Spelling and Grammer
OK, lately I’ve been getting a bit of slapping around about spell checking and grammar.
I’ve been accused of being everything from lazy, incompetent, to being dyslexic. So let me point out a couple things.
First of all, I have never been diagnosed as dyslexic. If you want to believe I am, I don’t really care, but it would be nice to stop posting I am. Most of my spelling and grammar mistakes are common mistakes that can be made by anyone. I’ve never excelled at spelling in school and guess what, lots of people suck at it. Some people are good spellers, some aren’t.
I’d love to have a buffer of comics and proof readers, but the rare times I do get a buffer, it gets used up and I’m back to rushing comics before deadlines. Which means the spelling is sometimes overlooked.
Second of all, I make comics as a HOBBY! I like drawing and I like making comics. I don’t generate enough revenue for it to be anything CLOSE to a job. For my actual job, I fix equipment that costs millions of dollars. I’m trusted to maintain and keep devices working that thousands of people depend on and some depend on for their very lives, and I often work in very hazardous conditions and locals. And you know what, I’ve dam good at my job, I enjoy it, and I probably make more money then most of the people who read webcomics.
I’ve poured a lot of time, finances, and energy into making these comics. Because I enjoy it, and I’d hope others would enjoy reading them too. I don’t rely on income from webcomic for anything other then helping with promoting the comics.
If my spelling upsets you so much, I have a very simple solution.
STOP reading the comic.
I mean, I don’t get it. Who’s forcing you to sit in front of a computer and read poorly spelt comics?
I have no problem with people pointing out spelling errors. Even though I sometimes feel like crap for missing a obvious mistake, at least I’ll know about it so I can eventually fix it. I do try to fix mistakes but fixing them is a lot more work then just going in and altering a picture. I have 3 digital copies of each comic. You only see one of them. When I fix the spelling on one comic I need to fix the others to, which ends up taking time.
It you want to be a troll or a smart ass, I have no problem banning you from the site. And if it becomes a big enough bother, then I’ll stop making the comics all together or focus on making comics to publish on Lulu or some other self-publishing site. People who WANT to read my comics could buy them instead of reading them for FREE online.
Remember, ‘I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle’ was suppose to be a one time comic. It’s only being continued because fans want it continued.
I for one welcome our free webcomic that may or may not
contain text errors.
[ Those expenisve, dangerous and not put in a nice place machines….
Deisel electric generators? Are you being shot at? Stay safe!!!]
I really like your comics!! I have been a fan of it for quite some time now.I just wanted to say to you I am glad you stood up for yourself the way you did.i sincerely hope that will put a lot of people in there place.
Again..thank you so very much for the time and effort you put in your work and hobby!!
Ignore them buggers. They’re negligable compared to the lot who really like your comic (including me, of course)
Adding my thanks to you for this comic and all your hard work and effort you put into it. Cheers!
I don’t normally speak up, but I gotta echo the sentiment of the supporters. Don’t pay attention to the flamers. Anyone with valid criticism usually has suggestions (good or bad) to go with it. I work in a competitive environment with people who think sniping your work is creative input. It’s not. Keep up the good work, and remember, no one ever put up a statue in honor of a critic.
I just want to say while I have noticed mistakes here and there, that I also am not the best speller. I also struggle with grammar from time to time. That does not stop me from trying to create my writing’s and works of art and it shouldn’t stop you either. Just ignore the idiots that make a big deal about it or ban them either or.
Thank you for making your comics and I love genie bottle :).
I’m LMAO. What do you care if “people” bitch about your spelling? I learned long ago that people are verbal or artistic. Artists NEVER know how to spell, so I tolerate it. You have NUMEROUS spelling errors, which I ignore. I have never posted a single complaint about the spelling, because you have a skill I don’t have: Artistic rendering. Don’t be offended by the trolls, they are clueless. Just keep putting out your marvelous pictures. I commend your marvelous skill.
P.S. — I officially volunteer to proofread your comic. I’m sure there’s other out there who will do the same. Take advantage of your friends. You know where to find me.
I like your comics very much and as others have said ignore those people who have been trolling. Don’t let all the people who enjoy your work suffer because of a few bad people
I would rather follow a good comic with the occasional spelling oppsie then follow a boring comic that is grammatically correct. Sheesh, anyone that feels otherwise should be transformed into Lord Guano’s undies for a 1000 years.
i agree this comic is great, who other than a bunch of sad nerds really gives a shit about spellings anyway and half of the ones they point out they just being cu%ts which i didn’t even notice or understood why it was wrong after they pointed it out XD anyway great comic egnor the grammar Nazis
I’ll sum it up nicely. I read, I laugh, I appreciate that you made me laugh (and that this is still free now) and I move on.
I doubt those who get a rise out of rudely criticizing your comic would be unhappy to see it go. They’d see it as a victory, if anything. Only the fans would pay.
That being said, your large following should be evidence enough in itself that whatever you’re doing works.
Hate to niggle, especially, considering the subject matter – but you DID say you don’t mind people pointing out errors, and well you spelled ‘Damn’ the wrong way
*Ducks and hides for cover*
It’s good that you’re finally standing up to these people! They even annoy me when I read the comments. I don’t really mind the spelling errors that much- I have no trouble reading it, and the comics are great! I’ve read all of these comics, and all of the ones at SailorSun.org (I have a lot of free time on my hands if you’re wondering). You inspired me! I’ve started my own comic! It’s not very pretty to look at, but my drawings are getting better.
You should post your website address.
I’ve only done three so far… The third is by far the best. My jokes and the drawings are getting better, though. I plan on drawing another one today. If you have any tips, I’d really appreciate them.
I honestly don’t notice a lot of spelling mistakes. My mind corrects simple things or even better I see things that aren’t there in spelling. I’m not the greatest speller in the world either. Also, for a one time comic I’m glad that fans have wanted it to move forward before I discovered it. I really enjoy it and I look forward to each update (no matter how long it takes because of real life and other comics). I will admit that I’m a grammar nazi but my grammar isn’t even that great. Just basic things get to me and you don’t do the one that drives me up the wall! When people go ‘s for plural thats when I’ll start being like “HEY. You’re doing it wrong! D:” But whatevar… you haven’t :3 Anyway, keep up the great work of what you do!
I apologize in advance if this comment offends anyone. Correct spelling and proper grammar are important to me. While I still enjoy reading your webcomics, the errors do detract significantly from what could otherwise be excellent entertainment. In other webcomics, errors do happen, but they are (mostly) quickly remedied once discovered by the artist or pointed out by the readers.
Now I get how scheduling can be an issue. Real life takes priority, and when it takes over, everything else needs to be put on hold. Which leads to the question: If life is so hectic, why impose such tight, arbitrary deadlines on a hobby? Step back, slow down and fit the comic schedule to the comics, instead of fitting the comics to the schedule. The real fans will still be here.
I apologize for saying you were dyslexic, but I honestly thought you’d said it once. I guess that memory was a little unreliable…and I probably convinced enough people that you were. That was really stupid of me.
Regardless, I just wish these people would stop harping on you. While I appreciate a well spelt comic, I will never demand it. It’s free, it’s there, take it or leave it. No “take it and complain about the spelling”. I definitely enjoy the writing of this comic, even if there are spelling errors. I won’t deny that they bother me…but I usually keep that opinion to myself The feeling goes away soon enough. If there’s any genuine complainers out there who take this seriously and aren’t just riling people up…maybe learn from that example.
There’s polite criticism and there’s being a jerk. Some people don’t know the difference between it, or think their complaint is important enough to be a jerk about it…and it never is.
Well… I AM Dyslexic, and Dis-graphic. Something that i did not learn until i was twenty-seven and failed at three careers because I did not have an idea why i was having trouble following written directions. My college attending daughter is the same with Math (it is Dis something or the other) while my college attending son is the same as I. You know what? We deal with it. We try to be careful, we double check and we groan three weeks later when we see even more errors that we missed. We continue on.
I like this comic because it is fun, I do not give a Tinkers Dam wither Mistress Spellchecker passes each word or not. I can understand it and that, to myself, is all that matters.
If people wish to play English Critic, then get a Teaching certificate and teach. Or create your own web-world where others can jump you for every missed punctuation mark incorrectly used or inverted word. Otherwise, put a recently used anal-plug in it and go away.
You are a better artist than I am. You write an intriguing storyline. Had I money I’d donate. Instead, what little I have goes to support my own site Naorhy Dot Com. Please do continue creating such a delightful web comic. And for the record, I counted seventeen errors in this message before allowing spellcheck to fix them.
I approve every word in this message.
Mr. David R. Dorrycott
The worlds worst writer.
“No, I’m not stalking the Genie. Her pistol is always loaded.”
As an internet hobby writer I hear a lot about SPAG, (spelling, punctuation, and grammar). You get to the point you check anything you read, including mainline writings. Makes me feel like I’m not the only one that makes such mistakes when I see it whatever I’m reading. Even mainstream comics have such errors. We are all human.
If the error is pointed out to you as a constructive critique, fine. We should be trying for error free. But when a person jumps on it like he discovered gold, it comes across as vindictive.
So consider how the comment is offered. If it is constructive, understand it is offered because the person enjoys your material enough that they want it to reflect your best effort. I’ve thanked mine and it helped me improve. If the comment comes across as anything less, ignore it. Those people will find something wrong with the Mona Lisa.
Though a stretch, one of my first comments remarked on the lack of fingers. The comment was offered as a statement asking if this was an artistic style. I learned about art work thanks to the response, and I hope it came across as an inquiry. Could it be seen as a person jumping all over the artist? Sure, but the artist came back with a response that sounded as if he enjoyed discussing his efforts, even with somebody that couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler.
It made me a fan of both the strip and the artist.
I like the no-fingers “flesh mitten” hands. It’s a small thing, but it makes the art distinctive.
Just a quickie, To be completely honest I haven’t even noticed any spelling or grammar mistakes. Perhaps I just gloss over them whilst enjoying this wonderful comic. I have no problem following the story; and surely that is the object of the exercise.
Ignore the bad comments if they are directed as nitpicking criticism, but if they appear constructive; think about them when away from the strip. If they appear to be informative and helpful, then they can be considered in future. If not they are probably not worth the bandwidth.
Finally, this comic, and sailor sun are great, I look forward with bated breath to every update. I check daily, if it is not there then so what, I only have to wait. This waiting seems to make the updates even better when they do arrive.
Keep up the good work and don’t let the B** grind you down.
I noticed those comments on your last comment page when it was posted, and thought it was stupid. Everybody makes mistakes, and you’re not a print comic artist…it’s not as if they’re paying to read this. They should just sit back and be happy, because it really is a fun little comic. I mean…if they have to dig around for insults and the best they can come up with is a few spelling errors here and there, that’s a good sign that your comic really is good.
I usually do not post comments but I felt I should. I have read most of the other comments and have to agree that allowing people to be critical of your spelling isn’t really worth the stress. Some people just get off on being downers on others work. They just want to make others unhappy because they are. My thoughts on spelling are thus, as long as the reader gets the idea of the written work involved then why dose it even matter. I have horrible spelling, I just don’t care anymore about it. If I ask someone to correct my spelling that is one thing, to have someone just tell me where I have messed up is another. People who just volunteer that misspellings just have nothing better to do.
Hmmm, I will defend the spell checking folks to a small extent – believe it or not some (not all, perhaps not most) actually think that they are helping make the comic appear more professional.
That said, with few exceptions (Freefall, El Goonish Shive) most web cartoonists really don’t want to have their spelling corrected, nor do they appreciate it. So, unless they have made it obvious that they welcome such corrections, I don’t bother. It wastes my time, and annoys the cartoonist. If the cartoonist is aiming at publication it becomes more likely that they will welcome advice in grammatical structure and correct spelling.
And there actually are a few webcartoonists out there who really are dyslexic, and they really CAN’T do anything about their spelling (two popular webcomics actually have notices to that effect, and ask folks to please refrain from correcting spelling errors).
So, unless the cartoonist asks for it, leave them alone to enjoy their hobby, and to entertain us.
The Auld Grump
If you were to ever try to sell printed copies of this comic then sure, by all means proof read and correct spelling and clean up grammar. This comic is free, the spelling is good enough so that I know what you intended without even a stumble in reading it. So honestly I don’t know what the problem is? Perhaps some of the complaints are coming from people who don’t read very well to begin with or don’t speak English as a first language and use a text translator which could cause difficulties if spelling is wrong. Butt most r prably from buttheeds hoo r gunna bee reely earitated bi this sintance. Continue to draw great comics don’t worry about spelling unless you have it printed. I for one would rather have more updates than perfect grammar and spelling. Great job, Bring one the Wolfpac!
I for one never noticed any spelling errors.
I am here to read the comic and I appreciate
your efforts.