Happy New Years
Another year approaches, or has approached depending on when your reading this post.
I hope you get to spend the end of 2010 with family, friends and/or loved ones. And that 2011 brings all you expected,
and hoped for, except for one thing. That way you’ll have something to hope for into 2012.
This time of year many people set new years resolutions, my resolution is to at least get the WOLFPAC started. I’m sure Jean’s resolution is to get out of this mess she has gotten herself into, and for Niel… well, no idea what Neil’s resolution would be… probably not to be turned into a girl by Jean.
Since Xmas there has been a poll for whom you wanted to see in a new Years costume… and the winner, by 44%, Jeanie.” SO to the right (as I’m sure you’ve already noticed), is Jeanie drinking a little bit too much on New years eve… I’ll leave it up to you imaginations what brought on Jeanie’s drunken behavior, and more interestingly, is how she decided to dress up in that outfit for new years.
Lastly I’d like to thank all you readers who have kept reading “I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle”, either you just started or have starting reading for the beginning. It’s great to have loyal fans. I know I everyone would rather see me updating more frequently, and I’m happy that despite the lack of regular updates you keep reading.
Happy New Year CD! I don’t blame Jeanie for having a great time at my Birthday Party, and I am really glad Neil was there to help her out … that could be very dangerious having a drunk Jeanie lol 🙂
“I’m sure Jean’s resolution is to get out of this mess she has gotten herself into,” Since you use female pronouns, I assume you are not referring to the original mess HE, Gene, got into – being changed into a female and a genie. We never see Gene in either Jeanie’s speech or attitude; the change doesn’t seem to bother him at all! Did Gene secretly want to be female? What about his girlfriend and family? Was acceptance perhaps part of the magic that tuned him into Jean.
I would like to see more girl time for Neil
> I would like to see more girl time for Neil
I vote against. Neil getting girlified is the one part of the comic I haven’t liked. I didn’t like “Bewitched” once I realized that Darrin would be victimized every week.
CD hasn’t told us what the overall story arc for this strip is. What I believe it is (and what I HOPE it is) is doormat Neil learning to be … well, masterful.
The transgender parts are the parts I like, and when you come right down to it, this is transgender fiction. Gene, a male, is turned into a female genie, a VERY female genie. Right now, everything’s about Jean adjusting to being a genie and nothing about Gene adjusting to being female. He doesn’t seem to have any problem with that, hence my thought that perhaps he was a closet TS. The very first strip argues against that, though, so why no panic, no anger, etc.? If it was part of the magic that transforms him, I’d like to know.