarily going to go the same route as the original TV show, Larry… It *is* a parody, after all.
And Araceli is reading a romance novel with a buff shirtless guy on the cover…
And, based on her line in panel 3, she’s fantasizing that that guy is Neil.
Well, didn’t she get an eyeful of trashy-romance-novel-cover-model Neil back in I Dream of a General? Maybe the book is reminding her . . .
Yeah Araceli is back❤️
Oh my god Araceli looks adorable in casual wear.
Is it me, or does her skin look more tanned than usual?
Compared to her distant past appearance, maybe? But she looks the same as she has in all her recent appearances.
The color pallet of the comic has shifted subtly over time.
Huh. Butt-dialing saving lives. Who woulda thunk it?
going to have battle of the genies pretty soon
I feel kinda mad at this. That Neil wasn’t smart enough to call for help but instead the universe had to resort to accidental butt dials to save the day. But that’s just me. On the other hand it’s great they are being saved by her.
Lets give Neil a break, the cósmico entity that could solve the problem isn’t helping, and Rodge is getting his face eaten. Between calling the other crazy genie he knows, or trying to get Lily and Rodge apart as quick as possible, I think most of us would reaction towards the later option.
DOES he even know he can call Ariceli? I mean, it’s not her phone …
@HKMaly – he called Caley in I Dream of a General so that she would send Araceli to help him deal with Jean’s sneeze-poofing. I doubt he’d’ve called this late, though.
It looks like Rog’s phone is the Orange uPhone 5/5s, and thus has Siri active.
(Rog “Butt Dialing” with Siri made me snicker, because the Japanese word for “buttocks” is pronounced “Shiri”.)
What the strip doesn’t show is that this is actually the sixth buttdial that happened while she was eating him.
The previous ones went out to “Kelp Delivery Services”, “Kelsey Grammar”, “Kell Dewclaw”, me, and Celebi.
So, uh, tell Rodge I’m sorry I blocked his number. I’ll unblock it now.
From the flush in Aracelli’s cheeks that looks like it might be a fun book to read.
If you zoom in, it’s totally a trashy romance novel. 🙂
Yeah, I was able to read Dangerous on the cover.
When Plant kisses you, you stay kissed.
Bodyhop time. Blue Djinn is going to like Blue Aracelli better. Then both will be sent back to Haji.
But doesn’t she already wear blue in her genie outfit? Might as well always call her Blue Aracelli.
Also seeing how Araceli is a born genie, and having greater magic, it’s can happen. Also since she is Guano’s niece, her magic must be greater than normal genies, and she could get closer to Guano, the one who sealed Blue away, and get rid of him.
She’ll start wearing sunglasses & take up saxophone.
This will be a good photo op before they leaf it all behind.
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Here comes the carvery in the nick of time to save the day. Of course. After this, I think Roger will need to see a good Dermatosis.
Your misspellings are even more humorous than your comment.
Such the hardships of a dyslexic.
“About 60 miles away” — Probably Orlando or one of its suburbs.
Good guess. Though I believe I established it in the comic already that Caley and her parents (and Araceli, as she’s both Caley’s Genie and her Nanny.) lives in Orlando.
You did.
Oh, you said ‘Kelp’. I thought you needed help. My bad.
When will the next “I dream of another Jeannie Bottle” page be finished?
Most likely next Tuesday. The comic comes out once a week, usually on Tuesday, sometimes on Thursday.
OH, Robert! You changed! You look so different!
Heh, I made that comment without logging in, so it used my Gravatar, instead of my custom JB/ avatar.
Aw. I was hoping your pesky TG immunity was finally cured.
CD actually commented on that on his art stream today! He has “reasons” for why he hasn’t TG’d my avatar. Mysterious, completely unexplained or expounded upon reasons.
I hate to be the one who compares Apples to Oranges, but that phone’s speech recognition is working WAY better than it’s real-life counterpart!
Orange is apparently just better at coding speech recognition than Apple.
Is Honey Togo’s name in the Space Pixie Rangers pronounced with a short O as in (to, two, too) or with a long O as in (go, or toe). Will we see a series of the Pixie Space Rangers?
If that is Blue’s lamp setting next to Jeanie’s bottle will it kill Blue if someone destroys the lamp.
I assume it’s “Toe-Go”, but CD uses unexpected pronunciations for his character name’s sometimes. So it could totally be “Too-go”.
Did you know that he pronounces the ‘Ko Sisters’ names as “Nee-ko”, “See-ko”, and “Keen-ko”? Despite the fact that “Neko” has an established pronunciation (Neh-ko), since its a Japanese word.
I like to be different.
I hope it is pronounced Toe-go because if it was Too-go it would make Honey sound like a carry out dinner.
What would work in a case like this, a very large kitchen knife, or some cooking oil and a match.