A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
As recall from poking around in thermo text books, and talking to friends taking thermo courses, a huge portion of the thermodynamics curriculum is studying heat flow, not just the ways in which the three or four laws constrain reality.
“Thermal Dynamics” is a plasma cutter manufacturer.
Fairportfan is right: “Termodynamics in a Martian atmosphere” is meaningless, since the Laws of Thermodynamics are the same everywhere. “Thermal dynamics” doesn’t appear to be a real thing (except a brand of plasma cutting tools), but Jeanie Bottle doesn’t take place in our universe, so it could be something real there.
It could be referring to heat disipation or the effects of mars temperature changes (arctic to desert range between night and day) and how it causes the metal of the lander to expand a.d contract.
How is “thermodynamics in a Martian atmosphere” meaningless just because the laws of thermodynamics are the same everywhere? The laws of gravity are the same everywhere, too, but different planets have different gravitational pulls. In the same way, the laws of thermodynamics will manifest in different ways on different kinds of planets.
N, they won’t. The only difference on Mars from on Earth might be how fast heat is lost or gained from the atmosphere, because it’s so much thinner. The Laws of Thermodynamics will work precisely the same, so it’s meaningless to distinguish the two.
Wouldn’t it be aerodynamic braking and thermal shielding? I was so impressed that NASA pulled off the last rover landing. They are working at a over 9000 power level.
Thermal dynamics might have something to do with keeping a gliding vehicle aloft, through the use of thermals, updrafts of air. The only problem here is Mars lacks sufficient atmosphere for such reliance on updrafts to make sense. OTOH, maybe there are know to be thermals on Mars and the issue is avoiding them.
“Thermal dynamics might have something to do with keeping a gliding vehicle aloft, through the use of thermals, updrafts of air. ”
As to Mars, that’s basically the reason the Curiosity rover descent was so complicated: just enough atmosphere to get in the way, not enough to actually help.
Naw, it has to do with managing the heat budget. Keeping the equipment from getting too hot or too cold. That’s what killed Spirit. It got stuck on a flat surface, so couldn’t orient itself to collect enough solar energy to keep the electronics warm enough to survive the winter.
Yeah this will help keep Neil’s boss off his back. Which reminds me: When is that package containing Araceli’s bottle due? It reminds me because when Neil has to go to the post office again “Natalie” will get another chance to keep Roger thinking about work.
Same, I especially like Natalies startled what at the end. Its probably because Rogers showing interest in their work (although it could be in response to his claiming to be in charge of the design) but it also reads really well as an intelligent girl startled by a guy actually being interested in a real discussion.
Well, there are plenty of gals I stun by wanting a convo rather than trying to get into their pants. Most I’d want at the end of the night is a hug, and maybe another meeting in the future. I’m old fashioned, I prefer to get to know someone before thinking about the physical. Today’s society is instant gratification, and then are dissatisfied with it later on because they rushed it only because of the pretty wrapper.
I knew a gal for years before I even suggested coffee, and after seeing each other a few times, found we weren’t compatible, and that a friend of mine would be a great match for her…they’ve been happily married for 20 years, and 4 fabulous children. I revel in the fact that I had a hand in that pairing. Worth it.
Sorries, yeah, CD’s expressions are awesome. Awaiting the next strip to see what else he’ll spring on us!
Yeah…more a ream of paper than a small rectangle for holding a cylinder. I had to copy the address, open in a new tab so I could crank up the magnification…at first, I thought Jeanie was winking and giving the thumbs up, tho she wasn’t, she was waving.
Now if there be a SECOND package…I feel Araceli would send herself to Neil rather than Jeanie. Just my edumacated guess.
Remember, this -=IS=- CD’s world…package sizes may be relative to change at his will 😉
Aracelli did not ship the bottle. It’s pretty clear that Jeannie instructed the Greek fishermen to ship it. With that said, she would have shipped it to Neil because she fully expected to be stuck in that bottle herself.
Both of the Viking missions as well as the Mars Express mission carried both orbiters and landers that traveled to Mars together and separated to let the lander descend into the atmosphere while the orbiter took up its observation orbit.
Panel 3, Neil/Natalie is looking _very_ girly. Wonder if being repeated so often, the spell is starting to get to his unconscious. Not that Jean(ie) will notice or care. (Looks like Jeanie is going to ditch Neil and head back to the apartment.)
Natalie seems to be wearing the same clothes Neil was, unlike the bus-to-restaurant transformation. The t-shirt stretches enough, but the jeans might not have enough room in back to handle anything stressful, leading to additional humiliation for Neil, eh? (As if being onstage in a strip bar hadn’t already been worse, I suppose.)
And my opinion on all this science stuff is that the thermodynamic flux-capacitor on the warp engines might prevent proper gravitational interference when the drop pod lands on the planet so it can release the Metroid III-class scavenger which will begin exploring the Martian countryside for scraps of bio-metal to be used in the construction of the new Death Star…
Let me guess what’s going to happen next.
The package is Araceli’s bottle and when she gets out she is mad at Jeannie and poofs her somewhere. And as Araceli does not know Neal and Natalie are the same then Natalie is stuck here for awhile. 🙂
Martian thermal dynamics are the dynamics of heat transfer within the Martian atmosphere, a VERY important subject for someone designing a lander. An orbital lander has two parts, the lander goes down to the surface and explore. It transmits its findings to the orbiter, which strengthens the signal and relays it back to Earth.
Now that the tech stuff is out of the way, has anyone considered how quick Natalie was on the uptake. Neil was trying to figure out how to motivate her friend, but Natalie seems to KNOW immediately.
Does this say something about Natalie’s mind or Jeannie’s magic?
Considering how surprised Neil is at Rodgers immediate positive response, I’d surmise it rather says something about Rodger’s conceptiveness to the compelling power of T&A, especially considering how Neil sticks them out in panel #3.
All this over thermal dynamics? I’ll be sure to actually look into the meanings of any techno jargon I might put in my webcomic since I know the internets going to pick apart anything I put in there.
Ah… the internet picks apart anything I put there.
He could have said, “in charge of a making a flying turd”, and turd aerodynamics would be the hot topic.
As long as Turds aren’t being thrown at me, I’m ok with it.
is it just me or is jean unwittingly helping neil with his problem at work
Probably because he also finds it funny.
“Thermodynamics”, not that anyone cares.
And yeah, Jean is unwittingly helping Neil, although Neil probably wishes the timing were a little more under his control.
Actually, “thermal dynamics” might be a term for something different from “thermodynamics”…
As recall from poking around in thermo text books, and talking to friends taking thermo courses, a huge portion of the thermodynamics curriculum is studying heat flow, not just the ways in which the three or four laws constrain reality.
“Thermal Dynamics” is a plasma cutter manufacturer.
But, trivial point.
Fairportfan is right: “Termodynamics in a Martian atmosphere” is meaningless, since the Laws of Thermodynamics are the same everywhere. “Thermal dynamics” doesn’t appear to be a real thing (except a brand of plasma cutting tools), but Jeanie Bottle doesn’t take place in our universe, so it could be something real there.
It could be referring to heat disipation or the effects of mars temperature changes (arctic to desert range between night and day) and how it causes the metal of the lander to expand a.d contract.
How is “thermodynamics in a Martian atmosphere” meaningless just because the laws of thermodynamics are the same everywhere? The laws of gravity are the same everywhere, too, but different planets have different gravitational pulls. In the same way, the laws of thermodynamics will manifest in different ways on different kinds of planets.
N, they won’t. The only difference on Mars from on Earth might be how fast heat is lost or gained from the atmosphere, because it’s so much thinner. The Laws of Thermodynamics will work precisely the same, so it’s meaningless to distinguish the two.
Gotta love how people start discussing science… over a comic where people get magically gender-bent. XD
Science in fiction is serious business!
Wouldn’t it be aerodynamic braking and thermal shielding? I was so impressed that NASA pulled off the last rover landing. They are working at a over 9000 power level.
Thermal dynamics might have something to do with keeping a gliding vehicle aloft, through the use of thermals, updrafts of air. The only problem here is Mars lacks sufficient atmosphere for such reliance on updrafts to make sense. OTOH, maybe there are know to be thermals on Mars and the issue is avoiding them.
“Thermal dynamics might have something to do with keeping a gliding vehicle aloft, through the use of thermals, updrafts of air. ”
As to Mars, that’s basically the reason the Curiosity rover descent was so complicated: just enough atmosphere to get in the way, not enough to actually help.
Naw, it has to do with managing the heat budget. Keeping the equipment from getting too hot or too cold. That’s what killed Spirit. It got stuck on a flat surface, so couldn’t orient itself to collect enough solar energy to keep the electronics warm enough to survive the winter.
Sure would be interesting to be forced into being someones girlfriend. 😮
Indeed, although depending on the people there may not be muh forcing required.
Is this the point where Neal/Nelly seems to step deep, and I mean very deep into the kamahi, so-be-it, with out further ado, Let the ball commence.
The plot thickens
lol. now that Neil is a girl again she should punch jean in the Boob.
Awww cute fox.
Yeah this will help keep Neil’s boss off his back. Which reminds me: When is that package containing Araceli’s bottle due? It reminds me because when Neil has to go to the post office again “Natalie” will get another chance to keep Roger thinking about work.
Pretty sure it’s in Jeanie’s hand.
Jeanie said it was a package from her publisher so probably not Araceli stuffy posyis or no.
“Araceli stuffy posyis or no.”
Points at auto-correct I typed druggy postos I’m not sure where it got stuffy posyis from.
O. M. G. – – The expressions! CD, You Rawk!
And about the package Jeanie is holding, looks too much like a ream of paper…not a cylindrical like we saw at the close of the chapter.
I dunno, it’s CD’s world, maybe this IS Araceli’s bottle being delivered…maybe not…we shall see 😉
Same, I especially like Natalies startled what at the end. Its probably because Rogers showing interest in their work (although it could be in response to his claiming to be in charge of the design) but it also reads really well as an intelligent girl startled by a guy actually being interested in a real discussion.
Well, there are plenty of gals I stun by wanting a convo rather than trying to get into their pants. Most I’d want at the end of the night is a hug, and maybe another meeting in the future. I’m old fashioned, I prefer to get to know someone before thinking about the physical. Today’s society is instant gratification, and then are dissatisfied with it later on because they rushed it only because of the pretty wrapper.
I knew a gal for years before I even suggested coffee, and after seeing each other a few times, found we weren’t compatible, and that a friend of mine would be a great match for her…they’ve been happily married for 20 years, and 4 fabulous children. I revel in the fact that I had a hand in that pairing. Worth it.
Sorries, yeah, CD’s expressions are awesome. Awaiting the next strip to see what else he’ll spring on us!
Just checked #188, definitely a rectangular package, nothing round about it.
Yeah…more a ream of paper than a small rectangle for holding a cylinder. I had to copy the address, open in a new tab so I could crank up the magnification…at first, I thought Jeanie was winking and giving the thumbs up, tho she wasn’t, she was waving.
Now if there be a SECOND package…I feel Araceli would send herself to Neil rather than Jeanie. Just my edumacated guess.
Remember, this -=IS=- CD’s world…package sizes may be relative to change at his will 😉
Aracelli did not ship the bottle. It’s pretty clear that Jeannie instructed the Greek fishermen to ship it. With that said, she would have shipped it to Neil because she fully expected to be stuck in that bottle herself.
A mission is either orbital _or_ a lander. Orbital doesn’t interact with the atmosphere much, so just call it a “lander”
I believe there was a mission intended to do both. Orbiting satellite did global measurements while the lander reported from the surface…
This could conceivably be something that does both.
Even orbital Mars missions sometimes use atmospheric braking to get into Mars orbit; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerobraking
When you do that you dump a lot of kinetic energy into the air – which generates heat – hence the thermo part of “thermodynamics.”
Both of the Viking missions as well as the Mars Express mission carried both orbiters and landers that traveled to Mars together and separated to let the lander descend into the atmosphere while the orbiter took up its observation orbit.
Panel 3, Neil/Natalie is looking _very_ girly. Wonder if being repeated so often, the spell is starting to get to his unconscious. Not that Jean(ie) will notice or care. (Looks like Jeanie is going to ditch Neil and head back to the apartment.)
Natalie seems to be wearing the same clothes Neil was, unlike the bus-to-restaurant transformation. The t-shirt stretches enough, but the jeans might not have enough room in back to handle anything stressful, leading to additional humiliation for Neil, eh? (As if being onstage in a strip bar hadn’t already been worse, I suppose.)
Natalie looks cute in the third panel.
And my opinion on all this science stuff is that the thermodynamic flux-capacitor on the warp engines might prevent proper gravitational interference when the drop pod lands on the planet so it can release the Metroid III-class scavenger which will begin exploring the Martian countryside for scraps of bio-metal to be used in the construction of the new Death Star…
That’s just my theory.
“In charge of…”? Suuuuure.
Let me guess what’s going to happen next.
The package is Araceli’s bottle and when she gets out she is mad at Jeannie and poofs her somewhere. And as Araceli does not know Neal and Natalie are the same then Natalie is stuck here for awhile. 🙂
Poor poor Neil
Martian thermal dynamics are the dynamics of heat transfer within the Martian atmosphere, a VERY important subject for someone designing a lander. An orbital lander has two parts, the lander goes down to the surface and explore. It transmits its findings to the orbiter, which strengthens the signal and relays it back to Earth.
Now that the tech stuff is out of the way, has anyone considered how quick Natalie was on the uptake. Neil was trying to figure out how to motivate her friend, but Natalie seems to KNOW immediately.
Does this say something about Natalie’s mind or Jeannie’s magic?
Considering how surprised Neil is at Rodgers immediate positive response, I’d surmise it rather says something about Rodger’s conceptiveness to the compelling power of T&A, especially considering how Neil sticks them out in panel #3.
yep neil is going to vages as a girl
I hope they don’t mix up their foot pounds and newtons.
It will go splat like last time. I heard they found what was remaining of that lander. Not much and it was spread across a plain in sothern mars.
If this means he has to stay a girl forever to keep his job to keep this idiot focused. I’d begin to examine the want ads.
Jean’s pretty smart no?
All this over thermal dynamics? I’ll be sure to actually look into the meanings of any techno jargon I might put in my webcomic since I know the internets going to pick apart anything I put in there.
Ah… the internet picks apart anything I put there.
He could have said, “in charge of a making a flying turd”, and turd aerodynamics would be the hot topic.
As long as Turds aren’t being thrown at me, I’m ok with it.
Saw this, and thought you guys might be interested:
Barbara Eden, 78, Wears I Dream of Jeannie Costume at Life Ball With Bill Clinton: Picture:
And looks like she stepped right off the set from the show.
Bill Clinton is her new master?
That smells like it could cause a load of trouble.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if Jean got called away for more training; while Nellie was still around?