Jeanie Bottle 248
For those who don’t recall, one of Neil’s earliest wishes was for a genie reference manual. He got one in the form of an e-book, which he has since transferred to his laptop. Along with this high-res photo of Jeanie he just surreptitiously took with his laptop camera. 😉
Obviously this strip has potential for animation…
Also: Unless Neil is lying about the manual crashing, he needs a better computer. Gee, couldn’t genie give him a better computer? This could turn out to be the best laptop on the planet (or the universe) which could turn out to be (choose one or more of the following):
(1) A super-secret government computer with such things as the nuclear launch codes and the recipe for the best chicken salad sandwich ever (check out What’s Up, Tiger Lily? for more info).
(2) Self-aware (as in the G.E.N.I.E. computer in The Great Time Machine Hoax
Haji’s laptop–you know, Haji, Lord Guano’s boss?
(4) The Boss’s laptop (and say, have you ever noticed you never see The Boss and Haji at the same time?)
(5) Skuld’s laptop, which gives access to Yggdrasil, the system that runs the universe as any Megami-sama otaku would suspect.
It’s not necessarily bad hardware. If the Genie Manual is a PDF, he’s probably reading it in Acrobat. I’ve seen the find tool crash Acrobat numerous times on super huge PDFs. I used to be on the Acrobat team at Adobe, and there is some *old* code floating around in the bowels of that software, much of which is poorly optimized.
Acrobat team? I see why you switched to be a web comic intern then.
Jokes aside, how old are we talking? I’d bet on some COBOL.
I once had to backport a low-level code execution exploit to an earlier version of the system. The code I was looking through near the patch site was raw C, with no comments, most likely from the mid 90s.
The Senshi computer from Sailor moon!
giving him skulds computer? yeah that’s probably the worst idea ever, seriously…. the amount of trouble he could cause with that is literally endless.
“Real men don’t use comments. It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.”
Oh man, I think that’s the *actual* policy a former member of my programming team used to follow. He left shortly before I was hired, but I’ve dealt with some of his old code, and heard horror stories from my colleagues about the programs of his that I haven’t personally looked at.
But even worse than the the total lack of helpful comments, he was clearly obfuscating his code deliberately. One of his programs that my colleague had to re-write *literally* used only two variable names: “p” and “q”. If he needed a third variable in a single scope, he’d name it “pp” or “qq” or something along those lines.
Maybe the manual will mention ‘Witch Duels’, and say how a genie can win them.
I don’t think those jumping jacks are going help Neil use the search function.
Strangely my first thought is was she doing a girls push ups or a guys?
Neill is so going to get poofed back to the strip club.
And this time, he deserves it. Neil as “Stripper” Natalie instead of “Librarian” Natalie just in time for Guano to show up during the deal and wonder why Jean is with a “different” master already…
I sure rodge would love ‘stripper’ natalie
It’s about time Neil go some pay back on Jean. Even if Jean is to oblivious to notice at the moment. Magic lap top with a voice activated search function Jean come on do your genie thing. Some yoga stretches might help too, some downward dog maybe.
Wow Neil actually acting manly?!
I love the outfit you put Jean in. since yoga pants are so comfy she should start wearing them more often :3
I second that…yeah more yoga pants
About time Neil actually took some initiative. Jeanie may not notice now, but she’d do the same thing if the roles were reversed.
Also, consulting the Genie manual was probably a good idea–if there ARE any odd rules to Genie duels, it would be valuable to know about them.
She said at the start shed take advantage of the master role if their roles were reversed and its genre rulesshe end up dating him.
This time, at least, I’m sure who the characters are…
Guano & Endora halt the fight, only to end up fighting themselves?
I think Neil is starting to lose his connection to Jean, the jerk-ass guy…
So is Jean.
Well… she’s still a jerk-ass. :-\
Well, we don’t really know how Jean was like as a guy. I mean, he got transformed into a female genie in the very first comic strip 🙂
Guy or Girl mind. Jean still has a hot female bod… And how often can a guy like Neil get a hot girl jumping around his living room?
I know there’s a lot of distraction in this comic, what with Jean’s poses and all, but “”pobably” do some jumping jacks”?
Oh no!! That’s totally my fault, too, since I re-did that bubble to fix an entirely different problem.
It’s fixed now.
Yeah, Rusty Warren would be so proud!
That’s my boy
That’s very dangerous Neil, but I’d risk it too.
Interesting in that Neil is finally starting to see Jean as the hot girl she is instead of his old male buddy.
Remember way back when Neil and Jeannie bumped into each for some reason and Neil was sorta pressed against Jeannie from behind?
And she went, “Oh, come ON, Neil!”
And he said “Jean, you have boobs now.”
(Or words to that effect)
Heh! Very clever Neil.
I wonder how long until Jeanie and Neil actually make love. It would have seemed rushed if it happened before, but the comic has been going on for five years and it seems like they would have sex soon.
Maybe one way it could happen would be as part of the genie duel, it could be a duel of humiliation instead of combat and Sam the Witch could poof them into doing it.
Maybe not everyone would want this to happen but I bet most of us would.
makes me wonder what’s going on Jean’s bottle? late night parchesi sessions. or maybe she borrowed Peach’s Vibe scepter.
I dunno, I haven’t really felt that the comic is moving in that direction. Honestly, Neil spent so much time as Natalie, and seemed to generally enjoy it, that I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts spending more time as her in the future.
like I said you may disagree but I think you’re in the minority bub
Don’t forget Neil still has that thing for Rog’s niece and we have yet to see her make an appearance. Also whatever happened to Jean’s old girlfriend Belle Lowes? She seems like she is due for an appearance soon.
Actually, the way Neil put it was that Rodge’s niece has a thing for him. Since Neil doesn’t have notable luck with women, there must be some reason why he isn’t more excited about a girl that actually likes him.
As I recall last we saw Jeans former girlfriend shed started dating someone new.
I think CD mentioned that in a comment somewhere that Rodge’s niece is far too young to be a romantic interest.
In a way, Neil may have already made love with Jeanie–remember back in Story Four, Parts 172 and 173? Neil didn’t know that Araceli was impersonating Jeanie until the real Jeanie showed up again in Part 178. And the fake Jeanie had her head in his lap when the real Jeanie showed up, kind of a big hint that that dance she did before led back to the bedroom…
And, of course, that may make for a BIG complication when Araceli’s bottle finally arrives in that package we last saw in Part 188.
I think “Jeanie” turning on the charm gave it away to Neil who he really was (dealing) with. Why would he mind, or spoil the mood?
I think Neil is too nice a guy to sleep with Aracelli, then immediately banish her to her bottle. That would be pretty cold.
While everyone may want that to happen doesn’t mean the author will make it happen. I kind of think that Robert has a better idea of what will happen than we do.
Naahhhh trust me I’ve written some stuff before the author has no idea what’s going to happen. I had one character guilt me into giving some treasure I had ear marked for someone to a completely different character.
Oh, I have a good idea what’s about to happen.
I’ve already plotting 2 stories ahead.
I won’t spoil the next story, but it does address an issue brought up on this page…
The story following that one, will involve another Classic TV crossover. Ya’ll will be all charged up for it. There’s no way to dodge this Classic TV show.
(and Robert doesn’t know about it…mahahahaha)
Hmmm is that issue the fact that somehow the sports bra seems to have made Jeanie’s breasts bigger rather than smaller?
How are you going to get them to a tropic port aboard a tiny ship, CD?
Not a perv.
Not quite dead yet either.