As any long term fans of JeanieBottle knows, every Christmas week (the week of Dec 25th), I try to post a comic a day. This has been going on for about 4 years now.
This year I’m not getting my usual week+ off work prior to Christmas. This will effect my comic making time (plus all the Holiday events and parties I’m expecting to attend). I will be attempting to get the Xmas comics made, but I make no promises.
That being said, last night during my drive home something occurred to me. The current plotline is a bit darker(with the threat of the Blue Djynn and things to come) then a normal JB storyline. So I started noodling a Xmas Story for Jean and Neil.
So the question I’ll leave to the fans (in the form of a poll). Would you like to see a week of comics continuing the current story, OR would you like to take a break from the current storyline and see a Holiday Themed story?
Poll will only be open till 13 Dec Noon.
[poll id=”76″]